Micro-Nonfermentative Bacilli Flashcards
- What are the most appropriate screening tests
to presumptively differentiate and identify the
nonfermentative gram-negative bacilli (NFB)
from the Enterobacteriaceae?
A. Catalase, decarboxylation of arginine, growth on
blood agar
B. Motility, urease, morphology on blood agar
C. Oxidase, TSI, nitrate reduction, growth on
MacConkey agar
D. Oxidase, indole, and growth on blood agar
C. Oxidase, TSI, nitrate reduction, growth on
MacConkey agar
- Presumptive tests used for identification of the
Pseudomonas spp. are:
A. Oxidase, oxidation–fermentation (OF) glucose
(open), OF glucose (sealed), motility, pigment
B. Growth on blood agar plate (BAP) and
eosin–methylene blue (EMB) agars, lysine
decarboxylation, catalase
C. Growth on MacConkey, EMB, and XLD agars
and motility
D. Growth on mannitol salt agar and flagellar stain
A. Oxidase, oxidation–fermentation (OF) glucose
(open), OF glucose (sealed), motility, pigment
- Which tests are most appropriate to differentiate
between Pseudomonas aeruginosa and
Pseudomonas putida?
A. Oxidase, motility, pyoverdin
B. Oxidase, motility, lactose
C. Oxidase, ONPG, DNase
D. Mannitol, nitrate reduction, growth at 42°C
D. Mannitol, nitrate reduction, growth at 42°C
- Which test group best differentiates Acinetobacter
baumannii from P. aeruginosa?
A. Oxidase, motility, NO3 reduction
B. MacConkey growth, 37°C growth, catalase
C. Blood agar growth, oxidase, catalase
D. Oxidase, TSI, MacConkey growth
A. Oxidase, motility, NO3 reduction
- In addition to motility, which test best differentiates
Acinetobacter spp. and Alcaligenes spp.?
B. Oxidase
C. Catalase
D. Flagellar stain
B. Oxidase
- The most noted differences between P. aeruginosa
and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia are:
A. Oxidase, catalase, and TSI
B. Oxidase, catalase, and ONPG
C. Oxidase, 42°C growth, and polar tuft of flagella
D. Catalase, TSI, and pigment
C. Oxidase, 42°C growth, and polar tuft of flagella
- Which Pseudomonas is usually associated with a
lung infection related to cystic fibrosis?
A. P. fluorescens
B. P. aeruginosa
C. P. putida
D. Burkholderia pseudomallei
B. P. aeruginosa
- A nonfermenter recovered from an eye wound is
oxidase positive, motile with polar monotrichous
flagella, and grows at 42°C. Colonies are dry,
wrinkled or smooth, buff to light brown in color,
and are difficult to remove from the agar. In which
DNA homology group should this organism be
A. Pseudomonas stutzeri
B. Pseudomonas fluorescens
C. Pseudomonas alcaligenes
D. Pseudomonas diminuta
A. Pseudomonas stutzeri
- Which organism is associated with
immunodeficiency syndromes and melioidosis
(a glanders-like disease in Southeast Asia and
northern Australia)?
A. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
B. Pseudomonas stutzeri
C. Pseudomonas putida
D. Burkholderia pseudomallei
D. Burkholderia pseudomallei
- Which biochemical tests are needed to differentiate
Burkholderia cepacia from S. maltophilia?
A. Pigment on blood agar, oxidase, DNase
B. Pigment on MacConkey agar, flagellar stain,
C. Glucose, maltose, lysine decarboxylase
D. TSI, motility, oxidase
A. Pigment on blood agar, oxidase, DNase
- The following results were obtained from a pure
culture of gram-negative rods recovered from the
pulmonary secretions of a 10-year-old cystic
fibrosis patient with pneumonia:
Oxidase = +
Motility = +
Glucose OF (open) = + Gelatin hydrolysis = +
Pigment = Red Arginine dihydrolase = +
Growth at 42°C = +
Flagella = + (polar, monotrichous)
Which is the most likely organism?
A. Burkholderia pseudomallei
B. Pseudomonas stutzeri
C. Burkholderia cepacia
D. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
D. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- Alcaligenes faecalis (formerly A. odorans) is
distinguished from Bordetella bronchiseptica
with which test?
A. Urease (rapid)
B. Oxidase
C. Growth on MacConkey agar
D. Motility
A. Urease (rapid)
- Chryseobacterium spp. are easily distinguished
from Acinetobacter spp. by which of the following
two tests?
