OE 8 Flashcards
waterless, dry
se pytt
Nominative (the/that se) pytt (the/those þá) pyttas
Accusative (the/that þone) pytt (the/those þá) pyttas
Genitive (the/that þæs) pyttes (the/those þára) pytta
Dative (the/that þæm) pytte (the/those þæm) pyttum
well, pit
strong, six
1 ic i ofslēa ic i ofslōg|ofslōh
2 þu you ofsliehst þu you ofslōge
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ofsliehþ he/hit/heo he/it/she ofslōg|ofslōh
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ofslēaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ofslōgon
Sg. ofslēa ofslōge
Pl. ofslēan ofslōgen
Pres. part: ofslēande
past part: ofslæġen|ofslagen|ofsleġen
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. ofsleah
Inflected Infinitive
to ofslēanne
to kill
1 ic i ġenerie ic i ġenerede
2 þu you ġenerest þu you ġeneredest
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ġenereþ he/hit/heo he/it/she ġenerede
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġeneriaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġeneredon
Sg. ġenerie ġenerede
Pl. ġenerien ġenereden
Pres. part: ġeneriende
past part: ġenered
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. ġenere
Inflected Infinitive
to ġenerienne
save, deliver, take away
1 ic i frete ic i frǣt
2 þu you fritst þu you frǣte
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she fritt|frit he/hit/heo he/it/she frǣt
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they fretaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they frǣton
Sg. frete frǣte
Pl. freten frǣten
Pres. part: fretende
past part: freten
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. fret
Inflected Infinitive
to fretenne
devour, break, burst
Sg. 1 ic i fremiġe ic i fremode
2 þu you fremast þu you fremodest
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she fremaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she fremode
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they fremiaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they fremodon
Sg. fremiġe fremode
Pl. fremiġen fremoden
Pres. part: fremiende
Past part: fremod
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. frema
Pl. fremiaþ
Inflected Infinitive
to fremienne
avail, benefit, do good
from afar
ær ðam þe
Sg. 1 ic i beswīce ic i beswāc
2 þu you beswīcst þu you beswice
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she beswīcþ he/hit/heo he/it/she beswāc
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they beswīcaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they beswicon
Sg. beswīce beswice
Pl. beswīcen beswicen
Pres. part: beswīcende
past part: beswicen
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. beswīc
Inflected Infinitive
to beswīcenne
deceive, lead astray
strong fem
Nominative (the/that séo) swicolnes (the/those þá) swicolnessa
Accusative (the/that þá) swicolnesse (the/those þá) swicolnessa
Genitive (the/that þære) swicolnesse (the/those þára) swicolnessa
Dative (the/that þære) swicolnesse (the/those þæm) swicolnesum
deceit, treachery
sona swa
as soon as
weak, 2
Sg. 1 ic i berēafiġe ic i berēafode
2 þu you berēafast þu you berēafodest
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she berēafaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she berēafode
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they berēafiaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they berēafodon
Sg. berēafiġe berēafode
Pl. berēafiġen berēafoden
Pres. part: berēafiende
past part: berēafod
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. berēafa
Inflected Infinitive
to berēafienne
to deprive, take away
strong 2
Sg. 1 ic i ágíete ic i ágéat
2 þu you ágíetest þu you águte
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ágíeteþ he/hit/heo he/it/she ágéat
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ágíetaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they águton
Sg. ágíete águte
Pl. ágíeten águten
Pres. part: ágíetende
past part: {geágoten}{águten}
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. ágíete
Inflected Infinitive
to ágéotan
to spill, pour out
Sg. 1 ic i ágiefe ic i ágeaf
2 þu you ágiefest þu you ágéafe
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ágiefeþ he/hit/heo he/it/she ágeaf
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ágiefaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ágéafon
Sg. ágiefe ágéafe
Pl. ágiefen ágéafen
Pres. part: ágiefende
Past part: geágiefen
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. ágiefe
Pl. ágiefaþ
Inflected Infinitive
to ágiefan
deliver, give over to
strong, 5
Sg. 1 ic i ete ic i ǣt
2 þu you itst þu you ǣte
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she itt|it he/hit/heo he/it/she ǣt
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they etaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ǣton
Sg. ete ǣte
Pl. eten ǣten
pres. part: etende
past part: eten
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. et
Inflected Infinitive
to etenne
weak 1
Sg. 1 ic i lǣde ic i lǣdde
2 þu you lǣdest|lǣtst þu you lǣddest
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she lǣdeþ|lǣtt|lǣt he/hit/heo he/it/she lǣdde
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they lǣdaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they lǣddon
Sg. lǣde lǣdde
Pl. lǣden lǣdden
Pres. part: lǣdende
past part: lǣded
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. lǣd
Inflected Infinitive
