OE 6 Flashcards
strong fem
Nominative (the/that séo) stów (the/those þá) stówa
Accusative (the/that þá) stówe (the/those þá) stówa
Genitive (the/that þære) stówe (the/those þára) stówa
Dative (the/that þære) stówe (the/those þæm) stówum
ic i ġehīere ic i ġehīerde
2 þu you ġehīerest|ġehīerst þu you ġehīerdest
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ġehīereþ|ġehīerþ he/hit/heo he/it/she ġehīerde
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġehīeraþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġehīerdon
Sg. ġehīere ġehīerde
Pl. ġehīeren ġehīerden
Pres. part: ġehīerende
Past part: ġehīered
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. ġehīer
Inflected Infinitive
to ġehīerenne
to hear, listen
strong neut
Nominative (the/that þæt) denn (the/those þá) denn
Accusative (the/that þæt) denn (the/those þá) denn
Genitive (the/that þæs) dennes (the/those þára) denna
Dative (the/that þæm) denne (the/those þæm) dennum
den (lair), pasture (for swine?)
Nominative (the/that se) hæsl (the/those þá) hæslas
Accusative (the/that þone) hæsl (the/those þá) hæslas
Genitive (the/that þæs) hæsles (the/those þára) hæsla
Dative (the/that þæm) hæsle (the/those þæm) hæslum
wig (also spelled weoh)
strong neuter
Nominative (the/that þæt) wíg (the/those þá) wíg
Accusative (the/that þæt) wíg (the/those þá) wíg
Genitive (the/that þæs) wíges (the/those þára) wíga
Dative (the/that þæm) wíge (the/those þæm) wígum
sacred place, shrine
strong neuter
Nominative (the/that þæt) geat (the/those þá) gatu
Accusative (the/that þæt) geat (the/those þá) gatu
Genitive (the/that þæs) geates (the/those þára) gata
Dative (the/that þæm) geate (the/those þæm) gatum
sihter (or seohter)
Nominative (the/that se) seohter (the/those þá) seohtras
Accusative (the/that þone) seohter (the/those þá) seohtras
Genitive (the/that þæs) seohtres (the/those þára) seohtera
Dative (the/that þæm) seohtre (the/those þæm) seohterum
drain, ditch, pipe through which water is routed
masc weak
Nominative (the/that se) burna (the/those þá) burnan
Accusative (the/that þone) burnan (the/those þá) burnan
Genitive (the/that þæs) burnan (the/those þára) burnena
Dative (the/that þæm) burnan (the/those þæm) burnum
brook, stream
se hola, hol
Nominative (the/that se) hola (the/those þá) holan
Accusative (the/that þone) holan (the/those þá) holan
Genitive (the/that þæs) holan (the/those þára) holena
Dative (the/that þæm) holan (the/those þæm) holum
hole hollow
se weg
Nominative (the/that se) weġ (the/those þá) wegas
Accusative (the/that þone) weġ (the/those þá) wegas
Genitive (the/that þæs) weġes (the/those þára) wega
Dative (the/that þæm) weġe (the/those þæm) wegum
path, road, way
strong fem
Nominative (the/that séo) dic (the/those þá) dica
Accusative (the/that þá) dice (the/those þá) dica
Genitive (the/that þære) dice (the/those þára) dica
Dative (the/that þære) dice (the/those þæm) dicum
se/seo wroht
Nominative (the/that se) wrōht (the/those þá) wrōhta/wrōhte
Accusative (the/that þone) wrōhte (the/those þá) wrōhta/wrōhte
Genitive (the/that þæs) wrōhte (the/those þára) wrōhta
Dative (the/that þæm) wrōhte (the/those þæm) wrōhtum
blame, accusation
great, massive
on cases
The preposition on takes an accusative when it means onto (i.e. movement) and takes a dative when it means on (i.e. static location).
