Osteoporosis - Ix Flashcards
??? measurements are required to make a diagnosis of osteoporosis, with
the preferred technology being ? energy X-ray absorptiometry (????)
measured at the ? spine and ? ?.
This gives a ‘?-score’, which measures how many ? ? the
BMD deviates from a young adult ?.
BMD dual DEXA lumbar iliac crest t sd male
Osteoporosis is diagnosed when the T-score value falls below -?, whereas
scores from -1 to -? are in the ? range.
A ‘?-score’ is also given, which measures how many SDs BMD deviates from
an ?-matched control.
Once osteoporosis is confirmed, history should attempt to identify
? causes discussed above.
Physical examination should include a search for endocrine disease
(?, ?’s, hypo?) and ? disease
predisposing thyrotoxicosis cushings hypogonadism inflam
Serum ? and ?, ???s and ? are important routine tests.
A ? hormone panel should be requested in men and ? women below ?.
Further studies can be requested on the basis of clinical suspicion; e.g.
vitamin ? / ? if suspecting vitamin ? deficiency or hyper?.
ca phosphate tfts esr sex amenorrheic 50 d pth d pth