23 Flashcards
衛星 wèixīng
科學 kēxué
science; scientific
科學家 kēxuéjiā
密 mì
智慧板 zhìhuìbǎn
smart board
軟件 (also 軟體, mostly in Taiwan) ruǎnjiàn
聲音 shēngyīn
sound; voice
源 yuán
source; cause
速度 sùdù
speed; rate; pace
止 zhǐ
stop, discontinue
結構 jiégòu
structure; composition; construction
提交 tíjiāo
教學 jiàoxué
teaching; education; teach
技術 jìshù
technology; art; skill
傳遞 chuándì
transmit; deliver; transfer
輸 shū
transport; convey
打開 dǎkāi
turn on; open
本科 běnkē
undergraduate education
為止 wéizhǐ
up to, until
用戶 yònghù
用戶名 yònghùmíng
網頁 wǎngyè
web page
網站 wǎngzhàn
智慧 zhìhuì
wisdom, intelligence
可可西裡 Kěkěxīlǐ
a movie about Kekexili, an area in West China
西部計劃 Xībù jìhuà
a program that recruits college graduates for volunteer services in the West region of China
根據 gēnjù
according to; basis; grounds
作用 zuòyòng
action; function; effect
固然 gùrán
admittedly; no doubt
重新 chóngxīn
again; anew
一生 yīshēng
all one’s life
補貼 bǔtiē
allowance; subsidize
重視 zhòngshì
attach importance to; pay attention to
背景 bèijǐng
仗 zhàng
battle; war
為人 wéirén
behave; personal character
告別 gàobié
bid farewell
斷 duàn
break; break off; cut off; stop
發揮 fāhuī
bring into play; exercise (v.)
引起 yǐnqǐ
cause (v.)
潔 jié
clean (adj.)
整潔 zhěngjié
clean and tidy
民情 mínqíng
condition/feelings of the people
工夫不負有心人 gōngfu bù fù yǒuxīnrén
Constant effort yields sure success.
合同 hétong
contract (n.)
治沙 zhìshā
control sand
治 zhì
control; cure; treat
過程 guòchéng
course; process
禮貌 lǐmào
courtesy; politeness(n./adj.)
應屆 yīngjiè
current, this year’s
難度 nándù
degree of difficulty
度 dù
degree; limit; scope
工夫 gōngfu
effort; time; workmanship
聘用 pìnyòng
employ; hire
鼓勵 gǔlì
encourage; urge
考官 kǎoguān
examiner; interviewer
表達 biǎodá
express; convey
打仗 dǎzhàng
fight; fight a battle; go to war
充滿 chōngmǎn
fill; be full of
充 chōng
fill; stuff
氣息 qìxī
flavor; smell; breath
從事 cóngshì
go in for; be engaged in
聞 wén
hear; smell(v.)
其實 qíshí
in fact; actually
無數 wúshù
innumerable; countless
保險 bǎoxiǎn
insurance; safe
打斷 dǎduàn
interrupt; break
百聞不如一見 bǎiwénbùrú-yījiàn
it is better to see once than hear a hundred times; seeing is believing
可惜 kěxī
it’s a pity; unfortunately
聘用信 (also 聘書) pìnyòngxìn
job offer letter
有數 yǒushù
know how things stand; be confident
人生 rénshēng
人身 rénshēn
living body of a human being
求職 qiúzhí
look for a job, apply for a job
舉止 jǔzhǐ
manner; bearing
醫療 yīliáo
medical treatment
碰釘子 pèngdīngzi
meet setbacks; be snubbed
感動 gǎndòng
move; touch
筆 bǐ
MW for sums of money, financial accounts, debts, etc.
釘子 dīngzi
無 wú
not have; be without; nothing
就業 jiùyè
obtain employment; employment
業 yè
occupation; profession
先后 xiānhòu
one after another; order
源於 yuányú
originate; stem from
職位 zhíwèi
position; post (n.)
