OE 9 Flashcards
strong class 3
Sg. 1 ic i ġelimpe ic i ġelamp
2 þu you ġelimpst þu you ġelumpe
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ġelimpþ he/hit/heo he/it/she ġelamp
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġelimpaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġelumpon
Sg. ġelimpe ġelumpe
Pl. ġelimpen ġelumpen
Pres. part: ġelimpende
past part: ġelumpen
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. ġelimp
Inflected Infinitive
to ġelimpenne
to happen ; come about
it happened
mid þy
Sg. 1 ic i wuniġe ic i wunode
2 þu you wunast þu you wunodest
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she wunaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she wunode
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they wuniaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they wunodon
Sg. wuniġe wunode
Pl. wuniġen wunoden
Pres. part: wuniende
Past part: wunod
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. wuna
Pl. wuniaþ
Inflected Infinitive
to wunienne
to live, inhabit
Strong sv/t
Sg. 1 ic i áwríte ic i áwrát
2 þu you áwrítest þu you áwrite
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she áwríteþ he/hit/heo he/it/she áwrát
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they áwrítaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they áwriton
Sg. áwríte áwrite
Pl. áwríten áwriten
Pres. part áwrítende
past part {geáwriten}{áwriten}
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. áwríte
Inflected Infinitive
to áwrítan
to write write down describe compose mark inscribe draw carve copy
back again
happy, gentle
joyless, sad, sorrowful, unfriendly
seo carte
Noun weak
Nominative (the/that seo) carte (the/those þá) cartan
Accusative (the/that þa) cartan (the/those þá) cartan
Genitive (the/that þære) cartan (the/those þára) cartena
Dative (the/that þære) cartan (the/those þæm) cartum
- paper, parchment 2. document ; deed
Verb strong class 4
Sg. 1 ic i bere ic i bær
2 þu you birest|birst þu you bǣre
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she bireþ|birþ he/hit/heo he/it/she bær
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they beraþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they bǣron
Sg. bere bǣre
Pl. beren bǣren
Pres part: berende
Past part: boren
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. ber
Inflected Infinitive
to berenne
- to carry ; bear 2. to wear 3. to sustain ; support 4. to bring forth ; produce ; give birth
Verb strong class 1
Sg. 1 ic i ġewīte ic i ġewāt
2 þu you ġewītst þu you ġewite
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ġewītt|ġewīt he/hit/heo he/it/she ġewāt
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġewītaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġewiton
Sg. ġewīte ġewite
Pl. ġewīten ġewiten
Pres part: ġewītende
past part: ġewiten
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. ġewīt
Inflected Infinitive
to ġewītenne
to depart
æþel cynn cyning cynelic
noble kin, king, royal
efne swa
even as if
immediately, directly, at once
swilce / swelce
- also ; likewise 2. about (approximately) 3. like ; as 4. expletive: like ; as it were
Verb Weak wv/i2
Sg. 1 ic i áhange ic i áhangede
2 þu you áhangest þu you áhangedest
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she áhangaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she áhangede
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they áhangaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they áhangedon
Sg. áhange áhangede
Pl. áhangen áhangeden
Pres part áhangende
Past part geáhanged
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. áhange
Inflected Infinitive
to áhangan
to hang
swa … swa … þonne
so … as … then
feeling grief sorry grieved sorrowful sad 2. expressing grief mournful sad bitter sorry
Verb strong class 7
Sg. 1 ic i rōwe ic i rēow
2 þu you rōwest þu you rēowe
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she rōweþ he/hit/heo he/it/she rēow
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they rōwaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they rēowon|rēon
Sg. rōwe rēowe
Pl. rōwen rēowen
Pres part: rōwende
past part rōwen
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. rōw
Inflected Infinitive
to rōwenne
to row (with oars etc )
Verb Weak wv/t1b
Sg. 1 ic i méte ic i métede
2 þu you métest þu you métedest