to lǣdenne
to lead
unnendre handa, unnendre heortan
with a giving hand, with a giving heart
good, noble
weak, masc
Nominative (the/that se) cýpa (the/those þá) cýpan
Accusative (the/that þone) cýpan (the/those þá) cýpan
Genitive (the/that þæs) cýpan (the/those þára) cýpena
Dative (the/that þæm) cýpan (the/those þæm) cýpum
chapman, trader, merchant
strong 2
Sg. 1 ic i tēo ic i tēah
2 þu you tīehst þu you tuge
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she tīehþ he/hit/heo he/it/she tēah
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they tēoþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they tugon
Sg. tēo tuge
Pl. tēon tugen
Pres. part: tēonde
past part: togen
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. tēoh
Inflected Infinitive
to tēonne
drag, draw, pull
butan ceape
without price, ie free
strong 7
Sg. 1 ic i fō ic i fēng
2 þu you fēhst þu you fēnge
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she fēhþ he/hit/heo he/it/she fēng
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they fōþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they fēngon
Sg. fō fēnge
Pl. fōn fēngen
Pres. part: fōnde
past part: fangen
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. fōh
Inflected Infinitive
to fōnne
catch, capture, seize
weak 2
Sg. 1 ic i ofmyrðre ic i ofmyrðrede
2 þu you ofmyrðrest þu you ofmyrðredest
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ofmyrðraþ he/hit/heo he/it/she ofmyrðrede
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ofmyrðraþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ofmyrðredon
Sg. ofmyrðre ofmyrðrede
Pl. ofmyrðren ofmyrðreden
Pres. part: ofmyrðrende
past part: geofmyrðred
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. ofmyrðre
Inflected Infinitive
to ofmyrðran
weak 2
Sg. 1 ic i mǣrsiġe ic i mǣrsode
2 þu you mǣrsast þu you mǣrsodest
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she mǣrsaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she mǣrsode
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they mǣrsiaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they mǣrsodon
Sg. mǣrsiġe mǣrsode
Pl. mǣrsiġen mǣrsoden
Pres. part: mǣrsiende
past part: mǣrsod
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. mǣrsa
Inflected Infinitive
to mǣrsienne
make great, make known
strong 5
Sg. 1 ic i wrece ic i wræc
2 þu you wricst þu you wrǣce
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she wricþ he/hit/heo he/it/she wræc
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they wrecaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they wrǣcon
Sg. wrece wrǣce
Pl. wrecen wrǣcen
pres. part: wrecende
past part: wrecen
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. wrec
Inflected Infinitive
to wrecenne
take revenge
se bana
Nominative (the/that se) bana (the/those þá) banan
Accusative (the/that þone) banan (the/those þá) banan
Genitive (the/that þæs) banan (the/those þára) banena
Dative (the/that þæm) banan (the/those þæm) banum
murderer, thing that causes death
seo gemynd
Nominative (the/that seo) ġemynd (the/those þá) ġemynde|ġemynda
Accusative (the/that þa) ġemynd|ġemynde (the/those þá) ġemynde|ġemynda
Genitive (the/that þære) ġemynde (the/those þára) ġemynda
Dative (the/that þære) ġemynde (the/those þæm) ġemyndum
memory, mind
weak 2
Sg. 1 ic i ādilgiġe ic i ādilgode
2 þu you ādilgast þu you ādilgodest
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ādilgaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she ādilgode
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ādilgiaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ādilgodon
SubjunctiveSg. ādilgiġe ādilgode
Pl. ādilgiġen ādilgoden
Pres. part: ādilgiende
past part: ādilgod
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. ādilga
Inflected Infinitive
to ādilgienne
destroy, wipe out
Se wrecend
Nominative (the/that se) wrecend (the/those þá) wrecend|wrecende|wrecendas
Accusative (the/that þone) wrecend (the/those þá) wrecend|wrecende|wrecendas
Genitive (the/that þæs) wrecendes (the/those þára) wrecendra
Dative (the/that þæm) wrecende (the/those þæm) wrecendum
Se lichama
weak masc
Nominative (the/that se) líchama (the/those þá) líchaman
Accusative (the/that þone) líchaman (the/those þá) líchaman
Genitive (the/that þæs) líchaman (the/those þára) líchamena
Dative (the/that þæm) líchaman (the/those þæm) líchamum
body, corpse, trunk
þæt cneow
Nominative (the/that þæt) cnēow (the/those þá) cnēow
Accusative (the/that þæt) cnēow (the/those þá) cnēow
Genitive (the/that þæs) cnēowes (the/those þára) cnēowa
Dative (the/that þæm) cnēowe (the/those þæm) cnēowum
opposite, against
se cnapa
Nominative (the/that se) cnapa (the/those þá) cnapan
Accusative (the/that þone) cnapan (the/those þá) cnapan
Genitive (the/that þæs) cnapan (the/those þára) cnapena
Dative (the/that þæm) cnapan (the/those þæm) cnapum
boy, young man, servant
ic neom, heo nys, hit næs, we næron, ic næbbe, heo næfð, ic hæfde, ic næfde, ic nylle, ic nolde
negatives of ic eom, heo ys, hit wæs, we wæron, ic hæbbe, heo hæfð, ic wylle, ic wolde
næfre, nan
never, none
strong 4
Sg. 1 ic i tere ic i tær
2 þu you tirest|tirst þu you tǣre
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she tireþ|tirþ he/hit/heo he/it/she tær
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they teraþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they tǣron
Sg. tere tǣre
Pl. teren tǣren
Pres. part: terende
past part: toren
