Command E-Learning 2 - Fuel Policy Flashcards
What options are available under alternative flight planning procedures for fuel under taxi?
Reduce OFP taxi fuel, taking into account actual taxi time
What options are available under alternative flight planning procedures for fuel under Trip Fuel?
Reduce trip fuel by comparing actual distance in FMGC
What options are available under alternative flight planning procedures for fuel under Contingency Fuel?
Reduce contingency to CONT90 or 3%
We can use the greater of SCF CONT 90 and an amount to fly for 5 minutes at holding speed at 1500ft above the destination aerodrome in standard conditions
OR, if SCF unavailable
The greater of 3% of planned trip fuel, or an amount to fly for 5 minutes at holding speed at 1500ft above destination aerodrome in standard conditions
Fuel en-route alternate (fuel ERA) is required
What options are available under alternative flight planning procedures for fuel Alternate Fuel?
No alternate
What should be considered when planning to use alternative flight planning procedures?
Get the most up to date OFP possible for accurate data
For all variants, what is the fuel burn calculation for taxiing with 2 engines? 1 engine?
2 engines 10kg per minute
1 engine 7kg per minute
Taxi time expressed in minutes is available on the OFP
How much trip fuel can we adjust per nm increase? How about per nm decrease?
5kg per nm increase
4kg per nm decrease
What minima is required for a fuel ERA?
Planning minima
How do we calculate where our ERA needs to be?
- Take total flight plan distance
- Work out 25% or this, and then work out 20% + 50nm of this
- Take the greater of the above, and come back this distance from the destination
- Draw a circle, 20% of total flight plan distance on this point
- Find a suitable alternate in the circle
Does an ERA replace a destination alternate?
No, unless we plan on using no destination alternate
Where is the best place for an ERA?
As close as possible to the destination, as this means the decision to divert or continue is made at the latest possible time
When can we dispatch with no alternate?
Flight time does not exceed 6 hours
2 separate runways at destination, and weather reports for a period +/- 1 hr of ETA that ceiling will be 2000ft or circling minima plus 500ft, whichever greater, and 5000m+ vis
How can we use the acronym WANTS in fuel planning?
Aircraft (MEL etc)
Threats (CAT C, ALTN suitability)
SCF - will SCF cover requirements?
What is the ASC? What is it?
Airport Suitability Check
In the OFP it is the list of aerodromes considered as alternates, and their respective approaches and minima
When is the weather taken for the ASC airports?
From the forecast at the time of the calculation
What is included in the ASC?
List of airports
Approach aids used for planning minima
Planning minima considered
Forecast ceiling and vis
What is the danger with regards weather and the ASC?
Only considers cloud base and visibility. Doesn’t take into account adverse weather such as SN or TS
What must expected useable fuel at destination not be less than?
Alternate fuel plus final reserve
Final reserve if no alternate required
What fuel conservation measures can be considered if expected to be low on fuel?
Decrease speed
Obtain more direct route
Fly closer to optimum cruise
Select a closer alternate
Land and refuel
What is the condition for ‘landing assured’
In the judgment of the commander, it can be completed in the event of any forecast deterioration in the weather, or with any plausible single failure of ground or airborne facilities
When can selected speed be used?
ATC request
Operational requirements eg. turbulence
Temporary measure to recover a profile
Can you commit if airport has only one runway?
What is the definition of minimum fuel?
Commander shall declare minimum fuel when
Having committed to land at a specific aerodrome, the pilot calculates that any change to the existing clearance to that aerodrome may result in landing with less than the planned final reserve fuel.
It informs ATC that all aerodrome options have been reduced to a specific one, and changes could infringe final reserve
What is the definition of MAYDAY fuel?
Calculated usable fuel predicted to be available on landing at the nearest aerodrome where a safe landing can be made is less than final reserve
Can alternate fuel be used for holding at destination?
Yes, if pilot commits to land there
Will you get priority if you declare minimum fuel?
What will an ATC controller do in response to minimum fuel call?
Update/confirm estimated delay in minutes, or remaining track miles, as appropriate
How many successive approaches can be made at a single airport?
No more than 2 may be flown when there has been a go around due to weather conditions unless there has been a significant improvement, or a state of emergency exists
What can you consider if you have a very low underload?
Contact ICC, who may be able to optimise everything. They understand the implications of offloads and things, and can potentially make better commercial decisions
Can also consider operating the flight at a lower CI