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she métaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she métede
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they métaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they métedon
Sg. méte métede
Pl. méten méteden
Pres part métende
past part geméted
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. méte
Inflected Infinitive
to métan
- to meet find find out fall in with encounter obtain 2. to paint design
Sg. 1 ic i neom ic i næs
2 þu you neart þu you nǣre
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she nis he/hit/heo he/it/she næs
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they nesind|nesindon we/ge/hie we/ye/they nǣron
Sg. nesīe nǣre
Pl. nesīen nǣren
Pres part nesende
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. nes
Inflected Infinitive
to nesenne
adv. not at all
Verb irregular to not be
not any, no
Adverb BT I. then from that time after that
adv. well
þæt hreod
Noun strong-a-stem
Nominative (the/that þæt) hrēod (the/those þá) hrēod
Accusative (the/that þæt) hrēod (the/those þá) hrēod
Genitive (the/that þæs) hrēodes (the/those þára) hrēoda
Dative (the/that þæm) hrēode (the/those þæm) hrēodum
- a reed 2. a reedy place
Verb weak class 2
Sg. 1 ic i wundriġe ic i wundrode
2 þu you wundrast þu you wundrodest
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she wundraþ he/hit/heo he/it/she wundrode
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they wundriaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they wundrodon
SubjunctiveSg. wundriġe wundrodePl. wundriġen wundroden
Pres part: wundriende
Past part: wundrod
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. wundra
Inflected Infinitive
to wundrienne
- to be amazed or astonished ; to marvel The doctors were amazed that she could live with so little food 2. to be surprised 3. to wonder
se munuchad
Strong Masculine Noun
Nominative (the/that se) munuchad (the/those þá) munuchadas
Accusative (the/that þone) munuchad (the/those þá) munuchadas
Genitive (the/that þæs) munuchades (the/those þára) munuchada
Dative (the/that þæm) munuchade (the/those þæm) munuchadum
Monk-hood the monastic state (of women as well as
þæt wésten
Neuter Noun - irregular ending
Nominative (the/that þæt) wésten (the/those þá) wéstenu
Accusative (the/that þæt) wésten (the/those þá) wéstenu
Genitive (the/that þæs) wéstenes (the/those þára) wéstenua
Dative (the/that þæm) wéstene (the/those þæm) wéstenum
waste wilderness desert
apart ; separate ; private ; aloof ; by one’s self
se/þæt setl
Noun strong-a-stem
Nominative (the/that se) setl (the/those þá) setlu
Accusative (the/that þone) setl (the/those þá) setlu
Genitive (the/that þæs) setles (the/those þára) setla
Dative (the/that þæm) setle (the/those þæm) setlum
- sitting ; residence 2. seat ; bench ; throne 3. setting (of sun etc )
Adverb around about at upon near along
by, near, to, because of, about, by
Strong adjective
- famous ; renowned ; illustrious 2. pure 3. (of money) sterling
Verb Strong sv/i3
Sg. 1 ic i wíere ic i wearþ
2 þu you wíerest þu you wurde
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she wíereþ he/hit/heo he/it/she wearþ
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they wíeraþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they wurdon
Sg. wíere wurde
Pl. wíeren wurden
Pres part: wíerende
past part: geworden
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. wíere
Inflected Infinitive
to wíeran
absolute (1) to come to be to be made to arise come be (2) to come to pass to be done to happen to take place befall come be
- of a happening 2. fit ; suitable ; meet 3. adapted to ; fitted for
on elþeodignesse
Seo el-þeódignes
Nominative (the/that séo) elþéodignes (the/those þá) elþéodignessa
Accusative (the/that þá) elþéodignesse (the/those þá) elþéodignessa
Genitive (the/that þære) elþéodignesse (the/those þára) elþéodignessa
Dative (the/that þære) elþéodignesse (the/those þæm) elþéodignesum
on pilgrimage
se bat
Noun strong a-stem
Nominative (the/that se) bāt (the/those þá) bātas
Accusative (the/that þone) bāt (the/those þá) bātas
Genitive (the/that þæs) bātes (the/those þára) bāta
Dative (the/that þæm) bāte (the/those þæm) bātum
se geréþra
Weak Masculine Noun
Nominative (the/that se) geréþra (the/those þá) geréþran
Accusative (the/that þone) geréþran (the/those þá) geréþran