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. ter
Inflected Infinitive
to terenne
to tear
strong 3
Sg. 1 ic i finde ic i fand
2 þu you finst|fintst þu you funde
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she fint he/hit/heo he/it/she fand
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they findaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they fundon
Sg. finde funde
Pl. finden funden
Pres. part: findende
past part: funden
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. find
Inflected Infinitive
to findenne
to find
strong 7
Sg. 1 ic i underfō ic i underfēng
2 þu you underfēhst þu you underfēnge
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she underfēhþ he/hit/heo he/it/she underfēng
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they underfōþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they underfēngon
Sg. underfō underfēnge
Pl. underfōn underfēngen
Pres. part: underfōnde
past part: underfangen
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. underfōh
Inflected Infinitive
to underfōnne
receive, get, submit to
weak class 1
1 ic i sċrȳde ic i sċrȳdde
2 þu you sċrȳdest|sċrȳtst þu you sċrȳddest
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she sċrȳdeþ|sċrȳtt|sċrȳt he/hit/heo he/it/she sċrȳdde
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they sċrȳdaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they sċrȳddon
Sg. sċrȳde sċrȳdde
Pl. sċrȳden sċrȳdden
Pres. part: sċrȳdende
past part: sċrȳded
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. sċrȳd
Inflected Infinitive
to sċrȳdenne
to clothe, provide with clothes
weak class 2
1 ic i ġesamniġe ic i ġesamnode
2 þu you ġesamnast þu you ġesamnodest
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ġesamnaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she ġesamnode
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġesamniaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġesamnodon
Sg. ġesamniġe ġesamnode
Pl. ġesamniġen ġesamnoden
Pres. part: ġesamniende
past part: ġesamnod
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. ġesamna
Inflected Infinitive
to ġesamnienne
- to collect ; bring together ; gather 2. to congregate ; come together ; assemble 3. to join ; draw together ; unite
Weak Feminine Noun
Nominative (the/that séo) hære (the/those þá) hæran
Accusative (the/that þá) hæran (the/those þá) hæran
Genitive (the/that þære) hæran (the/those þára) hærena
Dative (the/that þære) hæran (the/those þæm) hærum
sackcloth of hair
se cempa
Noun weak
Nominative (the/that se) cempa (the/those þá) cempan
Accusative (the/that þone) cempan (the/those þá) cempan
Genitive (the/that þæs) cempan (the/those þára) cempena
Dative (the/that þæm) cempan (the/those þæm) cempum
- soldier ; warrior 2. champion
se afyrida
Nominative (the/that se) afýrida (the/those þá) afýridan
Accusative (the/that þone) afýridan (the/those þá) afýridan
Genitive (the/that þæs) afýridan (the/those þára) afýridena
Dative (the/that þæm) afýridan (the/those þæm) afýridum
se ealdor
Noun strong a-stem
Nominative (the/that se) ealdor (the/those þá) ealdras
Accusative (the/that þone) ealdor (the/those þá) ealdras
Genitive (the/that þæs) ealdres (the/those þára) ealdra
Dative (the/that þæm) ealdre (the/those þæm) ealdrum
- elder ; parent ; head of a family; senior man 2. chief ; lord ; leader ; master 3. prince ; king 4. author; source ; origin ; authority ; derivation 5. (in the plural) ancestors 6. (religious) elder
- strange 2. foreign 3. (substantive) a stranger
Se þrymm
Noun strong a-stem
Nominative (the/that se) þrymm (the/those þá) þrymmas
Accusative (the/that þone) þrymm (the/those þá) þrymmas
Genitive (the/that þæs) þrymmes (the/those þára) þrymma
Dative (the/that þæm) þrymme (the/those þæm) þrymmum
- host ; army 2. force ; power ; glory
Se geweald
Noun strong-a-stem
Nominative (the/that se) ġeweald (the/those þá) ġeweald
Accusative (the/that þone) ġeweald (the/those þá) ġeweald
Genitive (the/that þæs) ġewealdes (the/those þára) ġewealda
Dative (the/that þæm) ġewealde (the/those þæm) ġewealdum
might ; strength ; control ; dominion ; command
Seo þeod
Nominative (the/that seo) þēod (the/those þá) þēoda|þēode
Accusative (the/that þa) þēode (the/those þá) þēoda|þēode
Genitive (the/that þære) þēode (the/those þára) þēoda
Dative (the/that þære) þēode (the/those þæm) þēodum
- people ; tribe ; nation 2. region ; country ; province 3. homeland 4. (in the plural) people ; population ; gentiles 5. language 6. (in compounds) arch- ; main ; great
often, frequent
Sg. 1 ic i derie ic i derede
2 þu you derest þu you deredest
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she dereþ he/hit/heo he/it/she derede
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they deriaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they deredon
Sg. derie derede
Pl. derien dereden
Pres. part: deriende
past part: dered
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. dere
Inflected Infinitive
to derienne
to hurt ; injure ( + dative)
weak class 2
Sg. 1 ic i wilniġe ic i wilnode
2 þu you wilnast þu you wilnodest
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she wilnaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she wilnode
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they wilniaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they wilnodon
Sg. wilniġe wilnode
Pl. wilniġen wilnoden
Pres. part: wilniende
past part: wilnod