þurh Godes miltsiendan gife
through god’s merciful grace
se hryre
Nominative (the/that se) hryre (the/those þá) hryras
Accusative (the/that þone) hryre (the/those þá) hryras
Genitive (the/that þæs) hryres (the/those þára) hryra
Dative (the/that þæm) hryre (the/those þæm) hryrum
downfall, ruin
strong, 4
Sg. 1 ic i ġebrece ic i ġebræc
2 þu you ġebricst þu you ġebrǣce
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ġebricþ he/hit/heo he/it/she ġebræc
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġebrecaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġebrǣcon
Sg. ġebrece ġebrǣce
Pl. ġebrecen ġebrǣcen
Pres. part: ġebrecende
Past part: ġebrocen
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. ġebrec
to destroy, break, crush
se beorn
Nominative (the/that se) beorn (the/those þá) beornas
Accusative (the/that þone) beorn (the/those þá) beornas
Genitive (the/that þæs) beornes (the/those þára) beorna
Dative (the/that þæm) beorne (the/those þæm) beornum
man, warrior
cheerful, joyous
seo gleomu
strong fem
Nominative (the/that séo) gleomu (the/those þá) gleoma
Accusative (the/that þá) gleome (the/those þá) gleoma
Genitive (the/that þære) gleome (the/those þára) gleoma
Dative (the/that þære) gleome (the/those þæm) gleomum
Sg. 1 ic i frætwe ic i frætwede
2 þu you frætwest þu you frætwedest
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she frætwaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she frætwede
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they frætwaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they frætwedon
Sg. frætwe frætwede
Pl. frætwen frætweden
Pres. part: frætwende
Past part: gefrætwed
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. frætwe
to adorn, clothe over
splendidly adorned with gold
flown with wine
strong fem
Nominative (the/that séo) wíghyrst (the/those þá) wíghyrsta
Accusative (the/that þá) wíghyrste (the/those þá) wíghyrsta
Genitive (the/that þære) wíghyrste (the/those þára) wíghyrsta
Dative (the/that þære) wíghyrste (the/those þæm) wíghyrstum
war gear
Sg. 1 ic i sċīne ic i sċān
2 þu you sċīnst þu you sċine
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she sċīnþ he/hit/heo he/it/she sċān
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they sċīnaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they sċinon
Sg. sċīne sċine
Pl. sċīnen sċinen
Pres. part: sċīnende
Past part: sċinen
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. sċīn
to shine
þæt sinc
Nominative (the/that þæt) sinc (the/those þá) sinc
Accusative (the/that þæt) sinc (the/those þá) sinc
Genitive (the/that þæs) sinces (the/those þára) sinca
Dative (the/that þæm) since (the/those þæm) sincum
treasure (poetic)
seo ǣht
Nominative (the/that seo) ǣht (the/those þá) ǣhte|ǣhta
Accusative (the/that þa) ǣht|ǣhte (the/those þá) ǣhte|ǣhta
Genitive (the/that þære) ǣhte (the/those þára) ǣhta
Dative (the/that þære) ǣhte (the/those þæm) ǣhtum
possession, property
strong masc
Nominative (the/that se) eorcanstán (the/those þá) eorcanstánas
Accusative (the/that þone) eorcanstán (the/those þá) eorcanstánas
Genitive (the/that þæs) eorcanstánes (the/those þára) eorcanstána
Dative (the/that þæm) eorcanstáne (the/those þæm) eorcanstánum
precious stone
þæt stánhof
Nominative (the/that þæt) stánhof (the/those þá) stánhofu
Accusative (the/that þæt) stánhof (the/those þá) stánhofu
Genitive (the/that þæs) stánhofes (the/those þára) stánhofa
Dative (the/that þæm) stánhofe (the/those þæm) stánhofum
stone house
se stream
Nominative (the/that se) strēam (the/those þá) strēamas
Accusative (the/that þone) strēam (the/those þá) strēamas
Genitive (the/that þæs) strēames (the/those þára) strēama
Dative (the/that þæm) strēame (the/those þæm) strēamum
stream, current
se wylm
strong masc
Nominative (the/that se) wylm (the/those þá) wylmas
Accusative (the/that þone) wylm (the/those þá) wylmas
Genitive (the/that þæs) wylmes (the/those þára) wylma
Dative (the/that þæm) wylme (the/those þæm) wylmum
burning flame
se weal
Nominative (the/that se) weall (the/those þá) weallas
Accusative (the/that þone) weall (the/those þá) weallas
Genitive (the/that þæs) wealles (the/those þára) wealla
