Alpha agonists/ant-agonists Flashcards
Name the α2 Agonists
(“Raul holding the claw”)
(“α shaped rope”)
(“brim of eyeball shaped hat”)
*not on alpha drugs sketchy
-α2 agonists affect the CNS
(“Brain shaped platform”)

(“white shirt Raul holding Le-CLAW”)
-α2 agonist (“raul holding 2 lit candles”)
-has CNS effects
(“brain shaped platform on floor”)
-_inhibits t_he sympathetic tone and reduces blood pressure therefore is useful in treatment of hypertension
(crossd out “sympathy” under the stage next to “high pressure pipes”)
-useful in managment of Tourette’s syndrome
(“tourette’s marionette”)
-useful in treatment of ADHD
(Raul aint even lookin at the play he looking at “Distracting mirror”)

-α2 agonist
(“whtie lady holding 2 lit candles”)
-has CNS effects
(“brain shaped platform”)
-useful for treatment of Gestational Hypertension
(“white lady is pregnant” “high pressure pipes next to α-methyl ropa”)
- can cause Lupus-like syndrome
(“sneaky wolf next to white lady”)

-α2 agonist (“2 lit candles next to chair”)
-central acting muscle relaxant
(“Relaxing chair”)

Name non-selective α antagonists
(“Phantom of the Opera standing on chandelier”)
(“phoenix tattoo on Phantom’s chest”)

(“Phantom of the Opera standing on chandelier”)
-α1 α2 non selective antagonist
(“phantom of the Opera standing on chandelier with extinguished single and double candles”)
-causes vasodilation via α1 antagonistic effect
(“phantom of the opera has dilated sleeves”)
- may cause orthostatic Hypotension (“tilt table”) via α antagonis,and as a result reflex tachycardia
(doc. hitting leg with heart reflex hammer”) - useful in treatment of cocaine toxicity
(“hot cocoa”)
-useful in case of Hypertensive crisis in which wine and cheese that contain tyramine(sympathomimetic) were consumed alongside MAO inhibitors
(“wine and cheese on table protected by mouse trap”)
-useful in treatment of Pheochromocytoma
(“frozen colorful dessert”)
- headaches (“kid having brain freeze”)
- hypertention
- palpitations
- sweating
*use pre/interoperatively

(“Phoenix tattoo on Phantom’s chest”)
- α1 and α2 **non-selective antagonist
- irrevesible**
(“pheonix tattoo is irreverisble , permanent”)
-useful for treatment of Pheochromoctoma but usually given few days in advance to surgery

name the selective α1 antagonists
-“osin” suffix for all (“Opera singer”)
Praz /Teraz/Doxaz/Tamsul-OSIN

(“opera singer” -osin)
*also α1 antagonists in general*
-α1 antagonist
(“opera singer holding extinguished single candle”)
-causes Vasodilation
(“opera singer has dilated sleeves”)
-relaxes smooth muscles in urethra and prostate and therefore is useful treatment for BPH
(“opera singer sitting on banister that compresses his prostate”)

(_“pray_ing opera singer”)
-α1 antagonist
(“single extinguished candle next to praying opera singer”)
-can cause orthostatic hypotension
(“tilt table on stage”)
- can be used to treat PTSD
(praying opera singer holding dog tags saying “PT” “SD”)

(“Mirth and Misery”)
-atypical antidepressant
-α2 antagonist {+other receptors}
(“2 extinguished candles below 2 masks”)
-enhances serotonin release and useful for treatment of depression
(“happy mask / sad mask”)