11 Flashcards
老头 lǎotóu
old man; husband
忙碌 mánglù
扫 sǎo
路过 lùguò
pass by or through (a place)
墙角 qiángjiǎo
corner of walls, corner
煤炉 méilú
coal stove
铝 lǚ
盆 pén
basin, tub, pot
土豆 tǔdòu
辣椒 làjiāo
hot pepper, chili
瓷 cí
chinaware, porcelain, china
眯眼 mīyǎn
narrow one’s eyes
米 mǐ
沙子 shāzi
sand, grit, small grains
安宁 ānníng
peaceful, tranquil
朴素 pǔsù
simple, plain, frugal
正巧 zhèngqiǎo
by a happy chance; at just the right time
便 biàn
then; in that case
攀谈 pāntán
chitchat, strike up a conversation
近视 jìnshì
myopic, shortsighted
罩衣 zhàoyī
overall, dustcoat
薄 báo
thin; flimsy
自豪 zìháo
衣着 yīzhuó
clothing, headgear and footwear
陈旧 chénjiù
old, outdated, obsolete
微薄 wēibó
meagre, scanty
退休金 tuìxiūjīn
retirement pay, pension
度日 dùrì
subsist (in hardship), eke out a living
相互 xiānghù
mutually, reciprocally
搀扶 chānfú
support gently by the hand or arm
背影 bèiyǐng
view of sb.’s back, figure viewed from behind
温馨 wēnxīn
warmth and fragrance
谈起 tánqǐ
mention, speak of
悠闲自在 yōuxiánzìzài
leisurely and carefree
开开心心 kāikāixīnxīn
happy, joyous
菜场 càichǎng
(fresh) food market
下脚 xiàjiǎo
leftover bits and pieces
坚决 jiānjué
firm, determined, resolute
摇 yáo
shake, wave
牙 yá
缝衣服 féngyīfú
sew clothes
心平气和 xīnpíngqìhé
calm, even-tempered and good-humored
不假思索 bùjiǎsīsuǒ
without thinking
充斥 chōngchì
full of, be flooded with
失去 shīqù
lose, miss
简朴 jiǎnpǔ
simple and unadorned, plain
平凡 píngfán
ordinary; common
体会 tǐhuì
realise, know or learn from experience
滋生 zīshēng
multiply, create, grow
感情 gǎnqíng
feeling, emotion, affection
相濡以沫 xiāngrúyǐmò
mutual help and relief in time of poverty
同甘共苦 tónggāngòngkǔ
share joy and sorrow
华 huá
magnificent, splendid, resplendent, gorgeous
香车宝马 xiāngchēbǎomǎ
fragrant cars and treasure horses
富裕 fùyù
well-to-do, well off
感受 gǎnshòu
feel, experience
永无止境 yǒngwúzhǐjìng
without end, endless
追求 zhuīqiú
seek, pursue, go after
焦虑 jiāolǜ
worrying, anxious, apprehensive
担忧 dānyōu
worry, be anxious
肯德基 Kěndéjī
Kentucky Fried Chicken
眼下 yǎnxià
at present; now
不良 bùliáng
bad; harmful
超前 chāoqián
surpassing the present, far ahead
畸形 jīxíng
愈演愈烈 yùyǎnyùliè
grow in intensity, get worse and worse
看齐 kànqí
keep up with, emulate
笔者 bǐzhě
(present) writer; I, the author
零食 língshí
between-meal nibbles, snacks
方便面 fāngbiànmiàn
instant noodles
口服心服 kǒufúxīnfú
be sincerely convinced
八宝粥 bābǎozhōu
flavored porridge made of rice, peas, nuts, etc.
晚餐 wǎncān
supper, dinner, evening meal
口服液 kǒufúyè
oral liquids
钙 gài
媒介 méijiè
情有独钟 qíngyǒudúzhōng
love only one person or thing in one’s heart
荣 róng
人情 rénqíng
human relations
社交 shèjiāo
social contact, interaction
要好 yàohǎo
be on good terms, be close friends
蛋糕 dàngāo
扫兴 sǎoxìng
disappointed or discouraged
索性 suǒxìng
simply, just, might as well
设宴 shèyàn
give a dinner, banquet
款待 kuǎndài
treat cordially; entertain
统计 tǒngjì
statistics; adding up
崇尚 chóngshàng
uphold, advocate
蹬 dēng
wear (shoes etc.)
