5 Flashcards
肿 zhǒng
swelling; swollen
肿块 zhǒngkuài
swollen lump
吸毒 xīdú
take drugs
眼泪 yǎnlèi
背 bèi
the back of the body
于是 yúshì
thereupon; hence; consequently
传播 chuánbō
transmit; disseminate; spread; transmission
治 zhì
treat (v.)
治疗 zhìliáo
treat (v.); cure, treatment
实 shí
true; honest; solid
尿 niào
病毒 bìngdú
腰 yāo
宁可 nìngkě
would rather; better
伤 shāng
wound; injury
确诊 quèzhěn
(give) a final diagnosis
安定 āndìng
a kind of sleeping pill
腹 fù
abdomen, belly, flank
剧 jù
acute; severe; intense
住址 zhùzhǐ
则 zé
adverb expressing contrast, concession, consequence, condition, etc.
止痛药 zhǐtòngyào
analgesic, pain-killer
抗生素 kàngshēngsù
出现 chūxiàn
appear, emerge
阑尾炎 lánwěiyán
阑尾 lánwěi
阿司匹林 āsīpǐlín
处在 chǔzài
be (in a certain condition)
处 chǔ
be situated in; be (in a certain condition)
属于 shǔyú
belong to; be part of; be geared to; pertain to
骨 gǔ
bone; framework; skeleton
盒 hé
腔 qiāng
cavity; chamber; tune; accent
诊所 zhěnsuǒ
综合 zōnghé
comprehensive; synthesize
综合性 zōnghéxìng
comprehensiveness; synthesis
割 gē
cut with knife
切 qiē
cut; slice
看情况 kàn qíngkuàng
depending on circumstances
诊断 zhěnduàn
diagnose; diagnosis
拨打 bōdǎ
拨 bō
dial; move with hand, foot, stick, etc.
腹泻 fùxiè
消炎 xiāoyán
diminish inflammation
泻痢停 xièlìtíng
drug for diarrhea or dysentery
心电图 xīndiàntú
消 xiāo
eliminate; disappear
急诊 jízhěn
emergency call; emergency treatment
凡是 fánshì
every, any, all
切除 qiēchú
excise; excision
全科 quánkē
family practice, general medicine
发冷 fālěng
feel cold
恶心 ěxin
feel nauseous, feel sick
发 fā
feel; to start (illness); become
火警 huǒjǐng
fire alarm
急救 jíjiù
first aid, emergency treatment
固定 gùdìng
fixed; regular; fix; regularize
泻 xiè
flow swiftly; rush down; pour out
老百姓 lǎobǎixìng
folk(s), ordinary people
原谅 yuánliàng
forgive, pardon, excuse
幸亏 xìngkuī
fortunately; luckily
立 lì
found, establish
一般来说 yībānláishuō
generally speaking
见好 jiànhǎo
get better
就诊 jiùzhěn
get medical treatment
应诊 yìngzhěn
give treatment
妇产医院 fùchǎn yīyuàn
gynecology and obstetrics hospital
划价 huàjià
have a prescription priced
救死扶伤 jiùsǐfúshāng
heal the wounded and rescue the dying
名师出高徒 míngshī chū gāotú
If the teacher is famous, the student will be successful.
