22 Flashcards
之間 zhījiān
among; between
打聽 dǎting
ask about; inquire about; get a line on
態度 tàidu
attitude; approach; manner
關心 guānxīn
be concerned with; care for
留戀 liúliàn
be reluctant to leave (a place); can’t bear to part
建設 jiànshè
build; construct; construction; garrison post
類 lèi
category; kind;type
干淨 gānjìng
clean; neat and tidy
舒適 shūshì
comfortable; cozy; snug
社區 shèqū
臟 zāng
距離 jùlí
distance; be apart from
搞 gǎo
do; carry on; be engaged in
掙 zhèng
earn, make; struggle to get
企業 qǐyè
enterprise, business, company, firm
專家 zhuānjiā
expert; specialist
面貌 miànmào
face; features; looks
姑娘 gūniang
girl; daughter
座談 zuòtán
have an informal discussion; informal discussion
心臟病 xīnzàngbìng
heart disease
公路 gōnglù
highway; road; highroad
夫婦 fūfù
husband and wife
兩口子 liǎngkǒuzi
husband and wife, married couple
婆婆 pópo
husband’s mother; mother-in-law
冰 bīng
冷冰冰 lěngbīngbīng
ice-cold; icy; cold in manner
重要 zhòngyào
整齊 zhěngqí
in good order; tidy; neat
連著 liánzhe
in succession; continuously
長 zhǎng
increase (v.)
連接 liánjiē
join; link
連 lián
join; link; connect
幼兒園 yòuéryuán
kindergarten, nursery school, infant school
敲 qiāo
knock; beat; strike
業 yè
line of business, trade; industry
制造 zhìzào
make; manufacture; produce
管 guǎn
manage; run; be in charge of; look after
米 mǐ
辦法 bànfǎ
method; means; measure
半夜 bànyè
midnight; around midnight
泥 ní
mud; mire
隔壁 gébì
next door
再…(也) zài…(yě)
no matter how
人情味 rénqíngwèi
normal human feelings; empathy; humane
想不通 xiǎngbutōng
not convinced; cannot come round
開放 kāifàng
open to the outside world
別人 biérén
othe people; others
看法 kànfǎ
point of view, way of looking at things, opinion
私營 sīyíng
privately owned, privately run or operated
吵架 chǎojià
quarrel vehemently, have a row
復發 fùfā
recur; have a relapse
改革 gǎigé
reform (n./v.)
改革開放 gǎigékāifàng
reform and opening-up
關系 guānxì
relation; relationship
留 liú
remain; stay
報道 bàodào
report (news) (v./n.); coverage in a newspaper
方面 fāngmiàn
respect; aspect; side; field
農村 nóngcūn
rural area; countryside; country
一問三不知 yīwènsānbùzhī
say “I don’t know” to every question; be entirely ignorant
好像 hǎoxiàng
seem; be like; as if; look like
隔 gé
separate; partition
關 guān
shut, close; turn off; lock up, shut in
隔音 géyīn
sound insulation
職工 zhígōng
staff, staff members; worker, workers
街道 jiēdào
street; resident area
淡 dàn
thin, light, (of food) without enough salt, tasteless
通 tōng
through; understand
及時 jíshí
timely, in time; promptly without delay
旅游業 lǚyóuyè
tourist industry; tourism
鎮 zhèn
town; trading center
電視台 diànshìtái
TV station
典型 diǎnxíng
理解 lǐjiě
understand; comprehend
車輛 chēliàng
vehicle; car; traffic
村 cūn
明亮 míngliàng
well-lit, bright; shining; clear
按照 ànzhào
according to; on the basis of
成年人 chéngniánrén
其中 qízhōng
among (which, them, etc.)