實踐 shíjiàn
practice (n./v.)
得體 détǐ
proper; befitting one’s position
建議 jiànyì
propose; suggest; suggestion
合格 hégé
qualified; up to standard
重 chóng
簡歷 jiǎnlì
resume; biographical notes
沙 shā
求 qiú
seek; beg; request
屆 jiè
session (of a conference); year (of graduation)
震撼 zhènhàn
shake; shock; vibrate
顯示 xiǎnshì
show; display; manifest
既然 jìrán
since; as; now that
源 yuán
source; origin
特長 tècháng
special aptitude; strong point
言談舉止 yántánjǔzhǐ
speech and behavior
精神 jīngshén
spirit; mind; consciousness
成功 chénggōng
succeed; success
充分 chōngfèn
sufficient; fully
優勢 yōushì
superiority; preponderance
談話 tánhuà
talk; chat
闖 chuǎng
temper oneself; venture out into the world
國情 guóqíng
the state of a country
為人處世 wéirénchǔshì
the way one conducts oneself in society
用處 yòngchu
use (n.); usefulness; application
寶貴 bǎoguì
valuable; precious
熱身 rèshēn
warm-up (n.), warm up (v.)
財富 cáifù
wealth; riches
是否 shìfǒu
whether or not
青年 qīngnián
youth; young people
名氣 míngqi
reputation; fame
養活 yǎnghuo
support; feed
洋打工 yángdǎgōng
a foreigner who works in China
吸 xī
absorb; suck up; inhale
採用 cǎiyòng
adopt, employ, use
火 huǒ
anger, angry; internal heat (a term in traditional Chinese medicine)
激發 jīfā
arouse, stimulate, trigger
吸引 xīyǐn
attract; draw; fascinate
上市 shàngshì
be listed on stock market; go on the market
並非 bìngfēi
be really not
原因 yuányīn
cause, reason
專注 zhuānzhù
concentrate one’s attention on; be absorbed in
起眼 qǐyǎn
conspicuous; remarkable
烹飪 pēngrèn
cooking; culinary art
毀 huǐ
destroy; damage
決心 juéxīn
determination; resolution; be determined; make up one’s mind
方向 fāngxiàng
direction (e.g., east, west); orientation
博士 bóshì
doctor, Ph. D, the highest of the academic degrees
夢想 mèngxiǎng
dream, illusion
經濟 jīngjì
economy; economic; financial condition
引擎 (also 發動機) yǐnqíng
事業 shìyè
enterprise; line of business; trade
公道 gōngdào
fair; reasonable; impartial
辛棄疾 Xīnqìjí
famous poet in Song Dynasty
農活 nónghuó
farm work
洋 yáng
foreign; imported; modern
組成 zǔchéng
form; make up, compose, formation, composition
創始人 chuàngshǐrén
founder, originator
友好 yǒuhǎo
friendly; amicable; close friend
放棄 fàngqì
give up; abandon; withdraw
谷歌 Gǔgē
漸漸 jiànjiàn
gradually; little by little
綠卡 lǜkǎ
green card (nickname for the US permanent residence card for aliens)
眾裡尋他千百度 zhònglǐ xún tā qiānbǎi dù
having searched for him hundreds and thousands of times in the crowd
執業 zhíyè
hold a position; licensed
持 chí
hold, grasp; support, keep, maintain
執 zhí
hold; take charge of; persist in
說起來 shuō qǐlái
in fact; as a matter of fact
親 qīn
in person, oneself
親身 qīnshēn
in person, personally, first-hand
引 yǐn
lead; draw; cause
許可証 xǔkězhèng
license, permit
尋 xún
look for
下 xià
make (an effort, a resolution); form (an opinion, idea, etc.) begin to (write or paint)
市 shì
優厚 yōuhòu
munificent; liberal; favorable
帆 fān
n. sail
夜宵 yèxiāo
nighttime snack
度 dù
occurrence, time; occasion
一旦 yīdàn
once; in case (something happens)
嘰裡呱啦 jīlǐguālā
創始 chuàngshǐ
originate, initiate
由於 yóuyú
owing to, as a result of, due to
許可 xǔkě
permit; allow; permission
詩人 shīrén
窮 qióng
poor; impoverished
推出 tuīchū
present to the public; push out
一手 yīshǒu
proficiency; skill; trick
下功夫 xiàgōngfu
put in a lot of work
資格 zīgé
qualification; be qualified for
養 yǎng
達 dá
reach; attain; amount to
實現 shíxiàn
realize, achieve
漲 zhǎng
rise; go up; swell
搜索 sōusuǒ
搜索引擎 sōusuǒ yǐnqíng
search engine
段 duàn
section, segment; paragraph
句 jù
sentence n.