立刻 lìkè
immediately, at once, right away
急忙 jímáng
in a hurry
相对于… (而言) xiāngduìyú… (éryán)
in comparison with …
转眼之间 zhuǎnyǎnzhījiān
in the blink of an eye
与其…不如… yǔqí… bùrú…
it’s better … than…
输液 shūyè
IV, infusion
关键 guānjiàn
key, crux
医术 yīshù
medical skill, art of healing
口 kǒu
自然 zìrán
nature, the natural world; natural, naturally
营养 yíngyǎng
nutrition; nourish
反倒 fǎndào
on the contrary, instead
口腔 kǒuqiāng
oral cavity
小菜儿 xiǎocàir
piece of cake
处方 chùfāng
prescribe; prescription
私立 sīlì
privately run
产生 chǎnshēng
produce; come into being
资历 zīlì
qualifications; seniority
地道 dìdào
real; typical; genuine
推荐 tuījiàn
recommend; recommendation
止痛 zhǐtòng
relieve pain, stop pain
补充 bǔchōng
replenish, supplement
抢救 qiǎngjiù
rescue, save; give emergency treatment to a patient
预约 yùyuē
reserve; make an appointment
剧痛 jùtòng
severe pain
缺医少药 quēyīshǎoyào
short of medical services and supplies
顺利 shùnlì
smooth, successful
专科 zhuānkē
specialty; specialized subject
病情 bìngqíng
state of an illness
仍 réng
still; yet
仍然 réngrán
still; yet; as usual
患者 huànzhě
sufferer, patient
外科 wàikē
surgery; surgical department
好转 hǎozhuǎn
take a turn for the better, improve
保重 bǎozhòng
take care (of one’s health)
记录 jìlù
take notes; keep the minutes; notes; record
中医 zhōngyī
traditional Chinese medicine; doctor of traditional Chinese medicine
输 shū
transport; convey
呕 ǒu
vomit, throw up
呕吐 ǒutù
vomit, throw up
吐 tù
vomit; cough up
候诊 hòuzhěn
wait to see the doctor
候诊室 hòuzhěnshì
waiting room (in a hospital)
西医 xīyī
Western medicine; doctor of Western medicine
啥 shá
what, why
高明 gāomíng
(of ideas, techniques) brilliant, extraordinary
汤药 tāngyào
a decoction of medicinal ingredients
华佗 Huà Tuó
a famous doctor who lived in 300 AD
扁鹊 Biǎn Què
a famous doctor who lived in 400 BC
片 piàn
a flat, thin piece; slice; flake
速效救心丸 sù xiào jiù xīn wán
a medication that treats heart disease
吸收 xīshōu
absorb, suck up; assimilate; imbibe
根治 gēnzhì
achieve a radical cure; bring (something) under permanent control
针灸 zhēnjiǔ
所有 suǒyǒu
比方 bǐfang
analogy; example; for example
胃口 wèikǒu
appetite; to one’s liking
似的 shìde
as if; seem
副 fù
auxiliary, subsidiary; vice-
丸 wán
ball; pellet
讲究 jiǎngjiu
be particular about; strive for; particularities; details for consideration
豆 dòu
beans; peas; legumes
仔细 zǐxì
careful, carefully
化疗 huàliáo
慢性(病) mànxìng(bìng)
chronic (disease)
结合 jiéhé
combine; integrate
气色 qìsè
complexion; color
具体 jùtǐ
concrete, specific
缩 suō
contract, shrink; withdraw
熬 áo
cook in water; boil; stew
哭 kū
cry, weep
疗效 (abbreviation of 治疗效果) liáoxiào
curative effect
剖 pōu
cut; split open; dissect
对付 duìfu
deal with, cope with; tackle
熬药 áoyào
decoct medicinal herbs
密 mì
dense; density; close
欧洲 Oūzhōu
Europe, European
解释 jiěshì
explain; expound; interpret; explicate
外伤 wàishāng
external injury or wound; trauma
切 qiè
