Lytlan Aethelinge 5 Flashcards
promote perfect perform commit
- journey wandering 2. accusation 3. ecstasy
færing Strong Feminine Nounfæring Singular PluralNominative (the/that séo) færing (the/those þá) færingaAccusative (the/that þá) færinge (the/those þá) færingaGenitive (the/that þære) færinge (the/those þára) færingaDative (the/that þære) færinge (the/those þæm) færingum
- also ; likewise 2. about (approximately) 3. like ; as 4. expletive: like ; as it were
swelce / swylce Adverb
- to gather ; set ; or bring together ; unite into a whole 2. to compose ; join something which is broken 3. (transitive ; intransitive) to collect or gather into an council; assembly; meeting 4. (figuratively ; intransitive) to come together in agreement ; unite ; agree
gegaderian Verb weak class 2Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i ġegaderiġe ic i ġegaderode2 þu you ġegaderast þu you ġegaderodest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ġegaderaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she ġegaderodePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġegaderiaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġegaderodonSubjunctiveSg. ġegaderiġe ġegaderodePl. ġegaderiġen ġegaderodenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) ġegaderiende ġegaderodImperative (direct command)Sg. ġegaderaPl.ġegaderiaþInflected Infinitiveto ġegaderienne
- to strengthen ; support 2. to exercise strength ; prevail
swiþan Verb weak class 1Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i swīþe ic i swīþde2 þu you swīþest|swīst þu you swīþdest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she swīþeþ|swīþþ|swīþ he/hit/heo he/it/she swīþdePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they swīþaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they swīþdonSubjunctiveSg. swīþe swīþdePl. swīþen swīþdenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) swīþende swīþedImperative (direct command)Sg. swīþPl.swīþaþInflected Infinitiveto swīþenne
strong ; mighty
swiþ Strong adjective
to grow grow up arise come forth
áweaxan Verb Strong sv/i7áweaxen Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i áwiexe ic i áwéox2 þu you áwiexest þu you áwéoxe3 he/hit/heo he/it/she áwiexeþ he/hit/heo he/it/she áwéoxPl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they áwiexaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they áwéoxonSubjunctiveSg. áwiexe áwéoxePl. áwiexen áwéoxenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) áwiexende geáweaxenImperative (direct command)Sg. áwiexePl.áwiexaþInflected Infinitiveto áwiexan
to flourish ; prosper ; be successful
geþeon Verb strong class 1Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i ġeþēo ic i ġeþāh|ġeþēah2 þu you ġeþīehst þu you ġeþige|ġeþunge|ġeþuge3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ġeþīehþ he/hit/heo he/it/she ġeþāh|ġeþēahPl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġeþēoþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġeþigon|ġeþungon|ġeþugonSubjunctiveSg. ġeþēo ġeþige|ġeþunge|ġeþugePl. ġeþēon ġeþigen|ġeþungen|ġeþugenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) ġeþēonde ġeþiġen|ġeþungen|ġeþogenImperative (direct command)Sg. ġeþēohPl.ġeþēoþInflected Infinitiveto ġeþēonne
beforehand (time)
ætforan Adverb
- thorn 2. thorny bush
þorn Noun strong a-stemþorn Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) þorn (the/those þá) þornasAccusative (the/that þone) þorn (the/those þá) þornasGenitive (the/that þæs) þornes (the/those þára) þornaDative (the/that þæm) þorne (the/those þæm) þornum
- to detach ; remove 2. to redeem a fault 3. to release ; rescue ; free
aliesan Verb weak class 1Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i ālīese ic i ālīesde2 þu you ālīesest|ālīest þu you ālīesdest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ālīeseþ|ālīest he/hit/heo he/it/she ālīesdePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ālīesaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ālīesdonSubjunctiveSg. ālīese ālīesdePl. ālīesen ālīesdenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) ālīesende ālīesedImperative (direct command)Sg. ālīesPl.ālīesaþInflected Infinitiveto ālīesenne
- lock 2. that by which anything is closed (e g bolt ; bar ; etc ) 3. an enclosed space ; enclosure ; fold
loc Noun strong a-stemloc Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) loc (the/those þá) locuAccusative (the/that þone) loc (the/those þá) locuGenitive (the/that þæs) loces (the/those þára) locaDative (the/that þæm) loce (the/those þæm) locum
- to pierce ; to stab ; to prick ; to stick 2. to remain embedded ; to be fastened ; to stick 3. to run ; to lie (in a particular direction)
