6 Flashcards
山坡 shānpō
hillside; mountain slope
中 zhòng
hit; be hit by; be affected by
所得 suǒdé
income; earnings; gains
个体 gètǐ
individual; self-employed
伤亡 shāngwáng
injuries and deaths; causalities
评 píng
judge; appraise, assess; comment
背包 bēibāo
knapsack; infantry pack
松 sōng
loose; loosen; relax; slacken
出洋相 chūyángxiàng
make a spectacle of oneself; make oneself a laughingstock for all
经营 jīngyíng
manage; run; operation
演习 yǎnxí
maneuver; drill; exercise
发 fā
MW for a bullet or shell
阵 zhèn
MW for something that lasts for a short period of time
优秀 yōuxiù
outstanding; excellent
穿越 chuānyuè
pass through; braid across; cross
体能 tǐnéng
physical stamina/agility
体力 tǐlì
physical strength; physical power
政策 zhèngcè
部位 bùwèi
position; place; location
优惠 yōuhuì
preferential; favorable
供养 gōngyǎng
provide for; support; fend for
养 yǎng
raise; grow; support
迅速 xùnsù
rapid; swift; speedy; prompt
反应 fǎnyìng
reaction; response
退伍 tuìwǔ
retire from military service
奖 jiǎng
reward; praise; encourage
冒 mào
risk; brave; emit; send out
冲 chōng
rush; dash; charge
严 yán
严寒 yánhán
severe cold; freezing cold
射 shè
shoot; fire
射击 shèjī
shoot; fire
信号 xìnhào
信号弹 xìnhàodàn
signal flare
仰卧起坐 yǎngwòqǐzuò
开业 kāiyè
start business; open a business
轮船 lúnchuán
steamship; steamboat
停止 tíngzhǐ
stop; cease; suspend
担架 dānjià
stretcher; litter
汗水 hànshuǐ
sweat; perspiration
税 shuì
投 tóu
投弹 tóudàn
throw a hand grenade
伞 sǎn
umbrella; parachute
紧急 jǐnjí
urgent; pressing; critical; emergent; urgency; emergency
待业 dàiyè
wait for employment
战争 zhànzhēng
war; warfare
力所能及 lìsuǒnéngjí
within one’s ability; to the best of one’s ability
伤口 shāngkǒu
wound; cut; laceration
公元 gōngyuán
the Christian era
平原 píngyuán
plain; flatlands
雨伞 yǔsǎn
探险 tànxiǎn
expedition; explorations
有……之称 yǒu…zhī
be known as…
亲自 qīnzì
in person; do something by
漫长 màncháng
very long; endless
类型 lèixíng
type; kind
植物 zhíwù
山峰 shānfēng
mountain peak
丘陵 qiūlíng
hills; mounds
盆地 péndì
海岸线 hǎiànxiàn
coastline; shoreline
流域 liúyù
river valley
古代 gǔdài
ancient times
错误 cuòwù
mistake; error
上游/中游/下游 shàngyóu/zhōngyóu /xiàyóu
upper reaches of a river/middle reaches; midstream/lower reaches; downstream
源流 yuánliú
source and course of a river
难道 nándào
Is it possible that…?
山脉 shānmài
mountain range
限制 xiànzhì
limit; restrict; restriction
真正 zhēnzhèng
genuine; true; real
发源地 fāyuándì
place of origin; source
确认 quèrèn
confirm; confirmation
高原 gāoyuán
石灰岩 shíhuīyán
地形 dìxíng
topography; landform
位置 wèizhi
location; site; position
一带 yídài
area; region; district
岩洞 yándòng
整理 zhěnglǐ
put in order; sort out;
著作 zhùzuò
work; book; writings
松树 sōngshù
pine tree
导游 dǎoyóu
guide; tour guide
天下 tiānxià
land under heaven; China
归来 guīlái
return; come back
哪怕 nǎpà
even; even if; even though;
咸水湖 xiánshuǐhú
saltwater lake
鸟岛 niǎodǎo
bird island
欣赏 xīnshǎng
enjoy; admire
迷人 mírén
enchanting; charming
人间天堂 rénjiān tiāntáng
an earthly paradise
上有天堂,下有苏杭 Shàng yǒu tiān táng, xià yǒu Sū Háng.
