I.V. anesthetics Flashcards
name the IV Anesthetics
(“Ivy on all damn poles”)
(Introducing Prospero “fall asleep” the hypnotist)
(Introducing the beast from the east “THE INTIMIDATOR”)
(Introducing “snaKE TAMINg” nomad )
(“Ben’s Diner”)
(“The ol’ quick shave”)
(prospero “fall asleep” the hypnotist)
-potentiate chloride current through the GABA-A receptor complex
(“old Cab-A behind prospero’s stand”)
-can be used for induction of anesthesia
(introducing prospero “fall asleep” the hypnotist)
-can be used for maintenance of anesthesia
(sign next to prospero says :”try to MAINTAIN your sanity!”)
-propofol cause profound vasodilation (arterial+venous)
(“introducing the beast from the east the INTIMIDATOR”)
-potentiates chloride current through the GABA-A receptor complex
(“old Cab-A behind the INTIMIDATOR stand”)
-is an IV anesthetic for induction
(“introducing the intimidator”)
-Etomidate preserves cardiovascular stability
(“the buffy intimidator stabilizes the patient “)
(“snaKE TAMINg)
-inhibits the NMDA receptor complex which is a glutamate receptor and ion channel
(“hitched nomadic camel”)
-can be used for induction of anesthesia
(“introducing the snaKE TAMINg nomad”)
-causes “dissociative anesthesia”
(“man looking in snakes eye causing dissociative trance”)
-can cause unpleasant emergence reactions
- vivid colorful dreams
(“colorful steam from snakes bucket”) - hallucinations
- out of body experiences
-can cause cardiovascular stimulation{Incr.BP HR CO}
(“stimulated cobra’s head shaped like heart”)
(“Ben’s Diner”)
Midaz-olam ,
-IV anestheic used preoperatively
-used for conscious sedation for minor procedures such as colonoscopy
(“bowel water pump outside Ben’s Diner”)
(“Barber’s shop)
-Thiopental has rapid onset and short duration of action since it is highly lipid soluble
(“The Ol’ quick shave”)
-IV Anesthetic used for induction of anesthesia
(“Introducing the BARBER SWEENY PENTAL”)
Neurolept Analgesia
- a state of analgesia ,sedation, muscle relaxation BUT no loss of consciousness
- Fentanyl + Droperidol
- contraindicated in parkinsonism
- useful during diagnositc procedures requiring cooperation of the patient
- Fentanyl+Dorperidol, Nitrous oxide
- addition of NO improves amnesia
Peri-operative medications
Before surgery
-IV. Barbiturates - Thiopental (“the ol’ quick shave”)
-Sedative/Anxiolytic Benzodiazepine -Diazepam (“long tapering flag”)
-Antimuscarinic - parasympatholytic agent -Atropine(“alice”)
-Analgetics - Opiods (fentanyl) non opioids
During surgery
-NMB- Succinylcholine (depolarizing) / Curare derivatives ( non-depolarizing)
-Pressors in case of shock - Norepinephrine
After surgery
-If opioids were used before surgery - non-opioids should be used
-antagonism of NMB -Neostigmine
-antagonism for opioids if respiration is too slow - Naloxone