stician Verb weak class 2Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i sticiġe ic i sticode2 þu you sticast þu you sticodest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she sticaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she sticodePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they sticiaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they sticodonSubjunctiveSg. sticiġe sticodePl. sticiġen sticodenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) sticiende sticodImperative (direct command)Sg. sticaPl.sticiaþInflected Infinitiveto sticienne
- (transitive ; intransitive) to shrink or lesson 2. to impair; infringe ; annul
wanian Verb weak class 2Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i waniġe ic i wanode2 þu you wanast þu you wanodest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she wanaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she wanodePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they waniaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they wanodonSubjunctiveSg. waniġe wanodePl. waniġen wanodenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) waniende wanodImperative (direct command)Sg. wanaPl.waniaþInflected Infinitiveto wanienne
- to approach 2. to be near ; be near to 3. to be like ; resemble
nealæcan Verb weak class 1Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i nēalǣċe ic i nēalǣhte2 þu you nēalǣċest|nēalǣcst þu you nēalǣhtest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she nēalǣċeþ|nēalǣcþ he/hit/heo he/it/she nēalǣhtePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they nēalǣċaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they nēalǣhtonSubjunctiveSg. nēalǣċe nēalǣhtePl. nēalǣċen nēalǣhtenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) nēalǣċende nēalǣhtImperative (direct command)Sg. nēalǣċPl.nēalǣċaþInflected Infinitiveto nēalǣċenne
- to oppose ; give up (something) ; renounce 2. to refuse what is given ; decline; withsay
forsacan Verb strong class 6Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i forsace ic i forsōc2 þu you forsæcst þu you forsōce3 he/hit/heo he/it/she forsæcþ he/hit/heo he/it/she forsōcPl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they forsacaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they forsōconSubjunctiveSg. forsace forsōcePl. forsacen forsōcenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) forsacende forsæcen|forsacenImperative (direct command)Sg. forsacPl.forsacaþInflected Infinitiveto forsacenne
to spring ; sprout ; germinate
spryttan Verb weak class 1Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i sprytte ic i sprytte2 þu you sprytst þu you spryttest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she sprytt|spryt he/hit/heo he/it/she spryttePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they spryttaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they spryttonSubjunctiveSg. sprytte spryttePl. sprytten spryttenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) spryttende spryted|sprytt|sprytImperative (direct command)Sg. sprytePl.spryttaþInflected Infinitiveto spryttenne
to be silent
swigian Verb weak class 2Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i swīgiġe ic i swīgode2 þu you swīgast þu you swīgodest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she swīgaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she swīgodePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they swīgiaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they swīgodonSubjunctiveSg. swīgiġe swīgodePl. swīgiġen swīgodenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) swīgiende swīgodImperative (direct command)Sg. swīgaPl.swīgiaþInflected Infinitiveto swīgienne
- anger ; rage ; wrath ; indignation ; fury; trouble 2. demonic spirit ; devil ; fiend ; demon; imp ; puck
grama Noun weakgrama Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) grama (the/those þá) gramanAccusative (the/that þone) graman (the/those þá) gramanGenitive (the/that þæs) graman (the/those þára) gramenaDative (the/that þæm) graman (the/those þæm) gramum
wác Strong Neuter Nounwác Singular PluralNominative (the/that þæt) wác (the/those þá) wácAccusative (the/that þæt) wác (the/those þá) wácGenitive (the/that þæs) wáces (the/those þára) wácaDative (the/that þæm) wáce (the/those þæm) wácum
- to save ; deliver 2. to preserve ; guard ; fortify ; defend ; shelter 3. to spare 4. (with reflexive) to beware of ; avoid ; guard against
beorgan Verb strong class 3Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i beorge ic i bearg|bearh2 þu you bierġst þu you burge3 he/hit/heo he/it/she bierġþ he/hit/heo he/it/she bearg|bearhPl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they beorgaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they burgonSubjunctiveSg. beorge burgePl. beorgen burgenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) beorgende borgenImperative (direct command)Sg. beorg|beorhPl.beorgaþInflected Infinitiveto beorgenne
- to strike ; smite ; slash ; cut 2. to chop ; hew ; hash ; fell wood
