Lytlan Aethelinge 6 Flashcards
- to burst; split into pieces; break into chinks 2. to gape; yawn
cinan Verb strong class 1Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i ċīne ic i cān2 þu you ċīnst þu you ċine3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ċīnþ he/hit/heo he/it/she cānPl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ċīnaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ċinonSubjunctiveSg. ċīne ċinePl. ċīnen ċinenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) ċīnende ċinenImperative (direct command)Sg. ċīnPl.ċīnaþInflected Infinitiveto ċīnenne
reckoning account condition stipulation intention reason wisdom discernment accuracy þus ~ such of this kind hú ~es how
gerád Strong Neuter Noungerád Singular PluralNominative (the/that þæt) gerád (the/those þá) gerádAccusative (the/that þæt) gerád (the/those þá) gerádGenitive (the/that þæs) gerádes (the/those þára) gerádaDative (the/that þæm) geráde (the/those þæm) gerádum
hard ; harsh ; austere ; severe ; rigorous ; stern ; stubborn ; firm ; hardy ; brave
heard adjective
Roughness of the weather of the sea storm
hreóh Strong Feminine Nounhreóh Singular PluralNominative (the/that séo) hreóh (the/those þá) hreóhaAccusative (the/that þá) hreóhe (the/those þá) hreóhaGenitive (the/that þære) hreóhe (the/those þára) hreóhaDative (the/that þære) hreóhe (the/those þæm) hreóhum
to hide conceal
- to take counsel ; care for ; appoint ; determine ; fix 2. to conjecture ; guess ; prophesy ; utter ; interpret; read 3. to read a riddle ; read what is written 4. to prepare; ready
arædan Verb weak class 1Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i ārǣde ic i ārǣdde2 þu you ārǣdest|ārǣtst þu you ārǣddest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ārǣdeþ|ārǣtt|ārǣt he/hit/heo he/it/she ārǣddePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ārǣdaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ārǣddonSubjunctiveSg. ārǣde ārǣddePl. ārǣden ārǣddenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) ārǣdende ārǣdedImperative (direct command)Sg. ārǣdPl.ārǣdaþInflected Infinitiveto ārǣdenne
unity oneness concord simplicity singleness
ánfealdnes Strong Feminine Nounánfealdnes Singular PluralNominative (the/that séo) ánfealdnes (the/those þá) ánfealdnessaAccusative (the/that þá) ánfealdnesse (the/those þá) ánfealdnessaGenitive (the/that þære) ánfealdnesse (the/those þára) ánfealdnessaDative (the/that þære) ánfealdnesse (the/those þæm) ánfealdnesum
agreeableAgreeably acceptably
ge-cwémlíc, gecwémlíce
morning meal
morgenmete Masculine Noun - irregular endingmorgenmete Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) morgenmete (the/those þá) morgenmettasAccusative (the/that þone) morgenmete (the/those þá) morgenmettasGenitive (the/that þæs) morgenmetees (the/those þára) morgenmettasDative (the/that þæm) morgenmetee (the/those þæm) morgenmettas
- to amaze 2. to confuse
amarian Verb weak class 2Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i āmariġe ic i āmarode2 þu you āmarast þu you āmarodest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she āmaraþ he/hit/heo he/it/she āmarodePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they āmariaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they āmarodonSubjunctiveSg. āmariġe āmarodePl. āmariġen āmarodenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) āmariende āmarodImperative (direct command)Sg. āmaraPl.āmariaþInflected Infinitiveto āmarienne
wætercrúce Weak Feminine Nounwætercrúce Singular PluralNominative (the/that séo) wætercrúce (the/those þá) wætercrúcanAccusative (the/that þá) wætercrúcan (the/those þá) wætercrúcanGenitive (the/that þære) wætercrúcan (the/those þára) wætercrúcenaDative (the/that þære) wætercrúcan (the/those þæm) wætercrúcum
cover with liquid
to consume
gedrettan Verb Weak wv/t1aVerb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i gedrette ic i gedrettede2 þu you gedrettest þu you gedrettedest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she gedrettaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she gedrettedePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they gedrettaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they gedrettedonSubjunctiveSg. gedrette gedrettedePl. gedretten gedrettedenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) gedrettende gegedrettedImperative (direct command)Sg. gedrettePl.gedrettaþInflected Infinitiveto gedrettan
frivolity vanity emptiness falseness idleness vain existence uselessness futility worthlessness a worthless useless thing a vanity superstition a vain false religion lack of result ineffectiveness idleness lack of energy in/on ~se in vain
ídelnes Strong Feminine Nounídelnes Singular PluralNominative (the/that séo) ídelnes (the/those þá) ídelnessaAccusative (the/that þá) ídelnesse (the/those þá) ídelnessaGenitive (the/that þære) ídelnesse (the/those þára) ídelnessaDative (the/that þære) ídelnesse (the/those þæm) ídelnesum
