Lytlan Aethelinge 8 Flashcards
Proud, arrogant, haughty
A visiting visitation
geneósung Strong Feminine Noungeneósung Singular PluralNominative (the/that séo) geneósung (the/those þá) geneósungaAccusative (the/that þá) geneósunge (the/those þá) geneósungaGenitive (the/that þære) geneósunge (the/those þára) geneósungaDative (the/that þære) geneósunge (the/those þæm) geneósungum
- sound ; healthy ; intact Joseph asked whether their father was well 2. whole ; undivided
hal wes þu hal
greeting present
gréting Strong Feminine Noungréting Singular PluralNominative (the/that séo) gréting (the/those þá) grétingaAccusative (the/that þá) grétinge (the/those þá) grétingaGenitive (the/that þære) grétinge (the/those þára) grétingaDative (the/that þære) grétinge (the/those þæm) grétingum
to praise ; honour
herian Verb weak class 1Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i herie ic i herede2 þu you herest þu you heredest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she hereþ he/hit/heo he/it/she heredePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they heriaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they heredonSubjunctiveSg. herie heredePl. herien heredenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) heriende heredImperative (direct command)Sg. herePl.heriaþInflected Infinitiveto herienne
misgelimp Strong Neuter Nounmisgelimp Singular PluralNominative (the/that þæt) misgelimp (the/those þá) misgelimpAccusative (the/that þæt) misgelimp (the/those þá) misgelimpGenitive (the/that þæs) misgelimpes (the/those þára) misgelimpaDative (the/that þæm) misgelimpe (the/those þæm) misgelimpum
clap move palpitate
to greet ; address
gretan Verb weak class 1Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i grēte ic i grētte2 þu you grētest|grētst þu you grēttest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she grēteþ|grētt|grēt he/hit/heo he/it/she grēttePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they grētaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they grēttonSubjunctiveSg. grēte grēttePl. grēten grēttenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) grētende grētedImperative (direct command)Sg. grētPl.grētaþInflected Infinitiveto grētenne
to raise ; set upright ; begin ; create ; rouse ; promote
ræran Verb weak class 1Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i rǣre ic i rǣrde2 þu you rǣrest|rǣrst þu you rǣrdest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she rǣreþ|rǣrþ he/hit/heo he/it/she rǣrdePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they rǣraþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they rǣrdonSubjunctiveSg. rǣre rǣrdePl. rǣren rǣrdenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) rǣrende rǣredImperative (direct command)Sg. rǣrPl.rǣraþInflected Infinitiveto rǣrenne
pleasant ; attractive ; enjoyable
tedious long patiently
- playing 2. a game 3. a toy 4. a play 5. exercise
plega Noun weakplega Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) pleġa (the/those þá) pleġanAccusative (the/that þone) pleġan (the/those þá) pleġanGenitive (the/that þæs) pleġan (the/those þára) pleġenaDative (the/that þæm) pleġan (the/those þæm) pleġum
to fall
feallan Verb strong class 7Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i fealle ic i fēoll2 þu you fielst þu you fēolle3 he/hit/heo he/it/she fielþ he/hit/heo he/it/she fēollPl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they feallaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they fēollonSubjunctiveSg. fealle fēollePl. feallen fēollenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) feallende feallenImperative (direct command)Sg. feallPl.feallaþInflected Infinitiveto feallenne
herenes Strong Feminine Nounherenes Singular PluralNominative (the/that séo) herenes (the/those þá) herenessaAccusative (the/that þá) herenesse (the/those þá) herenessaGenitive (the/that þære) herenesse (the/those þára) herenessaDative (the/that þære) herenesse (the/those þæm) herenesum
to wonder at, admire, magnify
adorn, embellish, set in order compose
geglengan Verb Weak wv/t1bVerb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i geglenge ic i geglengede2 þu you geglengest þu you geglengedest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she geglengaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she geglengedePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they geglengaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they geglengedonSubjunctiveSg. geglenge geglengedePl. geglengen geglengedenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) geglengende gegeglengedImperative (direct command)Sg. geglengePl.geglengaþInflected Infinitiveto geglengan
