26 Flashcards
突然 tūrán
sudden; suddenly
下達 xiàdá
make known; transmit to lower levels
命令 mìnglìng
order (v./n.); command
立方米 lìfāngmǐ
cubic meter
面具 miànjù
mask (n.)
防護 fánghù
protect; shelter
裝備 zhuāngbèi
equip; fit out; equipment; outfit
賽跑 sàipǎo
告急 gàojí
report an emergency; be in a state
保衛 bǎowèi
起動 qǐdòng
start (a machine etc.)
摩托 mótuō
motor; motorcycle
專用 zhuānyòng
special use; for a special purpose
殲擊機 jiānjījī
fighter plane; fighter
降落 jiàngluò
land; descend
備用 bèiyòng
reserve; spare; standby application
狀態 zhuàngtài
status; state; condition; state of affairs
目的 mùdì
purpose; aim; goal
試驗 shìyàn
test; trial; experiment
簡直 jiǎnzhí
simply; at all
包圍 bāowéi
surround; encircle
邊界 biānjiè
boundary; border; borderline
爭端 zhēngduān
dispute; controversy; conflict
談判 tánpàn
negotiate; negotiations
有利 yǒulì
advantageous; beneficial; favorable
推動 tuīdòng
push forward; promote
條約 tiáoyuē
維護 wéihù
protect; uphold; safeguard; defend
戰略 zhànlüè
伙伴 huǒbàn
partner; companion; buddy
打擊 dǎjī
hit; strike; attack
恐怖主義 kǒngbùzhǔyì
販毒 fàndú
drug traffi cking
延伸 yánshēn
extend; stretch; spread
和諧 héxié
harmonious; harmony
宗教 zōngjiào
利益 lìyì
benefit; interest; profit
風平浪靜 fēngpíng-làngjìng
(wind has dropped and waves have subsided); calm and tranquil
達成 dáchéng
一致 yīzhì
identical; unanimous; consistent
領土 lǐngtǔ
territory; domain; land
復雜 fùzá
complicated; complex
虎視眈眈 hǔshìdāndān
(eyes covetously and menacingly glare like a tiger ready to pounce on its prey)
穩定 wěndìng
stable; steady; stabilize; stability
棋子 qízǐ
chess piece
潛在 qiánzài
latent; potential
確實 quèshí
true; reliable; really; indeed
任重而道遠 rènzhòng-érdàoyuǎn
(the burden is heavy and the road is long) difficult task
成員 chéngyuán
反恐 fǎnkǒng
武裝力量 wǔzhuānglìliàng
armed forces; armed power
恐怖分子 kǒngbùfènzǐ
劫持 jiéchí
kidnap; hijack
情報 qíngbào
intelligence; information; tip-off
戰斗機 zhàndòujī
fighter plane; fighter
起飛 qǐfēi
(of aircraft) take off
迫降 pòjiàng
forced landing
跑道 pǎodào
track; runway
裝甲車 zhuāngjiǎchē
armored car
空降 kōngjiàng
直升機 zhíshēngjī
人質 rénzhì
釋放 shìfàng
release; set free
押 yā
detain in custody; escort; give as
趁 chèn
take advantage of (time, opportunity)
開槍 kāiqiāng
fire (a gun); shoot
發動 fādòng
launch; call into action; arouse
攝像 shèxiàng
攔 lán
block; stop
爆炸 bàozhà
explode; blast
面罩 miànzhào
作戰 zuòzhàn
fight; conduct operations
特種 tèzhǒng
special; special type; particular
解救 jiějiù
save; rescue; deliver
激烈 jīliè
intense; fierce; acute
在場 zàichǎng
be on the scene; be present
運送 yùnsòng
transport; ship; convey
兵員 bīngyuán
soldiers; troops
演練 yǎnliàn
火速 huǒsù
at top speed
發貨 fāhuò
send out goods; deliver goods
分局 fēnjú
branch bureau/office
裝載 zhuāngzài
被服 bèifú
bedding and clothing
防毒 fángdú
protect against poisonous substances
前線 qiánxiàn
frontline; front
軍列 jūnliè
military train
神兵天降 shénbīngtiānjiàng
(soldiers coming to the rescue out of nowhere)
士兵 shìbīng
rank-and-file soldiers; privates
船艇 chuántǐng
boat; ship; vessel; yacht
橋梁 qiáoliáng
bridge; approach
建造 jiànzào
build; construct; make
飛行 fēixíng