Above, there is heaven; below. there is Suzhou and Hangzhou.
把……比作 bǎ…bǐzuò
印象 yìnxiàng
深 shēn
deep; profound; dark (color)
沙漠 shāmò
草原 cǎoyuán
grasslands; prairie
风光 fēngguāng
scene; view
原始 yuánshǐ
primitive; original
森林 sēnlín
依我看 yī wǒ kàn
in my opinion; it seems to
以…划分 yǐ… huàfēn
be divided into…by
桂林山水甲天下 Guìlín shānshuǐ jiǎ tiānxià.
Guilin has the best scenery in the world.
位于 wèiyú
be located; be situated place; location; position
海拔 hǎibá
height above sea level
内陆 nèilù
inland; interior
淡水 dànshuǐ
fresh water
石油 shíyóu
petroleum; oil
天然气 tiānránqì
natural gas; gas
铜 tóng
铁 tiě
矿产 kuàngchǎn
mineral products; minerals
银 yín
镜子 jìngzi
美丽 měilì
牧场 mùchǎng
livestock farm; ranch
羊 yáng
sheep; goat
打仗 dǎzhàng
fight; go to war; make war
葡萄 pútao
薄 báo
thin; flimsy
奶酪 nǎilào
帐篷 zhàngpeng
养 yǎng
support; provide for
念书 niànshū
read; study; attend school
野生 yěshēng
wild; uncultivated
心爱 xīn‘ài
love; treasure (v.)
钻石 zuànshí
戒指 jièzhi
憨厚 hānhou
simple and honest ,straightforward
明珠 míngzhū
bright pearl
地貌 dìmào
topographic feature
行装 xíngzhuāng
outfit for a journey; luggage
观赏 guānshǎng
enjoy the sight of; view
武功 wǔgōng
military accomplishments;martial art; acrobatic skill
月色 yuèsè
不妨 bùfāng
there is no harm in; might as
湖泊 húpō
好似 hǎosì
seem; be like
宝石 bǎoshí
gem; precious stone
辽阔 liáokuò
vast; extensive
行驶 xíngshǐ
(of a vehicle) go; travel
游牧 yóumù
move about in search of pasture; nomadic
顶 dǐng
MW for a hat
面 miàn
MW for a mirror or flag
颗 kē
MW for a gem or tooth
只 zhī
MW for a hand, sheep, or chicken
徐霞客 Xú Xiákè
name of a person
太湖 Tàihú
a lake in Jiangsu Province
岷江 Mínjiāng
a river in Sichuan Province
长江 Chángjiāng
the Yangtze River, the longest river in China
黄河 Huánghé
the Yellow River, second longest river in China
金沙江 Jīnshājiāng
an upper reach of Yangtze River
青藏高原 Qīngzàng Gāoyuán
Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
唐古拉山 Tánggǔlā Shān
a mountain in Tibet
黄山 Huángshān
a mountain in Anhui Province
泰山 Tàishān
a mountain in Shandong Province
庐山 a mountain in Jiangxi
a mountain in Jiangxi Province
少林寺 Shàolín Sì a
a Buddhist temple in Henan
青海湖 Qīnghǎi Hú
a salt lake in Qinghai
西湖 Xīhú
West Lake, a lake in
三峡 Sānxiá
the Three Gorges on the upper and middle reaches of the Yangtze River
