Sympathetic stimulation is mediated by
- Release of norepinephrine from nerve terminals
- Activation of adrenoreceptors on postsynaptic sites
- Release of epinephrine from the adrenal medulla
Characteristics of epinephrine include
- It is synthesized into the adrenal medulla
- It is transported in the blood to target tissues
- It directly interacts with and activates adrenoreceptors
Characteristics of epinephrine include all of the following EXCEPT
It is synthesized into the nerve ending
Which of the following sympathomimetics acts indirectly?
Indirect action includes all of the following properties
- Displacement of stored catecholamines from the adrenergic nerve ending
- Inhibition of reuptake of catecholamines already released
- Inhibition of the release of endogenous catecholamines from peripheral adrenergic neurons
Indirect action includes all of the following properties EXCEPT
Interaction with adrenoreceptors
Catecholamine includes
- Epinephrine
- Isoprenaline
- Norepinephrine
Epinephrine decreases intracellular camp levels by acting on
α2 receptor
True or False. Skeletal muscle vessels have predominantly alfa receptors and constrict in the presence of epinephrine and norepinephrine
True or False. ALFA receptors increase arterial resistence, whereas beta2 receptor promote smooth muscle relaxation
True or False. The skin and splanchic vessels have predominantly alfa receptors.
True or False. Vessels in a skeletal muscle may constrict or dilate depending on whether alfa or beta2 receptors are activated
Direct effects on the heart are determined largely by
Beta1 receptor
Which of the following effects is related to direct beta1 adrenoreceptor stimulation?
Distribution of alfa adrenoreceptor subtypes is associated with all of the following tissues
- Blood vessels
- Prostate
- Pupillary dilator muscle
Distribution of alfa adrenoreceptor subtypes is not associated with the tissues of
Beta adrenoreceptor subtypes is not contained in tissues of
Pupillary dilator muscle
Beta adrenoreceptor subtypes is contained in
- Bronchial muscles
- Heart
- Fat cells
In which tissues both alfa and beta1 adrenergic stimulation produces the same effect?
The effects of sympathomimetics on blood pressure are associated with their effects on
- The heart
- The peripheral resistance
- The venous return
A relatively pure alfa agonist causes
- Increase peripheral arterial resistance
- Increase venous return
- Reflex bradycardia
A relatively pure alfa agonist do not causes
Effect on blood vessels
A nonselective beta receptor agonist causes
- Increase cardiac output
- Decrease peripheral arterial resistance
- Decrease the mean pressure
A nonselective beta receptor agonist do not causes
Increase peripheral arterial resistance
True or False. Αlfa agonists cause miosis.
True or False. Αlfa agonists cause mydriasis.
True or False. Beta antagonists decrease the production of aqueous humor
True or False. Αlfa agonists increase the outflow of aqueous humor from the eye
A bronchial smooth muscle contains
Beta 2 receptor
All of the following agents are beta receptor agonists
- Epinephrine
- Isoproterenol
- Dobutamine
All of the following agents are beta receptor agonists EXCEPT
Which of the following drugs causes bronchodilation without significant cardiac stimulation?
Αlfa-receptor stimulation includes
- Relaxation of gastrointestinal smooth muscle
- Contraction of bladder base, uterus and prostate
- Stimulation of platelet aggregation
Αlfa-receptor stimulation do not includes
Stimulation of insulin secretion
Beta1 receptor stimulation includes
- Increase in contractility
- Tachycardia
- Increase in conduction velocity in the atrioventricular node
Beta1 receptor stimulation do not includes
Beta2 receptor stimulation includes
- Stimulation of renin secretion
- Fall of potassium concentration in plasma
- Relaxation of bladder, uterus
Beta2 receptor stimulation do not includes
Hyperglycemia induced by epinephrine is due to
- Gluconeogenesis (beta2)
- Inhibition of insulin secretion (alfa)
- Stimulation of glycogenolysis (beta2)
Which of the following effects is associated with beta3-receptor stimulation?
True or False. Norepinephrine has a predominantly beta action
True or False. Epinephrine acts on both alfa- and beta-receptors
True or False. Methoxamine has a predominantly alfa action
True or False. Isoprenaline has a predominantly beta action
Indicate the drug, which is a direct-acting both alfa- and beta-receptor agonist
Which of the following agents is an alfa1 alfa2 beta1 beta2 receptor agonist?