(of an aircraft/missile/pilot) fly
筆直 bǐzhí
perfectly straight
寬敞 kuānchǎng
spacious; roomy; commodious
無論 wúlùn
no matter what/how; regardless of
盟友 méngyǒu
ally; allied nations
邊境 biānjìng
frontier; border
紅火 hónghuǒ
flourishing; prosperous
輸油管 shūyóuguǎn
petroleum pipeline
周邊 zhōubiān
參與 cānyǔ
participate in; have a hand in
店鋪 diànpù
shop; store
林立 línlì
(of tall buildings, etc.) stand (in great numbers) like a forest
管道 guǎndào
倡導 chàngdǎo
initiate; propose
談何容易 tánhéróngyì
easier said than done
遺留 yíliú
leave over; hand down
島嶼 dǎoyǔ
客機 kèjī
passenger flight
境內 jìngnèi
within the border/boundary
摩步 (摩托化步兵) móbù
motorized infantry
濃煙四起 nóngyānsìqǐ
dense smoke breaks out all over
展示 zhǎnshì
show; display
軍事交通部 Jūnshì Jiāotōng Bù
Military Transportation Division
軍事代表處 Jūnshì DàibiǎoChù
Offi ce of Military Representative
非典 Fēidiǎn
鄭州 Zhèngzhōu
capital of Henan Province
鬆花江 Sōnghuājiāng
a river in northeastern China
哈爾濱 Hā’ěrbīn
capital of Heilongjiang Province
濟德 Jìdé
name of a highway
北韓 Běihán
North Korea (HK, TW, overseas
俄羅斯 Eluósī
印度 Yìndù
巴基斯坦 Bājīsītǎn Pakistan
朝鮮 Cháoxiǎn
North Korea (mainland China)
蘇聯 Sūlián
Soviet Union
東南亞友好合作條約 DōngnányàYǒuhǎo Hézuò Tiáoyuē
The Treaty of ASEAN Cooperation
亞太地區 Yàtàidìqū
àtàidìqū Asian Pacific Zone
東盟 Dōngméng
中亞 Zhōngyà
Central Asia
架 jià
MW for certain movable objects
架次 jiàcì
MW for sortie
航次 hángcì
MW the number of voyages or flights
定義 dìngyì
以 yǐ
taking, with, by means of
標准音 biāozhǔnyīn
standard pronunciation
方言 fāngyán
典范 diǎnfàn
model, example
白話文 báihuàwén
writings in the vernacular
規范 guīfàn
norms, standards
共同語 gòngtóngyǔ
common language
文字 wénzì
characters, written form of a language
改革 gǎigé
現代漢語 xiàndàihànyǔ
modern Chinese
學術 xuéshù
academics, systematic learning
確定 quèdìng
define, fix, determine
詞匯 cíhuì
vocabulary, lexicon, glossary
方面 fāngmiàn
respect, aspect, side
標准 biāozhǔn
standard, norm, criterion
該 gāi
ought to, should
指 zhǐ
refer to
語音系統 yǔyīnxìtǒng
pronunciation system
照搬 zhàobān
indiscriminately imitate, mechanically copy
讀音 dúyīn
土音 tǔyīn
local pronunciation
連詞 liánc
方言區 fāngyánq
dialect region
異讀 yìdú
variant pronunciation
推廣 tuīguǎng
popularize, spread; popularization, spreading
廣大 guǎngdà
(of an area) vast, wide
通行 tōngxíng
prevailing, current
說法 shuōfa
准 zhǔn
accurate, exact
同時 tóngshí
at the same time, meanwhile
吸取 xīqǔ
absorb, draw, assimilate
土語 tǔyǔ
local, colloquial expressions
玉米 yùmǐ
corn, ear of maize (or corn)
棒子 bàngzi
ear of maize (or corn)
饅頭 mántou
steamed bun, steamed roll
饃饃 mómo
another way of saying mántou, steamed bun
非 fēi
not, no, non-, un-
方言詞 fāngyáncí
dialect words
意義 yìyì
meaning, sense
表達力 biǎodálì
相應 xiāngyìng
corresponding, relevant
同義詞 tóngyìcí
吸收 xīshōu
absorb, suck up, assimilate
打的 dǎdi
call a taxi, get a taxi
買單 mǎidān
pay the bill (of a meal)
廣 guǎng
wide, vast, extensive
書面語 shūmiànyǔ
written expression, written form
即 jí
be, mean, namely
排除 páichú
eliminate, get rid of, exclude
文言文 wényánwén
writings in classical Chinese
書面形式 shūmiànxíngshì
written form