股 gǔ
share (of a stock); one of several equal parts
老板 lǎobǎn
shopkeeper; proprietor; boss
順 shùn
一帆風順 yīfānfēngshùn
smooth sailing
宋朝 Sòngcháo
Song Dynasty
不久 bùjiǔ
soon; before long; near future
春卷兒 chūnjuǎnr
spring roll; egg roll
創業 chuàngyè
start an undertaking (a business; a project); do pioneering work
創 chuàng
start, establish; achieve
股票 gǔpiào
stock, equity security
系統 xìtǒng
system; systematic
可口 kěkǒu
tasty; palatable
的士 díshì
倍 bèi
times, fold
隊伍 duìwu
troops, army; force; contingent
經歷 jīnglì
undergo; experience v./n.
發展 fāzhǎn
v./ n. develop, development; grow; recruit
競爭 jìngzhēng
v./n. compete; competition
華爾街 Huá’ěrjiē
Wall Street
贏得 yíngdé
win; gain
親眼 qīnyǎn
with one’s own eyes; personally
雅虎 Yǎhǔ
曾經 céngjīng
(indicate that an action once happened or a state once exited)
人才 réncái
a person of ability/talent
完成 wánchéng
accomplish; complete; fulfill
達到 dádào
achieve; reach, attain
成果 chéngguǒ
achievement; positive result
佩服 pèifu
復 fù
與 yǔ
and; together with
應用 yìngyòng
apply; application
驕傲 jiāo’ào
arrogant; conceited; be proud; take pride in; pride
詢問 xúnwèn
ask about; inquire about
自治區 zìzhìqū
autonomous region
政審 zhèngshěn
background check
領先 lǐngxiān
be in the lead; lead (in competition); the lead; first place
分數線 fēnshùxiàn
bottom or floor mark for enrollment eligibility
學科 xuékē
branch of learning; subject; discipline
淵博 yuānbó
broad and profound; erudite
輸送 shūsòng
carry; transport; convey
指揮 zhǐhuī
command; direct; conduct; commander; director; conductor
貢獻 gòngxiàn
contribute; dedicate; contribution
計算 jìsuàn
count; compute; calculate; calculation; plan
搖籃 yáolán
紀律 jìlǜ
discipline; rules
識別 shíbié
distinguish; discern; identification; recognition
朝 zhāo
early morning; day
招生 zhāoshēng
enroll new students; recruit students
一舉一動 yījǔyīdòng
every act and every move
審查 shěnchá
examine; inspect; investigate
著名 zhùmíng
famous; celebrated
沃土 wòtǔ
fertile soil; rich soil
沃 wò
fertile; rich
重點 zhòngdiǎn
focal point; stress; emphasis
目前 mùqián
for now; at present; at the moment
論壇 lùntán
forum; tribune; place to express oneself in public
良 liáng
good; fine
良好 liánghǎo
good; well
壯大 zhuàngdà
grow in strength; expand
成長 chéngzhǎng
grow up; grow to maturity
導彈 dǎodàn
guided missile
繁重 fánzhòng
heavy; strenuous; onerous
