direct cholinomimmetics Flashcards
what are the types of cholinergic receptors?
nicotinic receptors (“smoker”)
muscarinic receptors (“motorcycle parking spots”)

where are n-ACHR found ?
-autonomic ganglia
(“ganglia like transformers”)
-skeletal muscle motor end plate
(“electric outlet near smoker”)
-adrenal glands
(“adrenal beanie on smoker”)

what type of receptor is n-ACHR ?
act as ion channels where influx of + ions occur
(“ion channel news behind smoker”)

What type of receptor is m-ACHR ? what are the subtypes ? where are they found ?
G-coupled receptors
M1 (Gq) - nerves , CNS
(“Brain helmet on 1st rider” , “3 DAGS”)
M2 (Gi) - SA node , AV node , atria
(“2nd rider shirt showing heart with jewels”)
M3 (Gq) - found on glands and smooth muscle (“glandular sponge with 3rd rider “ “3 DAGS”)

M3 stimulation effect on vessels ?
M3→ Gq→ IP3/DAG→ Ca+2 increase→ NO release → cGMP increase → VASODILATION →drop in BP
(“Dilated NO Exhaust on 3rd motorcycle”)

Name the Direct Cholinomimetics
Bethanecol (“Beth with Cola”)
Pilocarpine (“Pile of Carps”)
Carbachol (“constricted hood blocking carbon”)
Methacholine (“Marathon challenge”)
(“1-800 very-clean sign on pole next to smoker” )

Bethanecol (“Beth with Cola”)
-increases secretions and gastric motility
(“cement pouring out from colon”)
-to treat neurogenic ileus/bladder due to spinal cord injury / post operation/ post pregnancy
*non obstructive*
(“Beth holding Bladder hose”)

(“Pile of Carps”)
-increase Salivation -treat sjorgen
(“dripping carps mouths”)
-meiosis -activates sphincter pupilae muscle
(“constricted hood”)
- for treatment of acute angle Glaucoma
- contracts cilliary muscle (“smooth muscle crane”) causing accomodation and relaxation of zonular fibers (“fish net zonules”) as well as increasing the outflow of AQ.H
- treatment of Glaucoma

(“constricted hood blocking carbon fumes”)
-agonist of both muscarinic and nicotinic receptors
(“carbon fumes from smoker”)
-causes pupillary constriction
(“constricted hood”)
- to treat acute angle glaucoma

(“marathon challenge”)
- induce bronchoconstriction and may worsen asthma / COPD (“Wheezing Man”)
- may be used to intiate asthma for pulmonary testing
*Bronchial challenge test* Asthmatics react to lower doses .. then give Bronchodilator as a “reversibility test” to distinguish between ASTHMA/ COPD

(“1800-Very-clean sign on pole”)
-nicotinic **partial agonist
for smoking cessation
(“smoking cessation hotline 1800-Very-clean” sign on pole)