Genitive (the/that þæs) geréþran (the/those þára) geréþrena
Dative (the/that þæm) geréþran (the/those þæm) geréþrum
A sailor rower
classical latin name for ireland
Adverb 1. thence ; from there 2. thereupon ; after that
Verb strong class 4
Sg. 1 ic i bestele ic i bestæl
2 þu you bestilest|bestilst þu you bestǣle
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she bestileþ|bestilþ he/hit/heo he/it/she bestæl
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they bestelaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they bestǣlon
Sg. bestele bestǣle
Pl. bestelen bestǣlen
Pres part: bestelende
past part: bestolen
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. bestel
Inflected Infinitive
to bestelenne
- to steal away or upon 2. to go stealthily ; secretly
Verb weak class 1
Sg. 1 ic i rēċe ic i rōhte
2 þu you rēċest|rēcst þu you rōhtest
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she rēċeþ|rēcþ he/hit/heo he/it/she rōhte
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they rēċaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they rōhton
Sg. rēċe rōhte
Pl. rēċen rōhten
Pres part: rēċende
past part: rōht
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. rēċ
Inflected Infinitive
to rēċenne
to care
þæt feoh
Nominative (the/that þæt) feoh (the/those þá) xxx
Accusative (the/that þæt) feoh (the/those þá) xxx
Genitive (the/that þæs) féos (the/those þára) féona
Dative (the/that þæm) féo (the/those þæm) xxx
þæt scræf
Noun strong-a-stem
Nominative (the/that þæt) sċræf (the/those þá) sċrafu
Accusative (the/that þæt) sċræf (the/those þá) sċrafu
Genitive (the/that þæs) sċræfes (the/those þára) sċrafa
Dative (the/that þæm) sċræfe (the/those þæm) sċrafum
- cave ; cavern 2. miserable dwelling: den ; hell
se sele
Noun strong i-stem
Nominative (the/that se) sele (the/those þá) selas
Accusative (the/that þone) sele (the/those þá) selas
Genitive (the/that þæs) seles (the/those þára) sela
Dative (the/that þæm) sele (the/those þæm) selum
- great hall ; house ; dwelling ; prison 2. tabernacle
bitterly sharply painfully severely very bitter
se brér
Nominative (the/that se) BRER (the/those þá) BRERas
Accusative (the/that þone) BRER (the/those þá) BRERas
Genitive (the/that þæs) BRERes (the/those þára) BRERa
Dative (the/that þæm) BRERe (the/those þæm) BRERum
brier bramble
þæt wic
Noun strong-a-stem
Nominative (the/that þæt) wīċ (the/those þá) wīc
Accusative (the/that þæt) wīċ (the/those þá) wīc
Genitive (the/that þæs) wīċes (the/those þára) wīca
Dative (the/that þæm) wīċe (the/those þæm) wīcum
wíc, The word is generally neuter, but as it is often used in the plural where a singular might express the meaning, the similarity of neuter plural and feminine singular accusatives seems to have caused the word to be taken sometimes as feminine, e. g. tó ánre wíc, Homl. Th. i. 402, 22. A weak form also seems to be used, Chart. Th. 446, 29.
- village 2. wick ; bay
seo wynn
Noun strong ō-stem
Nominative (the/that seo) wynn (the/those þá) wynna|wynne
Accusative (the/that þa) wynne (the/those þá) wynna|wynne
Genitive (the/that þære) wynne (the/those þára) wynna
Dative (the/that þære) wynne (the/those þæm) wynnum
- joy ; delight 2. the runic character ᚹ 3. the letter wynn: Ƿ ; ƿ (/w/)
Strong adjective
- false ; untrue 2. devoid of ; free from 3. bereft of; without 4. vain ; worthless
seo ansín
Strong Feminine Noun
Nominative (the/that séo) ansín (the/those þá) ansína
Accusative (the/that þá) ansíne (the/those þá) ansína
Genitive (the/that þære) ansíne (the/those þára) ansína
Dative (the/that þære) ansíne (the/those þæm) ansínum
a view sight figure
se lichama
Noun weak
Nominative (the/that se) līchama (the/those þá) līchaman
Accusative (the/that þone) līchaman (the/those þá) līchaman
Genitive (the/that þæs) līchaman (the/those þára) līchamena
Dative (the/that þæm) līchaman (the/those þæm) līchamum
- body 2. trunk (of the body)
clean clearly fully purely entirely
- joyful ; merry 2. delightful
þæt mód
Strong Neuter Noun
Nominative (the/that þæt) mód (the/those þá) mód
Accusative (the/that þæt) mód (the/those þá) mód
Genitive (the/that þæs) módes (the/those þára) móda
Dative (the/that þæm) móde (the/those þæm) módum
heart mind spirit mood temper courage arrogance pride power violence
gentle ; mild; pleasant
moderate reasonable modest meek
Humble meek mild