如何 rúhé
how about it; when; how; why; as
改善 gǎishàn
源源不斷 yuányuán bùduàn
in a steady stream; continuously
考察 kǎochá
inspect; observe and study
識 shí
發射 fāshè
領 lǐng
學識 xuéshí
learning; knowledge
軍齡 jūnlíng
length of military service
生機 shēngjī
life; vitality
作為 zuòwéi
look on as; regard as; as; action; deed
碩士 shuòshì
任務 rènwù
mission; assignment; job; task
現代化 xiàndàihuà
modernize; modernization
動機 dòngjī
motive; motivation
舉動 jǔdòng
movement; move; act; activity
直轄市 zhíxiáshì
municipality directly under the central government
批 pī
MW batch; lot; group
不論 bùlùn
no matter (what, how, …)
守 shǒu
observe; abide by
遵守 zūnshǒu
observe; comply
要不然 yàobùrán
otherwise; or else
鋪路 pūlù
pave the road
鋪 pū
pave; lay; spread
李公朝 Lǐ Gōngzhāo
personal name
司徒夢天 Sītú Mèngtiān
Personal name
體格 tǐgé
physique, build
中國人民解放軍通訊工程學院 Zhōngguó Rénmín Jiěfàngjūn Tōngxùn Gōngchéng Xuéyuàn
PLA Institute of Communications Engineering
政治 zhèngzhì
politics; political affairs
具有 jùyǒu
possess; have; be provided with
譽 yù
praise; eulogize
搭橋 dāqiáo
put up / build a bridge
搭 dā
put up; build; travel / go by
復查 fùchá
reexamine; check again, review; countercheck
棟梁 dòngliáng
ridgepole and beam—pillar of the state
擇優 zéyōu
select the superior (person or thing); select the best
射 shè
shoot; fire
南極 Nánjí
South Pole
力量 lìliàng
strength; power; force
壯 zhuàng
strong; robust
學員 xuéyuán
student; trainee
牧鵝 mù’é
tend geese
牧 mù
tend; herd
地球 dìqiú
the earth; globe; world
總參 Zǒngcān
the short form for总参谋部, the Headquarters of the General Staff
輸 shū
transport; convey; lose; be defeated
不斷 bùduàn
unceasing; uninterrupted; continuously
未婚 wèihūn
unmarried; single
朝氣 zhāoqì
youthful spirit; vigor
關節 guānjié
(bone) joint
外公 wàigōng
(maternal) grandfather
一天到晚 yītiāndàowǎn
all day long; all day; from morning till night; the whole day
麻醉 mázuì
anesthetize; narcosis; anaesthetization
關節炎 guānjiéyán
至少 zhìshǎo
at least
小心 xiǎoxīn
be careful; be cautious; take care
發炎 fāyán
become inflamed; inflammation
禽流感 qínliúgǎn
Bird Flu
血糖 xuètáng
blood sugar
輸血 shūxuè
blood transfusion
腦血管 nǎoxuèguǎn
blood vessel of brain
血管 xuèguǎn
blood vessel, vein, artery
血液 xuèyè
blood; fresh blood; lifeline
腦 nǎo
brain; head; mind
燒 shāo
burn (v.)
燒傷 shāoshāng
burned and injured (v.)