加工 jiāgōng
process; rework, polish
提煉 tíliàn
extract and purify, refine
五四運動 Wǔsìyùndòng
May 4th Movement of 1919
普通話 Pǔtōnghuà
Putonghua, common speech
北方話 běifānghuà
Northern dialect
內地 nèidì
inland, interior, hinterland
交往 jiāowǎng
association, contact
回歸 huíguī
return, going back to (the original place)
頻繁 pínfán
國外 guówài
overseas, external, abroad
旅行 lǚxíng
travel, journey, tour
旅游業 lǔ:yóuyè
tourist industry, tourism
受到 shòudào
get, be given, receive
補救 bǔjiù
remedy, to prevent defects from having an effect
政府 zhèngfǔ
作出 zuòchū
work out
觀光 guānguāng
sight-see, sight-seeing
人士 rénshì
personage, person with certain social influence
通 tōng
through, unimpeded; understandable
化學 huàxué
端 duān
hold sth. level, carry
往往 wǎngwǎng
often, frequently
問路 wènlù
ask for direction
居民 jūmín
resident, inhabitant
貿易 màoyì
日益 rìyì
increasingly, day by day, more and more
餐飲 cānyǐn
food and beverages
保安 bǎoān
security personnel
服務行業 fúwùhángyè
service sector
工作人員 gōngzuòrényuán
偏 piān
lower than a certain standard
意識 yìshí
consciousness, awareness
重要性 zhòngyàoxìng
importance, significance
不僅僅 bùjǐnjǐn
not only
關系 guānxì
relation, relationship, connection
直接 zhíjiē
direct, immediate
教學 jiàoxué
teaching, education; teach.
研究 yánjiū
study, research, look into
發展 fāzhǎn
develop, development, growth
看法 kànfa
point of view, opinion
評價 píngjià
appraise, evaluate, evaluation
明顯 míngxiǎn
clear, obvious, evident, distinct
之所以 zhīsuǒyǐ
the reason why
粵語 Yuèyǔ
地域 dìyù
region, district, area
分為 fēnwéi
divided into
北方方言 běifāng fāngyán
Northern dialect
以北 yǐběi
to the north of
居住 jūzhù
live, reside, dwell
地帶 dìdài
zone, belt, district, region
以南 yǐnán
to the south of
以東 yǐdōng
to the east of
雲南 Yúnnán
Yunnan (province)
貴州 Guìzhōu
Guizhou (province)
湖南省 Húnánshěng
Hunan province
吳 Wú
name of an area comprising southern Jiangsu and northern Zhejiang
吳方言 Wúfāngyán
Wu dialect
上海話 Shànghǎihuà
Shanghai dialect
長江 Chángjiāng
Yangtze River, Changjiang
鎮江 Zhènjiāng
Zhenjiang, a place in Jiangsu province
九江 Jiǔjiāng
Jiujiang, a place in Jiangxi province
湖北 Húběi
Hubei (province)
江蘇省 Jiāngsūshěng
Jiangsu province
浙江省 Zhèjiāngshěng
Zhejiang province
湘 Xiāng
short name for Hunan province
贛方言 Gànfāngyán
Gan dialect
長沙 Chángshā
Changsha (capital of Hunan)
贛 Gàn
short name for Jiangxi province
南昌 Nánchāng
Nanchang (capital of Jiangxi province)
江西省 Jiāngxīshěng
Jiangxi province
廣西 Guǎngxī
Guangxi (Zhuang Autonomous Region)
客家 Kèjiā
客家方言 Kèjiāfāngyán
Hakka dialect
梅縣話 Méixiànhuà
Meixian dialect
福建 Fújiàn
Fujian (province)
閩 Mǐn
Min, short name for Fujian province
閩方言 Mǐnfāngyán
Min dialect
潮州 Cháozhōu
Chaozhou, a place in Guangdong province
汕頭 Shàntóu
Shantou, name of a place in Guangdong
海南 Hǎinán
Hainan province
廈門 Xiàmén
Xiamen, city in Fujian province
福州 Fúzhōu
建甌 Jiànōu
Jian’ou, name of a place in Fujian province
永安 Yǒngān
Yong’an, name of a place in Fujian province
莆仙 Púxiān
Puxian, name of a place in Fujian province
莆田 Pútián
Putian, name of a place in Fujian province
粵方言 Yuèfāngyán
Yue dialect
