Module 40 Flashcards
alleviating stress using emotional, cog, or behavioral methods
problem-focused coping
attempting to alleviate stress directly by changing the stressor or the way we interact with it; use when we feel we have some control over self/stressor; more people use it with internal loci of control
emotional-focused coping
attempting to alleviate stress by avoiding/ignoring the stressor and attending to emotional needs related to the stress reaction; use when we feel we can’t change a situation; more people use it with external loci of control; can harm health (stress eating)
personal control
sense of controlling our environment rather than feeling helpless
learned helplessness
hopelessness and passive resignation someone learns when unable to avoid (control) aversive events
loss of control perception
can increase vulnerability to ill (mental and physical) health; citizens of stable democracies (personal freedom and control) report increased levels of happiness; higher economic status = more control = longer life; causes increase release of stress hormones
excess of control/tyranny of choices
common in W cultures; can decrease satisfaction with choice, cause behavior paralysis, increase depression; causes info overload and greater regret
external locus of control
perception that chance or outside forces beyond our personal control determine our fate; experience more PTSD; more young Americans show now than before
internal locus of control
perception that we control our own fate; greater achievement, independence, better health, decreased depression, obesity, blood pressure and distress as an adult; more military and business leaders; believe in free-will and demonstrate self-control
ability to control impulses and practice delayed gratification
expect things to go badly; attribute poor performance to a basic lack of ability or to situations enduring beyond control; more external loci of control
depletion effect
self-control weakens after use, recovers after rest, and grows stronger with exercise
expect to have more control, cope better with stressful events; enjoy better health, respond to stress with smaller increases in blood pressure; get better grades and argue more civilly; greater life satisfaction, longer life; genetic (related to oxytocin)
social support
feeling liked and encouraged by intimate friends and family; calms us; stronger immune responses; allows for open heart therapy
open heart therapy
confidement of painful feelings; calms us long term, temp arouses us; suppressing emotions can decrease physical health; can work via writing