涉足 shèzú
set foot in
精品 jīngpǐn
top quality article, rare and fine goods
流连 liúlián
be reluctant to leave or part with
时装 shízhuāng
fashionable dress; latest fashion
不惜 bùxī
not stint; not hesitate
一掷千金 yízhìqiānjīn
squander money
明星 míngxīng
(movie, etc.) star
遇 yù
meet (with), encounter
崇拜 chóngbài
worship; adore
忍俊不禁 rěnjùnbùjīn
can’t help laughing
眉毛 méimao
eyebrow, brow
脸型 liǎnxíng
cast of one’s face
嘴形 zuǐxíng
shape of the mouth
来源 láiyuán
source, origin
索要 suǒyào
ask for, demand, claim
高消费 gāoxiāofèi
extravagant spending
独生子女 dúshēngzǐnǚ
an only child
当代 dāngdài
present age, contemporary
公主 gōngzhǔ
娇生惯养 jiāoshēngguàn yǎng
pampered since childhood
导致 dǎozhì
lead to; bring about; result in; cause
误区 wùqū
long-standing mistaken ideas or concepts
推波助澜 tuībōzhùlán
add fuel to the flames
消极 xiāojí
negative; passive, inactive
后果 hòuguǒ
fallout, consequence, aftermath
不容忽视 bùrónghūshì
not to be ignored
滋长 zīzhǎng
grow, develop
奢侈 shēchǐ
luxurious; extravagant; excessive
风 fēng
common practice, custom
拜金 bàijīn
money worship
思潮 sīcháo
trend of thought; ideological trend
泛滥 fànlàn
be in flood; overflow; inundate
享乐主义 xiǎnglèzhǔyì
hedonism, dilettantism
抬头 táitóu
prevail, gain ground; raise one’s head
品德 pǐndé
moral character, morality
身心 shēnxīn
body and mind
耐克 Nàikè
Nike (a brand)
刘德华 Liúdéhuá
name of a movie and singing star
张学友 Zhāngxuéyǒu
name of a movie and singing star
刘晓庆 Liúxiǎoqìng
name of an actress
巩俐 Gǒnglì
name of an actress
赵薇 Zhàowēi
name of an actress
惩治 chéngzhì
贪官 tānguān
avaricious official, corrupt official
原 yuán
伏法 fúfǎ
be executed
核准 hézhǔn
check and approve
受贿 shòuhuì
accept or take bribes
行贿 xínghuì
give a bribe
巨额 jùé
a huge sum
财产 cáichǎn
property, assets
案 àn
lawsuit, case
终审 zhōngshěn
final judgment
裁定 cáidìng
rule; adjudication
死刑 sǐxíng
death penalty
事务局 shìwùjú
bureau of general affairs
助理 zhùlǐ
谋取 móuqǔ
seek to gain
收受 shōushòu
receive; accept
索取 suǒqǔ
demand; exact
财物 cáiwù
共计 gòngjì
查证 cházhèng
check and verify
证据 zhèngjù
查明 chámíng
prove through investigation
罪 zuì
数罪并罚 shùzuìbìngfá
combined punishment for several offenses
判处 pànchǔ
剥夺 bōduó
政治权利 zhèngzhìquánlì
political rights
处 chù
punish; sentence
没收 mòshōu
confiscate; expropriate
追缴 zhuījiǎo
demand payment (of a debt, etc.)
非法所得 fēifǎsuǒdé
illegal income, earnings, or gains
上诉 shàngsù
appeal (to a higher court)
人民法院 rénmínfǎyuàn
people’s court
审理 shěnlǐ
一审 yīshěn
first instance
认定 rèndìng
firmly believe, maintain, hold
适用 shìyòng
suitable, applicable
量刑 liàngxíng
measurement of penalty
适当 shìdàng
suitable, proper
审判 shěnpàn
驳回 bóhuí
reject, turn down
维持 wéichí
原判 yuánpàn
original sentence
报请 bàoqǐng
submit a written report requesting instructions
复核 fùhé
supreme court review of lower court death sentence
遵纪守法 zūnjìshǒufǎ
observe discipline and law
权 quán
交易 jiāoyì
trade, conduct a transaction
极为 jíwéi
恶劣 èliè
vile; odious
数额 shùé
number; amount; definite amount
遭受 zāoshòu
suffer; sustain
情节 qíngjié
刑法 xíngfǎ
penal code; criminal law
从重 cóngzhòng
severely (punish or sentence)
处罚 chǔfá
punish, penalize
版 bǎn
最高人民法院 Zuìgāorénmínfǎyuàn
Supreme People’s Court
高级人民法院 Gāojírénmínfǎyuàn
Higher People’s Court
中级人民法院 Zhōngjírénmínfǎyuàn
Intermediate People’s Court
南昌市 Nánchāngshì
capital city of Jiangxi province
意识形态 yìshíxíngtài
结盟 jiéméng
form an alliance, ally
争夺 zhēngduó
fight or enter into rivalry with sb. over sth.