動物 dòngwù
愚人節 Yúrénjié
April Fool’s Day
建軍節 Jiànjūnjié
Army Day (August 1), anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army
照常 zhàocháng
as usual
相信 xiāngxìn
believe in; be convinced of
信 xìn
believe; trust
糕 gāo
cake; pudding; pastry
慶祝 qìngzhù
celebrate; celebration
兒童節 Értóngjié
Children’s Day (June 1)
聖誕節 Shèngdànjié
情況 qíngkuàng
circumstances, situation
聯 lián
風俗 fēngsú
發現 fāxiàn
discover; find
趕 gǎn
drive away; catch up with; rush for
趕 走 gǎnzǒu
drive away; expel
進修 jìnxiū
engage in advanced studies; take a refresher course
享受 xiǎngshòu
enjoy; enjoyment
惡 è
evil; vice
公平 gōngpíng
fair; just; justice
團圓飯 tuányuánfàn
family reunion dinner
快餐 kuàicān
fast food
女性 nǚxìng
焰火 yànhuǒ
隨 suí
follow; go along with
性別 xìngbié
輩 bèi
generation in family; lifetime
郊游 jiāoyóu
go for an outing
年貨 niánhuò
goods for use during the Spring Festival
隆重 lóngzhòng
grand; solemnly; ceremonious
獨立 dúlì
independence; independent; on one’s own
勞動節 Láodòngjié
Labor Day (May 1)
勞動 láodòng
labor; work
元宵節 Yuánxiāojiē
Lantern Festival on the 15th of the first lunar month
燈會 dēnghuì
lantern show
領 lǐng
lead; usher; receive
水平 shuǐpíng
level; standard
運氣 yùnqì
luck, fortune
農歷 nónglì
lunar calendar
使 shǐ
make; cause; enable
男性 nánxìng
麥當勞 Màidāngláo
McDonald’s Restaurant
惡作劇 èzuòjù
母親節 Mǔqīnjié
Mother’s Day
國慶節 Guóqìngjié
National Day (October 1)
年畫 niánhuà
New Year picture
壓歲錢 yāsuìqián
New Year‘s gift of money to children
年糕 niángāo
New Year’s cake
除夕 chúxī
New Year’s Eve
法定 fǎdìng
official; legal; statutory
長輩 zhǎngbèi
older generation
長 zhǎng
older; elder; senior
拜年 bàinián
pay a New Year’s visit; wish somebody a Happy New Year
實行 shíxíng
practice; implement
比例 bǐlì
proportion; ratio
提高 tígāo
raise; increase; improve
居民 jūmín
團圓 tuányuán
reunite; reunion
放鞭炮 fàngbiānpào
set off firecrackers
性 xìng
度 dù
spend; pass
度過 dùguò
spend; pass
春聯(兒) chūnlián(r)
spring festival couplets; New Year scrolls
鞭炮 biānpào
string of small firecrackers
元宵 yuánxiāo
sweet dumplings made of glutinous rice flour
制度 zhìdù
system; institution
正月 zhēngyuè
the first month of the lunar year
正月初一 zhēngyuè chūyī
the lunar New Year’s Day
清明節 Qīngmínjié
The Pure Brightness Festival (for worshiping at ancestral graves)
西方 xīfāng
the west; westward
傳統 chuántǒng
情人節 Qíngrénjié
Valentine’s Day
訪問 fǎngwèn
visit (v./n.)