reasonable, discreet, prudent
make glad gladden appease
yet, but, nevertheless, however
little small moderately slightly little cursorily
To go forth, depart, die;
drincere Noun strong ja-stemdrincere Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) drincere (the/those þá) drincerasAccusative (the/that þone) drincere (the/those þá) drincerasGenitive (the/that þæs) drinceres (the/those þára) drinceraDative (the/that þæm) drincere (the/those þæm) drincerum
A visiting visitation
neósung Strong Feminine Nounneósung Singular PluralNominative (the/that séo) neósung (the/those þá) neósungaAccusative (the/that þá) neósunge (the/those þá) neósungaGenitive (the/that þære) neósunge (the/those þára) neósungaDative (the/that þære) neósunge (the/those þæm) neósungum
scort, sceort
to look for ; seek What are you looking for He sought advice from his father The cub seeks the warmth of its mother
secan Verb weak class 1Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i sēċe ic i sōhte2 þu you sēċest|sēcst þu you sōhtest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she sēċeþ|sēcþ he/hit/heo he/it/she sōhtePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they sēċaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they sōhtonSubjunctiveSg. sēċe sōhtePl. sēċen sōhtenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) sēċende sōhtImperative (direct command)Sg. sēċPl.sēċaþInflected Infinitiveto sēċenne
to be silent
swigian Verb weak class 2Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i swīgiġe ic i swīgode2 þu you swīgast þu you swīgodest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she swīgaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she swīgodePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they swīgiaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they swīgodonSubjunctiveSg. swīgiġe swīgodePl. swīgiġen swīgodenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) swīgiende swīgodImperative (direct command)Sg. swīgaPl.swīgiaþInflected Infinitiveto swīgienne
A row line
ræw Strong Feminine Nounræw Singular PluralNominative (the/that séo) ræw (the/those þá) ræwaAccusative (the/that þá) ræwe (the/those þá) ræwaGenitive (the/that þære) ræwe (the/those þára) ræwaDative (the/that þære) ræwe (the/those þæm) ræwum
- face 2. form; appearance
andwlita Noun weakandwlita Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) andwlita (the/those þá) andwlitanAccusative (the/that þone) andwlitan (the/those þá) andwlitanGenitive (the/that þæs) andwlitan (the/those þára) andwlitenaDative (the/that þæm) andwlitan (the/those þæm) andwlitum
to cause or feel pity
ofhréowan Verb Strong sv/t2Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i ofhríewe ic i ofhréaw2 þu you ofhríewest þu you ofhruwe3 he/hit/heo he/it/she {ofhríeweþ}{ofhríewþ} he/hit/heo he/it/she ofhréawPl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ofhríewaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ofhruwonSubjunctiveSg. ofhríewe ofhruwePl. ofhríewen ofhruwenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) ofhríewende {geofhrowen}{ofhrowen}Imperative (direct command)Sg. ofhríewePl.ofhríewaþInflected Infinitiveto ofhréowan
A wish desire longing seeking appetite will vow
gewilnung Strong Feminine Noungewilnung Singular PluralNominative (the/that séo) gewilnung (the/those þá) gewilnungaAccusative (the/that þá) gewilnunge (the/those þá) gewilnungaGenitive (the/that þære) gewilnunge (the/those þára) gewilnungaDative (the/that þære) gewilnunge (the/those þæm) gewilnungum
to sip ; take fluid into the mouth
supan Verb strong class 2Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i sūpe ic i sēap2 þu you sȳpst þu you supe3 he/hit/heo he/it/she sȳpþ he/hit/heo he/it/she sēapPl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they sūpaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they suponSubjunctiveSg. sūpe supePl. sūpen supenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) sūpende sopenImperative (direct command)Sg. sūpPl.sūpaþInflected Infinitiveto sūpenne
Sad of mind