爆发 bàofā
(of a volcano) erupt; break out
预计 yùjì
estimate, or predict in advance
饮用水 yǐnyòngshuǐ
drinkable water
出走 chūzǒu
run away, flee (from one’s home)
水源 shuǐyuán
source of a river, riverhead
难民 nànmín
refugee, victim
安定 āndìng
stable, quiet, settled
因素 yīnsù
factor, element
缺水 quēshuǐ
lack of water
矛盾 máodùn
contradiction, conflict
邻国 línguó
neighboring country
酸雨 suānyǔ
acid rain
二氧化硫 èryǎnghuàliú
sulphur dioxide
纠纷 jiūfēn
dispute, conflict
本身 běnshēn
oneself, in oneself
限于 xiànyú
be confined to, be limited to
荒漠化 huāngmòhuà
无关 wúguān
have nothing to do with
角落 jiǎoluò
corner, remote place
早晚 zǎowǎn
sooner or later
黄沙 huángshā
yellow sand
刮 guā
实际上 shíjìshang
in fact, in reality
生态 shēngtài
退化 tuìhuà
衰退 shuāituì
fail; decline
动荡 dòngdàng
experience unrest, turmoil (social or political)
遇到 yùdào
encounter, meet
强权 qiángquán
super power
掠夺 lüèduó
plunder, rob, loot
任凭 rènpíng
allow or let sb. do as he pleases
移民 yímín
migrate, emigrate
自身 zìshēn
self, oneself
内政 nèizhèng
internal or domestic affairs
中东 Zhōngdōng
Middle East
以色列 Yǐsèliè
北欧 Běiōu
North Europe (including Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland)
西欧 Xīōu
Western Europe
蒙古 Měnggǔ
狼 láng
脊椎 jǐzhuī
动物 dòngwù
熊 xióng
虎 hǔ
鹿 lù
大型 dàxíng
large, large-scale
成群结队 chéngqúnjiéduì
as a group, in crowds
变迁 biànqiān
changes; shift of phases
灭绝 mièjué
become extinct, die out
兔 tù
顽强 wánqiáng
hard to defeat
嚎 háo
howl, bawl; wail
当地人 dāngdìrén
黄昏 huánghūn
dusk, evening
记事 jìshì
(of a child) begin to remember things
无影无踪 wúyǐngwúzōng
leaving without a trace
登 dēng
climb, ascend
郁郁葱葱 yùyùcōngcōng
green and luxuriant
炮 pào
露 lù
reveal, show, appear; show
方圆 fāngyuán
surrounding area
水泥 shuǐní
烟囱 yāncōng
chimney, funnel, stovepipe
排 pái
粉尘 fěnchén
powder, dust
飘落 piāoluò
drift and fall slowly
含量 hánliàng
增高 zēnggāo
过后 guòhòu
afterwards, later
干枯 gānkū
dry out
大片 dàpiān
huge area
耽误 dānwu
delay, hold up
忙忙碌碌 mángmánglùlù
经商者 jīngshāngzhě
恶果 èguǒ
bad consequence
有害 yǒuhài
be harmful
收效 shōuxiào
yield results, produce effects
虽说 suīshuō
though, although, yet
挽回 wǎnhuí
to retrieve; to redeem
周口店 Zhōukǒudiàn
Zhoukoudian (place name)
家园 jiāyuán
home, homeland, homestead
一系列 yīxìliè
a series of
膨胀 péngzhàng
expansion, swelling, inflation
过度 guòdù
exceeding, excessive
温室效应 wēnshìxiàoyīng
greenhouse effect
臭氧层 chòuyǎngcéng
ozone layer
破洞 pòdòng
broken hole
水质 shuǐzhì
water quality
参议员 cānyìyuán
说服 shuōfú
persuade, convince
提议 tíyì
propose, suggest, move
讲习会 jiǎngxíhuì
法学院 fǎxuéyuàn
law school
大规模 dàguīmó
large-scale, wide scale
声势浩大 shēngshìhàodà
great in strength and impetus
团体 tuántǐ
group, organization, team
高举 gāojǔ
hold high
模型 móxíng
model, mold, pattern
图画 túhuà
drawing, picture, painting
图表 túbiǎo
chart, diagram, schematics
游行 yóuxíng
parade, march, demonstration
集会 jíhuì
assembly, rally, gathering
演讲 yǎnjiǎng
lecture, speech
环境保护 huánjìngbǎohù
environmental protection
促使 cùshǐ
impel, urge, spur
趋于 qūyú
tend to, incline to
国际化 guójìhuà
整体 zhěngtǐ
whole, entirety
清醒 qīngxǐng
wide awake, clear-headed
下降 xiàjiàng
descent, decline
威胁 wēixié
threaten, endanger, menace
此后 cǐhòu
after this, afterwards
逢 féng
meet, encounter
盖洛德 Gàiluòdé
Garrett (person name)
尼尔森 Níěrsēn
Nelson (person name)
肯尼迪 Kěnnídí
Kennedy (person name)
哈佛大学 Hāfódàxué
Harvard University
丹尼斯 Dānnísī
Dennis (person name)
海斯 Hǎisī
Hanes (person name)
联合国 Liánhéguó
the United Nations (U.N.)