heawan Verb strong class 7Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i hēawe ic i hēow2 þu you hīewst þu you hēowe3 he/hit/heo he/it/she hīewþ he/hit/heo he/it/she hēowPl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they hēawaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they hēowonSubjunctiveSg. hēawe hēowePl. hēawen hēowenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) hēawende hēawenImperative (direct command)Sg. hēawPl.hēawaþInflected Infinitiveto hēawenne
a place 1. a place spot locality site 1a. (holy) place 2. a place on the body 3. a place which is built a house or collection of houses a habitation dwelling 4. a place position station (1) with reference to material things (2) with reference to non-material things 5. a place in a series onféngon híe þá téoðan stówe on ehtnesse Godes ciricena æfter Nerone they took the tenth place in persecution of God’s churches according to Nero 6. place room stead 7. a place passage in a book
stów Strong Feminine Nounstów Singular PluralNominative (the/that séo) stów (the/those þá) stówaAccusative (the/that þá) stówe (the/those þá) stówaGenitive (the/that þære) stówe (the/those þára) stówaDative (the/that þære) stówe (the/those þæm) stówum
hammer ~a láfa f pl results of forging swords
hamor Masculine Noun - irregular endinghamor Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) hamor (the/those þá) hamerasAccusative (the/that þone) hamor (the/those þá) hamerasGenitive (the/that þæs) hamores (the/those þára) hamoraDative (the/that þæm) hameras (the/those þæm) hamorum
to busy occupy preoccupy prepossess employ to be busy with engage in undertake to take up fill
ábisgian Verb Weak wv/t2Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i ábisge ic i ábisgede2 þu you ábisgest þu you ábisgedest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ábisgaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she ábisgedePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ábisgaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ábisgedonSubjunctiveSg. ábisge ábisgedePl. ábisgen ábisgedenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) ábisgende geábisgedImperative (direct command)Sg. ábisgePl.ábisgaþInflected Infinitiveto ábisgan
to be astonished
ástyltan Verb Weak wv/i1bVerb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i ástylte ic i ástyltede2 þu you ástyltest þu you ástyltedest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ástyltaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she ástyltedePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ástyltaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ástyltedonSubjunctiveSg. ástylte ástyltedePl. ástylten ástyltedenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) ástyltende geástyltedImperative (direct command)Sg. ástyltePl.ástyltaþInflected Infinitiveto ástyltan
to bow incline bend down
onlútan Verb Strong sv/i2onloten Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i onlýte ic i onléat2 þu you onlýtest þu you onlute3 he/hit/heo he/it/she onlýteþ he/hit/heo he/it/she onléatPl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they onlýtaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they onlutonSubjunctiveSg. onlýte onlutePl. onlýten onlutenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) onlýtende geonlotenImperative (direct command)Sg. onlýtePl.onlýtaþInflected Infinitiveto onlýtan
make unclean to pollute
ointment fat grease lard tallow suet
smeoru Strong Neuter Noun wessmeoru Singular PluralNominative (the/that þæt) smeoru (the/those þá) smeorwasAccusative (the/that þæt) smeoru (the/those þá) smeorwasGenitive (the/that þæs) smeorwes (the/those þára) smeorwaDative (the/that þæm) smeorwe (the/those þæm) smeorwum
to put to shame
ofsceamian Verb Weak wv/t2Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i ofsceame ic i ofsceamede2 þu you ofsceamest þu you ofsceamedest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ofsceameþ he/hit/heo he/it/she ofsceamedePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ofsceamaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ofsceamedonSubjunctiveSg. ofsceame ofsceamedePl. ofsceamen ofsceamedenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) ofsceamende geofsceamedImperative (direct command)Sg. ofsceamePl.ofsceamaþInflected Infinitiveto ofsceaman
- to fail to take 2. to mistake
misfon Verb strong class 7Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i misfō ic i misfēng2 þu you misfēhst þu you misfēnge3 he/hit/heo he/it/she misfēhþ he/hit/heo he/it/she misfēngPl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they misfōþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they misfēngonSubjunctiveSg. misfō misfēngePl. misfōn misfēngenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) misfōnde misfangenImperative (direct command)Sg. misfōhPl.misfōþInflected Infinitiveto misfōnne
golden ; (relational) gold
hair (on the head)
feax Noun strong a-stemfeax Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) feax (the/those þá) feaxAccusative (the/that þone) feax (the/those þá) feaxGenitive (the/that þæs) feaxes (the/those þára) feaxaDative (the/that þæm) feaxe (the/those þæm) feaxum