廣州話 Guǎngzhōuhuà
Guangzhou dialect
歷史上 lìshǐshàng
一脈相承 yīmài xiāngchéng
come down in one continuous line (can be traced to the same origin)
朝代 cháodài
逐漸 zhújiàn
gradually, little by little
通用語言 tōngyòngyǔyán
common language
末年 mònián
last years of a dynasty orreign
名稱 míngchēng
name, term, title
國音 guóyīn
standard pronunciation
沿用 yányòng
continue to use (an old method and etc)
稱說 chēngshu
referring to something in speaking; name
尊重 zūnzhòng
respect, value, esteem
避免 bìmiǎn
prevent, avoid
誤解 wùjiě
misread, misunderstand; misunderstanding
召開 zhàokāi
convene, hold (a meeting, conference)
定名 dìngmíng
name, to denominate
時代 shídài
times, age, era, epoch
確立 quèlì
set up, establish, fix, build up
具體 jùtǐ
concrete, specific, particular
略 lüè
omit, delete, leave out
當今 dāngjīn
current, present, now, nowadays, today
仍舊 réngjiù
still, yet, as before
則 zé
expresses relationship between cause and effect; expresses contrast with a previous sentence
表達 biǎodá
express, convey
同宗同源 tóngzōngtóngyuán
be of the same ancestor and origin
不如 bùrú
not equal to, not as good as
明確 míngquè
clear-cut, explicit, clear and definite
官方語言 guānfāngyǔyán
official language
其 qí
his (her, its, their)
實質 shízhì
substance, essence, gist
尚 shàng
still, yet; fairly, rather
差別 chābié
difference, disparity
官話 guānhuà
Chinese (an old term)
國語 guóyǔ
中原 Zhōngyuán
Central Plains, in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River
清朝 Qīngcháo
Qing Dynasty
辛亥革命 Xīnhàigémìng.
the Revolution of 1911 (the Chinese bourgeois democratic revolution led by Dr.Sun Yat-Sen which overthrew the Qing Dynasty)
北洋軍閥 Běiyángjūnfá
the Northern Warlords (1912-1927)
國民黨 Guómíndǎng
Kuomintang (KMT)
新加坡 Xīnjiāpō
華人 huárén
Chinese, foreign citizens of Chinese descent
華語 huáyǔ
總數 zǒngshù
total amount, total number
僅 jǐn
only, merely
相當於 xiāngdāngyú
be equal to
總和 zǒnghé
sum, total amount of
相差 xiāngchà
differ, to have a difference of
卻 què
總面積 zǒngmiànjī
total area, total size
省份 shěngfèn
特征 tèzhēng
characteristic, feature
稀少 xīshǎo
牧區 mùqū
pastoral area
聚居 jùjū
live in a compact community
執行 zhíxíng
to implement
區域 qūyù
自治州 zìzhìzhōu
autonomous prefecture
自治縣 zìzhìxiàn
autonomous county
具備 jùbèi
be qualified for
其余 qíyú
the rest, the other
通用 tōngyòng
commonly use
過程 guòchéng
course, process
獨具特色 dújùtèsè
have one’s own style
人類 rénlèi
human beings, mankind
文明 wénmíng
加拿大 Jiānádà
澳大利亞 Àodàlìyà
扎伊爾 Zhāyīěr
壯族 Zhuàngzú
the Zhuang nationality, minority (in Guangxi)
赫哲族 Hèzhézú
the Hezhe nationality
珞巴族 Luòbāzú
the Lhoba nationality
基諾族 Jīnuòzú
the Jinuo nationality
朝鮮 Cháoxiǎn
North Korea
藏 Zàng
甲 jiǎ
the first, in the first place
生活方式 shēnghuófāngshì
life style
重大 zhòngdà
乙 yǐ
the second, in the second place
奶制品 nǎizhìpǐn
dairy products
壇 tán
美酒 měijiǔ
good wine, good liquor
蒙古袍 ménggǔpáo
Mongolian robe
蒙古包 měnggǔbāo
席地而坐 xídìérzuò
take a space and sit down on the floor
迎接 yíngjiē
年初一 niánchūyī
the first day of a new year
跨 kuà
bestride, straddle
駿馬 jùnmǎ
a fine horse
挨個 āigè
one by one
蕩秋千 dàngqiūqiān
to swing a swing
