OMA Chapter 7 Flashcards
What are the main things covered in OMA chapter 7?
Flight time limitations
What is a duty period?
Report up until free of all duties, including post flight duty
What is an FDP?
Flight Duty Period, which is report time until engine shutdown on stand at the end of that crew member’s final sector
What is flight time?
Time between aircraft first moving from its parking place for the purpose of taking off, until it comes to rest at designated parking position and all engines shut down
What is a local night?
A period of 8 hours falling between 22.00 and 08.00 local time
When is the WOCL?
Window of Circadian Low is 02.00 until 05.59 at crew member’s acclimatised time zone
Who has the authority to reduce the standard report?
Commander can reduce 60 minute report time. A crew member must receive a minimum briefing allowance of 45 minutes
Can easyJet reduce the 60 minute report time?
No, only the commander can do this
Can easyJet reduce debrief time?
No, only the commander can
What amount of time can rest never be reduced below?
10 hours
A commander can increase post flight rest. What is the wording used?
In case of unforeseen circumstances which could lead to severe fatigue…… to eliminate any detrimental effect on flight safety
If crewing delay report by less than 4 hours, when does max FDP start?
Original report time
If crewing delay report by less than 4 hours, when does actual FDP start?
Delayed report time
When can crewing call prior to report, in order to delay a report?
At or under 90 minutes before scheduled report for pilots. 120 minutes for cabin crew
What is the minimum amount of delay easyJet can delay report time for?
45 minutes
If a crew member has left their place of rest, can the report be delayed?
Does positioning count as a sector, for limitations purposes?
Does positioning prior to report count for FDP?
When does FDP start on airport duty?
Report time
If called from home standby, when does FDP begin?
Report time, but max FDP is reduced by the amount of standby time exceeding 6 hours
When can a crew member request a hotel?
After a duty of 14 hours or more
When on home standby at night, what is the maximum notice easyJet will give for a callout?
What time does this apply?
2 hours or less
23.00 local until 07.00 local
If on early standby and allocated a duty, when can you accept the duty and still preserve the standby?
Can this be overridden?
After commencing the immediately preceding rest period
It can be overridden if crewing and crew member agree
If on asby, can you be called for a duty which begins after the end of the asby?
Can you be asked to report in under 90 minutes from home standby?
You can refuse, however crew members should make all reasonable efforts to report earlier than 90 minutes when practicable
When does the FDP time band begin from home standby callout?
If standby is between 22.00 and 08.00 local, and less than 2 hours notice given, FDP band is when you report. If outside of this, it is the more limiting between the band of the actual report time FDP and the band of standby start time
Does standby time prior to operating count towards your post flight rest requirement?
When does standby time count as half the time on duty?
Between 22.00 and 08.00 local, when not called out, standby time will be halved to make duty time
How long is minimum rest?
12 hours, or the preceding duty length, whichever is longer
What is the minimum reduced rest period?
12 hours at home base
10 hours out of base