Module 22 Flashcards
biological predisposition to learn associations that have survival value (ex: taste aversion); Garcia; constraint on CC
nausea conditioning
alerts body to threat; can occur between patients and the environment of chemo clinic
biological constraint on OC
most easily learn behaviors similar to natural behaviors; unnatural ones drift back to these natural behaviors
instinctive drift
tendency of learned behavior to gradually revert to biologically predisposed patterns (OC)
the more predictable an association is, the stronger the conditioned response is; causes an expectancy (awareness of how likely it is for an US to occur) of when the response should occur soon; responds more with more (unique) info value and/or frequently correct predictability; Rescorla
cognitive map
mental representation of one’s environment; allows for latent learning
latent learning
Tolman; learning that occurs but isn’t apparent until there’s an incentive to demonstrate it
intrinsic motivation
desire to perform a behavior effectively and for one’s own sake; excessive rewards can diminish/backfire; intrinsic rewards usually lead to extrinsic rewards
extrinsic motivation
behaving to gain external rewards or avoid punishment; those used to signal a job well done can be effective
observational learning
learning without direct experience by watching and imitating others; especially likely to learn from people we perceive as similar to us, successful, or admirable; Bandura and the Bobo Doll Studies
process of obseraving and imitating a behavior; can experience vicarious reinforcement/punishment
mirror neurons
frontal lobe neurons that some scientists believe fire when we perform certain actions/observe another doing so; may enable imitation, empathy, and observational learning
can be passed down; changes with environment; present in chimps, whales, monkeys, and humans; human imitation is pervasive; can occur with emotions; allows for theory of mind and socialization; lights up same brain areas as actually experiencing emotion/event
imitation in humans
8-16 months: infants imitate novel gestures
12 months: look where adult is
14 months: children imitate acts on TV
2.5 y/o: young children surpass chimps at social tasks
2-5 y/o: overimitate - copy irrelevant actions
prosocial behavior
positive, constructive, helpful behavior
behavior modeling
examples of prosocial behavior; used to help new employees learn skills via observing them being modeled effectively
nonviolent helpful behavior
Gandhi and MLK emphasized; watching others engage in helpful behavior makes one more likely to do the same
antisocial behavior
opposite of prosocial behaviors; ex: aggressiveness, can be environmentally and genetically caused
violence-viewing effect
high amounts of violence and misrepped/unpunished/”justified” violence/crime promoted in media; can increase aggression, violence, and crime; prompted by imitation and desensitiation