Lec 7-4 - More Solutes Flashcards
two major ions
sodium, chloride
two less major ions
potassium, calcium
membrane potential of a cell at rest is usually closes to the equilibrium potential of this solute
potassium (due to lots of channels present)
deviations of potassium concentration out of normal range often leads to blank problems
the reason we dont die from potassium intake
potassium sequestration
acid base imbalance can mess with potassium sequestration because acid does this
inhibits sodium potassium pump
osmolality can mess with potassium sequestration because blank happens
cell shrinkage so intracellular potassium rises which increases potassium exit from the cell
cell lysis and exercise can also lead to blank
problems with potassium sequestration
when potassium is in short supply, the distal segments switch from potassium blank to potassium blank
secreting, reabsorbing
most potassium is reabsorbed in the blank via the blank pathway
proximal tubule, paracellular
first half of proximal tubule has potassium reabsorbed by blank
solvent drage
second half of proximal tubule has potassium reabsorbed by blank
electrical driving force
thick ascending limb has potassium reabsorbed by blank
paracellular, transcellular
aldosterone stimulates blank secretion by increasing number of sodium potassium channels and enac
these ions are handled and regulated in parallel because they are required together for building or breaking down bone
calcium, phosphate