feel a person’s pulse
抓药 zhuāyào
fill a prescription of Chinese herbal medicine
食物 shíwù
food, edible things
比方说 bǐfangshuō
for example
外用 wàiyòng
for external use
拜师 bàishī
formally acknowledge somebody as one’s master
常识 chángshí
general knowledge; common sense
扎针 zhāzhēn
give [have] an acupuncture
绿豆汤 lǜdòutāng
green bean soup
绿豆 lǜdòu
green beans
主持人 zhǔchírén
host, anchor
果然 guǒrán
indeed, as expected
奶水 nǎishuǐ
inf. milk
发明 fāmíng
invent; invention
偏偏 piānpiān
just; only; deliberately
剖腹手术 pōufùshǒushù
laparotomy; surgical operation involving cutting open a person’s stomach
世 shì
life time; life
骨髓 gǔsuǐ
物质 wùzhì
material; matter; substance
医学 yīxué
medical science, medicine
剂 jì
medicinal or chemical preparations; dose
药物 yàowù
medicinal; medicine, medication, drug, pharmaceutical
药片 yàopiàn
medicine tablet
冲剂 chōngjì
medicine to be taken after being mixed with liquid
奶 nǎi
milk; breasts; breastfeed
神医 shényī
miracle-working doctor
奇迹 qíjì
miracle; wonder; marvel
混 hùn
mix up
多多少少 duōduōshǎoshǎo
more or less; in/to some degree
多少 duōshǎo
more or less; in/to some degree
移 yí
move; remove; shift
味 wèi
MW for ingredient (of a Chinese medicine prescription)
副 fù
MW for sets of things or facial expressions
观察 guānchá
observe carefully; watch; observation
突发 tūfā
occur suddenly
往往 wǎngwǎng
often; more often than not
器官 qìguān
organ; apparatus
表 biǎo
outside; surface; external
痛苦 tòngkǔ
pain, suffering; painful, sad
世代相传 shìdàixiāngchuán
pass on from generation to generation
梨 lí
协和医院 Xiéhé Yīyuàn
Peking Union Medical College Hospital
药丸 yàowán
pill; bolus
植 zhí
plant (v.); grow
冲 chōng
pour boiling water on; rinse; flush
中成药 zhōngchéngyào
prepared Chinese medicine
对症下药 duìzhèngxiàyào
prescribe the right remedy for an illness; suit one’s methods to the situation
道理 dàoli
principle; truth; reason
药性 yàoxìng
property of a medicine
脉搏 màibó
脉 mài
pulse; arteries and veins
放疗 (放射性治疗) fàngliáo (fàngshèxìng zhìliáo)
生 shēng
raw, uncooked; unprocessed; crude
有道理 yǒudàoli
调理 tiáolǐ
recuperate; take care of, look after
根 gēn
root, origin, source; cause (n.)
派 pài
send, dispatch; appoint
缩短 suōduǎn
shorten; cut down
副作用 fùzuòyòng
side effect
睡眠 shuìmián
sleep, sleeping
脾 pí
脾胃 píwèi
spleen and stomach; to one’s taste
扎 zhā
stab; run a needle (or stick) into
奇怪 qíguài
strange, odd; amazing; amazed
怪 guài
strange, queer, peculiar; eccentric
奇 qí
strange, queer; rare
强 qiáng
strong; very capable
总结 zǒngjié
summarize, summary
神 shén
supernatural; magical; miraculous; effective
表面 biǎomiàn
surface; something superficial; face
症状 zhèngzhuàng
气功 qìgōng
system of deep breathing exercises
服 fú
take (medicine)
服用 fúyòng
take (medicine)
主持 zhǔchí
take charge of; manage, direct; chair
起作用 qǐzuòyòng
take effect; play a part (in)
齐王 Qí Wáng
the king of Qi
齐国 Qí Guó
the state of Qi in 400 BC
理论 lǐlùn
疗法 liáofǎ
therapy; treatment