- wind 2. flatulence
wind Noun strong a-stemwind Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) wind (the/those þá) windasAccusative (the/that þone) wind (the/those þá) windasGenitive (the/that þæs) windes (the/those þára) windaDative (the/that þæm) winde (the/those þæm) windum
mann Masculine Athematic nounmann Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) mann (the/those þá) mennAccusative (the/that þone) mann (the/those þá) mennGenitive (the/that þæs) mannes (the/those þára) mannaDative (the/that þæm) menn (the/those þæm) mannum
- to breathe 2. to smell 3. to pant
eþian Verb weak class 2Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i ēþiġe ic i ēþode2 þu you ēþast þu you ēþodest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ēþaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she ēþodePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ēþiaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ēþodonSubjunctiveSg. ēþiġe ēþodePl. ēþiġen ēþodenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) ēþiende ēþodImperative (direct command)Sg. ēþaPl.ēþiaþInflected Infinitiveto ēþienne
stenc Noun strong i-stemstenc Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) stenċ (the/those þá) stenċasAccusative (the/that þone) stenċ (the/those þá) stenċasGenitive (the/that þæs) stenċes (the/those þára) stenċaDative (the/that þæm) stenċe (the/those þæm) stenċum
to number count enumerate relate
áríman Verb Weak wv/t1bVerb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i áríme ic i árímede2 þu you árímest þu you árímedest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she árímaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she árímedePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they árímaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they árímedonSubjunctiveSg. áríme árímedePl. árímen árímedenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) árímende geárímedImperative (direct command)Sg. árímePl.árímaþInflected Infinitiveto áríman
to repeat ; reiterate It is written “Do not repeat your words in your prayers “ That is what one’s words may repeat When at this time he frequently spoke this with repeated speech
eftgian Verb weak class 2Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i eftġiġe ic i eftġode2 þu you eftġast þu you eftġodest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she eftġaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she eftġodePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they eftġiaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they eftġodonSubjunctiveSg. eftġiġe eftġodePl. eftġiġen eftġodenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) eftġiende eftġodImperative (direct command)Sg. eftġaPl.eftġiaþInflected Infinitiveto eftġienne
fit sober serious tame gentle (horse)
to blow blow away breathe breathe upon to puff up swell
ábláwan Verb Strong sv/t7Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i áblæwe ic i ábléow2 þu you áblæwest þu you ábléowe3 he/hit/heo he/it/she áblæweþ he/hit/heo he/it/she ábléowPl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they áblæwaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ábléowonSubjunctiveSg. áblæwe ábléowePl. áblæwen ábléowenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) áblæwende geábláwenImperative (direct command)Sg. áblæwePl.áblæwaþInflected Infinitiveto áblæwan
pride insolence
ofermód Strong Neuter Nounofermód Singular PluralNominative (the/that þæt) ofermód (the/those þá) ofermódAccusative (the/that þæt) ofermód (the/those þá) ofermódGenitive (the/that þæs) ofermódes (the/those þára) ofermódaDative (the/that þæm) ofermóde (the/those þæm) ofermódum
sponge Weak Feminine Nounsponge Singular PluralNominative (the/that séo) sponge (the/those þá) sponganAccusative (the/that þá) spongan (the/those þá) sponganGenitive (the/that þære) spongan (the/those þára) spongenaDative (the/that þære) spongan (the/those þæm) spongum
to be pale or livid
blatian Verb weak class 2Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i blātiġe ic i blātode2 þu you blātast þu you blātodest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she blātaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she blātodePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they blātiaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they blātodonSubjunctiveSg. blātiġe blātodePl. blātiġen blātodenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) blātiende blātodImperative (direct command)Sg. blātaPl.blātiaþInflected Infinitiveto blātienne
rage mania zeal
hátheortnes Strong Feminine Nounhátheortnes Singular PluralNominative (the/that séo) hátheortnes (the/those þá) hátheortnessaAccusative (the/that þá) hátheortnesse (the/those þá) hátheortnessaGenitive (the/that þære) hátheortnesse (the/those þára) hátheortnessaDative (the/that þære) hátheortnesse (the/those þæm) hátheortnesum