走親訪友 zǒuqīnfǎngyǒu
visit relatives and friends
方式 fāngshì
way; fashion; pattern
白領 báilǐng
婦女節 Fùnǚjié
Women’s Day (March 8)
少 shào
動物園 dòngwùyuán
演員 yǎnyuán
actor or actress; performer
適應 shìyìng
adapt; fit; suit
軍隊 jūnduì
armed forces; army; troops
藝術 yìshù
藝術團 yìshùtuán
art ensemble; art troupe
請假 qǐngjià
ask for leave; take leave
禮堂 lǐtáng
assembly hall; auditorium
氣氛 qìfēn
atmosphere; mood; tone
民歌 míngē
ballad; folk song
對…有好處 duì…yǒu hǎochù
be beneficial for…
站崗 zhàngǎng
be on guard duty
駐 zhù
be stationed
轉業 zhuǎnyè
be transferred to civilian work
肯 kěn
be willing to
吃苦 chīkǔ
bear hardships; suffer
北京軍區 Běijīng Jūnqū
Beijing Military District
好處 hǎochù
benefit; advantage
精彩 jīngcǎi
brilliant; splendid; wonderful
號 hào
號聲 hàoshēng
bugle call
看望 kànwàng
call on; pay a visit; see; drop in on
穩重 wěnzhòng
calm; steady; reliable
儀式 yíshì
鼓掌 gǔzhǎng
clap one’s hands; applaud
掌聲 zhǎngshēng
clapping; applause
授銜 shòuxián
confer military rank
授 shòu
confer; grant
培訓 péixùn
cultivate; train; training
文化館 wénhuàguǎn
cultural centre
親愛 qīn’ài
dear; beloved
死 sǐ
die; dead; extremely
營地 yíngdì
encampment; campsite; campground; post; barracks
保障 bǎozhàng
ensure; guarantee; safeguard
難死了 nán sǐ le
extremely hard
家屬 jiāshǔ
family members; dependents
未婚妻 wèihūnqī
疊 dié
疊被子 dié bèizi
fold the quilt
特地 tèdì
for a special purpose; specially; all the way
正式 zhèngshì
formal; official; regular
滿 mǎn
full; filled
望 wàng
gaze into the distance; call on; visit
睡懶覺 shuìlǎnjiào
get up late
團 tuán
group; troupe
難得 nándé
hard to come by; rare; rarely
苦 kǔ
未 wèi
have not; did not
在…心目中 zài…xīnmù zhōng
in one’s mind
為的是 wèidishì
in order to; for the sake of
據說 jùshuō
it is said
從軍 cóngjūn
join the military; enlist
當 dāng
just at (a time or a place)
懶 lǎn
lazy; sluggish
當地 dāngdì
local; in the locality of
丟臉 diūliǎn
lose face; be disgraced
丟 diū
lose; mislay; be missing
婚戀 hūnliàn
love and marriage
戀 liàn
love; long for; feel attached to
成熟 chéngshú
mature; ripe
銜(軍銜) xián
military rank
心目 xīnmù
mind; mental view
首 shǒu
MW for poems or songs
消息 xiāoxi
news; information
觀念 guānniàn
notion; concept; ideology
當然 dāngrán
of course; certainly
手掌 shǒuzhǎng
palm (of the hand)
趙南 Zhào Nán
personal name
周元 Zhōu Yuán
personal name
駐地 zhùdì
place where troops are stationed
地位 dìwèi
position; status
提干 tígàn
promote to an officer-level position
俯臥撐 fǔwòchēng
被子 bèizi
提 tí
raise; lift; promote; carry
立功 lìgōng
render meritorious service
抗日 kàngrì
resist Japan; anti Japanese
抗 kàng
resist; fight (against)
責任 zérèn
轉 zhuàn
revolve; rotate; stroll
豐盛 fēngshèng
rich; sumptuous
響 xiǎng
ring; sound; make a sound
熟 shú
ripe; cooked; familiar; skilled
責任感 zérèngǎn
sense of responsibility
感 gǎn
sense; feeling
帽徽 màohuī
service cap badge
領花 lǐnghuā
service collar badge
放心 fàngxīn
set one’s mind at rest; be at ease
喊 hǎn
shout; yell; call (someone)
歌手 gēshǒu
singer; vocalist
軍屬 jūnshǔ
soldier’s dependents or family
解決 jiějué
solve; resolve; settle
歌 gē
穩 wěn
steady; firm; sure; certain
嚴格 yángé
strict; rigorous
嚴 yán
strict; tight
結實 jiēshi
sturdy; solid; durable
轉 zhuǎn
turn; shift; transfer
安靜 ānjìng
quiet; peaceful
你一言,我一語 nǐ yī yán , wǒ yī yǔ
(a conversation/discussion going on) with everybody joining in
呀 ya