认为 rènwéi
think; consider; regard as
喉咙 hóulóng
throat, larynx
密不可分 mìbùkěfēn
too close to be separated
中药 zhōngyào
traditional Chinese medicine
移植 yízhí
体重 tǐzhòng
(body) weight
万万 wànwàn
(used in the negative) absolutely
究竟 jiūjìng
actually; exactly; after all
瘾 yǐn
addiction; strong interest
充足 chōngzú
adequate; sufficient
有氧运动 yǒuyǎng yùndòng
aerobic exercises/activities
健美操 jiànměicāo
aerobics; body building exercises
适度 shìdù
appropriate; sufficient
面积 miànjī
area; square measure
用品 yòngpǐn
articles for use; appliance
葆莱健美中 Bǎolái jiànměi zhōngxīn
Baolai Fitness Center
浴 yù
bath; bathe
欠债 qiànzhài
be in debt; run into debt; owe a debt
发作 fāzuò
break out; show effect; have a fit of anger
贿赂 huìlù
bribe; entice sb. with advantages
石家庄 Shíjiāzhuāng
capital of Hebei Province
更衣 gēngyī
change one’s clothes; go to the toilet
更衣区 gēngyīqū
clothes changing area
垮 kuǎ
collapse; fail; break down
犯罪 fànzuì
commit a crime
兼 jiān
罪 zuì
crime; guilt
罪犯 zuìfàn
criminal; offender
债 zhài
愿望 yuànwàng
desire; wish; aspiration
饮食 yǐnshí
diet; food and drink
杜冷丁 dùlěngdīng
Dilaudid (pain killker)
地区 dìqū
district; area
离婚 líhūn
狗 gǒu
饮 yǐn
逃 táo
escape; flee; run away
实验 shíyàn
experiment; laboratory work
肥 féi
fat; fertile
难受 nánshòu
feel unwell; feel unhappy
健身器 jiànshēnqì
fitness machines/equipment
食 shí
food; eat
食品 shípǐn
foodstuff; food; provisions
平和 pínghé
gentle; composed; peaceful
死去活来 sǐqùhuólái
half dead; hovering between life and death
美容 měiróng
have a facial; beautify one’s appearance; cosmetology
按摩室 ànmó shì
health massage room
保健 bǎojiàn
health protection; health care
海洛因 hǎiluòyīn
兼职 jiānzhí
hold two or more posts concurrently
热门 rèmén
in great demand; hot; hot topic of discussion; popular
增 zēng
注射 zhùshè
injection; inject
注射器 zhùshèqì
injector; syringe
健脑 jiànnǎo
invigorate the function of the brain
健身 jiànshēn
keep fit
保持 bǎochí
keep; maintain; preserve
肢 zhī
容 róng
looks; facial expression
减肥 jiǎnféi
lose weight; slim
按摩 ànmó
心态 xīntài
早晚 zǎowǎn
morning and evening; sooner or later
口 kǒu
mouth; opening; entrance; rim
动作 dòngzuò
movement; motion; action
肌肉 jīròu
身 shēn
MW for clothes
支 zhī
MW for slender objects; military contingents; songs; etc
毒品 dúpǐn
narcotics; drugs
欠 qiàn
owe; be behind with; short of
坚持 jiānchí
persist in; insist on
王莉 Wáng Lì
personal name
体质 tǐzhì
physique; constitution
派出所 pàichūsuǒ
police substation; local police station
淋 lín
pour; sprinkle
粉 fěn
powder; face powder used as cosmetic
压力 yālì
pressure; tension
提升 tíshēng
promote; raise
拉 lā
拉肩 lājiān
pull one’s shoulder
辞 cí
quit; depart; bid farewell
戒 jiè
quit; give up; drop
放松 fàngsōng
relax; slacken; loosen
记忆 jìyì
remember; memory
节奏 jiézòu
口水 kǒushuǐ
saliva; spit; drool
桑拿浴 sāngnàyù
发抖 fādǒu
shiver; tremble
抖 dǒu
shiver; tremble; shake
淋浴 línyù
柔韧 róurèn
soft and pliant
扭伤 niǔshāng
sprain; wrench; strain