to bring forth produce beget propogate be prolific
týdran Verb Weak wv/t1bVerb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i týdre ic i týdrede2 þu you týdrest þu you týdredest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she týdraþ he/hit/heo he/it/she týdredePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they týdraþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they týdredonSubjunctiveSg. týdre týdredePl. týdren týdredenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) týdrende getýdredImperative (direct command)Sg. týdrePl.týdraþInflected Infinitiveto týdran
however yet nevertheless
- to judge 2. to sentence (with + dative = “to something”)
deman Verb weak class 1Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i dēme ic i dēmde2 þu you dēmest|dēmst þu you dēmdest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she dēmeþ|dēmþ he/hit/heo he/it/she dēmdePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they dēmaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they dēmdonSubjunctiveSg. dēme dēmdePl. dēmen dēmdenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) dēmende dēmedImperative (direct command)Sg. dēmPl.dēmaþInflected Infinitiveto dēmenne
to bring forth produce beget propogate be prolific
týdran Verb Weak wv/t1bVerb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i týdre ic i týdrede2 þu you týdrest þu you týdredest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she týdraþ he/hit/heo he/it/she týdredePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they týdraþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they týdredonSubjunctiveSg. týdre týdredePl. týdren týdredenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) týdrende getýdredImperative (direct command)Sg. týdrePl.týdraþInflected Infinitiveto týdran
a sign; mark; a mark made on an object
not Noun strong a-stemnot Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) not (the/those þá) notasAccusative (the/that þone) not (the/those þá) notasGenitive (the/that þæs) notes (the/those þára) notaDative (the/that þæm) note (the/those þæm) notum
to conquer ; obtain ; gain
gewinnan Verb strong class 3Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i ġewinne ic i ġewann2 þu you ġewinst þu you ġewunne3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ġewinþ he/hit/heo he/it/she ġewannPl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġewinnaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġewunnonSubjunctiveSg. ġewinne ġewunnePl. ġewinnen ġewunnenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) ġewinnende ġewunnenImperative (direct command)Sg. ġewinnPl.ġewinnaþInflected Infinitiveto ġewinnenne
a battle, contest, war, strife, quarrel, hostility, tumult;
- anyway ; at any rate ; in any case 2. certainly ; at least ; indeed 3. yet ; however 4. especially It is good for all ; and especially for deep wounds
- to do ; perform (a service ; duty etc ) 2. to bear ; suffer ; undergo ; endure
dreogan Verb strong class 2Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i drēoge ic i drēag|drēah2 þu you drīeġst þu you druge3 he/hit/heo he/it/she drīeġþ he/hit/heo he/it/she drēag|drēahPl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they drēogaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they drugonSubjunctiveSg. drēoge drugePl. drēogen drugenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) drēogende drogenImperative (direct command)Sg. drēog|drēohPl.drēogaþInflected Infinitiveto drēogenne
to staunch; quench; put out; appease
adwæscan Verb weak class 1Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i ādwǣsċe ic i ādwǣsċte2 þu you ādwǣsċest|ādwǣsċst þu you ādwǣsċtest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ādwǣsċeþ|ādwǣsċþ he/hit/heo he/it/she ādwǣsċtePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ādwǣsċaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ādwǣsċtonSubjunctiveSg. ādwǣsċe ādwǣsċtePl. ādwǣsċen ādwǣsċtenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) ādwǣsċende ādwǣsċedImperative (direct command)Sg. ādwǣsċPl.ādwǣsċaþInflected Infinitiveto ādwǣsċenne
to make or color reddish to be reddish transf. to have a reddish glow
blyscan Verb Weak wv/t1bVerb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i blysce ic i blyscede2 þu you blyscest þu you blyscedest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she blyscaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she blyscedePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they blyscaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they blyscedonSubjunctiveSg. blysce blyscedePl. blyscen blyscedenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) blyscende geblyscedImperative (direct command)Sg. blyscePl.blyscaþInflected Infinitiveto blyscan
- simple 2. (numeral) single ; sole 3. (grammar) singular
anfeald adjective
in another manner otherwise else besides elsewhere
