Growth Hormone Mecasermin , Octreotide , Cabergoline/Bromocriptine/Pegvisomant Flashcards
-The GH receptor is associated with JAK tyrosine kinase “jackin up that cell growth”
- GH stimulates the liver to produce IGF-1 insulin-like growth factor which mediates the growth promoting effects of GH
(“Vine sprouting from the Liver rock”) - IGF-1 is responsible for long bone growth
(pubertal growth spurt) think of a child shooting up just like the vine off the ground
(“Tall growing vine”)
-GH has anabolic effects in muscle
(“Striated muscle leaf”)
-GH has catabolic effects in adipose tissue
(“Falling fatty donut jar”)
(“Tyrosine tire”)

GH therapy can treat …
-useful in GH deficiency and idiopathic short stature (controversial)
(“Short kid”)
-GH therapy is useful for increasing growth in Prader-willi syndrome
(“Pradre willi”)
- for increasing growth in turner syndrome,
- transmittance of a single X chromosome (XO)
(“Turning X girl”)

in cases in which the body doesn’t respond to GH treatment (GH Receptor defects etc.. ),what other treatment can be useful ?
Mecasermin-Recombinant IGF-1
- treats growth failure due to severe IGF-1 deficiency

Mecasermin [recombinant IGF-1] Side Effects
-can cause hypoglycemia
(“Falling candy”)

GH secreting pituitary adenoma can cause gigantism in children and acromegaly in adults , what drug can be used to treat this condition?
(“Giant hanging on the Vine”)
- somatostatin analog treats acromegaly and gigantism by inhibiting secretion of GH
(“Giant hanging on the Vine”)
(“Octagon stop sign”)

Octreotide is a Somatostatin analog used to treat…
(“Octagon stop sign”)
-treats acromegaly and gigantism
- inhibits secretion of GH
-octreotide treats VIPoma
- neuroectoderm tumor secreting VIP
(“VIP Customers only”) - treats carcinoid tumors
- ileal tumor with hepatic mets secreting serotonin flushing, wheezing, and secretory diarrhea
(“Customers only”)
-Octotreotide treats insulinoma
- fasting hypoglycemia
(BIG “welcome inside mat”)
-octreotide treats glucagonoma
- manifests as weight loss and necrolytic migrator erythema affecting limbs and skin surrounding the lips
(“Giant glucagon packet”)
-octreotide treats gastrinoma
- Zollinger ellisson syndrome
(“Giant gas tank”)
-can control bleeding of esophageal varices
- decreased portal blood flow and variceal pressure
(“Exposed variceal pipes”)

Octreotide side effects
(“octagon stop sign”)
-AE’s include GI side effects, N&V, abdominal pain
(“Nauseated and pointing up”)
-octreotide can cause steatorrhea
(“Yellow stool”)
- decreased pancreatic secretions and gall bladder contractility

Name the D2 receptor agonists used in treatment of acromegaly
(“Double rope ladder”)
Reinforcing the inhibition of secretion of GH at the pituitary
(“Pituitary sack at the end of the broomstick holding in the beans”)

GH receptor antagonist used in treatment of acromegaly
(“Ants on a tire swing”)