平米 (平方米) píngmǐ (píngfāngmǐ)
square meter
增强 zēngqiáng
strengthen; enhance; boost; heighten
健美 jiànměi
strong and handsome
话题 huàtí
subject (of a talk or conversation)
针头 zhēntóu
syringe needle; pinhead
电话线 diànhuàxiàn
telephone wire
妙处 miàochu
the wonderful part of it
思考 sīkǎo
think deeply; ponder over; reflect on
捆 kǔn
tie; bind; bundle up
移植 yízhí
扭 niǔ
turn around; twist
上肢 shàngzhī
upper limb
剧烈 jùliè
violent; acute; severe
器 qì
weapon; instrument; vessel; utensil; organ (of the body)
线 xiàn
wire; thread; string
妙 miào
wonderful; extraordinary
口令 kǒulìng
word of command; command; watchword; password
开夜车 kāiyèchē
work late into the night; burn the midnight oil
然而 rán’ér
yet; but; however
瑜伽 yújiā
接纳 jiēnà
事故 shìgù
accident; malfunction; trouble
并且 bìngqiě
and, besides, moreover
鉴定 jiàndìng
appraise; evaluation
周围 zhōuwéi
around, on every side, vicinity
免 miǎn
avoid; dismiss
基本 jīběn
basic, fundamental
基本上 jīběnshàng
被迫 bèipò
be compelled, be forced
负责 fùzé
be in charge of, bear responsibility for
伤残 shāngcán
be physically disabled
措手不及 cuòshǒubùjí
be taken by surprise; be caught unprepared
承担 chéngdān
bear; assume
福利 fúlì
benefits; welfare
中断 zhōngduàn
break off; suspend
骂 mà
call names; curse
投 tóu
cast, throw
肇事 zhàoshì
cause a disturbance
赔偿 péicháng
赔付 péifù
赔 péi
compensate; pay for
状况 zhuàngkuàng
condition, state
合作 hézuò
cooperate, work together; cooperative
法院 fǎyuàn
残 cán
deficient; incomplete
部门 bùmén
department, branch, section
困难 kùnnan
difficult, hard; problem, difficulty
残障 cánzhàng
残疾人 cánjírén
disabled person
疑 yí
disbelieve, suspect
尽 jìn
do one’s best; use up; exhaust
制定 zhìdìng
draw up, formulate
驾驶 jiàshǐ
drive (a vehicle); pilot (a ship or plane)
驾(驶) (执) 照 jià (shǐ ) (zhí) zhào
driver’s license
义务 yìwù
duty; obligation
嫂子 sǎozi
elder brother’s wife
强调 qiángdiào
足够 zúgòu
enough; ample
等 děng
等于 děngyú
equal to
即使 jíshǐ
even, even if
台阶 táijiē
包容 bāoróng
forgive; tolerate
尽义务 jìnyìwù
fulfill one’s obligation; be a volunteer
充沛 chōngpèi
full of
起 qǐ
give (a name)
起外号 qǐ wàihào
give a nickname
温饱 wēnbǎo
have enough to eat and wear
收入 shōurù
income, revenue
实在 shízài
indeed, really
伤 shāng
injury, wound
侮辱 wǔrǔ
insult, humiliate
投保 tóubǎo
insure, take out an insurance policy
项目 xiàngmù
item, project, sports event
执照 zhízhào
license, permit
渴望 kěwàng
long for, thirst for
失业 shīyè
lose one’s job, be unemployed; unemployment
损失 sǔnshī
损 sǔn
loss; decrease
遇 yù
meet, encounter
祸 huò
misfortune, disaster
不幸 bùxìng
misfortune; unfortunately
不测 bùcè
mishap, misfortune; unpredictable
起 qǐ
MW for incident
性质 xìngzhì
nature, character, properties
外号 wàihào
障碍 zhàngài
obstacle; barrier
话说回来 huàshuōhuílái
on the other hand; nevertheless
肇事者 zhàoshìzhě
one who has created a disturbance (usually an accident)
除非 chúfēi
only if; unless
严敏忠 Yán Mǐnzhōng
personal name
姚跃 Yáo Yuè
personal name
残疾 cánjí