Dative (the/that þæm) wealle (the/those þæm) weallum
strong 7
Sg. 1 ic i befō ic i befēng
2 þu you befēhst þu you befēnge
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she befēhþ he/hit/heo he/it/she befēng
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they befōþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they befēngon
Sg. befō befēnge
Pl. befōn befēngen
Pres. part: befōnde
Past part: befangen
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. befōh
comprehend, grasp, surround, encompass
Nominative (the/that se) bōsm (the/those þá) bōsmas
Accusative (the/that þone) bōsm (the/those þá) bōsmas
Genitive (the/that þæs) bōsmes (the/those þára) bōsma
Dative (the/that þæm) bōsme (the/those þæm) bōsmum
breast, chest
þæt bæþ
strong Nominative (the/that þæt) bæþ (the/those þá) baþu
Accusative (the/that þæt) bæþ (the/those þá) baþu
Genitive (the/that þæs) bæþes (the/those þára) baþa
Dative (the/that þæm) bæþe (the/those þæm) baþum
bath, baptismal font
se hreðer
masc irregular
Nominative (the/that se) hreðer (the/those þá) hreðras
Accusative (the/that þone) hreðer (the/those þá) hreðras
Genitive (the/that þæs) hreðres (the/those þára) hreðera
Dative (the/that þæm) hreðre (the/those þæm) hreðerum
(literal) chest, bosom, torso; (fig) heart, mind
seo strǣt
Nominative (the/that seo) strǣt (the/those þá) strǣta|strǣte
Accusative (the/that þa) strǣte (the/those þá) strǣta|strǣte
Genitive (the/that þære) strǣte (the/those þára) strǣta
Dative (the/that þære) strǣte (the/those þæm) strǣtum
street, road
se flor
Nominative (the/that se) flōr (the/those þá) flōra/flōre
Accusative (the/that þone) flōre (the/those þá) flōra/flōre
Genitive (the/that þæs) flōre (the/those þára) flōra
Dative (the/that þæm) flōre (the/those þæm) flōrum
floor, ground
hraðe (or raðe)
strong 5
Sg. 1 ic i trede ic i træd
2 þu you tritst þu you trǣde
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she tritt|trit he/hit/heo he/it/she træd
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they tredaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they trǣdon
Sg. trede trǣde
Pl. treden trǣden
Pres. part: tredende
Past part: treden
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. tred
step on, trample
ugly, not fair
se broc
Nominative (the/that se) brōc (the/those þá) brōcas
Accusative (the/that þone) brōc (the/those þá) brōcas
Genitive (the/that þæs) brōces (the/those þára) brōca
Dative (the/that þæm) brōce (the/those þæm) brōcum
stream, brook
se croft
strong masc
Nominative (the/that se) croft (the/those þá) croftas
Accusative (the/that þone) croft (the/those þá) croftas
Genitive (the/that þæs) croftes (the/those þára) crofta
Dative (the/that þæm) crofte (the/those þæm) croftum
small field
se denu
Nominative (the/that se) denu (the/those þá) dena|dene
Accusative (the/that þone) dene (the/those þá) dena|dene
Genitive (the/that þæs) dene (the/those þára) dena
Dative (the/that þæm) dene (the/those þæm) denum
seo eorðbyrig, eorðburh
Nominative (the/that séo) eorðbyrig (the/those þá) eorðbyriga
Accusative (the/that þá) eorðbyrige (the/those þá) eorðbyriga
Genitive (the/that þære) eorðbyrige (the/those þára) eorðbyriga
Dative (the/that þære) eorðbyrige (the/those þæm) eorðbyrigum
se/þæt fenn
Nominative (the/that þæt) fenn (the/those þá) fenn|fennas
Accusative (the/that þæt) fenn (the/those þá) fenn|fennas
Genitive (the/that þæs) fennes (the/those þára) fenna
Dative (the/that þæm) fenne (the/those þæm) fennum
mud, fen, marsh
se graf
Nominative (the/that þæt) gráf (the/those þá) gráf
Accusative (the/that þæt) gráf (the/those þá) gráf
Genitive (the/that þæs) gráfes (the/those þára) gráfa
Dative (the/that þæm) gráfe (the/those þæm) gráfum
se hege
strong masc
Nominative (the/that se) HEGE (the/those þá) HEGEas
Accusative (the/that þone) HEGE (the/those þá) HEGEas
Genitive (the/that þæs) HEGEes (the/those þára) HEGEa
Dative (the/that þæm) HEGEe (the/those þæm) HEGEum
hedge, fence
seo hegeræw
strong fem
Nominative (the/that séo) hegeræw (the/those þá) hegeræwa
Accusative (the/that þá) hegeræwe (the/those þá) hegeræwa
Genitive (the/that þære) hegeræwe (the/those þára) hegeræwa