秦岭 Qínlǐng
a big mountain in northwest China
淮河 Huáihé
a river in central China
乌鲁木齐 Wūlǔmùqí
capital of Xinjiang
塔克拉玛干 Tǎkèlāmǎgān
a desert in Xinjiang
天池 Tiānchí
a lake in Xinjiang
天山 Tiānshān
a mountain in Xinjiang
艾丁湖 Àidīng Hú
a lake in Xinjiang
吐鲁番 Tǔlǔfān
an area in the middle eastern
哈密 Hāmì
a city in east Xinjiang
伊犁 Yīlí
a region in northwest
清朝 Qīng Cháo
the Qing Dynasty
夏令营 xiàlìngyíng
summer camp
猜 cāi
答案 dá’àn
answer key
近海领水 jìnhǎi lǐngshuǐ
offshore territorial
陆地 lùdì
dry land; land
行政区 xíngzhèngqū
administrative region
行政区划 xíngzhèng qūhuà
administrative division
省会 shěnghuì
provincial capital
级别 jíbié
rank; level
县 xiàn
乡 xiāng
管辖 guǎnxiá
have jurisdiction over
说明 shuōmíng
explain; illustrate; show
意思 yìsi
meaning; idea;opinion; wish; desire;
少数民族 shǎoshù mínzú
minority nationality
占 zhàn
constitute; account for;
担任 dānrèn
hold the post of
领导 lǐngdǎo
lead; exercise
州 zhōu
热带雨林 rèdàiyǔlín
equatorial rain forest
象征 xiàngzhēng
简称 jiǎnchēng
shorter form name;abbreviation
任何 rènhé
any; whatever
亿 yì
a hundred million
公民 gōngmín
听众 tīngzhòng
listeners; audience
关注 guānzhù
follow with interest
婴儿 yīng’ér
infant; baby
产妇 chǎnfù
new mother; woman who has just given birth
计划生育 jìhuà shēngyù
birth control; family planning
委员会 wěiyuánhuì
角度 jiǎodù
angle (n.)
提倡 tíchàng
advocate (v.)
增长 zēngzhǎng
increase (n./v.)
否则 fǒuzé
分布 fēnbù
沿海 yánhǎi
along the coast
闹市区 nàoshìqū
busy downtown area
迁移 qiānyí
migrate; move
绝大多数 jué dàduōshù
overwhelming majority
边疆 biānjiāng
border area
成长 chéngzhǎng
grow up; grow to
城市群 chéngshìqún
greater metropolitan area
办事处 bànshìchù
office; agency
商人 shāngrén
投资 tóuzī
invest; investment
董事会 dǒngshìhuì
board of directors
心得 xīndé
what one has learned from work; study, etc
形成 xíngchéng
form; take shape; shape;formation; production
经济圈 jīngjìquān
economic circle
动力 dònglì
driving force; power
意义 yìyì
meaning; sense;
三角洲 sānjiǎozhōu
港口 gǎngkǒu
port; harbor
进出口 jìnchūkǒu
import and export
贸易额 màoyì’é
volume of trade
稠密 chóumì
消费 xiāofèi
consume; consumption
水准 shuǐzhǔn
level; standard
高速 gāosù
high speed; swift; fast;express
水运 shuǐyùn
water transport
活跃 huóyuè
brisk; active; dynamic;
国内总产值國内總産值 guónèizǒngchǎnzhí
gross domestic product (GDP)
集中 jízhōng
concentrate (n./v.)
