Module 41 Flashcards
social psych
study of how we think about, influence, and react to one another; why the same person acts diff in diff situations and why diff ppl act diff
attribution theory
Heider; behavior can be attributed to person’s traits or to the situation; decisions arise from judgements of consistency, consensus, and distinctiveness of the behavior
dispositional attribution
behavior attributed to person’s traits
situational attribution
behavior attributed to the situation
fundamental attribution error
overestimated influence of personality and underestimated influence of situations as factors that affect behavior
factors that affect attributions
culture, who the attribution is about, behavior, age
actor-observer diff
we are sensitive to how our own behavior changes with the situation and sensitive to situations when we’ve seen people in multiple contexts; more attributions to personality with strangers (who act poorly)
feelings, influenced by beliefs, that predispose our reactions to objects, people, and events
take into account what audience beliefves, who they trust, and what they value; ethos, pathos, and logos; tries to influence behavior by changing attitudes
peripheral route persuasion
uses attention-getting cues (fame, attractiveness) to trigger emotion-based, fast judgements
central route persuasion
offers evidence and arguments that trigger careful thinking; works well for people who are naturally analytically or involved in the issue; more durable
when are attitudes likely to affect behavior
external influences and social pressures are low; attitude is stable, specific to the behavior, and easily recalled
foot-in-the-door phenomenon
tendency for people who have first agreed to small requests to comply later with a biggerrequest; doing becomes believing; has helped increase charitable contributions, blood donations, and US educational desegregation
a social position that has a set of expectations about it, defining how people in said position should behave; when in new role, behaviors may feel fake (role-playing) but will eventually become reality; some people can resist being modeled into a role; military officers are trained this way (to become more intense/aggressive to adopt into their role better)
cognitive dissonance
tension when we become aware that our attitudes and actions don’t coincide
cognitive dissonance theory
Festinger; we act to decrease cognitive dissonance, sometimes by changing attitudes to align with our actions; the less persuaded and more responsible we feel for a troubling act = more dissonance = more motivation to find and project consistency and more likely to change attitudes