tiger Noun strong a-stemtiger Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) tiger (the/those þá) tigrasAccusative (the/that þone) tiger (the/those þá) tigrasGenitive (the/that þæs) tigres (the/those þára) tigraDative (the/that þæm) tigre (the/those þæm) tigrum
spear ; lance ; pike ; javelin
spere Noun strong a-stemspere Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) spere (the/those þá) speruAccusative (the/that þone) spere (the/those þá) speruGenitive (the/that þæs) speres (the/those þára) speraDative (the/that þæm) spere (the/those þæm) sperum
- the nail of a finger or toe 2. a nail or peg as a fastening He nailed a nail into the wall 3. an instrument used to play the strings of a harp ; a plectrum; (in compounds) handle
nægl Noun strong a-stemnægl Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) næġl (the/those þá) næglasAccusative (the/that þone) næġl (the/those þá) næglasGenitive (the/that þæs) næġles (the/those þára) næglaDative (the/that þæm) næġle (the/those þæm) næglum
to show mercy to ; spare He spares none of the Danish people ; but carries on his delight ; slaying and dispatching
arian Verb weak class 2Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i āriġe ic i ārode2 þu you ārast þu you ārodest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she āraþ he/hit/heo he/it/she ārodePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they āriaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ārodonSubjunctiveSg. āriġe ārodePl. āriġen ārodenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) āriende ārodImperative (direct command)Sg. āraPl.āriaþInflected Infinitiveto ārienne
to be afraid surprised fear dread
forhtian Verb Weak wv/t2Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i forhte ic i forhtede2 þu you forhtest þu you forhtedest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she forhtaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she forhtedePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they forhtaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they forhtedonSubjunctiveSg. forhte forhtedePl. forhten forhtedenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) forhtende geforhtedImperative (direct command)Sg. forhtePl.forhtaþInflected Infinitiveto forhtan
terrible horrible
evening sunset
æfnung Strong Feminine Nounæfnung Singular PluralNominative (the/that séo) æfnung (the/those þá) æfnungaAccusative (the/that þá) æfnunge (the/those þá) æfnungaGenitive (the/that þære) æfnunge (the/those þára) æfnungaDative (the/that þære) æfnunge (the/those þæm) æfnungum
- to place in order; arrange 2. to regulate 3. to bring together; join; unite
gelogian Verb weak class 2Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i ġelōgiġe ic i ġelōgode2 þu you ġelōgast þu you ġelōgodest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ġelōgaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she ġelōgodePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġelōgiaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġelōgodonSubjunctiveSg. ġelōgiġe ġelōgodePl. ġelōgiġen ġelōgodenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) ġelōgiende ġelōgodImperative (direct command)Sg. ġelōgaPl.ġelōgiaþInflected Infinitiveto ġelōgienne
vitreous glassy
pott Strong Masculine Nounpott Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) pott (the/those þá) pottasAccusative (the/that þone) pott (the/those þá) pottasGenitive (the/that þæs) pottes (the/those þára) pottaDative (the/that þæm) potte (the/those þæm) pottum
to make dull stupefy to repress
gestyntan Verb Weak wv/t1bVerb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i gestynte ic i gestyntede2 þu you gestyntest þu you gestyntedest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she gestyntaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she gestyntedePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they gestyntaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they gestyntedonSubjunctiveSg. gestynte gestyntedePl. gestynten gestyntedenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) gestyntende gegestyntedImperative (direct command)Sg. gestyntePl.gestyntaþInflected Infinitiveto gestyntan
- a kernel 2. a hard concretion in the flesh ; an indurated gland or strumous swelling 3. a tonsil
cyrnel Noun strong a-stemcyrnel Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) cyrnel (the/those þá) cyrnlasAccusative (the/that þone) cyrnel (the/those þá) cyrnlasGenitive (the/that þæs) cyrnles (the/those þára) cyrnlaDative (the/that þæm) cyrnle (the/those þæm) cyrnlum
lying vain or frivolous speech fiction false witness
leásung Strong Feminine Nounleásung Singular PluralNominative (the/that séo) leásung (the/those þá) leásungaAccusative (the/that þá) leásunge (the/those þá) leásungaGenitive (the/that þære) leásunge (the/those þára) leásungaDative (the/that þære) leásunge (the/those þæm) leásungum