癌症 áizhèng
蓋 gài
cap, cover, hood
染 rǎn
catch [contract] (a disease); dye
渠道 qúdào
channel; medium of communication
胸 xiōng
chest, breast
煙 yān
cigarette; smoke
控制 kòngzhì
control; dominate; regulate
危 wēi
危險 wēixiǎn
danger; dangerous
敢 gǎn
dare; have the confidence to; be certain
防 fáng
defend against; guard against
下降 xiàjiàng
descend; drop; fall; decrease (in)
破壞 pòhuài
destroy; wreck; ruin
發 fā
develop; come into existence; bring into existence
糖尿病 tángniàobìng
死亡 sǐwáng
die; death
歧視 qíshì
discriminate against; discrimination
疾病 jíbìng
症 zhèng
disease; illness
暈 yūn
dizzy, giddy, faint
流行病 liúxíngbìng
epidemic; epidemic disease
害 hài
evil; harm
暴露 bàolù
expose; reveal
事實 shìshí
降 jiàng
fall; drop; go down
流 liú
flow; drift; wander; circulate
功能 gōngnéng
宣傳 xuānchuán
give publicity to: conduct propaganda; propaganda
造成 zàochéng
give rise to; bring about
指導 zhǐdǎo
guide; direct; guidance; conduct
危害 wēihài
harm; endanger; detriment
中風 zhòngfēng
have a stroke; apoplexy, stroke, pals
過敏 guòmǐn
have an allergy; be allergic to
遺傳 yíchuán
heredity; bequeath, pass on to the next generation
艾滋病 àizībìng
為嘴傷身 wèizuǐshāngshēn
hurt the body while satisfying the mouth
免疫 miǎnyì
immune; immunity (from disease)
免疫力 miǎnyìlì
immunity (from disease)
預 yù
in advance; beforehand
偏 piān
inclined to one side; slanting; leaning
傳染 chuánrǎn
infect; be contagious
感染 gǎnrǎn
infect; be infected with; infection
傳染病 chuánrǎnbìng
infectious [contagious] disease
炎 yán
inflammation; burning hot
腸 cháng
腸胃 chángwèi
intestines and stomach; stomach
渠 qú
irrigation ditch; canal
膝 xī
膝蓋 xīgài
腿 tuǐ
臥床 wòchuáng
lie in bed (v./n.)
臥 wò
lie; crouch (for animals and birds)
生命 shēngmìng
液 yè
liquid; fluid; juice
失 shī
失去 shīqù
亡 wáng
lose; die; perish
食 shí
meal; food; eat
措施 cuòshī
measure; step
嘴 zuǐ
正常 zhèngcháng
normal; regular; average
鼻子 bízi
毒 dú
poison; toxin
可能 kěnéng
possible; probable; can; may
偏見 piānjiàn
prejudice; bias
壓 yā
press; hold down; weigh down
預防 yùfáng
prevent; take precautions against
保護 bǎohù
protect; defend; protection
護 hù
protect; guard; shield
恢復 huīfù
recover, regain, restore
除掉 chúdiào
remove; get rid of
救 jiù
rescue, save, salvage; help
抵抗 dǐkàng
resist; stand up to; oppose
康復 kāngfù
restored to health; recover
露 lù
reveal; show; dew (n.)
升降 shēngjiàng
rise and fall, go up and down
升 shēng
rise, ascend; (sun) rise; promote
薩斯 sàsī
傷疤 shāngbā
嚴重 yánzhòng
serious, grave, critical
表現 biǎoxiàn
show; behave; performance; manifestation
吸煙 xīyān
打噴嚏 dǎpēntì
噴嚏 pēntì
sneeze (n.)
隨后 suíhòu
soon afterward, soon after
站立 zhànlì
stand, rise, arise; be on one’s feet
立 lì
stand; remain in an erect position
胃 wèi
石 shí
石塊 shíkuài
stone; rock
堵 dǔ
stop up, block up; stifled, suffocated
加強 jiāqiáng
strengthen; enhance
扶 fú
support with the hand; hold up
手術 shǒushù
surgical operation, operation
甜食 tiánshí
sweet food; dessert
腫 zhǒng
swelling; swollen
腫塊 zhǒngkuài
swollen lump
吸毒 xīdú
take drugs
眼淚 yǎnlèi
背 bèi
the back of the body
於是 yúshì
thereupon; hence; consequently
傳播 chuánbō
transmit; disseminate; spread; transmission
治 zhì
treat (v.)