- to fall; stumble; fall from a higher to a lower position; drop; cascade; plummet 2. to fall dead; perish; be ruined 3. to decay ; decline ; fail 4. to cause (something) by falling ; fall to ; reach by falling
gefeallan Verb strong class 7Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i ġefealle ic i ġefēoll2 þu you ġefielst þu you ġefēolle3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ġefielþ he/hit/heo he/it/she ġefēollPl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġefeallaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġefēollonSubjunctiveSg. ġefealle ġefēollePl. ġefeallen ġefēollenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) ġefeallende ġefeallenImperative (direct command)Sg. ġefeallPl.ġefeallaþInflected Infinitiveto ġefeallenne
to sob, sigh
geocsung Strong Feminine Noungeocsung Singular PluralNominative (the/that séo) geocsung (the/those þá) geocsungaAccusative (the/that þá) geocsunge (the/those þá) geocsungaGenitive (the/that þære) geocsunge (the/those þára) geocsungaDative (the/that þære) geocsunge (the/those þæm) geocsungum
put laid
to place, lay down, throw down, suppress, lay aside, cease from
tool ; implement ; instrument
tol Noun strong-a-stemtol Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) tōl (the/those þá) tōlAccusative (the/that þone) tōl (the/those þá) tōlGenitive (the/that þæs) tōles (the/those þára) tōlaDative (the/that þæm) tōle (the/those þæm) tōlum
to embrace clasp (1) of persons (2) of things
ymbclyppan Verb Weak wv/t1aVerb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i ymbclypee ic i ymbclyptede2 þu you ymbclypeest þu you ymbclyptedest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ymbclypeð he/hit/heo he/it/she ymbclyptePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ymbclypeaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ymbclyptedonSubjunctiveSg. ymbclypee ymbclyptedePl. ymbclypeen ymbclyptedenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) ymbclypeende geymbclypedImperative (direct command)Sg. ymbclypeePl.ymbclypeaþInflected Infinitiveto ymbclyppan
to rock
roccian Verb weak class 2Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i rocciġe ic i roccode2 þu you roccast þu you roccodest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she roccaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she roccodePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they rocciaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they roccodonSubjunctiveSg. rocciġe roccodePl. rocciġen roccodenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) rocciende roccodImperative (direct command)Sg. roccaPl.rocciaþInflected Infinitiveto roccienne
to whisper
runian Verb weak class 2Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i rūniġe ic i rūnode2 þu you rūnast þu you rūnodest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she rūnaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she rūnodePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they rūniaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they rūnodonSubjunctiveSg. rūniġe rūnodePl. rūniġen rūnodenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) rūniende rūnodImperative (direct command)Sg. rūnaPl.rūniaþInflected Infinitiveto rūnienne
savage wicked savage evil wicked corrupted
halter muzzle
cæfl Strong Masculine Nouncæfl Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) cæfl (the/those þá) cæflasAccusative (the/that þone) cæfl (the/those þá) cæflasGenitive (the/that þæs) cæfles (the/those þára) cæflaDative (the/that þæm) cæfle (the/those þæm) cæflum
- a fence used to enclose a space ; or the area enclosed by such a fence 2. an enclosure; an area of enclosed land
pearroc Noun strong a-stempearroc Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) pearroc (the/those þá) pearrocasAccusative (the/that þone) pearroc (the/those þá) pearrocasGenitive (the/that þæs) pearroces (the/those þára) pearrocaDative (the/that þæm) pearroce (the/those þæm) pearrocum
Trifling worthless
ægype adjective
drop tear what is distilled from anything in drops nectar
téar Strong Masculine Nountéar Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) téar (the/those þá) téarasAccusative (the/that þone) téar (the/those þá) téarasGenitive (the/that þæs) téares (the/those þára) téaraDative (the/that þæm) téare (the/those þæm) téarum
suddenly ; by chance
- only There are no borders ; only people Can we speak of numbers if there are only things? 2. alone You’re not old enough to go swimming by yourself A philosopher ; like a boxer ; must stand alone He stood at the edge of the sea ; alone ; apart from his family The moon and the Pleiades have set It is midnight ; and the time is passing ; but I sleep alone
- always ; perpetually the wave contends always against the land 2. quite
- to form ; shape 2. to color ; to paint 3. to pretend 4. to imagine
