Stomach Flashcards
Location of abdominal cavity
between diaphragm and pelvic inlet (separated from thorax but not from pelvis - digestive function)
Why are the organs in the abdominal cavity not separated, unlike the heart and lungs in the thorax?
All organs in abdominal cavity work together for digestion
Why is there no solid division between the abdomen and pelvis?
to form a continuous space between the abdominal and pelvic cavities, allowing organs to interact and move.
Function of pelvis
structural support for lower abdominal organs (part of intestine, bladder) and site of attachment for muscles and ligaments to help stabilise and protect organs.
What components make up the abdominal wall?
Multi-layered musculoaponeurotic wall and adipose tissue
What is aponeuroses?
connective tissue that hold the muscle layers together in the abdomen.
Definition of musculoaponeurotic
musculo - muscular
aponeurosis - connective tissue
Term used to describe an abnormally swollen abdomen
distended abdomen
How is the abdomen divided?
9 areas - name related to bones and vertebra . Or into 4 quadrants - UR, UL, LL, LR
Where in the abdomen is the stomach found?
epigastric and left hypochondrium region
Side effects of distended abdomen
limited mobility, stomach paralysis, bloating, pain
Which structures are found anterior and superior to the stomach?
Liver, lower ribs, diaphragm
Which structures are posterior and inferior to the stomach?
Diaphragm (extends toward back of stomach), spleen, L kidney, adrenal gland, pancreas
What is the advantage of the lack of separation/boundaries in the abdominal cavity?
Organs can move and be displaced e.g. when the stomach expands during ingestion
4 sections of the stomach
cardia, fundus, body, pylorus
What structure controls the release of food into the stomach?
Lower oesophageal / cardiac sphincter - physiological due to angle
Which structure controls the movement of chyme into the duodenum?
Pyloric sphincter - allows maximum absorption of nutrients in small intestine
Which part of the stomach fills with gas and gives a bloating sensation?
Which side of the stomach has the greater curvature?
More lateral side (left)
Which side of the stomach has the lesser curvature?
More medial side (right)
Omenta definition
fused peritoneal folds connecting the stomach and duodenum with other abdominal organs
What is the greater omentum?
Largest of the two omenta - apron-like structure that extends from the greater curvature of the stomach to the transverse colon.
What is the name of the outer connective tissue in the stomach?
Histological layers of the GIT
epithelium, lamina propria (mucous glands) and muscularis mucosae make up the mucosa. Submucosa is found beneath containing blood vessels, lymphatics, nerves, CT. Muscularis propria (CILO). Serosa/ Adventitia
Layers of muscle in muscularis propria in the stomach
oblique inner layer, circular middle layer, longitudinal outer layer.
Function of 3 layered muscle in muscularis propria in stomach
aids mixing and churning of food
Name of the gastric folds lining the inner surface of the stomach