治療 zhìliáo
treat (v.); cure, treatment
實 shí
true; honest; solid
尿 niào
病毒 bìngdú
腰 yāo
寧可 nìngkě
would rather; better
傷 shāng
wound; injury
確診 quèzhěn
(give) a final diagnosis
安定 āndìng
a kind of sleeping pill
腹 fù
abdomen, belly, flank
劇 jù
acute; severe; intense
住址 zhùzhǐ
則 zé
adverb expressing contrast, concession, consequence, condition, etc.
止痛藥 zhǐtòngyào
analgesic, pain-killer
抗生素 kàngshēngsù
出現 chūxiàn
appear, emerge
闌尾炎 lánwěiyán
闌尾 lánwěi
阿司匹林 āsīpǐlín
處在 chǔzài
be (in a certain condition)
處 chǔ
be situated in; be (in a certain condition)
屬於 shǔyú
belong to; be part of; be geared to; pertain to
骨 gǔ
bone; framework; skeleton
盒 hé
腔 qiāng
cavity; chamber; tune; accent
診所 zhěnsuǒ
綜合 zōnghé
comprehensive; synthesize
綜合性 zōnghéxìng
comprehensiveness; synthesis
割 gē
cut with knife
切 qiē
cut; slice
看情況 kàn qíngkuàng
depending on circumstances
診斷 zhěnduàn
diagnose; diagnosis
撥打 bōdǎ
撥 bō
dial; move with hand, foot, stick, etc.
腹瀉 fùxiè
消炎 xiāoyán
diminish inflammation
瀉痢停 xièlìtíng
drug for diarrhea or dysentery
心電圖 xīndiàntú
消 xiāo
eliminate; disappear
急診 jízhěn
emergency call; emergency treatment
凡是 fánshì
every, any, all
切除 qiēchú
excise; excision
全科 quánkē
family practice, general medicine
發冷 fālěng
feel cold
惡心 ěxin
feel nauseous, feel sick
發 fā
feel; to start (illness); become
火警 huǒjǐng
fire alarm
急救 jíjiù
first aid, emergency treatment
固定 gùdìng
fixed; regular; fix; regularize
瀉 xiè
flow swiftly; rush down; pour out
老百姓 lǎobǎixìng
folk(s), ordinary people
原諒 yuánliàng
forgive, pardon, excuse
幸虧 xìngkuī
fortunately; luckily
立 lì
found, establish
一般來說 yībānláishuō
generally speaking
見好 jiànhǎo
get better
就診 jiùzhěn
get medical treatment
應診 yìngzhěn
give treatment
婦產醫院 fùchǎn yīyuàn
gynecology and obstetrics hospital
劃價 huàjià
have a prescription priced
救死扶傷 jiùsǐfúshāng
heal the wounded and rescue the dying
名師出高徒 míngshī chū gāotú
If the teacher is famous, the student will be successful.
立刻 lìkè
immediately, at once, right away
急忙 jímáng
in a hurry
相對於… (而言) xiāngduìyú… (éryán)
in comparison with …
轉眼之間 zhuǎnyǎnzhījiān
in the blink of an eye
與其…不如… yǔqí… bùrú…
it’s better … than…
輸液 shūyè
IV, infusion
關鍵 guānjiàn
key, crux
醫術 yīshù
medical skill, art of healing
口 kǒu
自然 zìrán
nature, the natural world; natural, naturally
營養 yíngyǎng
nutrition; nourish
反倒 fǎndào
on the contrary, instead
口腔 kǒuqiāng
oral cavity
小菜兒 xiǎocàir
piece of cake
處方 chùfāng
prescribe; prescription
私立 sīlì
privately run
產生 chǎnshēng
produce; come into being
資歷 zīlì
qualifications; seniority
地道 dìdào
real; typical; genuine
推薦 tuījiàn
recommend; recommendation
止痛 zhǐtòng
relieve pain, stop pain
補充 bǔchōng
replenish, supplement
搶救 qiǎngjiù
rescue, save; give emergency treatment to a patient
預約 yùyuē
reserve; make an appointment