海湾 hǎiwān
gulf; bay; loch
煤炭 méitàn
原油 yuányóu
crude oil
物资 wùzī
goods and materials
转运站 zhuǎnyùnzhàn t
transit hub; transfer post
实际上 shíjìshang
in fact; in reality; actually
赵童 Zhào Tóng
personal name
新加坡 Xīnjiāpō
三亚 Sānyà
a city in Hainan
澳门 Aòmén
海口 Hǎikǒu
the capital city of
黎族 Lízú t
the Li nationality
定安县 Dìng’ān Xiàn
a county in Hainan
南丽湖 Nánlì Hú
Nanli Lake in Hainan Province
五指山 Wǔzhǐ Shān
the name of both a mountain and a city in Hainan Province
海南岛 Hǎinándǎo
Hainan Island
毛阳镇 Máoyáng Zhèn
a town in Hainan Province
琼 Qióng
short name for Hainan Province
粤 Yuè
short name for Guangdong Province
韩宾 Hán Bīn
personal name
吴 Wú
personal last name
汉族 Hànzú
the Han nationality
壮族 Zhuàngzú
Zhuang nationality
满族 Mǎnzú
the Man nationality
回族 Huízú
the Hui nationality
珠江三角洲 Zhūjiāng Sānjiǎozhōu
Pearl River Delta
深圳 Shēnzhèn
a city in Guangdong Province
东莞 Dōngguǎn
a city in Guangdong Province
佛山 Fóshān
a city in Guangdong Province
珠海 Zhūhǎi
a city in Guangdong Province
长江三角洲 Chángjiāng Sānjiǎozhōu
Yangtze River Delta
昆山 Kūnshān
a city in Jiangsu Province
宁波 Níngbō
a city in Zhejiang Province
渤海湾 Bóhǎiwān
Bohai Bay
沈阳 Shěnyáng
the capital city of Liaoning Province
台北 Táiběi
经济学 jīngjìxué
轻工业 qīnggōngyè
light industry
首先 shǒuxiān
first; first of all
密切 mìqiè
intimate; close; closely; build close relations
纺织 fǎngzhī
weave (textiles)
家用电器 jiāyòng diànqì
electrical home appliances
行业 hángyè
trade; profession; industry
产品 chǎnpǐn
产量 chǎnliàng
output; yield; turnout
位居 wèijū
to be at; occupy (a position)
前列 qiánliè
front row; forward rank(s); forefront
使用 shǐyòng
use; make use of; employ
滿足 mǎnzú
satisfy; satisfied
商品 shāngpǐn
commodity; goods
节省 jiéshěng
economize; save; cut down
零售 língshòu
retail; sell retail
人均 rénjūn
per capita; per person
拥有 yōngyǒu
possess; have; own
相当于 xiāngdāngyú
amount to
调查 diàochá
investigate; inquiry; survey
户 hù
household; family
零部件 língbùjiàn
parts; components
发电 fādiàn
generate electricity
核电站 hédiànzhàn
nuclear power station
航天 hángtiān
space flight
军用 jūnyòng
military; for military use
商业 shāngyè
commerce; trade; business
载人飞船 zàirén fēichuán
manned spaceship
山顶 shāndǐng
mountain summit; top of a mountain
哆嗦 duōsuo
tremble; shiver
描述 miáoshù
describe; description
顺口溜 shùnkǒuliū
doggerel; jingle
井 jǐng
well (n.)
傍晚 bàngwǎn
at dusk; toward evening
炊烟 chuīyān
smoke from kitchen chimneys
砍柴 kǎnchái
cut firewood
香喷喷 xiāngpēnpēn
savory; appetizing
提起 tíqǐ
speak of; mention
折腾 zhēteng
toss about; cause physical or mental suffering; do something over and over again
农作物 nóngzuòwù
crop; cultivated plants
荒坡 huāngpō
a barren hill
旱季 hànjì
drought; dry season
桶 tǒng
barrel; bucket; tub
唯一 wéiyī
single; only
熬 áo
endure; go through
山泉 shānquán
mountain spring
自来水 zìláishuǐ
running water; tap water
自费 zìfèi
at one’s own expense
农业 nóngyè
agriculture; farming
培育 péiyù
cultivate; nurture; breed
项 xiàng
收获 shōuhuò
gather in the crops; harvest;gains; results
拖拉机 tuōlājī
卡车 kǎchē
truck; pick-up truck
收购 shōugòu