- to heave or lift up ; raise from low to high ; elevate ; exalt ; ferment 2. to build ; erect 3. (figurative) to bear ; support ; uphold ; give higher worth to ; puff up 4. (figurative) to remove 5. (figurative) to give rise to ; raise a laugh ;
ahebban Verb strong class 6Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i āhebbe ic i āhōf2 þu you āhefest þu you āhōfe3 he/hit/heo he/it/she āhefeþ he/hit/heo he/it/she āhōfPl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they āhebbaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they āhōfonSubjunctiveSg. āhebbe āhōfePl. āhebben āhōfenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) āhebbende āhæfen|āhafen|āhefenImperative (direct command)Sg. āhefePl.āhebbaþInflected Infinitiveto āhebbenne
sticca Noun weaksticca Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) sticca (the/those þá) sticcanAccusative (the/that þone) sticcan (the/those þá) sticcanGenitive (the/that þæs) sticcan (the/those þára) sticcenaDative (the/that þæm) sticcan (the/those þæm) sticcum
smoca Weak Masculine Nounsmoca Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) smoca (the/those þá) smocanAccusative (the/that þone) smocan (the/those þá) smocanGenitive (the/that þæs) smocan (the/those þára) smocenaDative (the/that þæm) smocan (the/those þæm) smocum
- to set fire to; kindle; ignite; light (a fire ; lamp ; etc ) 2. to burn; burn up 3. to make hot; (by extension) to inflame; excite intense feeling; kindle passions
onælan Verb weak class 1Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i onǣle ic i onǣlde2 þu you onǣlest|onǣlst þu you onǣldest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she onǣleþ|onǣlþ he/hit/heo he/it/she onǣldePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they onǣlaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they onǣldonSubjunctiveSg. onǣle onǣldePl. onǣlen onǣldenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) onǣlende onǣledImperative (direct command)Sg. onǣlPl.onǣlaþInflected Infinitiveto onǣlenne
to busy occupy preoccupy prepossess employ to be busy with engage in undertake to take up fill
ábisgian Verb Weak wv/t2Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i ábisge ic i ábisgede2 þu you ábisgest þu you ábisgedest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ábisgaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she ábisgedePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ábisgaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ábisgedonSubjunctiveSg. ábisge ábisgedePl. ábisgen ábisgedenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) ábisgende geábisgedImperative (direct command)Sg. ábisgePl.ábisgaþInflected Infinitiveto ábisgan
to repeat ; reiterate It is written
eftgian Verb weak class 2Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i eftġiġe ic i eftġode2 þu you eftġast þu you eftġodest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she eftġaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she eftġodePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they eftġiaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they eftġodonSubjunctiveSg. eftġiġe eftġodePl. eftġiġen eftġodenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) eftġiende eftġodImperative (direct command)Sg. eftġaPl.eftġiaþInflected Infinitiveto eftġienne
A beetle hammer
bitel Strong Masculine Nounbitel Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) bitel (the/those þá) bitelasAccusative (the/that þone) bitel (the/those þá) bitelasGenitive (the/that þæs) biteles (the/those þára) bitelaDative (the/that þæm) bitele (the/those þæm) bitelum
Máius Strong Masculine NounMáius Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) Máius (the/those þá) MáiusasAccusative (the/that þone) Máius (the/those þá) MáiusasGenitive (the/that þæs) Máiuses (the/those þára) MáiusaDative (the/that þæm) Máiuse (the/those þæm) Máiusum
height highest point summit the heavens heaven glory
híehðu Strong Feminine Nounhíehðu Singular PluralNominative (the/that séo) híehðu (the/those þá) híehðaAccusative (the/that þá) híehðe (the/those þá) híehðaGenitive (the/that þære) híehðe (the/those þára) híehðaDative (the/that þære) híehðe (the/those þæm) híehðum
Anything that makes a clattering, a drum, rattle;
mistake ; fault ; misdeed
misfeng Noun strong i-stemmisfeng Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) misfeng (the/those þá) misfengasAccusative (the/that þone) misfeng (the/those þá) misfengasGenitive (the/that þæs) misfenges (the/those þára) misfengaDative (the/that þæm) misfenge (the/those þæm) misfengum
