FLS Guidance Mode and SLS Flashcards
What does FLS stand for?
FMS Landing System
What is FLS used instead of?
What does FLS provide, and for which approaches?
Provides cockpit indications and guidance to fly RNP approaches with LNAV/VNAV or LNAV minima, and VOR or NDB approaches
How are FLS deviations displayed on the PFD?
Double magenta diamonds, with same scales as ILS deviations
What vertical and lateral modes are associated with FLS?
F-G/S and F-LOC
How can you tell if your aircraft is FLS capable?
Aircraft config summary
(FLS/FINAL APP Coexistence)
How can you tell the approach capability of an FLS approach on the FMA?
Press the LS pushbutton
On an FLS approach, when the LS pushbutton is pressed and the FMA reads F-APP, what does this mean?
FLS deviations and F-G/S, F-LOC guidance are reliable
On an FLS approach, when the LS pushbutton is pressed and the FMA reads F-APP+RAW, what does this mean?
Crew can refer to FLS deviations but must cross check with navaid raw data (ie VOR, NDB, DME)
On an FLS approach, when the LS pushbutton is pressed and the FMA reads RAW ONLY, what does this mean?
Crew must not use FLS and must refer exclusively to navaid raw data
During an FLS approach, where can you find if a failure affects the approach capability?
Status page
Can you fly RNAV approaches when FLS capability is F-APP+RAW?
No, as no raw data is available for this approach
How will the aircraft tell you if there is no FLS available for a given approach?
The message NO FLS FOR THIS APPR will appear on the MCDU scratchpad
What is EGNOS?
A group of satellites
When can SLS be used on RNP approaches?
When EGNOS is available
What minima does EGNOS allow?
EGNOS gives the ability to use LPV minima, however easyJet are restricted to LNAV/VNAV.
We must not use LPV minima
What criteria must be met to use SLS?
Config summary states SLS equipped
RNP approach with EGNOS augmentation is available
LNAV/VNAV minima is used (LPV must not be used)
How can you identify on the chart if an SLS approach is possible?
In the procedure designator box in the top corner, it will state something like
Also, LPV minima must be shown on the chart, but must not be used
If an SLS approach is selected, and you go into FMS RAD NAV page, and then deselect SLS, what would happen?
It would revert guidance to FLS.
SLS must be used when available
Is SLS affected by pressure?
Is SLS affected by temperature?
Can you carry out a glideslope from above procedure on an SLS approach?
Can you get a false LOC or false glideslope on SLS?
Can you get interference linked to the ILS protected area on an SLS approach?
How do you switch between FLS and FINAL APP guidance modes?
Which approach types can you switch between?
FLS/FINAL APP coexistance implies that you can switch between the two on the PERF APPR page (LSK1R).
Possible for VOR/NDB and RNP approaches
What are the main benefits of the FLS modification?
Ability to fly curved approaches (RNAV Visual, RNP AR), and straight in RNP AR approaches in FINAL APP
Ability to fly conventional straight in VOR/NDB and RNP approaches using FLS guidance
When flying an approach using F-LOC F-G/S guidance, what is the maximum difference between the MCDU and chart vertical path?
0.1 degree is acceptable
When flying an approach using F-LOC F-G/S guidance, what data needs to be cross checked against the published approach chart?
The anchor point, the course of the F-LOC and the slope of the F-G/S beam
When flying an approach using F-LOC F-G/S guidance, what must be done if the GS beam is out of service?
It must be deselected in the RAD NAV page
For FLS, how many FMS must have GPS primary?
At least 1
For an FLS approach, when should the APPR push button be pressed?
When the aircraft is cleared for the approach, and when the aircraft is on an intercept trajectory for the final approach course
When flying an approach using F-LOC F-G/S guidance, when should PM announce excessive deviation?
F-LOC half dot
F-G/S half dot
When flying a VOR/NDB approach using FLS, and FLS capability downgrades to RAW only, what must you do?
Turn off the LS pushbutton and revert to TRK FPA guidance
For RNAV(GNSS) approaches with LNAV minima or LNAV/VNAV minima, what should you do if you get F-APP capability lost?
Discontinue the approach unless visual references not sufficient
For RNAV(GNSS) approaches with LNAV minima or LNAV/VNAV minima, what should you do if you get NAV FM/GPS POS DISAGREE on ECAM?
Discontinue the approach unless visual references not sufficient
For RNAV(GNSS) approaches with LNAV minima or LNAV/VNAV minima, what is the maximum permitted deviation of F-LOC?
1 dot, after which, discontinue the approach unless visual references not sufficient
For RNAV(GNSS) approaches with LNAV minima or LNAV/VNAV minima, what is the maximum permitted deviation of F-G/S below the beam?
Half dot, after which, discontinue the approach unless visual references not sufficient
Is FLS succeptible to incorrect QNH setting?
What is the issue with RNAV Visual approaches using FLS?
FLS must be manually deselected by crew in the PERF APPR page, as FLS will be default guidance
Can FLS be used for curved final approaches? (eg. NCE RNP D 22L/R)