gehiewian Verb weak class 2Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i ġehīwiġe ic i ġehīwode2 þu you ġehīwast þu you ġehīwodest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ġehīwaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she ġehīwodePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġehīwiaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġehīwodonSubjunctiveSg. ġehīwiġe ġehīwodePl. ġehīwiġen ġehīwodenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) ġehīwiende ġehīwodImperative (direct command)Sg. ġehīwaPl.ġehīwiaþInflected Infinitiveto ġehīwienne
A LEAF of a tree of a book a
LEÁF Strong Neuter NounLEÁF Singular PluralNominative (the/that þæt) LEÁF (the/those þá) LEÁFAccusative (the/that þæt) LEÁF (the/those þá) LEÁFGenitive (the/that þæs) LEÁFes (the/those þára) LEÁFaDative (the/that þæm) LEÁFe (the/those þæm) LEÁFum
ring ; arm-ring ; bracelet
beag Noun strong a-stembeag Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) bēag (the/those þá) bēagasAccusative (the/that þone) bēag (the/those þá) bēagasGenitive (the/that þæs) bēages (the/those þára) bēagaDative (the/that þæm) bēage (the/those þæm) bēagum
to become extinguished ; quenched; to vanish
acwincan Verb strong class 3Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i ācwince ic i ācwanc2 þu you ācwincst þu you ācwunce3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ācwincþ he/hit/heo he/it/she ācwancPl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ācwincaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ācwunconSubjunctiveSg. ācwince ācwuncePl. ācwincen ācwuncenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) ācwincende ācwuncenImperative (direct command)Sg. ācwincPl.ācwincaþInflected Infinitiveto ācwincenne
quick movement change fabric
gebregd Strong Neuter Noungebregd Singular PluralNominative (the/that þæt) gebregd (the/those þá) gebregdAccusative (the/that þæt) gebregd (the/those þá) gebregdGenitive (the/that þæs) gebregdes (the/those þára) gebregdaDative (the/that þæm) gebregde (the/those þæm) gebregdum
root root-stock origin beginning stock (1)
wyrtrum Strong Masculine Nounwyrtrum Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) wyrtrum (the/those þá) wyrtrumasAccusative (the/that þone) wyrtrum (the/those þá) wyrtrumasGenitive (the/that þæs) wyrtrumes (the/those þára) wyrtrumaDative (the/that þæm) wyrtrume (the/those þæm) wyrtrumum
(usu pl) clothing attire gear adornment armor equipment ornament trappings harness armor
gearwe Weak Feminine Noungearwe Singular PluralNominative (the/that séo) gearwe (the/those þá) gearwanAccusative (the/that þá) gearwan (the/those þá) gearwanGenitive (the/that þære) gearwan (the/those þára) gearwenaDative (the/that þære) gearwan (the/those þæm) gearwum
- to hold ; occupy ; retain 2. to do ; perform 3. to look upon ; behold
behealdan Verb strong class 7Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i behealde ic i behēold2 þu you behielst|behieltst þu you behēolde3 he/hit/heo he/it/she behielt he/hit/heo he/it/she behēoldPl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they behealdaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they behēoldonSubjunctiveSg. behealde behēoldePl. behealden behēoldenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) behealdende behealdenImperative (direct command)Sg. behealdPl.behealdaþInflected Infinitiveto behealdenne
- nature as in the natural world 2. nature meaning a disposition 3. kind ; class
gecynd Noun strong i-stemgecynd Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) ġecynd (the/those þá) ġecynde|ġecyndaAccusative (the/that þone) ġecynd|ġecynde (the/those þá) ġecynde|ġecyndaGenitive (the/that þæs) ġecynde (the/those þára) ġecyndaDative (the/that þæm) ġecynde (the/those þæm) ġecyndum
3rd sing. to cease leave off desist
áblinnan Verb Strong sv/t3Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i áblinne ic i áblann2 þu you áblinnest þu you áblunne3 he/hit/heo he/it/she áblinneþ he/hit/heo he/it/she áblannPl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they áblinnaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they áblunnonSubjunctiveSg. áblinne áblunnePl. áblinnen áblunnenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) áblinnende {geáblunnen}{áblunnen}Imperative (direct command)Sg. áblinnePl.áblinnaþInflected Infinitiveto áblinnan
to bring forth ; produce ; fulfill ; accomplish
forþbringan Verb strong class 3Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i forþbringe ic i forþbrang2 þu you forþbringst þu you forþbrunge3 he/hit/heo he/it/she forþbringþ he/hit/heo he/it/she forþbrangPl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they forþbringaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they forþbrungonSubjunctiveSg. forþbringe forþbrungePl. forþbringen forþbrungenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) forþbringende forþbrungenImperative (direct command)Sg. forþbringPl.forþbringaþInflected Infinitiveto forþbringenne
- a shoot ; branch 2. foliage ; leaves; a leaf 3. a flower ; blossom; a bloom 4. fruit; a fruit 5. a harvest ; crop; yield ; produce