环境规划署 Huánjìng guīhuàshǔ
(the U.N.) Environmental Planning Bureau
民主党 Mínzhǔdǎng
the Democratic Party (U.S.)
地球日 Diqiúrì
the Earth Day
化学品 huàxuépǐn
chemical products
涂 tú
spread on, apply
抹 mǒ
put on; smear; wipe
药水 yàoshuǐ
liquid medicine
搁 gē
肆无忌惮 sìwújìdàn
攸关 yōuguān
be related to
有心 yǒuxīn
have a mind to something
无意 wúyì
have no intention of doing
随手 suíshǒu
抛出 pāochū
throw out
不时 bùshí
人造 rénzào
man-made, artificial
溪 xī
small stream
肉眼 ròuyǎn
naked eyes
人体 réntǐ
human body
隐形 yǐnxíng
定时炸弹 dìngshízhàdàn
time bomb
内分泌 nèifēnmì
internal secretion
失调 shītiáo
lose balance
生育力 shēngyùlì
ability to give birth
害怕 hàipà
be afraid of, be scared of
恶性 èxìng
malignant, pernicious
肿瘤 zhǒngliú
科学家 kēxuéjiā
惊呼 jīnghū
cry out in alarm
保健品 bǎojiànpǐn
health care products
噪音 zàoyīn
耸人听闻 sǒngréntīngwén
deliberately exaggerate so as to create a sensation
药品 yàopǐn
medicines and chemical products
洗涤剂 xǐdíjì
添加剂 tiānjiājì
用于 yòngyú
to be used in
辅助 fǔzhù
咖啡因 kāfēiyīn
避孕药 bìyùnyào
birth control pills
止痛药 zhǐtòngyào
pain killer
退烧药 tuìshāoyào
fever reducing pills, antipyretic
香水 xiāngshuǐ
perfume, cologne
烟碱 yānjiǎn
忧心 yōuxīn
逃过 táoguò
估量 gūliàng
estimate, appraise
化合物 huàhéwù
chemical compounds
超市 chāoshì
货架 huòjià
stock shelf
家用 jiāyòng
used at home
医药箱 yīyàoxiāng
first aid box
储藏室 chǔcángshì
storage room
农场 nóngchǎng
farm, ranch
冲入 chōngrù
flush in
排水沟 páishuǐgōu
下水道 xiàshuǐdào
浓度 nóngdù
density, thickness
留 liú
remain, stay
因而 yīnér
therefore, as a result
抗菌素 kàngjūnsù
清洁剂 qīngjiéjì
兽 shòu
mammal, beast, animal
细菌 xìjūn
germ, bacteria
抗药性 kàngyàoxìng
resistance to the action of a drug
激素 jīsù
动植物 dòngzhíwù
animals and plants
性器官 xìngqìguān
sex organs
畸变 jībiàn
undergo abnormal transformation
生物 shēngwù
living being
致癌 zhìái
cause cancer
慎用 shènyòng
use with caution
设法 shèfǎ
try, manage, strive
化解 huàjiě
resolve, eliminate
妥善 tuǒshàn
appropriate, proper
条例 tiáolì
regulations, rules
河流 héliú
river, waterways
清澈 qīngchè
撤离 chèlí
withdraw from, evacuate
官邸 guāndǐ
official residence
调查 diàochá
investigate, look into
解散 jiěsàn
disband an organization; dismiss
驻 zhù
凌晨 língchén
before dawn, early in the morning
拒绝 jùjué
refuse (a request, opinion, or offer), reject, turn down
难民营 nànmínyíng
refugee camp
涉嫌 shèxián
be suspected of being involved, be a suspect (in a crime)
刺杀 cìshā
assassinate, kill sb.