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. wilna
Inflected Infinitive
to wilnienne
to ask for ; desire
Alternative form of ġeċierran
Sg. 1 ic i ġeċyrre ic i ġeċyrede
2 þu you ġeċyrest þu you ġeċyredest
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ġeċyreþ he/hit/heo he/it/she ġeċyrede
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġeċyrraþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġeċyredon
Sg. ġeċyrre ġeċyrede
Pl. ġeċyrren ġeċyreden
Pres. part: ġeċyrrende
past part: ġeċyred
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. ġeċyre
Inflected Infinitive
to ġeċyrrenne
to convert, turn to
þæt tácen
Neuter Noun - irregular ending(tácnes/-)
Nominative (the/that þæt) tácen (the/those þá) tácen
Accusative (the/that þæt) tácen (the/those þá) tácen
Genitive (the/that þæs) tácnes (the/those þára) tácena
Dative (the/that þæm) tácne (the/those þæm) tácenum
token symbol sign signal mark indication suggestion portent marvel wonder miracle evidence proof standard banner
weak class 1
Sg. 1 ic i sette ic i sette
2 þu you setst þu you settest
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she sett|set he/hit/heo he/it/she sette
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they settaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they setton
Sg. sette sette
Pl. setten setten
Pres. part: settende
past part: seted|sett|set
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. sete
Inflected Infinitive
to settenne
to establish ; place ; make
Verb weak class 1
Sg. 1 ic i weċġe ic i weġde
2 þu you weġst þu you weġdest
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she weġþ he/hit/heo he/it/she weġde
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they weċġaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they weġdon
Sg. weċġe weġde
Pl. weċġen weġden
Pres. part: weċġende
past part: weġed|weġd
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. weġe
Inflected Infinitive
to weċġenne
to wag; shake; drive hither and thither
se tægl
Noun strong a-stem
Nominative (the/that se) tæġl (the/those þá) tæġlas
Accusative (the/that þone) tæġl (the/those þá) tæġlas
Genitive (the/that þæs) tæġles (the/those þára) tæġla
Dative (the/that þæm) tæġle (the/those þæm) tæġlum
little ; moderate ; scanty ; slender
Seo belle
Noun weak
Nominative (the/that seo) belle (the/those þá) bellan
Accusative (the/that þa) bellan (the/those þá) bellan
Genitive (the/that þære) bellan (the/those þára) bellena
Dative (the/that þære) bellan (the/those þæm) bellum
Verb weak class 1
Sg. 1 ic i cnylle ic i cnylde
2 þu you cnyllest|cnylst þu you cnyldest
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she cnylleþ|cnylþ he/hit/heo he/it/she cnylde
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they cnyllaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they cnyldon
Sg. cnylle cnylde
Pl. cnyllen cnylden
Pres. part: cnyllende
past part: cnylled
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. cnyll
Inflected Infinitive
to cnyllenne
- to strike ; knock ; clap (such as a door or bell) 2. to knell ; ring a bell
swilce (conjectural swilce is followed by the subjunctive)
as if
seo leod
Nominative (the/that séo) leód (the/those þá) leóda
Accusative (the/that þá) leóde (the/those þá) leóda
Genitive (the/that þære) leóde (the/those þára) leóda
Dative (the/that þære) leóde (the/those þæm) leódum
men ; people ; people of a country
se þreát
Strong Masculine Noun
Nominative (the/that se) þreát (the/those þá) þreátas
Accusative (the/that þone) þreát (the/those þá) þreátas
Genitive (the/that þæs) þreátes (the/those þára) þreáta
Dative (the/that þæm) þreáte (the/those þæm) þreátum
I. a troop band crowd body of people swarm
Verb preterite-present
Sg. 1 ic i ġeann ic i ġeūþe
2 þu you ġeanst þu you ġeūþest
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ġeann he/hit/heo he/it/she ġeūþe
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġeunnon we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġeūþon
Sg. ġeunne ġeūþe
Pl. ġeunnen ġeūþen
Pres. part: ġeunnende
past part: ġeunnen
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. ġeunne
Inflected Infinitive
to ġeunnenne
- to allow ; grant or bestow (+ dat (person) + gen (thing)) I grant Ælfric the Bishop of the land at Dumbleton 2. to concede (+ dat (person) + gen (thing))
Verb Weak v/t(with genitive)
Sg. 1 ic i beþurfe ic i beþurfede
2 þu you beþurfest þu you beþurfedest
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she beþurfaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she beþurfede
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they beþurfaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they beþurfedon
Sg. beþurfe beþurfede
Pl. beþurfen beþurfeden
Pres. part: beþurfende
past part: gebeþurfed
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. beþurfe
Inflected Infinitive
to beþurfan
to need have need of want
Verb strong class 2
Sg. 1 ic i brūce ic i brēac
2 þu you brȳcst þu you bruce
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she brȳcþ he/hit/heo he/it/she brēac
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they brūcaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they brucon
Sg. brūce bruce
Pl. brūcen brucen
Pres. part: brūcende
past part: brocen
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. brūc
Inflected Infinitive
to brūcenne
- to use 2. to enjoy 3. to harness ; take advantage of ; employ ; exploit
Verb Weak wv/t2impers. w.g.