Indicate the direct-acting sympathomimetic, which is an alfa1 alfa2 beta1 receptor agonist
Which of the following agents is an alfa1-selective agonist?
Indicate the alfa2-selective agonist
Which agents is a nonselective beta receptor agonist?
Indicate the beta1-selective agonist
Which sympathomimetics is a beta2-selective agonist?
Indicate the indirect-acting sympathomimetic agent
Epinephrine produces all of the following effects
- Positive inotropic and chronotropic actions on the heart (beta1 receptor)
- Increase peripheral resistance (alfa receptor)
- Skeletal muscle blood vessel dilatation (beta2 receptor)
Epinephrine produces all of the following effects EXCEPT
Predominance of alfa effects at low concentration
Epinephrine produces all of the following effects
- Bronchodilation
- Hyperglycemia
- Mydriasis
Epinephrine produces all of the following effects EXCEPT
Decrease in oxygen consumption
Epinephrine is used in the treatment of
- Bronchospasm
- Anaphylactic shock
- Open-angle glaucoma
Epinephrine is not used in the treatment of
Cardiac arrhythmias
Compared with epinephrine, norepinephrine produces
- Similar effects on beta1 receptors in the heart and similar potency at an alfa receptor
- Significant tissue necrosis if injected subcutaneously
- Increase both diastolic and systolic blood pressure
Compared with epinephrine, norepinephrine do not produces
Decrease the mean pressure below normal before returning to the control value
Norepinephrine produces
Which direct-acting drugs is a relatively pure alfa agonist, an effective mydriatic and decongestant and can be used to raise blood pressure?
Characteristics of methoxamine include
- It is a direct-acting alfa1-receptor agonist
- It causes reflex bradycardia
- It increases total peripheral resistance
Characteristics of methoxamine do not
It increases heart rate, contractility and cardiac output
Which agents is an alfa2-selective agonist with ability to promote constriction of the nasal mucosa?
Indicate the sympathomimetic, which may cause hypotension, presumably because of a clonidine-like effect
Isoproterenol is
Nonselective beta receptor agonist
Isoproterenol produces
- Increase in cardiac output
- Fall in diastolic and mean arterial pressure
- Tachycardia
Isoproterenol do not produces
Characteristics of dobutamine is not
It is used to treat bronchospasm
Characteristics of dobutamine include
- It is a relatively beta1-selective synthetic catecholamine
- It increases atrioventricular conduction
- It causes minimal changes in heart rate and systolic pressure
Characteristics of salmeterol include
- It is a potent selective beta2 agonist
- It causes uterine relaxation
- It is used in the therapy of asthma
Characteristics of salmeterol do not include
It stimulates heart rate, contractility and cardiac output
Characteristics of ephedrine include
- It acts primarily through the release of stored cathecholamines
- It is a mild CNS stimulant
- It causes tachyphylaxis with repeated administration
Characteristics of ephedrine do not include
It decreases arterial pressure
Ephedrine causes
Compared with epinephrine, ephedrine produces
- It has oral activity
- It is resistant to MAO and has much longer duration of action
- Its effects are similar, but it is less potent
Compared with epinephrine, ephedrine do not produces
It is a direct-acting sympathomimetic
Which sympathomimetics is preferable for the treatment of chronic orthostatic hypotension?
Indicate the sympathomimetic drug, which is used in a hypotensive emergency
Which sympathomimetics is preferable for the emergency therapy of cardiogenic shock?
Indicate the sympathomimetic agent, which is combined with a local anesthetic to prolong the duration of infiltration nerve block
Which sympathomimetics is related to short-acting topical decongestant agents?
Indicate the long-acting topical decongestant agents
Which topical decongestant agents is an alfa2-selective agonist?
Indicate the sympathomimetic, which may be useful in the emergency management of cardiac arrest
Which sympathomimetics is used in the therapy of bronchial asthma?
Indicate the agent of choice in the emergency therapy of anaphylactic shock
Which sympathomimetics is an effective mydriatic?
The adverse effects of sympathomimetics include
- Cerebral hemorrhage or pulmonary edema
- Myocardial infarction
- Ventricular arrhythmias
The adverse effects of sympathomimetics do not include
Drug-induced parkinsonism