Aspirin, ADP receptor inhibitors, GP IIb/IIIa, Cilostazol, Dipyridamole Flashcards
Platelet Adhesion _A_ctivation Aggregation MOA
-tissue damage → collagen +VWf exposed →GPIb on platelet binds collagen +vwf→ activation → release of TXA2 ,ADP , serotonin
- ADP⇒ binds PLT receptor P2Y12 ⇒aggregation
- TXA2 ⇒aggregation and activation
- Serotonin ⇒aggregation and vasoconstriction
(“Peeling von Willie brand field”)
(“Holding 1b bat”)
(“Home plate”)
(“Aggregated players”)
(““ADP” aggregate Da players! Play youth ball 2-12y”)
(“Thrown happy face helmet”)
(“Batter’s box”)

Thromboxane Synthesis pathway
-Cyclooxygenase 1 (COX1) synthesizes prostaglandins (prostaglandins, TXA2) within platelets
(“Head coach cox”)
-COX-1 synthesizes TXA-2 from the precursor molecule arachidonic acid (AA)
(“AA minor league dugout”)
-TXA2 (synthesized by COX-1) causes vasoconstriction
(“Coach Cox twisting hat”)
-COX-2 expression is induced during inflammation, so he is inactive until some inflammatory event
(“Sleeping assistant coach”)

Aspirin MOA
-aspirin irreversibly acetylates COX-1 and COX2
-aspirin irreversible inhibits COX-1 and COX-2 reducing platelet activation and aggregation
(“ASA umpire ejecting the coaches”)
-aspirin inhibits COX 1 and 2 thus shifting AA pathway towards LOX enzyme causing “pseudo-allergy” due to excess leukotriene synthesis, seen in asthma or nasal polyposis pts.
(“Swollen ASA umpire”)
- use Clopidogrel ( ADP inhibitor)

Name Surface ADP receptor P2Y12 receptor inhibitors
-GREL-suffix (“Hot dog grill”)
- ClopidoGREL
- PrasuGREL
- TicaGRELor
- Ticlopidine
ADP receptor inhibitors MOA
-Irreversibly Inhibit ADP surface receptor P2Y12 on platelets
(“ADP” aggregate Da players! Play youth ball 2-12y”)

what are Antiplatelet agents used for ?
- antiplatelet agents (aspirin, ADP receptor inhibitors) reduce cardiovascular events in patients with peripheral artery disease,
- they do not reduce the symptoms of peripheral artery disease such as atypical pain and claudication in the effected extremity
-antiplatelet agents (aspirin, ADP receptor inhibitors) reduce cardiovascular events in patients with coronary artery disease
(“Angina anvil grill”)
-use antiplatelet therapy (aspirin, ADP receptor inhibitors) in the setting of MI and other acute coronary syndromes, give as soon as possible to a patient with a STEMI
(“Broken heart strings”)
- give chewable aspirin tablets initially in an acute MI for immediate effect
(“ASA umpire chewing tablets”)
-dual antiplatelet therapy (aspirin and ADP receptor inhibitors) prevent coronary stent thrombosis
(“Corked bat”)
-antiplatelet therapy (aspirin and ADP receptor inhibitors) prevents ischemic stroke in patients with atherosclerosis and known cerebrovascular disease
(“Black paint stroke”)
(“Greasy grill pipe”)

Ticlopidine is an ADP P2Y12 receptor inhibitor that may cause …
(“Ty Cobb”)
-Neutropenia in 2% of patients
-can cause granulocytopenia, you must obtain white cell and rbc count when starting therapy
(“Falling granules in neutrophil shaped hour glass”)

names and MOA of GP IIb/IIIa receptor inhibitor
1) ABCiximab - irreversible
- abciximab is a monoclonal IgG antibody
(“Antibody shaped microphones”)
-abciximab inhibit platelet surface receptors GP IIb/IIIa from binding to fibrinogen to promote platelet aggregation
(“Crowd of spectators from seats 2b-3a jump on fries guys”)
- *2) Eptifibatide , Tirofiban -Reversible**
- must be given IV continuously
(“ABC sportscaster grabbing fries”)

GP IIb/III receptor inhibitors Side effects
-cause thrombocytopenia
(“Broken plates”)

which measurement will increase following an antiplatelet therapy ?
-antiplatelet therapy increases bleeding time- a measure of platelet function
(“Ketchup time”)

Names and MOA of Phosphodiesterase inhibitors
(“Don’t Phoster disinterest”)
(“two pyramids”)
(“player that lost the ball”)
-phosphodiesterase inhibitors increase cAMP impairing platelet function

Cilostazol can be used to treat
-treats symptoms of claudication due to peripheral artery disease
(“dirt clods hitting leg”)

Cilostazol is a Phosphodiesterase inhibitor that causes
(“player that lost the ball”)
-causes arterial vasodilation
(“kid who lost the ball has dilated red sleeves”)
-causes coronary artery dilation
(“kid who lost the ball wearing dilated red crown”)
- can cause coronary steal, this will dilate all of the other coronary arteries preventing blood flow to the ischemic areas exacerbating ischemia
(“Stolen steal heart base”)