Sg. 1 ic i néode ic i néodede
2 þu you néodest þu you néodedest
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she néodaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she néodede
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they néodaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they néodedon
Sg. néode néodede
Pl. néoden néodeden
Pres. part: néodende
past part: genéoded
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. néode
Inflected Infinitive
to néodan
to be necessary require be required
Verb weak class 1
Sg. 1 ic i þyrste ic i þyrste
2 þu you þyrstest|þyrst þu you þyrstest
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she þyrsteþ|þyrst he/hit/heo he/it/she þyrste
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they þyrstaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they þyrston
Sg. þyrste þyrste
Pl. þyrsten þyrsten
Pres part: þyrstende
past part: þyrsted
Sg. þyrst
Inflected Infinitive
to þyrstenne
to be thirsty (+genitive for something) I’m thirsty
Verb Weak wv/t1bw.g. or w.a.
Sg. 1 ic i wéne ic i wénede
2 þu you wénest þu you wénedest
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she wénaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she wénede
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they wénaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they wénedon
Sg. wéne wénede
Pl. wénen wéneden
Pres. part: wénende
past part: gewéned
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. wéne
Inflected Infinitive
to wénan
To fancy imagine believe think expect hope fear (for) despair (of) esteem wonder
se disc
Noun strong a-stem
Nominative (the/that se) disċ (the/those þá) discas
Accusative (the/that þone) disċ (the/those þá) discas
Genitive (the/that þæs) disċes (the/those þára) disca
Dative (the/that þæm) disċe (the/those þæm) discum
plate ; dish
Verb strong class 6
Sg. 1 ic i hebbe ic i hōf
2 þu you hefest þu you hōfe
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she hefeþ he/hit/heo he/it/she hōf
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they hebbaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they hōfon
Sg. hebbe hōfe
Pl. hebben hōfen
Pres. part: hebbende
Past part: hæfen|hafen|hefen
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. hefe
Inflected Infinitive
to hebbenne
to lift ; raise
seo æfentíd
Strong Feminine Noun
Nominative (the/that séo) æfentíd (the/those þá) æfentíde
Accusative (the/that þá) æfentíde (the/those þá) æfentíde
Genitive (the/that þære) æfentíde (the/those þára) æfentíde
Dative (the/that þære) æfentíde (the/those þæm) æfentídum
se mergen
Strong Masculine Noun
Nominative (the/that se) mergen (the/those þá) mergenas
Accusative (the/that þone) mergen (the/those þá) mergenas
Genitive (the/that þæs) mergenes (the/those þára) mergena
Dative (the/that þæm) mergene (the/those þæm) mergenum
The early morning day-break
by force
for mines… þingan
for the sake of my…
thence, from there
seo fæmne
Noun weak
Nominative (the/that seo) fǣmne (the/those þá) fǣmnan
Accusative (the/that þa) fǣmnan (the/those þá) fǣmnan
Genitive (the/that þære) fǣmnan (the/those þára) fǣmnena
Dative (the/that þære) fǣmnan (the/those þæm) fǣmnum
virgin ; young woman
se gegyrela, gegierela (cf. gearwian and ge-gierwan)
clothing, to prepare, clothe
Verb weak class 1
Sg. 1 ic i wēne ic i wēnde
2 þu you wēnest|wēnst þu you wēndest
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she wēneþ|wēnþ he/hit/heo he/it/she wēnde
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they wēnaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they wēndon
Sg. wēne wēnde
Pl. wēnen wēnden
Pres. part: wēnende
past part: wēned
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. wēn
Inflected Infinitive
to wēnenne
- to think (be of a certain opinion) 2. to expect ; hope
þæt scrúd
Strong Neuter Noun
Nominative (the/that þæt) scrúd (the/those þá) scrúd
Accusative (the/that þæt) scrúd (the/those þá) scrúd
Genitive (the/that þæs) scrúdes (the/those þára) scrúda
Dative (the/that þæm) scrúde (the/those þæm) scrúdum
- dress clothing attire 2. an article of dress garment vestment
Verb weak class 1
Sg. 1 ic i hȳde ic i hȳdde
2 þu you hȳdest|hȳtst þu you hȳddest
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she hȳdeþ|hȳtt|hȳt he/hit/heo he/it/she hȳdde
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they hȳdaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they hȳddon
Sg. hȳde hȳdde
Pl. hȳden hȳdden
Pres. part: hȳdende
past part: hȳded
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. hȳd
Inflected Infinitive
to hȳdenne
- to hide or conceal ; to hoard 2. to hide
secret, hidden
between, among
Verb strong class 7
Sg. 1 ic i fealle ic i fēoll
2 þu you fielst þu you fēolle
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she fielþ he/hit/heo he/it/she fēoll
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they feallaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they fēollon
Sg. fealle fēolle
Pl. feallen fēollen
Pres. part: feallende
past part: feallen
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. feall
Inflected Infinitive
to feallenne
to fall
onfangenre bletsunge
(imitates Latin construction) onfangen Strong adjective received ptp of anfónon fangen
Nominative (the/that séo) blétsung (the/those þá) blétsunga
Accusative (the/that þá) blétsunge (the/those þá) blétsunga
Genitive (the/that þære) blétsunge (the/those þára) blétsunga
Dative (the/that þære) blétsunge (the/those þæm) blétsungum
having received a blessing
For hwilcum þingum come þu hider?
