2 Flashcards
路口 lùkǒu
马路 mǎlù
road; avenue
面 miàn
measure word for flag
牌子 páizi
plate; sign; ticket
铺位 pùwèi
bunk; berth
旗 qí
flag; banner
桥 qiáo
bridge (n.)
设 shè
set up; establish
十字路口 shízì lùkǒu
four-way intersection
手 shǒu
hand (n.)
首都 shǒudū
停 tíng
stop; pause (v.)
往返 wǎngfǎn
尾 wěi
tail; end
(船)尾部 wěibù
stern of a boat; end part
向 xiàng
小卖部 xiǎomàibù
small shop
沿 yán
(欢)迎客(人) yíngkè
welcoming guests
医务室 yīwùshì
找 zhǎo
look for; seek
找到 zhǎodào
至 zhì
to; till; until
座 zuò
measure word for overpass; bridge
左手边 Zuǒshǒubiān
left-hand side
厕所 cèsuǒ
lavatory, toilet
化验 huàyàn
lab test
化验室 huàyànshì
浑身 húnshēn
from head to toe; all over
救护 jiùhù
救护车 jiùhùchē
急性 jíxìng
辆 liàng
measure word for vehicle
麻烦 máfan
trouble; bother (v., n.)
没问题 méiwèntí
no problem
排队 páiduì
stand in line
签证 qiānzhèng
血 xiě
验 yàn
examine; test
验血 VO yànxiě
blood test
值班 zhíbān
on duty
自己 zìjǐ
一…就… yī…jìu…
as soon as
不要紧 búyàojǐn
doesn’t matter; never mind
专业 zhuānyè
special field of study
业务 yèwù
vocational work; business
也许 yěxǔ
maybe; perhaps
人员 rényuán
personnel; staff
会计 kuàijì
accountant; bookkeeper
修理 xiūlǐ
repair; mend
修理店 xiūlǐdiàn
repair shop
公务员 gōngwùyuán
public servant
公司 gōngsī
公安局 gōng’ānjú
public security bureau
出差 chūchāi
be away (travel)on a business trip
办公室 bàngōngshì
员 yuán
a person engaged in some field of activity
够 gòu
enough; sufficient
妇女 fùnǚ
家务 jiāwù
household chores
家庭妇女 jiātíng fùnǚ
局 jú
工商 gōngshāng
industrial and commercial
工商管理 gōngshāngguǎnlǐ
industrial and commercial administration
工资 gōngzī
希望 xīwàng
hope; wish
幸福 xìngfú
happiness; well-being
幸福之家 xìngfú zhī jiā
family of happiness
当 dāng
work as; act as; be
待遇 dàiyù
benefit; treatment
感到 gǎndào
feel; sense
报社 bàoshè
newspaper agency
招聘 zhāopìn
job recruiting
推销员 tuīxiāoyuán
政府 zhèngfǔ
教师 jiàoshī
机关 jīguān
institution; organ
条件 tiáojiàn
校园 xiàoyuán
毕业 bìyè
graduate; graduation
熟悉 shúxī
be familiar with
生意 shēngyì
trade; business
申请 shēnqǐng
apply for
电脑 diànnǎo
私人 sīrén
private; personal
秘书 mìshū
管理人员 guǎnlǐ rényuán
manager; administrator
经验 jīngyàn
翻译 fānyì
translator; interpreter; translate
职业 zhíyè
职员 zhíyuán
office worker; staff member
聘用 pìnyòng
hire; employ
被 bèi
passive voice marker
解雇 jiěgù
dismiss; layoff; fire
警察 jǐngchá
police; policeman
计算机 jìsuànjī
记者 jìzhě
reporter; journalist
说不定 shuōbúdìng
perhaps; maybe
辛苦 xīnkǔ
hard; laborious
退休 tuìxīu
适合 shìhé
fit; suit; be appropriate for
通过 tōngguò
pass through; pass
雇用 gùyòng
hire; employ
面试 miànshì
face to face interview
中 zhōng
in; among; inside
主要 zhǔyào
main; major
什么的 shénmede
and so on; etc.
