RNP AR 3 Flashcards
What is the PM call for vertical deviation on RNP AR approach?
When should the PM call V/DEV?
Half dot on PFD scale
How much does half a dot represent on vertical PFD scale on RNP AR approach?
What contributes to the total vertical system error in RNP AR approaches?
Total vertical system error = Path defintion error + V/DEV + altimetry system error. No provision is made for altimeter setting errors
What is the vertical error budget?
Provision to contain the vertical deviation due to vertical errors on an RNP AR approach. This vertical error budget remains above the obstacle clearance surface along the final approach path. This only applies to the final approach.
What is the maximum permitted vertical deviation during final approach on RNP AR approach?
3/4 dot on the V/DEV scale. (75ft). This cannot be exceeded
What are the operational limits vertically and laterally on an RNP AR approach?
Laterally, 1xRNP
Vertically, 75ft
What are the obstacle limits vertically and laterally on an RNP AR approach?
Laterally 2xRNP
Vertically is vertical error budget
If temperature is colder than ISA, is the aircraft higher or lower than expected?
Lower. FMS assumes ISA temperature and makes no compensation
On an RNP AR approach, what must you do when heading ‘direct to’ a waypoint which is the beginning of a radius to fix leg?
Use ‘radial in’ function to avoid overshooting after the waypoint
What are the main cautions when using direct to on an RNP AR approach?
Can only be done above MSA until established on F-PLN leg, and must use radial in function if direct to a waypoint preceeding a radius to fix (arc) leg
What is the maximum angle of bank with AP engaged? Why is this a consideration on RNP AR approaches?
30 degrees. Strong winds may impact required turn radii
When is autopilot use compulsary in RNP AR operations?
When RNP < 0.3
Down to what RNP can we use the Augur RAIM prediction on the company iPad?
RNP 0.3
Can you do an RNP AR approach in all weather conditions?
No, not in thunderstorms as deviation may not be possible to avoid weather due to terrain. Also careful consideration needs to be given to the wind effect on RF legs
How do you deselect a navaid?
Data - Position monitor - Sel Navaids - deselect
What is the decision to deselect navaids prior to an RNP AR procedure based on?
NOTAM and CCI guidance
When can you not use FMS predictive GPS page for RNP operations?
When RNP < 0.3, or when operating around mountainous terrain due to the mask angle
When preparing for an RNP approach, and checking the estimated nav accuracy, what else do you need to consider?
That the EPE is less than required FOR THE PROCEDURE, not currently required
For RNP AR departures <0.3 when must the autopilot be engaged?
ASAP after 100ftRA
For RNP AR departures what must you check when lined up on the runway?
That the L/DEV is centred
When will altitude be shown in magenta on the PFD?
When a level segment is expected at that altitude
When should you use LNAV minima? When should you use VNAV minima?
VNAV if temperature within limits. No temperature compensation required. LNAV if temperature is below limits, and temperature compensation needs to be applied
What are the ‘blue arrow’ FINAL APP engagement conditions? What if these are not met?
X-track less than 1.5mn
Below ALT CSTR + 250ft
MCDU predictions exist
APP phase activated
If not met, arrow will be white
How would you fly an RNAV Visual approach? What minima would you set?
AP can be used down to 250ft AGL. No minima set. The chart minima represents the weather required to commence the approach
How do you know if we have authorisation for a specific RNP AR approach?
It will be noted in the CCI
On an RNAV (GNSS) approach, what is the PM callout for excessive lateral deviation? When should it be said?
CROSS TRACK, when deviation > 0.1nm
On an RNAV (GNSS) approach, what is the maximum permitted lateral deviation?