For what reasons did you come here?
such, such a
normal, ordinary, usual
Verb weak class 1
Sg. 1 ic i mǣre ic i mǣrde
2 þu you mǣrest|mǣrst þu you mǣrdest
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she mǣreþ|mǣrþ he/hit/heo he/it/she mǣrde
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they mǣraþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they mǣrdon
Sg. mǣre mǣrde
Pl. mǣren mǣrden
Pres. part: mǣrende
past part: mǣred
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. mǣr
Inflected Infinitive
to mǣrenne
- to praise ; proclaim 2. to celebrate
seo drohtnung
Strong Feminine Noun
Nominative (the/that séo) drohtnung (the/those þá) drohtnunga
Accusative (the/that þá) drohtnunge (the/those þá) drohtnunga
Genitive (the/that þære) drohtnunge (the/those þára) drohtnunga
Dative (the/that þære) drohtnunge (the/those þæm) drohtnungum
condition way of life reputation conduct life actions conversation
Verb weak class 2
Sg. 1 ic i eardiġe ic i eardode
2 þu you eardast þu you eardodest
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she eardaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she eardode
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they eardiaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they eardodon
Sg. eardiġe eardode
Pl. eardiġen eardoden
Pres. part: eardiende
past part: eardod
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. earda
Inflected Infinitive
to eardienne
to occupy ; settle; dwell
Verb weak class 1
Sg. 1 ic i clǣme ic i clǣmde
2 þu you clǣmest|clǣmst þu you clǣmdest
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she clǣmeþ|clǣmþ he/hit/heo he/it/she clǣmde
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they clǣmaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they clǣmdon
Sg. clǣme clǣmde
Pl. clǣmen clǣmden
Pres. part: clǣmende
past part: clǣmed
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. clǣm
Inflected Infinitive
to clǣmenne
to smear
se handscéat
Strong Masculine Noun
Nominative (the/that se) handsceát (the/those þá) handsceátas
Accusative (the/that þone) handsceát (the/those þá) handsceátas
Genitive (the/that þæs) handsceátes (the/those þára) handsceáta
Dative (the/that þæm) handsceáte (the/those þæm) handsceátum
Verb Weak wv/t1b
Sg. 1 ic i ástrecce ic i ástreccede
2 þu you ástreccest þu you ástreccedest
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ástrecceþ he/hit/heo he/it/she ástreccede
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ástreccaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ástreccedon
Sg. ástrecce ástreccede
Pl. ástreccen ástrecceden
Pres. part: ástreccende
past part: geástrecced
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. ástrecce
Inflected Infinitive
to ástreccan
to stretch out stretch forth extend lay low prostrate oneself bow down
se mete
Strong Masculine Noun
Nominative (the/that se) METE (the/those þá) METEas
Accusative (the/that þone) METE (the/those þá) METEas
Genitive (the/that þæs) METEes (the/those þára) METEa
Dative (the/that þæm) METEe (the/those þæm) METEum
MEAT food
se briw
Noun strong a-stem
Nominative (the/that se) brīw (the/those þá) brīwas
Accusative (the/that þone) brīw (the/those þá) brīwas
Genitive (the/that þæs) brīwes (the/those þára) brīwa
Dative (the/that þæm) brīwe (the/those þæm) brīwum
oatmeal ; porridge
þæt seax
Nominative (the/that þæt) seax (the/those þá) seax
Accusative (the/that þæt) seax (the/those þá) seax
Genitive (the/that þæs) seaxes (the/those þára) seaxa
Dative (the/that þæm) seaxe (the/those þæm) seaxum
þæt sealt
Nominative (the/that þæt) sealt (the/those þá) sealt
Accusative (the/that þæt) sealt (the/those þá) sealt
Genitive (the/that þæs) sealtes (the/those þára) sealta
Dative (the/that þæm) sealte (the/those þæm) sealtum
Sg. 1 ic i sealte ic i sēolt
2 þu you sielst|sieltst þu you sēolte
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she sielt he/hit/heo he/it/she sēolt
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they sealtaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they sēolton
Sg. sealte sēolte
Pl. sealten sēolten
Pres. part: sealtende
Past part: sealten
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. sealt
Pl. sealtaþ
Inflected Infinitive
to sealtenne
to salt
se sticca
Noun weak
