[A] 1.54 Suppurative inflammation Flashcards
“Suppurative” =
Purulent (Pus-forming)
Suppurative/Purulent inflammation: Causes
Strong chemotactic stimulus
- Pyogenic bacteria
- Chemicals
- Necrotic tissue
Suppurative/Purulent inflammation: Locations of occurance
- Mucosa
- Serosa → (Pyopericardium, pyothorax, pyoarthros)
- Inside organ → (Phlegmon, microabscess, abscess)
Suppurative/Purulent inflammation: Composition
- Neutrophils
- Heterophils
- Lymphocytes
- Histiocytes
- RBCs
- Monocytes
Suppurative/Purulent inflammation: Colour
- Grey-white, -yellow; viscous; turbid
- Fat droplets in the cytoplasm of the neutrophils
- Pathogen influences appearance
- A. pyogenes - Greenish
- P. aeruginosa - Blue-green
Suppurative/Purulent inflammation: Consistency
- Watery (thin)
- Dense (thick)
- Dry
Outcome of Suppurative/Purulent inflammation
- On mucous membranes
- Acute superficial - purulent catarrh
- Draining/escape
- Accumulation (empyema)
Suppurative/Purulent inflammation: Drain/escape
- Through anatomical orifices
- Pyorrhoea (discharge)
- Healing
Suppurative/Purulent inflammation: Accumulation (empyema)
- In the uterus - pyometra
- Chronic purulent inflammation
Outcome of Suppurative/Purulent inflammation: On serous membranes
- Circulatory disturbances
- Vascular injection, Haemorrhages
- Exudation, infiltration
- Accumulation (empyema)
- In the thorax - Pyothorax
- In the joint - Pyoarthros
- In the pericardium - Pyopericardium
Suppurative/Purulent inflammation: Types inside the organs
- Phlegmon
- Diffusely in the tissue spaces
- Exudation + infiltration
- Usually in the loose connective tissue
- Microabscess
- Abscess
- Circumscribed
- Exsudation, infiltration & alteration
Abscess: Overview
- No spreading
- Demarcation
- Total histolysis on the area
- Structure: “Concentric layering”
- Destruction of the wall
- Discharge of the pus
- Surfaces, cavities, blood (pyemia)
Abscess: Zones

Purulent inflammation in the skin
- In the epithelial layer
- Impetigo, greasy pig disease
- Staphylococcus hyicus
Purulent inflammation in the skin: In the epithelial layer
- Tiny intradermal abscess (pustula)
- Between the str. corneum and granulosum
Purulent inflammation in the skin: Impetigo, greasy pig disease
- Small vesicles filled with pus
- Thickened, red-brown spots (crusts)
- Widespread lesions