(expressing surprise) ah; particle (used in place of 啊 when the preceding word ends in sound o, e, i, o, or ü)
自習 zìxí
(of students) study by oneself in scheduled time or free time; review one’s lessons
能力 nénglì
ability, capacity, competence
關於 guānyú
about; on; concerning
觀后感 guānhòugǎn
an article or report based on one’s own observations
分析 fēnxi
analyze, analysis
拼 pīn
be ready to risk one’s life (in fighting, work, etc.) ; go all out in work
鈴 líng
而(是) ér(shì)
but, yet
改變 gǎibiàn
change; alter
語文 yǔwén
Chinese language (oral and written); Chinese language and literature
翻 fān
climb over; cross; turn over; turn; translate
高考 gāokǎo
college entrance examinations
講評 jiǎngpíng
comment on and appraise
交流 jiāoliú
communicate, communication
認真 rènzhēn
conscientious; earnest; serious:
內容 nèiróng
創造 chuàngzào
創造力 chuàngzàolì
creative power, creative ability
翻山越嶺 fānshānyuèlǐng
cross over mountains and valleys
養 yǎng
cultivate; raise (livestock)
應付 yìngfu
deal with; cope with; handle
拖延 tuōyán
delay, put off
命運 mìngyùn
destiny, fate, lot
討論 tǎolùn
拖 tuō
drag; delay
夢 mèng
清晨 qīngchén
early morning, cockcrow
晨 chén
early morning, dawn
免 miǎn
excuse sb. from sth.; exempt
幸運 xìngyùn
fortunate, lucky
基礎 jīchǔ
foundation, base, basis; basic
地理 dìlǐ
geography; natural features of a country or region
孫女 sūnnǚ
grand-daughter (son’s daughter)
掌握 zhǎngwò
grasp, master; know well
組 zǔ
group; set; series
引導 yǐndǎo
guide; lead; guidance
打工 dǎgōng
have a temporary job, do manual work
採訪 cǎifǎng
have an interview with; cover (news)
補助 bǔzhù
help financially, subsidies; allowance
歷史 lìshǐ
想象 xiǎngxiàng
imagine; fancy; visualize
包括 bāokuò
include; consist of; comprise; contain
大量 dàliàng
large number, great quantity
死記硬背 sǐjìyìngbèi
learn by rote; memorize mechanically; mechanical memorizing:
寄宿 jìsù
lodge; (of students) board
照顧 zhàogù
look after, give consideration to
資料 zīliào
material, data, information
數學 shùxué
雜費 záfèi
miscellaneous expenses
同時 tóngshí
moreover, besides; at the same time
寨 zhài
mountain stronghold; fortified mountain village
卻 què
nevertheless, however, but, yet
破舊 pòjiù
old and shabby, worn-out
傳 chuán
pass; pass on:
注意 zhùyì
pay attention to; take care
壯年 zhuàngnián
people between thirty and forty
貧困 pínkùn
poor, impoverished, poverty
課題 kètí
project; question for study or discussion
延 yán
prolong; extend
量 liàng
翻建 fānjiàn
rebuild or renovate (a house, a building)
寄宿生 jìsùshēng
resident student
拼命 pīnmìng
risk one’s life; do something desperately; do one’s utmost
校舍 xiàoshè
schoolhouse, school building
自信心 zìxìnxīn
自信 zìxìn
self-confident, self-confidence
規定 guīdìng
stipulate, stipulation; rule
記筆記 jìbǐjì
take notes
教材 jiàocái
teaching material
華語 huáyǔ
the Chinese language; Chinese
苗山 Miáoshān
The Miáo Mountain
朗朗 lǎnglǎng
the sound of reading aloud
世界 shìjiè
the world
瑤寨 Yáozhài
The Yáo Village
此 cǐ
this, these; here and now
題目 tímù
title, subject, topic
培養 péiyǎng
train; cultivate, cultivation
志願 zhìyuàn
volunteer; aspiration; wish
破 pò
worn-out; broken; damaged
舊 jiù
worn; used; old; past
記 jì
write (jot, take) down; record; remember
青年 qīngnián
青壯年 qīngzhuàngnián
youth and people between thirty and forty
哦 ò
(interj.) expressing realization, understanding, etc.
