complement system Flashcards
C3 is synthesized by the
C3 is converted to
C3b role
binds to bacteria causing death
alternative pathway
C3 spontaneously converts to C3b
surfaces that bind C3b making it stable
fungal cell walls
viral envelopes
stable C3b can bind
complement protein b
__ clips B bound to C3b
complement protein D
when complement protein D clips B bound to C3b it forms
C3 convertase C3bBb
role of C3 convertase
to cleave more C3 to C3b
factor H is synthesized in
factor H blocks
alternative pathway on host cells
mannose binding lectin is produced by
mannose binding lectin circulates with mannose associated serine proteases and binds
surfaces with mannose
in the classical pathway C1 cleaves
C2 and C4
when C1 cleaves C2 and C4 what forms
C2b4b convertase