Other (Class V) Antiarrhythmics Flashcards
Digoxin MOA
-digoxin exerts direct parasympathomimetic effects via direct stimulation of the vagus nerve → AV nodal inhibition
(“welcome to las VEGAS” sign)

Digoxin may be used to treat ..
-useful in atrial fibrillation and flutter, not first line
(“many tv screens showing irregularly irregular rythm”)
-prevents rapid ventricular response in atrial fibrillation and flutter (rate control)
(“las vegas” sign shaped like metronome )

Magnesium Can treat …
-useful for the treatment of certain arrhythmias (torsades)
- magnesium treats torsades de pointes
(״Torn twisted torsades streamers״)

Hyperkalemia can …
-induce arrhythmias
(“Banana dancer pointing up”)
-causes peaked T waves on ECG
(“Peaked streamer”)

Hypokalemia can …
-induce arrhythmias, severe muscle weakness, and glucose abnormalities
(“female Banana dancer pointing down”)
-can induce U waves at the end of the T wave on EKG
(“Streamer with extra bump”)

Adenosine MOA
-adenosine is a purine nucleoside
(“Purine shaped gate”)
-adenosine activates A1 (Gi) receptors on the myocardium and at the SA and AV nodes
(“A1 swing”)
-increases outward K+ current→hyperpolarization
(“Banana flying out of the cup”)
-suppress inward Ca2+ current
(“Falling calci-YUM ice cream”)
-decreases atrioventricular conduction
(“disconnected bottom of heart shaped lamp”)
-inhibits AV nodes
(“Note shaped dance floor”)

Adenosine can treat ..
-first line agent for acute treatment of supraventricular arrhythmias (PVST)
(“Illuminated top of heart shaped lamp”)

Side effects of Adenosine
-causes transient high grade heart block (direct av node inhibition for about 10s)
(“Hat blocking heart”)
-causes coronary dilation (mediated by A2 receptors)
(“Dilated coronary crown”)
-can cause cutaneous flushing
(“Flushed dancer”)
-can cause shortness of breath, chest pain, and impending sense of doom
(“Dancer clutching his chest)
-can cause fainting, headache, and hypotension
(“fainting female dancer”)

the actions of adenosine are inhibited by…
-caffeine and theophylline (methylxanthines)
(“Energy drink blocking A1 gate”)