Dative (the/that þære) hegeræwe (the/those þæm) hegeræwum
se hlǣw
Nominative (the/that se) hlǣw (the/those þá) hlǣw
Accusative (the/that þone) hlǣw (the/those þá) hlǣw
Genitive (the/that þæs) hlǣwes (the/those þára) hlǣwa
Dative (the/that þæm) hlǣwe (the/those þæm) hlǣwum
mound, burial mound
se port
Nominative (the/that se) port (the/those þá) portas
Accusative (the/that þone) port (the/those þá) portas
Genitive (the/that þæs) portes (the/those þára) porta
Dative (the/that þæm) porte (the/those þæm) portum
port, town (esp. with market or harbour)
seo stow (e.g. Stow-on-the-Wold; cf. Chepstow = market town; and Bristol = Brycgstow: brycg bridge + stow place)
Nominative (the/that seo) stōw (the/those þá) stōwa|stōwe
Accusative (the/that þa) stōwe (the/those þá) stōwa|stōwe
Genitive (the/that þære) stōwe (the/those þára) stōwa
Dative (the/that þære) stōwe (the/those þæm) stōwum
place, site
sandy, dusty
perpetual, eternal
þæt ierfe
Nominative (the/that þæt) ierfe (the/those þá) ierfu
Accusative (the/that þæt) ierfe (the/those þá) ierfu
Genitive (the/that þæs) ierfes (the/those þára) ierfa
Dative (the/that þæm) ierfe (the/those þæm) ierfum
inheritance, bequest
Sg. 1 ic i ġeann ic i ġeūþe
2 þu you ġeanst þu you ġeūþest
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ġeann he/hit/heo he/it/she ġeūþe
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġeunnon we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġeūþon
Sg. ġeunne ġeūþe
Pl. ġeunnen ġeūþen
Pres. part: ġeunnende
Past part: ġeunnen
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. ġeunne
allow, grant or bestow
se peneg
strong masc
Nominative (the/that se) peneg (the/those þá) penegas
Accusative (the/that þone) peneg (the/those þá) penegas
Genitive (the/that þæs) peneges (the/those þára) penega
Dative (the/that þæm) penege (the/those þæm) penegum
a tax of a penny to be paid
þæt pund
strong neut
Nominative (the/that þæt) pund (the/those þá) pund
Accusative (the/that þæt) pund (the/those þá) pund
Genitive (the/that þæs) pundes (the/those þára) punda
Dative (the/that þæm) punde (the/those þæm) pundum
pound (weight or money)
Nominative (the/that se) eahta (the/those þá) eahtan
Accusative (the/that þone) eahtan (the/those þá) eahtan
Genitive (the/that þæs) eahtan (the/those þára) eahtena
Dative (the/that þæm) eahtan (the/those þæm) eahtum
þæt corn
strong neut
Nominative (the/that þæt) CORN (the/those þá) CORN
Accusative (the/that þæt) CORN (the/those þá) CORN
Genitive (the/that þæs) CORNes (the/those þára) CORNa
Dative (the/that þæm) CORNe (the/those þæm) CORNum
grain, seed, berry
lo! behold! come!
seo hand
Nominative (the/that seo) hand (the/those þá) handa
Accusative (the/that þa) hand (the/those þá) handa
Genitive (the/that þære) handa (the/those þára) handa
Dative (the/that þære) handa (the/those þæm) handum
inside, within
outside of, without
swutol, sweotol
Nu is þyses to gewittnesse
now is of-this (genitive) as witness or in more natural word order now as witness of this is… serves as a formula to introduce the list of witnesses to the transaction.
swa full and swa forð
as fully and completely
unforboden and unbesacen
unforbidden and uncontested
ægðer ge gehadode ge leawede
both clergy and laity
on wuda and on felde
se wudu
Nominative (the/that se) wudu (the/those þá) wuda
Accusative (the/that þone) wudu (the/those þá) wuda
Genitive (the/that þæs) wuda (the/those þára) wuda
Dative (the/that þæm) wuda (the/those þæm) wudum
se feld
Nominative (the/that se) feld (the/those þá) felda
Accusative (the/that þone) feld (the/those þá) felda
Genitive (the/that þæs) felda (the/those þára) felda
Dative (the/that þæm) felda (the/those þæm) feldum
in wood and in field
seo sáwol
strong fem
Nominative (the/that séo) sáwol (the/those þá) sáwla
Accusative (the/that þá) sáwol (the/those þá) sáwla
Genitive (the/that þære) sáwle (the/those þára) sáwla
Dative (the/that þære) sáwle (the/those þæm) sáwlum
þæt aht
neuter strong
Nominative (the/that þæt) áht (the/those þá) áht
Accusative (the/that þæt) áht (the/those þá) áht
Genitive (the/that þæs) áhtes (the/those þára) áhta
Dative (the/that þæm) áhte (the/those þæm) áhtum
anything, something