to offend ; transgress ; do wrongly; misdo
misdon Verb irregularVerb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i misdō ic i misdyde2 þu you misdēst þu you misdydest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she misdēþ he/hit/heo he/it/she misdydePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they misdōþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they misdydonSubjunctiveSg. misdō misdydePl. misdōn misdydenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) misdōnde misdōnImperative (direct command)Sg. misdōPl.misdōþInflected Infinitiveto misdōnne
fetch, bring to
to force
geniedan Verb weak class 1Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i ġenīede ic i ġenīedde2 þu you ġenīedest|ġenīetst þu you ġenīeddest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ġenīedeþ|ġenīett|ġenīet he/hit/heo he/it/she ġenīeddePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġenīedaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġenīeddonSubjunctiveSg. ġenīede ġenīeddePl. ġenīeden ġenīeddenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) ġenīedende ġenīededImperative (direct command)Sg. ġenīedPl.ġenīedaþInflected Infinitiveto ġenīedenne
inspiration incitement ardor animation compunction feeling remorse compunction contrition
onbryrdnes Strong Feminine Nounonbryrdnes Singular PluralNominative (the/that séo) onbryrdnes (the/those þá) onbryrdnessaAccusative (the/that þá) onbryrdnesse (the/those þá) onbryrdnessaGenitive (the/that þære) onbryrdnesse (the/those þára) onbryrdnessaDative (the/that þære) onbryrdnesse (the/those þæm) onbryrdnesum
to listen ; hear
hlystan Verb weak class 1Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i hlyste ic i hlyste2 þu you hlystest|hlyst þu you hlystest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she hlysteþ|hlyst he/hit/heo he/it/she hlystePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they hlystaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they hlystonSubjunctiveSg. hlyste hlystePl. hlysten hlystenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) hlystende hlystedImperative (direct command)Sg. hlystPl.hlystaþInflected Infinitiveto hlystenne
to fill (with)
afyllan Verb weak class 1Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i āfylle ic i āfylde2 þu you āfyllest|āfylst þu you āfyldest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she āfylleþ|āfylþ he/hit/heo he/it/she āfyldePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they āfyllaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they āfyldonSubjunctiveSg. āfylle āfyldePl. āfyllen āfyldenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) āfyllende āfylledImperative (direct command)Sg. āfyllPl.āfyllaþInflected Infinitiveto āfyllenne
to prick; goad; incite; urge; constrain
bryrdan Verb weak class 1Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i bryrde ic i bryrde2 þu you bryrdest|bryrst|bryrtst þu you bryrdest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she bryrdeþ|bryrt he/hit/heo he/it/she bryrdePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they bryrdaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they bryrdonSubjunctiveSg. bryrde bryrdePl. bryrden bryrdenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) bryrdende bryrdedImperative (direct command)Sg. bryrdPl.bryrdaþInflected Infinitiveto bryrdenne
- to move 2. to stir together ; mix up
gehreran Verb weak class 1Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i ġehrēre ic i ġehrērde2 þu you ġehrērest|ġehrērst þu you ġehrērdest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ġehrēreþ|ġehrērþ he/hit/heo he/it/she ġehrērdePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġehrēraþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġehrērdonSubjunctiveSg. ġehrēre ġehrērdePl. ġehrēren ġehrērdenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) ġehrērende ġehrēredImperative (direct command)Sg. ġehrērPl.ġehrēraþInflected Infinitiveto ġehrērenne
to glow
glowan Verb strong class 7Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i glōwe ic i glēow2 þu you glēwst þu you glēowe3 he/hit/heo he/it/she glēwþ he/hit/heo he/it/she glēowPl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they glōwaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they glēowonSubjunctiveSg. glōwe glēowePl. glōwen glēowenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) glōwende glōwenImperative (direct command)Sg. glōwPl.glōwaþInflected Infinitiveto glōwenne
softness weakness effeminacy soft part of anything
hnescnes Strong Feminine Nounhnescnes Singular PluralNominative (the/that séo) hnescnes (the/those þá) hnescnessaAccusative (the/that þá) hnescnesse (the/those þá) hnescnessaGenitive (the/that þære) hnescnesse (the/those þára) hnescnessaDative (the/that þære) hnescnesse (the/those þæm) hnescnesum
poor ; miserable