Nominative (the/that se) sticca (the/those þá) sticcan
Accusative (the/that þone) sticcan (the/those þá) sticcan
Genitive (the/that þæs) sticcan (the/those þára) sticcena
Dative (the/that þæm) sticcan (the/those þæm) sticcum
se pipor
Noun strong a-stem
Nominative (the/that se) pipor (the/those þá) piporas
Accusative (the/that þone) pipor (the/those þá) piporas
Genitive (the/that þæs) pipores (the/those þára) pipora
Dative (the/that þæm) pipore (the/those þæm) piporum
pepper (spice or plant)
seo meolc
Noun strong i-stem
Nominative (the/that seo) meolc (the/those þá) meolce|meolca
Accusative (the/that þa) meolc|meolce (the/those þá) meolce|meolca
Genitive (the/that þære) meolce (the/those þára) meolca
Dative (the/that þære) meolce (the/those þæm) meolcum
seo béan
Strong Feminine Noun
Nominative (the/that séo) béan (the/those þá) béana
Accusative (the/that þá) béane (the/those þá) béana
Genitive (the/that þære) béane (the/those þára) béana
Dative (the/that þære) béane (the/those þæm) béanum
bean pea legume
se cýse
Strong Masculine Noun
Nominative (the/that se) cýse (the/those þá) cýseas
Accusative (the/that þone) cýse (the/those þá) cýseas
Genitive (the/that þæs) cýses (the/those þára) cýsa
Dative (the/that þæm) cýse (the/those þæm) cýsum
grene wyrta
seo wyrt
Nominative (the/that seo) wyrt (the/those þá) wyrta|wyrte
Accusative (the/that þa) wyrte (the/those þá) wyrta|wyrte
Genitive (the/that þære) wyrte (the/those þára) wyrta
Dative (the/that þære) wyrte (the/those þæm) wyrtum
green vegetables
seo moþþe
Noun weak
Nominative (the/that seo) moþþe (the/those þá) moþþan
Accusative (the/that þa) moþþan (the/those þá) moþþan
Genitive (the/that þære) moþþan (the/those þára) moþþena
Dative (the/that þære) moþþan (the/those þæm) moþþum
Verb strong class 3
Sg. 1 ic i ġefriġne ic i ġefræġn
2 þu you ġefriġnest|ġefriġnst þu you ġefrugne
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ġefriġneþ|ġefriġnþ he/hit/heo he/it/she ġefræġn
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġefriġnaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġefrugnon
Sg. ġefriġne ġefrugne
Pl. ġefriġnen ġefrugnen
Pres. part: ġefriġnende
past part: ġefrugnen
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. ġefriġn
Inflected Infinitive
to ġefriġnenne
to find out ; hear about ; discover ; learn something through asking Then ; I heard ; warriors ; under the night-shade ; durst do battle
se þeof
Noun strong a-stem
Nominative (the/that se) þēof (the/those þá) þēofas
Accusative (the/that þone) þēof (the/those þá) þēofas
Genitive (the/that þæs) þēofes (the/those þára) þēofa
Dative (the/that þæm) þēofe (the/those þæm) þēofum
- thief ; robber 2. theft ; robbery
se cwide
Noun strong i-stem
Nominative (the/that se) cwide (the/those þá) cwidas
Accusative (the/that þone) cwide (the/those þá) cwidas
Genitive (the/that þæs) cwides (the/those þára) cwida
Dative (the/that þæm) cwide (the/those þæm) cwidum
- saying 2. sentence
weak 2
Sg. 1 ic i strangae ic i strangodede
2 þu you strangaest þu you strangodedest
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she strangaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she strangode
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they strangaaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they strangodedon
Sg. strangae strangodede
Pl. strangaen strangodeden
Pres. part: strangaende
past part: gestrangod
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. strangae
Inflected Infinitive
to strangan
to grow strong, strengthen, prevail
Verb strong class 3
Sg. 1 ic i swelge ic i swealg|swealh
2 þu you swilġst þu you swulge
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she swilġþ he/hit/heo he/it/she swealg|swealh
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they swelgaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they swulgon
Sg. swelge swulge
Pl. swelgen swulgen
Pres. part: swelgende
past part: swolgen
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. swelg|swelh
Inflected Infinitive
to swelgenne
- to swallow 2. to eat up ; devour
The word þrymfæst is a compound, made up of þrymm glory and fæst firm, forming a poetic adjective glorious. Similar compound adjectives include: tirfæst glorious, arfæst gracious, stedefæst steadfast, gemetfæst moderate. When the adjective fæst is used as an adverb it becomes fæstlice