purchase; buy
有线电视 yǒuxiàn diànshì
cable TV
抽水马桶 chōushuǐ mǎtǒng
flush toilet
吹 chuī
blow; puff
浓 nóng
dense; thick; (of degree) great; strong
铁路 tiělù
railway; railroad
网民 wǎngmín
net user; netizen
对话 duìhuà
have a dialog or conversation;dialog; conversation; talk
有幸 yǒuxìng
be lucky to; have the good fortune to
广大 guǎngdà
vast; expansive
屋脊 wūjǐ
ridge (of a roof)
伟大 wěidà
great; mighty
线路 xiànlù
circuit; line; route
地段 dìduàn
sector or section of an area
泥石流 níshíliú
mud-rock flow
冻土 dòngtǔ
frozen soil
运行 yùnxíng
move; run; be in motion
修建 xiūjiàn
build; construct; erect
氧气 yǎngqì
采取 cǎiqǔ
adopt; carry out (measures/ policies)
可靠 kěkào
reliable; dependable
运营 yùnyíng
(of buses, ships, etc.) be in operation; open for service; put into operation
纳税人 nàshuìrén
人力 rénlì
manpower; manual labor
效益 xiàoyì
beneficial result; effectiveness;
巨大 jùdà
(of scale, amount) huge
全天候 quántiānhòu
快捷 kuàijié
fast (speed); nimble
运输 yùnshū
transport; transit
通道 tōngdào
thoroughfare; passageway
供 gōng
进展 jìnzhǎn
make progress; make headway;
作陪 zuòpéi
be invited along with the guest; help entertain the guest of honor
闻名 wénmíng
时分 shífēn
青瓦 qīngwǎ
blue or green tile
金桔 (or 金橘 ) jīnjú
kumquat (a fruit)
蜂窝煤炉 fēngwō méilú
honeycomb briquette stove
封山造林 fēngshān zàolín
closing hillsides to facilitate afforestation
俱全 jùquán
complete in all varieties
马桶 mǎtǒng
commode; toilet bowl;chamber pot
清香 qīngxiāng
delicate fragrance; pleasant smell
媲美 pìměi
compare favorably with
摩根斯坦利 Mógēnsītǎnlì
Morgan Stanley, an investment bank in the United States
神舟六号 Shénzhōu liùhào
Shenzhou-6; name of a manned spaceship
罗家坡 Luójiāpō
a mountain village
余庆县 Yúqìng Xiàn
Yuqing County
周清泽 Zhōu Qīngzé
personal name
青藏铁路 Qīngzàng Tiělù
Qinghai-Tibet Railroad
格尔木 Gé’ěrmù a city in Qinghai Province
a city in Qinghai Province
拉萨 Lāsà
Lhasa, capital of the Tibet
央视国际 Yāngshì Guójì
CCTV International Channel
卢春房 Lú Chūnfáng
personal name
吨 dūn
MW ton
缕 lǚ
MW wisp; strand; lock (of hair)
亩 mǔ
MW unit of land measure (= 0.0667 hectares)
户 hù
MW for household; family
季风 jìfēng
干燥 gānzào
dry; arid; dull
海洋 hǎiyáng
seas and oceans; ocean
凉 liáng
cool; cold; discouraged
分明 fēnmíng
clear; distinct; obviously
潮湿 cháoshī
damp; moist; dampness
连续不断 liánxù búduàn
continue; continuous; ceaseless
生长 shēngzhǎng
grow; grow up
小麦 xiǎomài
面食 miànshí
cooked wheaten food
鱼米之乡 yúmǐzhīxiāng
land of fish and rice; a land of
查看 chákàn
check; examine
闷热 mēnrè
hot and stifling; sultry
特色 tèsè
salient feature; distinguishing
灾害 zāihài
disaster; damage
霜冻 shuāngdòng
风力 fēnglì
wind-force; wind power
沙尘暴 shāchénbào
台风 táifēng
typhoon; hurricane
暴风雨 bàofēngyǔ
rainstorm; storm; blizzard
洪涝 hónglào
flood and waterlogging
温差 wēnchā
differences in temperature
阳光 yángguāng
sunlight; sunshine
至于 zhìyú
as for; as to; as regards
难以 nányǐ
hard to; difficult to
冰箱 bīngxiāng
ice box; refrigerator
温度 wēndù
棉袄 mián’ǎo
cotton-padded (or quilted)
引发 yǐnfā
initiate; trigger; touch off
登陆 dēnglù
land; disembark; debark