- to fail to take 2. to mistake
misfon Verb strong class 7Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i misfō ic i misfēng2 þu you misfēhst þu you misfēnge3 he/hit/heo he/it/she misfēhþ he/hit/heo he/it/she misfēngPl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they misfōþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they misfēngonSubjunctiveSg. misfō misfēngePl. misfōn misfēngenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) misfōnde misfangenImperative (direct command)Sg. misfōhPl.misfōþInflected Infinitiveto misfōnne
- space of time time while period season 2. having reference to the condition of things at any time time as in good bad hard etc. times evil times occasion paroxysm ~e for a time some time long time ~um at times sometimes ealle ~e all the time continually sume ~e at times
þrág Strong Feminine Nounþrág Singular PluralNominative (the/that séo) þrág (the/those þá) þrágaAccusative (the/that þá) þráge (the/those þá) þrágaGenitive (the/that þære) þráge (the/those þára) þrágaDative (the/that þære) þráge (the/those þæm) þrágum
to drop
- to be at leisure ; have time for 2. to be vacant
æmtian Verb weak class 2Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i ǣmtiġe ic i ǣmtode2 þu you ǣmtast þu you ǣmtodest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ǣmtaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she ǣmtodePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ǣmtiaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ǣmtodonSubjunctiveSg. ǣmtiġe ǣmtodePl. ǣmtiġen ǣmtodenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) ǣmtiende ǣmtodImperative (direct command)Sg. ǣmtaPl.ǣmtiaþInflected Infinitiveto ǣmtienne
to bring together conciliate reconcile
sibbian Verb Weak wv/t2Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i sibbe ic i sibbede2 þu you sibbest þu you sibbedest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she sibbaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she sibbedePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they sibbaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they sibbedonSubjunctiveSg. sibbe sibbedePl. sibben sibbedenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) sibbende gesibbedImperative (direct command)Sg. sibbePl.sibbaþInflected Infinitiveto sibban
- empty ; void; bereft 2. worthless ; useless ; vain
- searching penetrating (of inquiry trial etc.) exhaustive careful 2. that goes to the root or heart of a matter profound 3. exquisite choice
advantage profit good
fremung Strong Feminine Nounfremung Singular PluralNominative (the/that séo) fremung (the/those þá) fremungaAccusative (the/that þá) fremunge (the/those þá) fremungaGenitive (the/that þære) fremunge (the/those þára) fremungaDative (the/that þære) fremunge (the/those þæm) fremungum
- cattle 2. purchase sale traffic business bargain gain 3. payment value price déop ~ high price bútan ~e gratis 4. goods possessions property market saleable commodities
céap Strong Masculine Nouncéap Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) céap (the/those þá) céapasAccusative (the/that þone) céap (the/those þá) céapasGenitive (the/that þæs) céapes (the/those þára) céapaDative (the/that þæm) céape (the/those þæm) céapum
well-to-do rich prosperous
wela Noun weakwela Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) wela (the/those þá) welanAccusative (the/that þone) welan (the/those þá) welanGenitive (the/that þæs) welan (the/those þára) welenaDative (the/that þæm) welan (the/those þæm) welum
- to own ; possess 2. to cause to own: to give ; to deliver
agan Verb preterite-presentVerb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i āh ic i āhte2 þu you āhst þu you āhtest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she āh he/hit/heo he/it/she āhtePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they āgon we/ge/hie we/ye/they āhtonSubjunctiveSg. āge āhtePl. āgen āhtenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) āgende āgenImperative (direct command)Sg. āgePl.āgaþInflected Infinitiveto āgenne
to number count enumerate relate
