[B] 1.68 Definition of tumor (oncogenes, tumorsuppressor genes) Flashcards
Definition of tumour
- Pathologic lesion
- With irreversible genetic damage in the background
- This DNA will alter a gene’s structure and/or function
- Abnormal cell proliferation
There will always be … damage during replication
Neoplasia cannot be avoided if…
The animal lives long enough
Define: Neoplasma, neoplasia
New tissue proliferation
- Neo = New
- Plasein = Compose
Define: Tumour
From main characteristics of inflammation
(4 pillars of inflammation)
Define: -oncos
“Tumour” in Greek
Define: Oncology
Discipline working with neoplasia
Tissue proliferation
- Any tissue can be an origin
- Progressive growth with infinite proliferation ability = Immortalisation
Carcinogenesis: Self-preservation
Can be done with growth factors
- Activated by oncogenes
Carcinogenesis: Resistance to growth inhibitors
By inactivation of tumour suppressor genes
How can carcinogenesis continue against the body?
- Avoiding the immune system
- Dysregulation of the tissue’s metabolism
- Losing apoptotic ability
- Continuous angiogenesis
- Predisposition to tissue invasion and metastasis
- Sustained inflammatory processes
Define: Gene
Sequence of nucleotide in DNA/RNA encoding synthesis of a gene product
The basis of the body’s function are the…
- Autocrine signals
- Paracrine signals
- Endocrine signals
…and their effects on genes
A mutation can be…
- Somatic: In a somatic cell
- Germinal: In a gamete during gametogenesis
- Spontaneous: Error in DNA replication
- Induced: Environmental/epigenetic effect
Results of mutation can be…
- Gene mutation/point mutation: Affecting 1 gene
- Chromosome mutation: Affecting more genes
- Genome mutation: The whole genome is affected