bled Noun strong ō-stembled Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) blēd (the/those þá) blēda|blēdeAccusative (the/that þone) blēde (the/those þá) blēda|blēdeGenitive (the/that þæs) blēde (the/those þára) blēdaDative (the/that þæm) blēde (the/those þæm) blēdum
appearance form species kind apparition hue color beauty figure of speech
híw Strong Neuter Nounhíw Singular PluralNominative (the/that þæt) híw (the/those þá) híwAccusative (the/that þæt) híw (the/those þá) híwGenitive (the/that þæs) híwes (the/those þára) híwaDative (the/that þæm) híwe (the/those þæm) híwum
- to gird 2. to invest with attributes
gegyrdan Verb weak class 1Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i ġegyrde ic i ġegyrde2 þu you ġegyrdest|ġegyrst|ġegyrtst þu you ġegyrdest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ġegyrdeþ|ġegyrt he/hit/heo he/it/she ġegyrdePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġegyrdaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġegyrdonSubjunctiveSg. ġegyrde ġegyrdePl. ġegyrden ġegyrdenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) ġegyrdende ġegyrdedImperative (direct command)Sg. ġegyrdPl.ġegyrdaþInflected Infinitiveto ġegyrdenne
to confirm strengthen encourage establish found set in order arrange draw up
- other 2. second 3. one of two 4. next
oþer adjective
- to fold ; infold ; fold up ; entwine ; overwhelm ; involve ; enwrap; wrap up ; bewrap 2. to attach ; clasp
befealdan Verb strong class 7Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i befealde ic i befēold2 þu you befielst|befieltst þu you befēolde3 he/hit/heo he/it/she befielt he/hit/heo he/it/she befēoldPl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they befealdaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they befēoldonSubjunctiveSg. befealde befēoldePl. befealden befēoldenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) befealdende befealdenImperative (direct command)Sg. befealdPl.befealdaþInflected Infinitiveto befealdenne
popig Strong Masculine Nounpopig Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) popig (the/those þá) popigasAccusative (the/that þone) popig (the/those þá) popigasGenitive (the/that þæs) popiges (the/those þára) popigaDative (the/that þæm) popige (the/those þæm) popigum
to ornament adorn clothe cover over
frætwan Verb Weak wv/t1bVerb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i frætwe ic i frætwede2 þu you frætwest þu you frætwedest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she frætwaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she frætwedePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they frætwaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they frætwedonSubjunctiveSg. frætwe frætwedePl. frætwen frætwedenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) frætwende gefrætwedImperative (direct command)Sg. frætwePl.frætwaþInflected Infinitiveto frætwan
þweal Noun strong a-stemþweal Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) þwēal (the/those þá) þwēalAccusative (the/that þone) þwēal (the/those þá) þwēalGenitive (the/that þæs) þwēales (the/those þára) þwēalaDative (the/that þæm) þwēale (the/those þæm) þwēalum
to rise ascend
úpástígan Verb Strong sv/t1Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i úpástíge ic i úpástág2 þu you úpástígest þu you úpástige3 he/hit/heo he/it/she {úpástígeþ}{úpástígð} he/hit/heo he/it/she úpástágPl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they úpástígaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they úpástigonSubjunctiveSg. úpástíge úpástigePl. úpástígen úpástigenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) úpástígende {geúpástigen}{úpástigen}Imperative (direct command)Sg. úpástígePl.úpástígaþInflected Infinitiveto úpástígan
divest strip
gearu adjective
Promptly readily entirely altogether prompte omn&i-long no prorsus
A cottage dwelling an inner room storehouse tabernaculum
BUR Strong Neuter NounBUR Singular PluralNominative (the/that þæt) BUR (the/those þá) BURAccusative (the/that þæt) BUR (the/those þá) BURGenitive (the/that þæs) BURes (the/those þára) BURaDative (the/that þæm) BURe (the/those þæm) BURum
to choose ; select; wale ; elect ; decide ; approve ; accept
geceosan Verb strong class 2Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i ġeċēose ic i ġeċēas2 þu you ġeċīest þu you ġecure3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ġeċīest he/hit/heo he/it/she ġeċēasPl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġeċēosaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġecuronSubjunctiveSg. ġeċēose ġecurePl. ġeċēosen ġecurenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) ġeċēosende ġecorenImperative (direct command)Sg. ġeċēosPl.ġeċēosaþInflected Infinitiveto ġeċēosenne
- searching penetrating (of inquiry trial etc.) exhaustive careful 2. that goes to the root or heart of a matter profound 3. exquisite choice
sméalic adjective
lætlíce Adverb