科 kē
a branch of academic or vocational study
學位 xuéwèi
academic degree, degree
課余 kèyú
after school, after class
小姨 xiǎoyí
aunt (mother’s youngest sister)
負擔 fùdān
bear, shoulder (a responsibility, work, expense, etc); burden
北京語言大學 Běijīng Yǔyán Dàxué
Beijing Language and Culture University
北京師范大學 Běijīng Shīfàn Dàxué
Beijing Normal University
北京大學 Běijīng Dàxué
Beijing University
牌 pái
brand; trademark
廣播 guǎngbō
broadcast (n./v.)
清華園 Qīnghuáyuán
campus of Qinghua University
惹 rě
cause (something bad) to happen
接觸 jiēchù
come into contact with, get in touch with
接 jiē
connect; put together
考慮 kǎolǜ
consider; think over
費用 fèiyòng
cost, expenditure, expense
國家 guójiā
country; territory of a country
學分 xuéfēn
顧客 gùkè
customer, shopper, client
減輕 jiǎnqīng
decrease; reduce
詳細 xiángxì
detailed; in detail
水餃 shuǐjiǎo
效率 xiàolǜ
efficiency, productiveness
電機工程 diànjī gōngchéng
electrical engineering
電機 diànjī
electrical machinery; electric motor
工程 gōngchéng
engineering; project
錄取 lùqǔ
enroll; recruit; admit to
課外活動 kèwài huódòng
extracurricular activities
名牌 míngpái
famous brand; nameplate,name tag
如魚得水 rúyúdéshuǐ
feel just like a fish in water; be in one’s element
賺 zhuàn
gain; make a profit
相處 xiāngchǔ
get along with
家教 jiājiào
home tutoring; tutor; domestic discipline
搜集 sōují
hunt high and low for (things); collect
理想 lǐxiǎng
ideal; desirable; desired
於 yú
in, at, to, from, out of, by; suffix after a verb and an adjective; a surname
文科 wénkē
liberal arts
如 rú
like; as; as if
鬧笑話 nàoxiàohua
make a silly mistake; make a fool of oneself
賺錢 zhuànqián
make money
鬧 nào
make; cause
材料 cáiliào
materials; data
心情 xīnqíng
mood, frame of mind
反而 fǎn’ér
on the contrary, instead
紛紛 fēnfēn
one after another, in succession
詩 shī
唐詩 Táng Shī
poetry of the Tang Dynasty
研究生 yánjiūshēng
postgraduate (student); graduate student
實習 shíxí
practice; do fieldwork; fieldwork, field trip
促進 cùjìn
promote, advance, facilitate
促 cù
promote; urge
發音 fāyīn
清華大學 Qīnghuá Dàxué
Qinghua University
廣播電台 guǎngbōdiàntái
radio broadcast station
電台 diàntái
radio station
必修 bìxiū
required (course)
餐館 cānguǎn
搖滾樂 yáogǔnyuè
rock and roll
搖 yáo
rock; wave; shake
滾 gǔn
roll; turn round
理科 lǐkē
science (as a field of study)
選擇 xuǎnzé
select; choose
報考 bàokǎo
sign up for an examination
有生以來 yǒushēngyǐlái
since birth, for one’s whole life
因此 yīncǐ
so, therefore, for this reason, consequently
社會 shèhuì
society; mass organization; community
余 yú
spare; remaining; spare time
花 huā
住宿 zhùsù
stay, get accommodations
陌生 mòshēng
strange; unfamiliar
勁頭 jìntóu
strength, energy; spirit, drive, zeal
留學生 liúxuéshēng
student studying abroad
留學 liúxué
study abroad
修 xiū
study; cultivate
研究 yánjiū
study; research; consider; discuss
減 jiǎn
subtract; decrease, reduce
選修 xuǎnxiū
take as an elective course
抽 chōu
take out (from in between); take (a part from a whole); obtain by drawing, etc.