physical disability, deformity
迫 pò
press, force
原则 yuánzé
principle, tenet
程序 chéngxù
procedure; sequence
受益 shòuyì
profit by, benefit from
益 yì
profit, benefit
证明 zhèngmíng
proof; give proof of
疑问 yíwèn
question; query
养儿防老 yǎngérfánglǎo
raise children to take care of oneself in old age
领取 lǐngqǔ
receive, go and get
领 lǐng
receive; go and get; own
看作 kànzuò
regard as
权利 quánlì
right; interest
咨询 zīxún
seek advice from; consult
定居 dìngjū
settle down; take up residence
免得 miǎnde
so as not to; so as to avoid
发言 fāyán
speak, make a speech
特殊 tèshū
special, exceptional
照样 zhàoyàng
still; all the same; in the same old way
吃力 chīlì
strenuous, entail strenuous effort
起诉 qǐsù
支持 zhīchí
围 wéi
而已 éryǐ
that’s all; nothing more
联合国 Liánhéguó
the United Nations
车祸 chēhuò
traffic accident
公约 gōngyuē
treaty, convention
观点 guāndiǎn
精力 jīnglì
轮 lún
轮椅 lúnyǐ
工伤 gōngshāng
work injury
作出 zuòchū
work out; make (a decision, etc.)
工地 gōngdì
worksite, building site
炮弹 pàodàn
(artillery) cannonball; shell
前进 qiánjìn
advance; go forward; march on
指定 zhǐdìng
appoint; assign; designate; designation
艰苦 jiānkǔ
arduous; difficult; hard; tough
臂 bì
安置 ānzhì
arrange for; find a place for
安排 ānpái
arrange; plan in detail; dispose
人工呼吸 réngōng hūxī
artificial respiration; CPR
人工 réngōng
artificial; manual
炮火 pàohuǒ
artillery fire, gunfire
凭 píng
base on; go by; rely on; no matter (how/what)
战友 zhànyǒu
battle companion; comrade-in-arms
战地 zhàndì
阵地 zhèndì
battlefield; front
中弹 zhòngdàn
be struck by a bullet; get shot
值得 zhíde
be worth; deserve
负伤 fùshāng
be wounded; be injured
击 jī
beat; hit; strike
包扎 bāozā
bind up; wrap up; pack up
呼吸 hūxī
breathe; breath; respiration
建立 jiànlì
build; establish; set up; form; found
弹 dàn
bullet; bomb
营业税 yíngyè shuì
business tax; sales tax
一向 yīxiàng
consistently; all along; up to now
匍匐 púfú
crawl; creep
批评 pīpíng
criticize; criticism
发达 fādá
developed; advanced; flourishing
亡 wáng
die; lose
消毒 xiāodú
disinfect; sterilize
营业 yíngyè
do business; trade
电网 diànwǎng
electrified wire netting; power grid
急救 jíjiù
emergency treatment
奖励 jiǎnglì
encourage and reward, award
设立 shèlì
establish; set up; found
评定 píngdìng
evaluate; assess; appraise
速 sù
fast; rapid; quick; speedy
迅 xùn
fast; swift
野外 yěwài
field; outdoor(s)
战斗 zhàndòu
fight; battle; combat
斗 dòu
fight; struggle against
炮 pào
firecracker; cannon, artillery
急救包 jíjiùbāo
first-aid dressing
救护队 jiùhùduì
first-aid team
救护 jiùhù
first-aid; give first-aid
骨折 gǔzhé
基金 jījīn
fund; endowment; foundation
优待 yōudài
give preferential treatment; preferential treatment
给予 jǐyǔ
give; render; offer
等级 děngjí
grade; rank; order and degree
处理 chùlǐ
handle; treat; treatment
优先 yōuxiān
have priority; preferential
冬练三九,夏练三伏 dōngliàn sānjiǔ, xiàliàn sānfú
have training in the coldest days of winter and the hottest days of summer
山坡 shānpō
hillside; mountain slope