秒 miǎo
厘米 límǐ
山体滑坡 shāntǐ huápō
landslide; landslip
临时 línshí
temporary; provisional
封闭 fēngbì
seal (up); block; close (down)
袭击 xíjī
surprise attack; raid
堤防 dīfáng
dike; embankment
水电站 shuǐdiànzhàn
hydroelectric power station
损坏 sǔnhuài
damage (of objects); break
失踪 shīzōng
disappear; be missing
遇难 yùnàn
die in an accident; be murdered
毁坏 huǐhuài
damage; ruin; sabotage
倒塌 dǎotā
collapse; cave in
毫米 háomǐ
淹没 yānmò
submerge; flood
围困 wéikùn
besiege; hem in; pin down
程度 chéngdù
level; degree
转移 zhuǎnyí shift; transfer
shift; transfer
经费 jīngfèi
expense; appropriation; funds
抢险 qiǎngxiǎn
rush to rescue
河流 héliú
river; stream
使得 shǐde
cause; render; usable; workable
抵御 dǐyù
resist; withstand; ward off
大自然 dàzìrán
减低 jiǎndī
reduce; lower; bring down
加重 jiāzhòng
increase the weight of;
现象 xiànxiàng
phenomenon; appearance
人类 rénlèi
共同 gòngtóng
common; mutual; joint
地震 dìzhèn
震级 zhènjí
earthquake magnitude
震中 zhènzhōng
震感 zhèngǎn
earthquake felt
地震带 dizhèndài
seismic belt
直接 zhíjiē
direct; immediate
秩序 zhìxù
order; sequence
维修 wéixiū
maintain and repair
加固 jiāgù
reinforce; consolidate
或者 huòzhě
or; perhaps
投亲靠友 tóuqīnkàoyǒu
go and live (or seek refuge) with relatives or friends
数字 shùzì
figure; number; quantity; digital
世纪 shìjì
范围 fànwéi
scope; limits; extent; boundary
波及 bōjí
spread to; involve; affect
国土 guótǔ
territory; land
惨重 cǎnzhòng
heavy; grievous; disastrous
可想而知 kěxiǎng’érzhī
one can well imagine
仪器 yíqì
instrument; apparatus
救援 jiùyuán
rescue; support; help
慌乱 huāngluàn
flustered; alarmed and bewildered
逃跑 táopǎo
run away; flee; escape
躲避 duǒbì
hide (oneself); avoid; elude;dodge
砸 zá
pound; tamp; smash; fail
晃动 huàngdòng
rock; sway
强烈 qiángliè
strong; powerful; violent
自我 zìwǒ
self; oneself; ego
墙角 qiángjiǎo
corner of wall
空间 kōngjiān
space; open air; dimension
就近 jiùjìn
(get something) nearby; close at hand
生存 shēngcún
exist; live; survive; survival
建筑物 jiànzhùwù
building; structure; shelter
救助 jiùzhù
help someone in danger or difficulty; succor
梅雨 méiyǔ
plum rains
湿润 shīrùn
moist; humidification
晴空万里 qíngkōng wànlǐ
a clear and boundless sky
首府 shǒufǔ
the capital of an autonomous region or prefecture
喽 lou
particle used like 了 at the end of a sentence to call attention to a new situation
行走 xíngzǒu
walk; go on foot
国道 guódào
state highway
路基 lùjī
roadbed; substructure
滞留 zhìliú
be stopped; be detained; be held up
地带 dìdài
region; zone; belt
邻里 línlǐ
neighbors; neighborhood
环 huán
surround; encircle; ring; hoop;circle
海域 hǎiyù
sea area; maritime space
墙根 qiánggēn
foot of a wall
江南 Jiāngnán
a region in the lower Yangtze River valley
四川盆地 Sìchuān péndì
Sichuan Basin
泰利 (台风名) Tàilì
Typhoon Talim
临安市 Lín’ān shì
a city in Zhejiang
昌化 Chānghuà
a town in Lin’an, Zhejiang
八里河 Bālǐhé
a river close to Jiujiang city
九江 Jiǔjiāng
a city in Jiangxi
岳西 Yuèxī
a place in Anhui
中国科学院 Zhōngguó Kēxuéyuàn
Chinese Academy of Sciences; The Academy of Sciences of China
里氏 Lǐshì
Richter earthquake scale
太平洋 Tàipíngyáng
Pacifi c Ocean