wiðercwidennes Strong Feminine Nounwiðercwidennes Singular PluralNominative (the/that séo) wiðercwidennes (the/those þá) wiðercwidennessaAccusative (the/that þá) wiðercwidennesse (the/those þá) wiðercwidennessaGenitive (the/that þære) wiðercwidennesse (the/those þára) wiðercwidennessaDative (the/that þære) wiðercwidennesse (the/those þæm) wiðercwidennesum
- a journey or going 2. a march or expedition
faru Noun strong ō-stemfaru Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) faru (the/those þá) fara|fareAccusative (the/that þone) fare (the/those þá) fara|fareGenitive (the/that þæs) fare (the/those þára) faraDative (the/that þæm) fare (the/those þæm) farum
to become beautiful adorn decorate
fægrian Verb Weak wv/t2Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i fægre ic i fægrede2 þu you fægrest þu you fægredest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she fægraþ he/hit/heo he/it/she fægredePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they fægraþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they fægredonSubjunctiveSg. fægre fægredePl. fægren fægredenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) fægrende gefægredImperative (direct command)Sg. fægrePl.fægraþInflected Infinitiveto fægran
- mountain ; hill 2. mound ; heap of stones ; barrow 3. high beach ; elevated shore
beorg Noun strong a-stembeorg Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) beorg (the/those þá) beorgasAccusative (the/that þone) beorg (the/those þá) beorgasGenitive (the/that þæs) beorges (the/those þára) beorgaDative (the/that þæm) beorge (the/those þæm) beorgum
- flame 2. fire; lightning
lieg Noun strong a-stemlieg Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) līeġ (the/those þá) līeġasAccusative (the/that þone) līeġ (the/those þá) līeġasGenitive (the/that þæs) līeġes (the/those þára) līeġaDative (the/that þæm) līeġe (the/those þæm) līeġum
to spew up vomit
áspíwan Verb Strong sv/t1Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i áspíwe ic i áspáw2 þu you áspíwest þu you áspiwe3 he/hit/heo he/it/she {áspíweþ}{áspíwþ} he/hit/heo he/it/she áspáwPl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they áspíwaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they áspiwonSubjunctiveSg. áspíwe áspiwePl. áspíwen áspiwenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) áspíwende {geáspiwen}{áspiwen}Imperative (direct command)Sg. áspíwePl.áspíwaþInflected Infinitiveto áspíwan
- alive; live ; living 2. mentally agile; intelligent ; keen
cwic adjective
make ready
to burn
biernan Verb strong class 3Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i bierne ic i barn|born|bearn2 þu you biernst þu you burne3 he/hit/heo he/it/she biernþ he/hit/heo he/it/she barn|born|bearnPl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they biernaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they burnonSubjunctiveSg. bierne burnePl. biernen burnenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) biernende burnenImperative (direct command)Sg. biernPl.biernaþInflected Infinitiveto biernenne
to burst out burst forth
útáberstan Verb Strong sv/t3Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i útáberstan ic i útáberstan2 þu you útáberstan þu you útáberstan3 he/hit/heo he/it/she útáberstan he/hit/heo he/it/she útáberstanPl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they útáberstan we/ge/hie we/ye/they útáberstanSubjunctiveSg. útáberstan útáberstanPl. útáberstan útáberstanParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) útáberstan útáberstanImperative (direct command)Sg. útáberstanPl.útáberstanInflected Infinitiveto útáberstan
kiln oven
cylen Strong Feminine Nouncylen Singular PluralNominative (the/that séo) cylen (the/those þá) cylenaAccusative (the/that þá) cylene (the/those þá) cylenaGenitive (the/that þære) cylene (the/those þára) cylenaDative (the/that þære) cylene (the/those þæm) cylenum
to tear away
áteran Verb Strong sv/t4Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i átire ic i átær2 þu you átirest þu you átære3 he/hit/heo he/it/she átireþ he/hit/heo he/it/she átærPl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they átiraþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they átæronSubjunctiveSg. átire átærePl. átiren átærenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) átirende geátorenImperative (direct command)Sg. átirePl.átiraþInflected Infinitiveto átiran
the end the last uttermost
- sweet 2. cute
last hindmost
- to complain ; bewail 2. to weep
wepan Verb strong class 7Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i wēpe ic i wēop2 þu you wēpst þu you wēope3 he/hit/heo he/it/she wēpþ he/hit/heo he/it/she wēopPl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they wēpaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they wēoponSubjunctiveSg. wēpe wēopePl. wēpen wēopenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) wēpende wōpenImperative (direct command)Sg. wēpPl.wēpaþInflected Infinitiveto wēpenne
