HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors Flashcards
Statins MOA
(“steam punk pirate”)
HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors →reduce production of mevalonate from HMG-CoA → reduced levels of cholesterol in hepatocytes
(“steam punk pirate knocking over HMG crude ore reducer “)
-statins cause increased LDL receptor expression on hepatocytes, clearing LDL’s from circulation
(“Statin-punk threatening workers to pull in LDL ship”)
-statins are most effective drugs for lowering LDL’s (30-60%)
(“Sinking LDL ship”)
-statins can lower triglycerides (mild effect)
(“Statin-punk pirate kicking off trident passenger”)
-statins can increase HDL (mild effect)
(“Raised HDL submarine”)

Name the Statins
- *Simva** statin
- *Atorva** statin
- *Rosuva** statin
Statins are effective because they …
(“Gold bar plunder”)
-Statin therapy initiated in setting of MI and other acute coronary syndromes (ACS)
(“broken heart strings”)
-are the most effective lipid lowering medication for preventing future cardiovascular events
(“Guardian angel”)
-statins are the only lipid lowering drug consistently proven to reduce risk of atherosclerotic heart disease
(“Yellow filled coronary crown”)
reduce risk of cardiovascular events and mortality in high risk diabetics
(“Candy jar”)
-reduce risk of cardiovascular events and mortality in patients with peripheral artery disease
(“Clogged pipe”)
-reduce risk of future vascular events in patients with history of TIA or stroke
(“Black paint stroke”)

Statins side effects
(“steam punk pirate”)
-statins can cause myopathy weeks to months after starting therapy (proximal muscle weakness/soreness), difficulty raising arms above head
- can cause elevations in serum CK-myopathy
(“Crispy chicken bucket”)
-statins may be teratogenic
(“Tarantula on HDL submarine “)
-mild elevations in liver function tests (LFT’s) are
common -reversible with discontinuation of statin
(“Raised LFT flag”)
-all statins except pravastatin are metabolized by the cytochrome p450 (CYP-450) in the liver leading to an increased risk of developing myopathy
(“Chrome tank with CYP bumper”)
(“Bite out of crispy chicken”)