村寨 cūnzhài
熱鬧 rènào
竹子 zhúzi
立 lì
set something up
同胞 tóngbāo
people born from the same parents, fellow countryman
圍坐 wéizuò
sit in a circle
火鍋 huǒguō
滴酒不沾 dījiǔbùzhān
not drinking even a drop of liquor
象征性地 xiàngzhēngxìngdì
以示 yǐshì
in order to show
吉利 jílì
good luck
空出 kōngchū
leave an empty seat, make an empty seat
席位 xíwèi
seat (at an assembly)
挂旗 guàqí
to hang a flag
優美 yōuměi
graceful, beautiful
鮮艷 xiānyàn
吉祥 jíxiáng
good luck
蒙古族 Měnggǔzú
the Mongol ethnic minority
哈尼族 Hānízú
the Hani ethnic nationality
滿族 Mǎnzú
the Manchu ethnic minority
飲茶 yǐnchá
drink tea
制茶 zhìchá
make tea
眾多 zhòngduō
接待 jiēdài
receive people as guests
尊貴 zūnguì
respectable, honorable
獻上 xiànshàng
present in an honorable way
敬意 jìngyì
濾 lǜ
特制 tèzhì
make specially
酥油 sūyóu
攪拌 jiǎobàn
融合 rónghé
mix together
精心 jīngxīn
用來 yònglái
be used for
贈送 zèngsòng
give as a present
親朋好友 qīnpénghǎoyǒu
relatives and friends
訂親 dìngqīn
be engaged
純真 chúnzhēn
sincere, innocent
核桃仁 hétáorén
walnut meat
桂圓肉 guìyuánròu
dried longant pulp
紅棗 hóngzǎo
red date
冰糖 bīngtáng
rock candy
揭開 jiēkāi
尊敬 zūnjìng
選取 xuǎnqǔ
粗 cū
wide (in diameter ), thick
裝進 zhuāngjìn
put into
文火 wénhuǒ
slow fire
芝麻 zhīma
香甜可口 xiāngtiánkěkǒu
sweet and tasteful
苦盡甘來 kǔjìngānlái
the bitterness ends and the sweetness begins
蜂蜜 fēngmì
花椒 huājiāo
Chinese prickly ash
塘 táng
三腳架 sānjiǎojià
濃郁 nóngyù
可謂 kěwèi
can be said
瀕危 bīnwēi
be in the imminent danger
消失 xiāoshī
物種 wùzhǒng
活化石 huóhuàshí
fossil alive
研討會 yántǎohuì
學者 xuézhě
真切 zhēnqiè
vivid, clear
呼吁 hūyù
與會 yùhuì
participate in a conference
全球化 quánqiúhuà
學會 xuéhuì
會長 huìzhǎng
president of a committee, etc.
人類學 rénlèixué
博士生 bóshìshēng
doctoral student
導師 dǎoshī
無形 wúxíng
invisible, intangible
遺產 yíchǎn
有形 yǒuxíng
長久 chángjiǔ
(for a) long time
消亡 xiāowáng
積累 jīlěi
accumulate, accumulation
傳承 chuánchéng
財富 cáifù
迄今 qìjīn
up to now
語種 yǔzhǒng
language type
不復存在 bùfùcúnzài
not existed any more
面臨 miànlín
be faced with
按照 ànzhào
according to
種類 zhǒnglèi
研究人員 yánjiurényuán
兩鬢 liǎngbìn
two temples
語言學 yǔyánxué
linguistics, philology
碩士生 shuòshìshēng
Master’s degree students
固守 gùshǒu
stay until the end
僅有 jǐnyǒu
迅猛 xùnměng
swift and violent
手段 shǒuduàn
挑戰 tiǎozhàn
描寫 miáoxiě
describe, description
更新 gēngxīn
renew; renewal
重點 zhòngdiǎn
有關部門 yǒuguānbùmén
related department
錄音 lùyīn
record, recording
電腦軟件 diànnǎoruǎnjiàn
computer software
採集 cǎijí
價值 jiàzhí
得以 déyǐ
can, be able to
保存 bǎocún
高新技術 gāoxīnjìshù
high technology
關於 guānyú
進入 jìnrù
猛增 měngzēng
increase sharply
觀察 guānchá
准確 zhǔnquè
思想 sīxiǎng
詩歌 shīgē
總集 zǒngjí
general collection
詩經 shījīng
the Book of Songs
首 shǒu
for songs and poems
祝願 zhùyuàn
作品 zuòpǐn
works (of literature and art)
民間 mínjiān
企盼 qǐpàn
look forward to
雞子 jīzǐ
寓意 yùyì
人群 rénqún
國策 guócè
national policy
增長率 zēngzhǎnglǜ
growth rate
后期 hòuqī
later period
處於 chǔyú
be in a certain condition
生育期 shēngyùqī
child bearing age
出生率 chūshēnglǜ
birth rate
取得 qǔdé
之前 zhīqián
prior to
棘手 jíshǒu
hard to handle
艱巨 jiānjù
緊密地 jǐnmìdi
落實 luòshí
to implement
避孕 bìyùn
節育 jiéyù
birth control