Beowulf 1 Flashcards
- host ; army 2. force ; power ; glory
þrymm Noun strong a-stemþrymm Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) þrymm (the/those þá) þrymmasAccusative (the/that þone) þrymm (the/those þá) þrymmasGenitive (the/that þæs) þrymmes (the/those þára) þrymmaDative (the/that þæm) þrymme (the/those þæm) þrymmum
asked understood
strength ; courage ; bravery
ellen Noun strong a-stemellen Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) ellen (the/those þá) ellenAccusative (the/that þone) ellen (the/those þá) ellenGenitive (the/that þæs) elnes (the/those þára) elnaDative (the/that þæm) elne (the/those þæm) elnum
to do ; accomplish ; carry out ; perform
fremman Verb weak class 1Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i fremme ic i fremede2 þu you fremest þu you fremedest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she fremeþ he/hit/heo he/it/she fremedePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they fremmaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they fremedonSubjunctiveSg. fremme fremedePl. fremmen fremedenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) fremmende fremedImperative (direct command)Sg. fremePl.fremmaþInflected Infinitiveto fremmenne
- one who does harm injurious person a criminal wretch miscreant an enemy 1a. a spiritual enemy fiend devil 2. a spoiler robber thief assassin 3. 2 with a favorable meaning warrior antagonist
sceaða Weak Masculine Nounsceaða Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) sceaða (the/those þá) sceaðanAccusative (the/that þone) sceaðan (the/those þá) sceaðanGenitive (the/that þæs) sceaðan (the/those þára) sceaðenaDative (the/that þæm) sceaðan (the/those þæm) sceaðum
I. a troop band crowd body of people swarm
þreát Strong Masculine Nounþreát Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) þreát (the/those þá) þreátasAccusative (the/that þone) þreát (the/those þá) þreátasGenitive (the/that þæs) þreátes (the/those þára) þreátaDative (the/that þæm) þreáte (the/those þæm) þreátum
- family ; kindred 2. a tribe or nation
mægþ Noun strong ō-stemmægþ Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) mǣġþ (the/those þá) mǣġþa|mǣġþeAccusative (the/that þone) mǣġþe (the/those þá) mǣġþa|mǣġþeGenitive (the/that þæs) mǣġþe (the/those þára) mǣġþaDative (the/that þæm) mǣġþe (the/those þæm) mǣġþum
mead (drink)
medu u-stem Masculine Nounmedu Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) medu (the/those þá) medaAccusative (the/that þone) medue (the/those þá) medaGenitive (the/that þæs) meda (the/those þára) medaDative (the/that þæm) meda (the/those þæm) medum
- to take away ; withdraw 2. to withhold ; deprive
ofteon Verb strong class 2Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i oftēo ic i oftēah2 þu you oftīehst þu you oftuge3 he/hit/heo he/it/she oftīehþ he/hit/heo he/it/she oftēahPl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they oftēoþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they oftugonSubjunctiveSg. oftēo oftugePl. oftēon oftugenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) oftēonde oftogenImperative (direct command)Sg. oftēohPl.oftēoþInflected Infinitiveto oftēonne
fear to frighten
destitute ; miserable
feasceaft adjective
- to find 2. to meet
findan Verb strong class 3Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i finde ic i fand2 þu you finst|fintst þu you funde3 he/hit/heo he/it/she fint he/hit/heo he/it/she fandPl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they findaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they fundonSubjunctiveSg. finde fundePl. finden fundenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) findende fundenImperative (direct command)Sg. findPl.findaþInflected Infinitiveto findenne
- to wait ; bide 2. to experience or endure 3. to reach ; attain
gebidan Verb strong class 1Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i ġebīde ic i ġebād2 þu you ġebītst þu you ġebide3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ġebītt|ġebīt he/hit/heo he/it/she ġebādPl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġebīdaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġebidonSubjunctiveSg. ġebīde ġebidePl. ġebīden ġebidenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) ġebīdende ġebidenImperative (direct command)Sg. ġebīdPl.ġebīdaþInflected Infinitiveto ġebīdenne
under heaven, on eartha convolution ; ball ; lump
in the phrases under wolcnum, under wolcna hrófewolcen Noun strong a-stemwolcen Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) wolcen (the/those þá) wolcenAccusative (the/that þone) wolcen (the/those þá) wolcenGenitive (the/that þæs) wolcnes (the/those þára) wolcnaDative (the/that þæm) wolcne (the/those þæm) wolcnum
A whale a mussel
