Visual Approaches Flashcards
What visual references are needed for a visual approach?
Flight crew must be able to establish and maintain visual reference to all relevant terrain and obstacles.
Must maintain contact with the landing runway environment (runway threshold, approach lighting or identifiable runway markings)
What are the meteorological requirements to conduct a visual approach?
A minimum of 2500ft cloud ceiling or circling minimum if higher.
5000m visibility
What profile requirements are needed on a visual approach?
Must achieve 3 degree profile by 1000ft AAL, and comply with stable approach criteria.
3 degrees is nominal. Would be as published final path, or PAPI slope as applicable
On a visual approach, what terrain and obstacle clearance is required?
At least 1500ft AAL or 500ft above terrain or obstacles until established on the final descent to land
Can you conduct a visual approach at night?
Yes, unless forbidden in the AOI, or if forbidden in CCI or by company policy.
If conducting a visual approach at night, maximum use must be made of instrument approach aids and associated guidance
On a visual approach, what approach should be set in the FMGS?
ILS if equipped. Must be properly sequenced.
On a visual approach, can you still get auto calls for glideslope deviation?
Yes. FMGS will auto tune ILS and GPWS will monitor and auto call G/S deviation, even if LS is not displayed
Should you use the bird on a visual approach?
FPV use is recommended
On a visual approach, how far do you extend downwind?
45 seconds plus/minus a second per kt of headwind/tailwind for a standard 1500ft pattern.
Ultimately its the same as circling, but with wind adjustment, so 3 seconds per 100ft
How high above runway should you be on a visual approach?
On a visual approach, what is the maximum angle of bank turning base?
30 degrees
On a visual approach, what should you do abeam the runway (not threshold, but when first coming abeam)
Press PERF
Activate approach
Check speed is managed
Select go around altitude
AP/FD off
Select downwind track
On a visual approach, when should you take flaps 1?
Abeam the field at green dot speed
On a visual approach, when should you take flaps 2?
Just before initiating the base turn.
Note the flap 2 bounce and be careful not to climb
On a visual approach, when should you take the gear?
When in flaps 2 and after having initiated the base turn
On a visual approach, when do you need to be stable?
On a visual approach, what angle of bank should be used for the final turn onto the runway centreline?
20 degrees
On a visual approach, what should the initial rate of descent be?
(increasing to 700fpm when on the correct descent path)