reproach ; contempt ; contumely ; insult ; blasphemy
hosp Noun strong a-stemhosp Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) hosp (the/those þá) asAccusative (the/that þone) hosp (the/those þá) asGenitive (the/that þæs) hospes (the/those þára) aDative (the/that þæm) hospe (the/those þæm) um
to stand ; stop ; remain ; cease ; rest ; stand still ; stand up ; withstand
ætstandan Verb strong class 6Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i ætstande ic i ætstōd2 þu you ætstenst|ætstentst þu you ætstōde3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ætstent he/hit/heo he/it/she ætstōdPl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ætstandaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ætstōdonSubjunctiveSg. ætstande ætstōdePl. ætstanden ætstōdenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) ætstandende ætstandenImperative (direct command)Sg. ætstandPl.ætstandaþInflected Infinitiveto ætstandenne
mild peaceful serene still gentle
gentleness courtesy weakness
manþwærnes Strong Feminine Nounmanþwærnes Singular PluralNominative (the/that séo) manþwærnes (the/those þá) manþwærnessaAccusative (the/that þá) manþwærnesse (the/those þá) manþwærnessaGenitive (the/that þære) manþwærnesse (the/those þára) manþwærnessaDative (the/that þære) manþwærnesse (the/those þæm) manþwærnesum
- broom 2. rod
besma Noun weakbesma Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) besma (the/those þá) besmanAccusative (the/that þone) besman (the/those þá) besmanGenitive (the/that þæs) besman (the/those þára) besmenaDative (the/that þæm) besman (the/those þæm) besmum
Guilt debt reatus debitum
gescyld Strong Neuter Noungescyld Singular PluralNominative (the/that þæt) gescyld (the/those þá) gescyldAccusative (the/that þæt) gescyld (the/those þá) gescyldGenitive (the/that þæs) gescyldes (the/those þára) gescyldaDative (the/that þæm) gescylde (the/those þæm) gescyldum
- of worth or value ; valuable 2. worthy ; noble ; distinguished ; excellent ; splendid 3. worthy ; meet ; fit ; becoming
to give rest to lodge
gerestan Verb Weak wv/t1bVerb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i gereste ic i gerestede2 þu you gerestest þu you gerestedest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she gerestaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she gerestedePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they gerestaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they gerestedonSubjunctiveSg. gereste gerestedePl. geresten gerestedenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) gerestende gegerestedImperative (direct command)Sg. gerestePl.gerestaþInflected Infinitiveto gerestan
- to act ; perform ; practise 2. to bear ; suffer ; endure
adreogan Verb strong class 2Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i ādrēoge ic i ādrēag|ādrēah2 þu you ādrīeġst þu you ādruge3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ādrīeġþ he/hit/heo he/it/she ādrēag|ādrēahPl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ādrēogaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ādrugonSubjunctiveSg. ādrēoge ādrugePl. ādrēogen ādrugenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) ādrēogende ādrogenImperative (direct command)Sg. ādrēog|ādrēohPl.ādrēogaþInflected Infinitiveto ādrēogenne
weevil mite beetle caterpillar canber worm
ymel Masculine Noun - irregular ending(ymles/ymlas) ymel Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) ymel (the/those þá) ymlasAccusative (the/that þone) ymel (the/those þá) ymlasGenitive (the/that þæs) ymles (the/those þára) ymelaDative (the/that þæm) ymle (the/those þæm) ymelum
- to seek (after) 2. to visit ; go to ; approach
gesecan Verb weak class 1Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i ġesēċe ic i ġesōhte2 þu you ġesēċest|ġesēcst þu you ġesōhtest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ġesēċeþ|ġesēcþ he/hit/heo he/it/she ġesōhtePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġesēċaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġesōhtonSubjunctiveSg. ġesēċe ġesōhtePl. ġesēċen ġesōhtenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) ġesēċende ġesōhtImperative (direct command)Sg. ġesēċPl.ġesēċaþInflected Infinitiveto ġesēċenne
Timid abashed
forhtig Strong adjective
to show, appear
agitated ; disturbed ; irksome ; sad
to travel ; journey
siþian Verb weak class 2Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i sīþiġe ic i sīþode2 þu you sīþast þu you sīþodest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she sīþaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she sīþodePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they sīþiaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they sīþodonSubjunctiveSg. sīþiġe sīþodePl. sīþiġen sīþodenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) sīþiende sīþodImperative (direct command)Sg. sīþaPl.sīþiaþInflected Infinitiveto sīþienne
Steadfast eager bold courageous daring