Module 55 Flashcards
biomedical therapy
prescribed meds or procedures that act directly on a person’s physiology
lifestyle changes that can help with mental functioning
sleep, social connection, aerobic exercise, light exposure, decreased rumination, outdoor activity in natural environment, nutritional supplements
psychoactive drugs
influence neurons
enhance neurotransmitters
block neurotransmitter action
therapeutic drugs
drugs used to treat psych disorders
drug treatment
most widely used treatment; presumes neurotransmitter malfunction; low invasiveness; affects entire brain
study of effects of drugs on mind and behavior
drugs used to treat pos symptoms of schizophrenia and severe thought disorders; decrease psychoses; chemically similar to dopamine and act as its antagonists; can cause sluggishness, tremors, twitches, obesity, and diabetes (last 2 with new gen drugs)
tardive dyskinesia
after long-term use of antipsychotics; involuntary movements of facial muscles, tongue, and limbs
antianxiety drugs
used to control anxiety, phobias, PSTD, OCD, agitation; GABA agonists; depress CNS activity; decrease symptoms without resolving problem; can be addictive
work bottom-up on limbic system; treat depression, anxiety, strokes, OCD, PSTD; may increase the availability of and agonists of norepinephrine and serotonin bc they increase mood and arousal; some block reabsorption and breaking down of the neurotransmitters - more side effects; improvement after a month; some are SSRIs
anesthetic; party drug; blocks hyperactive receptors for glutamate and causes more synapses; relief within hours but disappears within a week
prolong the time serotonin remains in synapses, partially by blocking the normal reuptake process
mood-stabilizing meds
control mania and bipolar disorder; lithium, Depakote
salt; helps with bipolar disorder; decrease risk of suicide and crime; GABA agonist and glutamate antagonist
electroconvulsion therapy (ECT)
brief ele current is sent through brain to anesthetized patient; 30-60 sec seizure; treat severe depression who haven’t responded to drugs; sometimes only to R hemi; can cause memory loss; decrease suicidal thoughts; calm neural centers where overactivity = dep; may cause neurogenesis and new synaptic connections within hippocampus and amygdala; mod invasiveness; affects entire brain
weak ele current; used for depression and personal cog benefits
patients are awake; pulses via magnetic coil; can stim or suppress areas of cortex; works 30-40% of time; energizes L frontal lobe; with repeated stim, form new functioning circuits via long-term potentiation; low invasiveness; affects large region of brain
pinpoints a neural hub that bridges frontal lobes to limbic system (overactive w dep) and activates neurons that inhibit neg activity; 30-60% show improvement; sometimes used to treat Parkinson’s tremors; via electrodes; Mayberg; mod invasiveness; affects small area of brain
surgery that removes/destroys brain tissue; most drastic so least used; used for mostly extreme stress disorders and brain malfunction; more precise surgeries are used in extreme cases now; MRI-guided precision surgery is used for extreme OCD
Moniz; calm uncontrollably emotional and violent patients; cuts nerves connecting frontal lobes to limbic system via eyes; intended to disconnect emotion from thought and decrease misery and tension; made person lethargic, immature, uncreative; extreme invasiveness; large area of brain affected
preventative mental health
seeks to prevent issues by identifying and alleviating conditions that cause them before mental issues arise; strengthening people’s meaning of life leads to increased meaningful social interactions and less loneliness
community psychologists
focus on creating environments that support psych health; aim to empower people and increase health, competence, and well-being
ability to cope with stress and recover from adversity; most adults exhibit; more common with those who have many close, supporting relationships and low additional stress
posttraumatic growth
positive psych changes as a result of struggling with extremely challenging circumstances/life crises; making sense out of a situation leads to less distress; increased when people imagine new possibilities to come from the unwanted situation