divine, godlike
begytan æt
to acquire from
þæt nebb
Nominative (the/that þæt) nebb (the/those þá) nebb
Accusative (the/that þæt) nebb (the/those þá) nebb
Genitive (the/that þæs) nebbes (the/those þára) nebba
Dative (the/that þæm) nebbe (the/those þæm) nebbum
þæt þæc
Nominative (the/that þæt) þæc (the/those þá) þacu
Accusative (the/that þæt) þæc (the/those þá) þacu
Genitive (the/that þæs) þæces (the/those þára) þaca
Dative (the/that þæm) þæce (the/those þæm) þacum
Se þrea
Nominative (the/that se) þrēa (the/those þá) þrēan
Accusative (the/that þone) þrēan (the/those þá) þrēan
Genitive (the/that þæs) þrēan (the/those þára) þrēana
Dative (the/that þæm) þrēan (the/thos
Sg. 1 ic i ġehīersumiġe ic i ġehīersumode
2 þu you ġehīersumast þu you ġehīersumodest
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ġehīersumaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she ġehīersumode
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġehīersumiaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġehīersumodon
Sg. ġehīersumiġe ġehīersumode
Pl. ġehīersumiġen ġehīersumoden
Pres. part:ġehīersumiende
Past part: ġehīersumod
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. ġehīersuma
Pl. ġehīersumiaþ
Inflected Infinitive
to ġehīersumienne
seo gyrd
Nominative (the/that seo) ġyrd (the/those þá) ġyrda|ġyrde
Accusative (the/that þa) ġyrde (the/those þá) ġyrda|ġyrde
Genitive (the/that þære) ġyrde (the/those þára) ġyrda
Dative (the/that þære) ġyrde (the/those þæm) ġyrdum
seo hyð
Nominative (the/that séo) hýþ (the/those þá) hýþa
Accusative (the/that þá) hýþe (the/those þá) hýþa
Genitive (the/that þære) hýþe (the/those þára) hýþa
Dative (the/that þære) hýþe (the/those þæm) hýþum
Small landing place on a river or shore
Sg. 1 ic i smerciġe ic i smercode
2 þu you smercast þu you smercodest
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she smercaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she smercode
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they smerciaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they smercodon
Sg. smerciġe smercode
Pl. smerciġen smercoden
Past. Part: smerciende
Past part: smercod
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. smerca
Pl. smerciaþ
Inflected Infinitive
to smercienne
seo bletsung
seo glóf
Nominative (the/that séo) glóf (the/those þá) glófa
Accusative (the/that þá) glófe (the/those þá) glófa
Genitive (the/that þære) glófe (the/those þára) glófa
Dative (the/that þære) glófe (the/those þæm) glófum
happy, prosperous
se hróf
Strong Masculine Noun
Nominative (the/that se) hróf (the/those þá) hrófas
Accusative (the/that þone) hróf (the/those þá) hrófas
Genitive (the/that þæs) hrófes (the/those þára) hrófa
Dative (the/that þæm) hrófe (the/those þæm) hrófum
roof ceiling top summit heaven sky
Verb strong class 6
Sg. 1 ic i slēa ic i slōg|slōh
2 þu you sliehst þu you slōge
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she sliehþ he/hit/heo he/it/she slōg|slōh
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they slēaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they slōgon
Sg. slēa slōge
Pl. slēan slōgen
Pres. part: slēande
past part: slæġen|slagen|sleġen
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. sleah
Inflected Infinitive
to slēanne
- to hit ; beat ; strike ; punch 2. to mint 3. to kill (especially violently); to slay 4. to slaughter an animal for food
Verb strong class 5
Sg. 1 ic i āġiefe ic i āġeaf
2 þu you āġiefst þu you āġēafe
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she āġiefþ he/hit/heo he/it/she āġeaf
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they āġiefaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they āġēafon
Sg. āġiefe āġēafe
Pl. āġiefen āġēafen
Pres. part: āġiefende
past part: āġefen
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. āġief
Inflected Infinitive
to āġiefenne
to give back ; return
áht (or awiht)
Strong Neuter Noun
Nominative (the/that þæt) áht (the/those þá) áht
Accusative (the/that þæt) áht (the/those þá) áht
Genitive (the/that þæs) áhtes (the/those þára) áhta
Dative (the/that þæm) áhte (the/those þæm) áhtum
Nominative (the/that þæt) áwiht (the/those þá) áwihtu
Accusative (the/that þæt) áwiht (the/those þá) áwihtu
Genitive (the/that þæs) áwihtes (the/those þára) áwihta
Dative (the/that þæm) áwihte (the/those þæm) áwihtum
anything something