走私 zǒusī
监狱 jiānyù
prison, jail
其后 qíhòu
later; then
部署 bùshǔ
装甲车 zhuāngjiǎchē
armored car, armored vehicle
撤退 chètuì
retreat, backtrack, pullout, withdraw
目击者 mùjīzhě
eyewitness, witness
外围 wàiwéi
periphery, peripheral area
军方 jūnfāng
the military
逮捕 dàibǔ
arrest, capture, nab, make an arrest
怀疑 huáiyí
随即 suíjí
soon after that, immediately, presently
炸弹 zhàdàn
报复 bàofù
关押 guānyā
lock up, imprison, put under detention
深夜 shēnyè
deep in the night, late at night
教堂 jiàotáng
church, temple, cathedral
交火 jiāohuǒ
exchange fire
起火 qǐhuǒ
be on fire, catch fire
受伤 shòushāng
sustain an injury, be injured
遗憾 yíhàn
regret, pity
真相 zhēnxiàng
real situation, facts, truth
阿拉法特 Ālāfǎtè
the late former Palestinian leader
布什 Bùshí
the U.S. president
巴勒斯坦 Bālèsītǎn
安南 Ānnán
the former U.N. Secretary General
红海 Hónghǎi
the Red Sea
约旦河 Yuēdànhé
the Jordan River
以色列人 Yǐsèlièrén
巴勒斯坦人 Bālèsītǎnrén
加沙城 Jiāshāchéng
the Gaza City
伯利恒 Bólìhéng
圣诞 Shèngdàn
birth of Jesus Christ
安理会 Ānlǐhuì
(the U.N.) Security Council
秘书处 Mìshūchù
(the U.N.) Secretariat
大洋 dàyáng
彼岸 bǐàn
the other side
振奋 zhènfèn
inspiring, stimulating, exciting
决议 juéyì
resolution, decision
历史性 lìshǐxìng
being of historic significance
出席 chūxí
attend, be present, appear
途 tú
route, way
何时 héshí
连珠炮 liánzhūpào
continous firing; drumfire
从容不迫 cōngróngbúpò
take it leisurely, take one’s time, calm and unhurried, self-possessed
侃侃而谈 kǎnkǎnértán
talk with ease and confidence
老话 lǎohuà
old saying, adage
飘飘欲仙 piāopiāoyùxiān
float in the sky like a supernatural being
自由自在 zìyóuzìzài
happy-go-lucky, carefree
何 hé
是否 shìfǒu
whether or not, yes or no
突然 tūrán
suddenness, unexpectedness
成语 chéngyǔ
idiom, proverb, set phrase
水到渠成 shuǐdàoqúchéng
when the water comes, a channel is formed – when conditions are ripe, success is achieved
泱泱大国 yāngyāngdàguó
a great and proud country
排斥 páichì
reject, exclude, eliminate, repel
穷追不舍 qióngzhuībùshě
hotly pursue and not leave alone
头盔 tóukuī
(steel) helmet
摩托车 mótuōchē
motorcycle, motorbike
顶 dǐng
go against; head against
寒风 hánfēng
cold wind
追 zhuī
chase after, pursue, run after
刊登 kāndēng
publish in a newspaper or magazine
附 fù
add, attach
大使 dàshǐ
大厨 dàchú
master chef
气度不凡 qìdùbùfán
having extraordinarily dignified and impressive bearing and manner
慧眼独具 huìyǎndújù
having a unique insight
拍 pāi
take pictures
讲坛 jiǎngtán
(speaker’s) platform, rostrum; forum
妙语连珠 miàoyǔliánzhū
a stream of witticism
分析 fēnxī
入情入理 rùqíngrùlǐ
fair and reasonable
淋漓尽致 línlíjìnzhì
incisive and vivid
赢 yíng
周年 zhōunián
幕 mù
春秋 chūnqiū
spring and autumn, a year
身影 shēnyǐng
figure, profile, silhouette
成员国 chéngyuánguó
member nation
崇高 chónggāo
lofty, sublime, high, noble
妙 miào
wonderful, excellent, fine
联合国大会 Liánhéguódàhuì
the U.N. Assembly
联大 Liándà
the U.N. Assembly
巴黎 Bālí
乔冠华 Qiáoguānhuá
former Chinese Foreign Minister and diplomat
概况 gàikuàng
general situation, survey
设想 shèxiǎng
imagine, assume, have consideration for, conceive, envisage
宣言 xuānyán
declaration, manifesto
橡树 xiàngshù
oak, rubber tree
拟订 nǐdìng
draw up, draft, formulate, prepare, work out
幷 bìng
起草 qǐcǎo
draft, draw up
创始 chuàngshǐ
originate, initiate, found
会员国 huìyuánguó
member state
签字国 qiānzìguó
signatory state (or power)
章程 zhāngchéng
written rules, regulations