A. Oxidase, growth on MacConkey agar
B. Oxidase and OF (glucose)
C. TSI and urea hydrolysis
D. TSI and VP
A. Oxidase, growth on MacConkey agar
- A gram-negative coccobacillus was recovered
on chocolate agar from the CSF of an
immunosuppressed patient. The organism
was nonmotile and positive for indophenol
oxidase but failed to grow on MacConkey
agar. The organism was highly susceptible to
penicillin. The most probable identification is:
A. Acinetobacter spp.
B. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
C. Pseudomonas stutzeri
D. Moraxella lacunata
D. Moraxella lacunata
- Cetrimide agar is used as a selective isolation agar
for which organism?
A. Acinetobacter spp.
B. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
C. Moraxella spp.
D. Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
B. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- A specimen from a 15-year-old female burn
patient was cultured after débridement, and the
following results were obtained:
Oxidase = + Lysine decarboxylase = Neg
Catalase = +
Motility = +
Ornithine decarboxylase = Neg
Glucose = + for oxidation
(open tube)
Arginine dihydrolase = + Maltose = Neg for oxidation
(open tube)
Penicillin = Resistant Aminoglycosides =
Colistin (Polymixin B) = Susceptible
These results indicate which of the following
A. Acinetobacter baumannii
B. Moraxella lacunata
C. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
D. Acinetobacter lwoffii
C. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- A yellow pigment–producing organism that is
oxidase positive, nonmotile, and does not grow on
MacConkey agar is:
A. Acinetobacter baumannii
B. Acinetobacter lwoffii
C. Burkholderia cepacia
D. Chryseobacterium meningosepticum
D. Chryseobacterium meningosepticum
- Which reagent(s) is (are) used to develop the red
color indicative of a positive reaction in the nitrate
reduction test?
A. Sulfanilic acid and α-naphthylamine
B. Ehrlich’s and Kovac’s reagents
C. o-Nitrophenyl-β-D-galactopyranoside
D. Kovac’s reagent
A. Sulfanilic acid and α-naphthylamine
- A culture from an intra-abdominal abscess
produced orange-tan colonies on blood agar that
gave the following results:
Oxidase = +
Nitrate reduction = +
KIA = Alk/Alk (H2S)+
Motility = + (single polar
DNase = + Ornithine decarboxylase = +
Growth at 42°C = Neg
The most likely identification is:
A. Shewanella putrefaciens
B. Acinetobacter spp.
C. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
D. Chryseobacterium spp.
A. Shewanella putrefaciens
- Chryseobacterium spp. and B. cepacia are easily
differentiated by which test?
A. Motility
B. OF glucose
C. Oxidase
D. Cetrimide agar
A. Motility
- A 15-year-old female complained of a severe eye
irritation after removing her soft-contact lenses.
A swab of the infected right eye was obtained by
an ophthalmologist, who ordered a culture and
sensitivity test. The culture was plated on blood
agar and MacConkey agar. At 24 hours, growth
of a gram-negative rod that tested positive
for cytochrome oxidase was noted. The
Mueller–Hinton sensitivity plate showed a
bluish-green “lawn” of growth that proved
highly resistant to most of the antibiotics tested
except amikacin, tobramycin, and ciprofloxacin.
What is the most likely identification?
A. Burkholderia cepacia
B. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
C. Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
D. Acinetobacter baumannii
B. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- Which of the listed Pseudomonas spp. is associated
with the following virulence factors: exotoxin A,
endotoxins, proteolytic enzymes, antimicrobial
resistance, and production of alginate?
A. P. fluorescens
B. P. putida
C. P. stutzeri
D. P. aeruginosa
D. P. aeruginosa
- A 20-year-old horse groomer exhibited a
“glanders-like” infection. His history indicated
he had suffered several open wounds on his
hands 2 weeks before the swelling of his lymph
nodes. A gram-negative rod was recovered from
a blood culture that grew well on blood and
MacConkey agars. Most of the biochemical tests
were negative, including the cytochrome oxidase
test. What is the most likely identification?
A. Burkholderia mallei
B. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
C. Pseudomonas stutzeri
D. Burkholderia pseudomallei
A. Burkholderia mallei
- A Vietnam War veteran presented with a
“glanders-like” infection (melioidosis). Several
blood cultures produced gram-negative rods that
were positive for cytochrome oxidase, oxidized
glucose and xylose, and grew at 42°C. What is
the most likely organism?
A. Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
B. Burkholderia pseudomallei
C. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
D. Acinetobacter spp.
B. Burkholderia pseudomallei
- Cytochrome oxidase-positive, nonfermentative
gram-negative bacilli were recovered from the
stool of a cystic fibrosis (CF) patient. The isolates
produced wet (mucoidy) colonies on blood agar.
Which identification is most likely?
A. Acinetobacter spp.
B. Pseudomonas alcaligenes
C. Pseudomonas stutzeri
D. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
D. Pseudomonas aeruginosa