OMB Chapter 2 - 2 Flashcards
What are you looking for when performing an APU fire test?
APU fire warning (If AC power available)
Master Warning light
APU FIRE pb-sw lighted red
Squib and discharge light on
How can you determine if ground air unit is connected?
Check the BLEED SD page to see if there is pressure in the bleed air system
What temperature is in the 12 o clock position on the zone temperature selectors?
24 degrees
What range of temperatures are available on the zone temperature selectors?
18-30 degrees
When must a full IRS align take place?
Before first flight of day
Crew change
GPS unavailable and navaid coverage poor on route
GPS unavailable and expected flight time more than 3 hours
When must a fast align take place?
FMGC position at or above 5nm
Note it is worth checking the IRS integrity if this happens
What are the considerations when aligning IRS?
Aircraft must be stopped
Do not align during engine start or while engines running
If aircraft moves during an IRS alignment, will it need a full alignment or will a fast alignment be enough?
Full align
Is an emergency equipment check required on crew handover?
What emergency equipment is checked?
Protective Gloves
ELT if fitted
Fire extinguisher
Escape rope
How many gear pins are there?
How many fan cowl flags are there on each aircraft? Why is it different?
2 on CEO
None on NEO
ECAM caution ENG 1(2) FAN COWL NOT CLSD is available on NEO aircraft
When does cockpit door locking system need checking?
First flight of the day
What is the cockpit door locking check?
ANN LT selector to TEST
Check OPEN and FAULT lights on pedestal and three LED on overhead panel come on
ANN LT selector to BRT - check lights go off
Set cockpit door switch to UNLOCK, and check door opens and light comes on
Then with door open, release COCKPIT DOOR sw, when it returns to the NORM position
Close door and check locked and OPEN indication goes off
CKPT DOOR mechanical override - check door opens normally and closes when mechanical override is used
What checks are made to aircraft EFB?
Flight mode and above 80% battery
What are the captain’s jobs for Aircraft Acceptance?
ECAM RCL pb - 3 seconds
DOOR SD page - OXY level check
HYD SD page - Reservoir fluid in normal range
ENG - Oil qty check
Tech log
Config summary check
What is the oil quantity requirement for a CEO?
9.5qt + 0.5 qt/h
What is the oil quantity requirement for a NEO?
Highest of
8.9qt + 0.45 qt/h
For NEO, note that if engines have been shut down for more than 60min, decrease above by 3qt to take into account the oil thermal expansion
What is the before walkaround flow?
FLAPS check position
SPD BRK LEVER check ret
Parking Brake on
What are we checking re ACCU PRESS on the pre walkaround flow? What can we do if it is not satisfactory?
In the green band.
If required, the yellow electric pump can be used to recharge the brake accumulator.
WARNING 1 - Get ground crew clearance before pressurising hydraulics due to the PTU
WARNING 2 - If flight control surface positions do not agree with lever positions, check with maintenance before applying hydraulic power
Which amber lights would we expect to see in the overhead panel during cockpit preparation?
GEN FAULT lights
What must be on during the CVR test?
Park brake
What happens if the EXIT selector or NO SMOKING selector is left ON?
It prevents the emergency batteries from charging
When should pack flow be selected LO?
Consider all aircraft types
A319/A320 below 130
A321 below 160
What flow rate is given with APU on?
High flow
What are we looking for when performing the ELEC BAT check?
10 seconds after setting all BAT to on, check ELEC sd page that the current charge of the battery is below 60A and decreasing
What are we checking during an engine fire test?
Master warning lights flash
ECAM displays ENG 1 or ENG 2 FIRE alerts
All ENG FIRE pb come on red
All squib lights of the agent pb come on
All DISCH lights of the agent pb come on
All fire lights on the ENG MASTER panel come on
What should you do if clock is incorrect?
Set manually, and then use INT mode for the flight
Will ATC datalink work if clock is in INT mode?
Yes, however datalink only works if clock is accurate to UTC+/- 1 second, so synchronisation with GPS clock periodically can help this