Seronegative Spondylo's - PsA Flashcards
A seronegative ? associated with psoriasis.
?% of people with psoriasis will develop disease.
o The skin disease can present ? or ? the joint disease.
o Skin condition not necessary for a ? of ? arthritis to be made.
Male and female incidence is ?.
arthropathy 8% before after diagnosis psoriatic equal
There are five commonly recognised subtypes;
o ? polyarthritis (40%): presentation similar to ??, but with ? involvement and less severe deformities.
o ? ?articular arthritis (30%): joints, often one ?
joint plus several smaller ? / ? joints.
o Spondylitis: affecting the ?,+/- ?s as per AS.
symm RA dipjs asym oligo 5 large hands feet spine SIJs
There are five commonly recognised subtypes
o ? predominant disease (10%): typically associated with significant nail changes (?, ?). It is rarely disabling, and can lead to ‘? finger’ due to synovitis and ?.
o Arthritis ?: severe form, that occurs in ?% with marked joint ? and deformity, classically involving ? of the
DIPJ pitting onycholysis sausage tenosynovitis mutilans 5 destruction telescoping
Radiologically, psoriatic arthritis shows ? similar to those seen in ??,
but comparatively minimal ?.
0 The erosions are more ? than the RA erosions,
leading to a ‘? in a ?’ type appearance.
Early ? involvement is specific to psoriatic arthritis.
Sacro-iliac joint involvement is usually ?.
erosions RA osteopenia central pencil cup DIPJ unilateral
o If one joint affected;
–> • Full dose ? +/- ? ?.
o If multiple joints affected;
–> • Treat as per ?, but prognosis is ?.
–> • ? is useful as it also helps skin psoriasis.
–> • DMARDs generally do not help ? symptoms.
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