Glorious (poetic)
se hæle
Nominative (the/that se) hæle (the/those þá) hæleþ
Accusative (the/that þone) hæle (the/those þá) hæleþ
Genitive (the/that þæs) hæleþes (the/those þára) hæleþa
Dative (the/that þæm) hæleþe (the/those þæm) hæleþum
- hero 2. man 3. warrior
- (chiefly poetic) bright; shiny; radiant
though, yet, still
seo stefn
Noun strong ō-stem
Clypiġende stefen on þām wēstene ; Ġeġearwiaþ Drihtnes weġ ; dōþ rihte his sīþas
Nominative (the/that seo) stefn (the/those þá) stefna|stefne
Accusative (the/that þa) stefne (the/those þá) stefna|stefne
Genitive (the/that þære) stefne (the/those þára) stefna
Dative (the/that þære) stefne (the/those þæm) stefnum
se ryne
Noun strong i-stem
Nominative (the/that se) ryne (the/those þá) rynas
Accusative (the/that þone) ryne (the/those þá) rynas
Genitive (the/that þæs) rynes (the/those þára) ryna
Dative (the/that þæm) ryne (the/those þæm) rynum
course ; path along which motion takes place the course of time the course of life
Verb strong class 5
Sg. 1 ic i onġiete ic i onġeat
2 þu you onġietst þu you onġēate
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she onġiett|onġiet he/hit/heo he/it/she onġeat
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they onġietaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they onġēaton
Sg. onġiete onġēate
Pl. onġieten onġēaten
Pres. part: onġietende
Past part: onġeten
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. onġiet
Inflected Infinitive
to onġietenne
- (poetic) to seize 2. to see ; perceive ; understand
se galdorcwide
Strong Masculine Noun
Nominative (the/that se) galdorcwide (the/those þá) galdorcwideas
Accusative (the/that þone) galdorcwide (the/those þá) galdorcwideas
Genitive (the/that þæs) galdorcwides (the/those þára) galdorcwida
Dative (the/that þæm) galdorcwide (the/those þæm) galdorcwidum
incantation magic saying magic song
wise, prudent, skillful
þæt cild
Nominative (the/that þæt) ċild (the/those þá) ċild|ċildru|ċildra
Accusative (the/that þæt) ċild (the/those þá) ċild|ċildru|ċildra
Genitive (the/that þæs) ċildes (the/those þára) ċilda|ċildra
Dative (the/that þæm) ċilde (the/those þæm) ċildum|ċildrum
- child 2. baby 3. fetus
Verb preterite-present
Sg. 1 ic i bewāt ic i bewisse|bewiste
2 þu you bewāst þu you bewissest|bewistest
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she bewāt he/hit/heo he/it/she bewisse|bewiste
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they bewiton we/ge/hie we/ye/they bewisson|bewiston
Sg. bewite bewisse|bewiste
Pl. bewiten bewissen|bewisten
Pres part: bewitende
past part: bewiten
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. bewite
Inflected Infinitive
to bewitenne
- to overlook; oversee ; watch over; bewatch ; superintend ; preside ; govern 2. (of people ; institutions ; affairs ; etc ) to take charge of ; watch over
se snid
Strong Masculine Noun
Nominative (the/that se) snid (the/those þá) snidas
Accusative (the/that þone) snid (the/those þá) snidas
Genitive (the/that þæs) snides (the/those þára) snida
Dative (the/that þæm) snide (the/those þæm) snidum
seo fýst
Strong Feminine Noun
Nominative (the/that séo) fýst (the/those þá) fýste
Accusative (the/that þá) fýste (the/those þá) fýste
Genitive (the/that þære) fýste (the/those þára) fýste
Dative (the/that þære) fýste (the/those þæm) fýstum
Verb weak class 1
Sg. 1 ic i hrēre ic i hrērde
2 þu you hrērest|hrērst þu you hrērdest
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she hrēreþ|hrērþ he/hit/heo he/it/she hrērde
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they hrēraþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they hrērdon
Sg. hrēre hrērde
Pl. hrēren hrērden
Pres part: hrērende
past part: hrēred
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. hrēr
Inflected Infinitive
to hrērenne
- to move 2. to shake 3. to stir
Verb weak class 1
Sg. 1 ic i weċġe ic i weġde
2 þu you weġst þu you weġdest
3 he/hit/heo he/it/she weġþ he/hit/heo he/it/she weġde
Pl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they weċġaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they weġdon
Sg. weċġe weġde
Pl. weċġen weġden
Pres. part: weċġende
past part: weġed|weġd
Imperative (direct command)
Sg. weġe
Inflected Infinitive
to weċġenne
to move ; agitate ; drive hither and thither