Shoulder Pathology - RC Tear + Impingement/Painful arc Flashcards
RC Tear
Caused by trauma in the ? patient (e.g. ? on the arm), or can happen spontaneously in ? (e.g. ? something up).
? tears frequently occur with, and may precipitate chronic ?, but can repair naturally.
? tears will not naturally repair.
younger falling elderly lifting partial tendonitis complete
RC Tear
o Patient will describe a ‘?’ of the shoulder, with limited ? after the event.
o On examination, there will be tenderness over the ? ?.
o Once the arm has been lifted above the ? it can be held there by the ? (the abduction ?), but when they lower the arm it suddenly ?.
sprain abduction anterior acromion shoulder deltoid paradox drops
o Intra-articular ? injection can distinguish between ?and ? tears, as ? tears will regain the abduction movement when the ? is abolished.
o Similarly, partial tears will regain the ability to ? within a few ?, whereas full tears will not.
anaesthetic full partial partial pain abduct weeks
RC Tear
Diagnosis can be confirmed with ?, ? or ?. .
In the acute phase, treatment is with ?, ? and local ? injections.
uss mri arthroscopy heat exercises anaesthetic
RC Tear
After ? weeks, the extent of the rupture can be assessed.
? tears in ? individuals are usually surgically repaired
? tears are conservatively treated to allow ? healing.
3 full younger partial natural
Shoulder impingement/Painful arc
All of the above pathologies also lead to ? and ?, and decrease the space between the ? head and ?.
This leads to a painful arc (from 80-? degrees).
Impingement is the general name for this condition, and it can also be caused
by ? pathology, e.g. ???osteophytes.
swelling oedema humeral acromion 120 articular ACJ
Shoulder impingement/Painful arc
Impingement due to ? pathology is less painful on ? movements (it is the inflamed ? causing the impingement here, and thus if they do not ?there is less swelling and ?).
peri-articular passive muscle contract pain