Bile acids and Cholesterol Absorption inhibitors , PCSK9 inhibitor Flashcards
Name the Bile Acid Absorption Inhibitors
Cholestyramine (“Cho”lobetser”amine”)

Resins MOA
-resins interrupt bile acid recycling and promote synthesis of new bile acids, depleting cholesterol stores
- causing HMG CoA reductase to synthesis more cholesterol
(“Activating HMG crude ore reducer”) - causing upregulation of LDL receptor and uptake of circulating LDL
(“Activating LoaD L receptor”)
(“Empty gold stores”)

Resins are used in patients with …
primary hypercholesteremia
- since the introduction of statins, now have only a minor role for this indication
Resins Side Effects
-bile acid resins (cholestyramine, colestipol, colesevelam) cause hypertryglycemia
(increased VLDL’s)
(“Cho”lobster”amine scaring airship away”)
- do not use this in hypocholesteremia with concomitant hypertriglycemia
-can cause cholesterol gall stones
(“Sea”gall” stones”)
-bile acid resins can cause constipation and bloating.
- do not use in pts with diverticulitis, or preexisting bowel disease
(“Cho”lobster”mine clamping pipe”)
- impair absorption of fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, K
(Cho”lobster”mine on DEcK-A”)
-bile acid resins decrease statin absorption-administer 4 hours apart
(“Cho”lobster”amin clashing with statin punk”)

Ezetimibe MOA
(“Z-shaped eel”)
-blocks intestinal absorption of cholesterol decreasing chylomicron carrier
(“Z shaped eel blocking gold delivery at intestinal airbase”)
-restricts liver’s access to exogenous cholesterol
(“Empty chest delivery”)
-causing HMG CoA reductase to synthesize more cholesterol
(“Activating HMG crude ore reducer”)
-causing upregulation of LDL receptors and uptake
of circulating LDL
(“Sunken LDL ship”)

What are the Benefits of using Ezetimibe
- Doesn’t cause Gallstones
- Doesnt cause Hypertriglyceridemia
Ezetimibe Side Effects
-may cause increased liver function tests (LFT’s)
(“Raised LFT flag”)
-may cause diarrhea / steatorrhea
(“Z shaped eel shitting oily water”)

Name a PCSK9 inhibitor
(“Steam-ctopus man”)
Evolocumab MOA
(“Steam-ctopus man”)
-PCSK9 normally causes degradation of LDL receptors
(“Pesky “9” crabs inhibiting LoaD L receptor workers”)
-Evolocumab binds PCSK9 and prevents degradation of LDL receptors, increasing uptake of circulating LDL
(“Steam-octopus man removing pesky crabs”)
- Many PCSK9 inhibitors (evolcumab) are antibodies
(“Steam-ctopus man with antibody-shaped claws”)