hron Strong Masculine Nounhron Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) hron (the/those þá) hronasAccusative (the/that þone) hron (the/those þá) hronasGenitive (the/that þæs) hrones (the/those þára) hronaDative (the/that þæm) hrone (the/those þæm) hronum
follower mercenary servant hireling dependant
hýra Weak Masculine Nounhýra Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) hýra (the/those þá) hýranAccusative (the/that þone) hýran (the/those þá) hýranGenitive (the/that þæs) hýran (the/those þára) hýrenaDative (the/that þæm) hýran (the/those þæm) hýrum
gombe Noun weakgombe Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) gombe (the/those þá) gombanAccusative (the/that þone) gomban (the/those þá) gombanGenitive (the/that þæs) gomban (the/those þára) gombenaDative (the/that þæm) gomban (the/those þæm) gombum
- to pay; to give something in payment or as due; to yield 2. to repay ; to pay back ; to restore 3. to requite; to reward
gieldan Verb strong class 3Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i ġielde ic i ġeald2 þu you ġielst|ġieltst þu you gulde3 he/hit/heo he/it/she ġielt he/hit/heo he/it/she ġealdPl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they ġieldaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they guldonSubjunctiveSg. ġielde guldePl. ġielden guldenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) ġieldende goldenImperative (direct command)Sg. ġieldPl.ġieldaþInflected Infinitiveto ġieldenne
to give birth to (a child) ; to deliver ; to bear
cennan Verb weak class 1Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i cenne ic i cende2 þu you cennest|censt þu you cendest3 he/hit/heo he/it/she cenneþ|cenþ he/hit/heo he/it/she cendePl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they cennaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they cendonSubjunctiveSg. cenne cendePl. cennen cendenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) cennende cennedImperative (direct command)Sg. cennPl.cennaþInflected Infinitiveto cennenne
- crime 2. sin 3. torment ; suffering
firen Noun strong ō-stemfiren Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) firen (the/those þá) firena|fireneAccusative (the/that þone) firene (the/those þá) firena|fireneGenitive (the/that þæs) firene (the/those þára) firenaDative (the/that þæm) firene (the/those þæm) firenum
- need 2. hardship ; privation
þearf Noun strong ō-stemþearf Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) þearf (the/those þá) þearfa|þearfeAccusative (the/that þone) þearfe (the/those þá) þearfa|þearfeGenitive (the/that þæs) þearfe (the/those þára) þearfaDative (the/that þæm) þearfe (the/those þæm) þearfum
- to do ; perform (a service ; duty etc ) 2. to bear ; suffer ; undergo ; endure
dreogan Verb strong class 2Verb Present Tense Preterite TenseIndicativeSg. 1 ic i drēoge ic i drēag|drēah2 þu you drīeġst þu you druge3 he/hit/heo he/it/she drīeġþ he/hit/heo he/it/she drēag|drēahPl. we/ge/hie we/ye/they drēogaþ we/ge/hie we/ye/they drugonSubjunctiveSg. drēoge drugePl. drēogen drugenParticiples present participle (…ing) / past participle (…ed) drēogende drogenImperative (direct command)Sg. drēog|drēohPl.drēogaþInflected Infinitiveto drēogenne
ruler lord king master the Lord Christ God husband
fréa Weak Masculine Nounfréa Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) fréa (the/those þá) fréanAccusative (the/that þone) fréan (the/those þá) fréanGenitive (the/that þæs) fréan (the/those þára) fréenaDative (the/that þæm) fréan (the/those þæm) fréum
LIFE mode of life period
LIF Strong Neuter NounLIF Singular PluralNominative (the/that þæt) LIF (the/those þá) LIFAccusative (the/that þæt) LIF (the/those þá) LIFGenitive (the/that þæs) LIFes (the/those þára) LIFaDative (the/that þæm) LIFe (the/those þæm) LIFum
- controller ; master 2. ruler ; governor ; sovereign 3. possessor ; lord
wealdend Noun strong nd-stemwealdend Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) wealdend (the/those þá) wealdend|wealdende|wealdendasAccusative (the/that þone) wealdend (the/those þá) wealdend|wealdende|wealdendasGenitive (the/that þæs) wealdendes (the/those þára) wealdendraDative (the/that þæm) wealdende (the/those þæm) wealdendum
famous ; renowned ; glorious
breme adjective
man ; hero
guma Noun weakguma Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) guma (the/those þá) gumanAccusative (the/that þone) guman (the/those þá) gumanGenitive (the/that þæs) guman (the/those þára) gumenaDative (the/that þæm) guman (the/those þæm) gumum
bold ; firm ; resolute
from adjective
feoh Strong Masculine Nounfeoh Singular PluralNominative (the/that se) feoh (the/those þá) xxxAccusative (the/that þone) feoh (the/those þá) xxxGenitive (the/that þæs) féos (the/those þára) féonaDative (the/that þæm) féo (the/those þæm) xxx
a gift; as a technical term ⬩ the amount to be given by a suitor in consideration of receiving a woman to wife ⬩ marriage