OMA Chapter 4b Flashcards
If operating with reduced crew, is the crew member who has been removed from duty, but is positioning, included in the 50 passengers per cabin crew member?
The cabin crew member is not included in the passenger count
If a cabin crew member is incapacitated downroute, can they travel in the flight deck?
Yes. The Commander should consider the most appropriate seating location for the cabin crew member
If a cabin crew member becomes incapacitated on sector 1, can they be flown back on sector 2 as a passenger?
A cabin crew member is considered unfit to fly until certified as fit by a doctor or paramedic. If there isn’t one available, the crew member should be offloaded and provided with local accommodation.
In extraordinary circumstances, the Commander can use judgment to repatriate a crew member but will be required to justify the decision for any subsequent issues.
If two aircraft are downroute at the same time, and one flight has 150 passengers or less, is it permitted to transfer a crew member over from that flight to another, to reduce the need for passenger offload, in the case of an incapacitated crew member?
What paperwork is needed to be completed for operation with reduced cabin crew?
Is it possible to refuel and board when boarding with reduced crew?
What are the flight crew considerations for boarding with reduced crew?
At least one pilot must be on the flight deck
No fuelling taking place
Electrical power is available
Can you board with reduced crew if it is the SCCM who is delayed?
What needs to happen when the SCCM arrives?
Yes, providing a qualified SCCM is present in the passenger cabin, and they have performed the pre-flight safety briefing
When the SCCM arrives, a handover briefing must be completed to include what duties have been completed and all relevant information from the briefing
Where must cabin crew be situated if boarding with reduced crew?
SCCM at forward door and responsible for door 1L and 1R
CC2 at rear door and responsible for door 2L and 2R
CC3 at overwing exits and responsible for overwing exits
A321 CC5 must be present at mid emergency exits and responsible for mid emergency exits
What are the passenger restrictions when boarding with reduced crew?
No more than 50 passengers can board per cabin crew member
No boarding and fuelling
When boarding with reduced crew, what position will the late crew member take?
Unless they are SCCM
When must flight crew members remain in their assigned seats?
From the time the aeroplane first starts to move at the beginning of its flight until it is established in the cruise.
When the aircraft first begins its descent on approaching the destination until the aeroplane is stationary on its allocated parking stand at the end of the flight
Who will assume command if the commander becomes incapacitated?
The safety pilot, if there is one
If not, it will be the first officer
Can a positioning crew member use crew channels for arrival? What about for departure? Should they be listed as a passenger?
No in either case. They must use normal passenger routes
They must be listed in the passenger reservation system
If a positioning crew member is added to a full flight, what options are there?
They may be booked as supernumerary crew
Can crew on positioning flight transfer to another on the ramp, or do they need to follow passenger channels? What about if they are operating on the same aircraft?
They may transfer on the ramp from one aeroplane to another, or remain on the aeroplane if they are operating that one
Are ‘extra crew’ (eg. Line trainers, but not supernumerary crew) subject to FDP rules?
What is the definition of supernumerary crew?
Crew who have been added to the flight but have no assigned operational or safety duties
Eg familiarisation flights or short notice positioning crew
Can flight crew/cabin crew, or technical/operational ground employees, or designated part 145 maintenance organisation position as supernumerary crew?
In exceptional circumstances they can, if they are required to position at short notice and isn’t possible to make a passenger booking. They can only do this when authorised by the duty pilot
What shall supernumerary crew do on boarding?
Present their ID on boarding and introduce themselves to the Commander
Can a flight operations inspector, appointed by the competent authority, travel in the flight deck?
Yes, however the Commander may refuse to allow the inspector to enter or remain on the flight deck if, in their opinion, the safety of the aircraft thereby would be endangered
If a crew member operates on another AOC aircraft (if eligible), which rules to they follow? How about safety reports and FDM data etc?
The rules of the AOC of the aircraft, and all safety and FDM belongs with the AOC holder of the aircraft, not the crew member
What are the main things covered in OMA chapter 4?
Crew composition
Minimum flight crew
Supernumerary crew information
Inexperienced crew
Positioning crew
Carriage of inspectors etc