一言為定 yīyánwéidìng
That’s settled then; A promise is a promise.
哈(哈) hā (hā)
the sound of laughter
論文 lùnwén
thesis, dissertation, paper
光陰似箭 guāngyīnsìjiàn
time flies like an arrow; how time flies
聲調 shēngdiào
tone of Chinese characters
珍惜 zhēnxī
treasure, value, cherish
學費 xuéfèi
tuition fee, tuition; education expenses
姨夫 yífu
uncle ( husband of姨)
學歷 xuélì
academic credentials; diploma
先進 xiānjìn
音像 yīnxiàng
audiovisual, sound and video recording
叫做 jiàozuò
be called; be known as
把握 bǎwò
certainty; grasp
鏈 liàn
特點 tèdiǎn
characteristic; peculiarity
驗 yàn
check; test
課程表 kèchéng biǎo
class schedule
點擊 diǎnjī
click (v.)
碼 mǎ
通訊 tōngxùn
communication (esp. telecommunication); news story
繼續教育 jìxùjiàoyù
continuing education
課程 kèchéng
course; curriculum
設計 shèjì
design, plan (v./n.)
開發 kāifā
develop; open up; exploit
遠程教育 yuǎnchéng jiàoyù
distance learning; distance education; remote education
節約 jiéyuē
economize; save
教育 jiàoyù
education; teach, educate; educational
效果 xiàoguǒ
effect; result
輸入 shūrù
enter, input
禮節 lǐjié
etiquette, protocol
有名 yǒumíng
金融 jīnróng
finance; banking
平 píng
flat; level; smooth
靈活 línghuó
腳 jiǎo
遞 dì
hand over; pass; give
個兒 gèr
height, size (of a person)
高科技 gāo kējì
high tech
歷 lì
history; record
擊 jī
hit, strike
主人 zhǔrén
host, owner; master
意見 yìjian
idea, view, complaint
想法 xiǎngfa
idea; opinion
改進 gǎijìn
手忙腳亂 shǒumáng-jiǎoluàn
in a great bustle
亂 luàn
in a mess, in disorder
信息 (also 資訊, mostly in Taiwan) xìnxī
information; news; message
互聯網(also known as 因特網,英特網,or網際網路 which is used mostly in Taiwan) hùliánwǎng
(網絡 also 網路, mostly in Taiwan) wǎngluò
internet, network
讓 ràng
invite, offer; give way
它 tā
大專 dàzhuān
junior college education
正好 zhènghǎo
just in time; just right
法律 fǎlǜ
law, statute
鏈接 (also 鏈結, mostly in Taiwan) liànjiē
表 biǎo
list; form; chart
活 huó
lively; active
遠程 yuǎnchéng
long distance
媒體 méitǐ
mass media, medium
測 cè
measure; survey
方法 fāngfǎ
method; way; means; device
多媒體 duōméitǐ
筆記本電腦 bǐjìběndiànnǎo
notebook computer
讓座 ràngzuò
offer one’s seat to someone
密碼 mìmǎ
圖像 túxiàng
picture, image, graphics
台 tái
platform; stage; stand
平台 píngtái
platform; terrace
保証 bǎozhèng
pledge; guarantee; assure
倒(茶) dào (chá)
pour (tea)
授 shòu
present; teach
教授 jiàoshòu
提供 tígōng
provide; supply; furnish
提出 tíchū
put forward, pose, raise
測驗 cèyàn
quiz; test
招待 zhāodài
receive; serve
承認 chéngrèn
recognize; admit
工具書 gōngjùshū
reference books
中國人民大學 Zhōngguó Rénmín Dàxué
Renmin University of China
資源 zīyuán
resources; natural resources