áríman Verb Weak wv/t1bVerb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i áríme ic i árímede2 þu you árímest þu you árímedest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she árímaþ he/hit/heo he/it/she árímedePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they árímaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they árímedonSubjunctiveSg. áríme árímedePl. árímen árímedenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) árímende geárímedImperative (direct command)Sg. árímePl.árímaþInflected Infinitiveto áríman
Pleasant pleasing grateful acceptable
made of silk; silken
seolcen adjective
necklace neck-ornament
healsmyne Strong Masculine Nounhealsmyne Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) healsmyne (the/those þá) healsmyneasAccusative (the/that þone) healsmyne (the/those þá) healsmyneasGenitive (the/that þæs) healsmynes (the/those þára) healsmynaDative (the/that þæm) healsmyne (the/those þæm) healsmynum
- neck 2. prow of a ship
heals Noun strong a-stemheals Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) heals (the/those þá) healsasAccusative (the/that þone) heals (the/those þá) healsasGenitive (the/that þæs) healses (the/those þára) healsaDative (the/that þæm) healse (the/those þæm) healsum
- to wind around or about ; enwrap ; wrap ; entwine ; encircle ; surround 2. to wrap and object in or with something
bewindan Verb strong class 3Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i bewinde ic i bewand2 þu you bewinst|bewintst þu you bewunde3 he/hit/heo he/it/she bewint he/hit/heo he/it/she bewandPl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they bewindaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they bewundonSubjunctiveSg. bewinde bewundePl. bewinden bewundenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) bewindende bewundenImperative (direct command)Sg. bewindPl.bewindaþInflected Infinitiveto bewindenne
- to carry ; bear 2. to wear 3. to sustain ; support 4. to bring forth ; produce ; give birth
beran Verb strong class 4Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i bere ic i bær2 þu you birest|birst þu you bǣre3 he/hit/heo he/it/she bireþ|birþ he/hit/heo he/it/she bærPl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they beraþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they bǣronSubjunctiveSg. bere bǣrePl. beren bǣrenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) berende borenImperative (direct command)Sg. berPl.beraþInflected Infinitiveto berenne
to eke increase to augment
A leaf of a tree of a book a
LEÁF Strong Neuter NounLEÁF Singular PluralNominative (the/that þæt) LEÁF (the/those þá) LEÁFAccusative (the/that þæt) LEÁF (the/those þá) LEÁFGenitive (the/that þæs) LEÁFes (the/those þára) LEÁFaDative (the/that þæm) LEÁFe (the/those þæm) LEÁFum
A joyous noise jubilation joy
GLEÁM Strong Masculine NounGLEÁM Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) GLEÁM (the/those þá) GLEÁMasAccusative (the/that þone) GLEÁM (the/those þá) GLEÁMasGenitive (the/that þæs) GLEÁMes (the/those þára) GLEÁMaDative (the/that þæm) GLEÁMe (the/those þæm) GLEÁMum
scoplic Strong adjective
An evening bard vespertinus cantor
scóp Strong Masculine Nounscóp Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) scóp (the/those þá) scópasAccusative (the/that þone) scóp (the/those þá) scópasGenitive (the/that þæs) scópes (the/those þára) scópaDative (the/that þæm) scópe (the/those þæm) scópum
- to create ; to form 2. to mould ; shape
scieppan Verb strong class 6Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i sċieppe ic i sċōp|sċeōp2 þu you sċiepest þu you sċōpe|sċeōpe3 he/hit/heo he/it/she sċiepeþ he/hit/heo he/it/she sċōp|sċeōpPl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they sċieppaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they sċōpon|sċeōponSubjunctiveSg. sċieppe sċōpe|sċeōpePl. sċieppen sċōpen|sċeōpenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) sċieppende sċeapen|sċapenImperative (direct command)Sg. sċiepePl.sċieppaþInflected Infinitiveto sċieppenne
week a week ago every three weeks week after week
wice Noun weakwice Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) wiċe (the/those þá) wicanAccusative (the/that þone) wican (the/those þá) wicanGenitive (the/that þæs) wican (the/those þára) wicenaDative (the/that þæm) wican (the/those þæm) wicum
aught anything something
áwiht Strong Neuter Noun -uáwiht Singular PluralNominative (the/that þæt) áwiht (the/those þá) áwihtuAccusative (the/that þæt) áwiht (the/those þá) áwihtuGenitive (the/that þæs) áwihtes (the/those þára) áwihtaDative (the/that þæm) áwihte (the/those þæm) áwihtum