休假 vo xiūjià
take a vacation
偷 tōu
steal; burglarize
入伍 rùwǔ
join the army
兵 bīng
出门 vo chūmén
leave home; go out
刚 gāng
just; exactly
单位 dānwèi
unit(as an organization)
卫生 wèishēng
hygiene; sanitation
叫 jiào
passive marker
坏 huài
bad; break down
备课 vo bèikè
prepare lessons
多半(儿) duōbàn(r)
the greater part; most
大多数 dàduōshù
great majority
奖金 jiǎngjīn
bonus; award
存放 cúnfàng
leave with
存放处 cúnfàngchù
parking lot (for bicycles)
容易 róngyì
工具 gōngjù
tool; means
平时 píngshí
at ordinary times
弄 nòng
get sb. or sth. into specific condition; do; manage
战士 zhànshì
户外 hùwài
打扫 dǎsǎo
clean up; sweep
扣 kòu
deduct; take off
探亲 vo tànqīn
go home to visit one’s family
改 gǎi
correct (homework)
教员 jiàoyuán
teacher; instructor
新 xīn
新兵 xīnbīng
new recruit
日常 rìcháng
daily; day-to-day
最后 zuìhòu
finally; at last; last
洗 xǐ
wash; bathe
温暖 wēnnuǎn
warm; warmth
理发 vo lǐfà
haircut; hairdressing
礼拜 lǐbài
篮球 lánqiú
结果 jiéguǒ
outcome; as a result
老 lǎo
veteran; aged; old
考 kǎo
examine; give (take) a test
考试 vo kǎoshì
exam; test
营房 yíngfáng
解放军 jiěfàngjūn
Liberation Army(The PLA)
让 ràng
passive marker
训练 xùnliàn
training; to train
进行 jìnxíng
conduct; carry out
迟到 chídào
be late; arrive late
通常 tōngcháng
usually; generally; usual
部队 bùduì
armed forces; troops
锁 suǒ
lock; to lock
门 mén
door; gate
门 mén
measure word (for course)
下棋 vo xiàqí
play chess
业余 yèyú
sparetime; amateur
丰富 fēngfù
abundant; rich; enrich
主动 zhǔdòng
乒乓球 pīngpāngqiú
交响乐 jiāoxiǎngyuè
保龄球 bǎolíngqiú
几乎 jǐhū
nearly; almost
到处 dàochù
剧场 jùchǎng
单调 dāndiào
monotonous; dull
博物馆 bówùguǎn
卡拉OK kǎlā ōukèi
参观 cānguān
visit; look around
发 fā
send out; give out
可去 kěqù
worth going
唱歌 vo chànggē
sing a song
团 tuán
orchestra; group
图片 túpiàn
picture; photograph
场 chǎng
a place where people gather
场 chǎng
measure word for movie; contest
多种多样 duōzhǒng dōngyàng
various; in varied form
夜市 yèshì
night market
娱乐 yúlè
entertainment; recreation
展览 zhǎnlǎn
exhibit; exhibition
年轻 niánqīng
年轻人 niánqīng rén
young people
成为 chéngwéi
become; turn into
打招呼 dǎ zhāohu
greet sb.; say hello
打牌 vo dǎpái
play cards
收费 vo shōufèi
collect fees; charge
新闻 xīnwén
更 gèng
more; even more
歌厅 gētīng
karaoke lounge
此外 cǐwài
in addition; besides
武器 wǔqì
比赛 bǐsài
contest; tournament
流行 liúxíng
popular; fashionable
游戏 yóuxì
game; play
演出 yǎnchū
performance; perform
热情 rèqíng
warm; fervent
电子 diànzǐ
电子游戏厅 diànzǐ yóuxìtīng
video arcade
电子邮件 diànzǐ yǒujiàn
看来 kànlái
it seems; it appears
空闲 kòngxián
free time; leisure
约 yuē
make an appointment; arrange
网吧 wǎngbā
internet cafe
老年人 lǎonián rén
elder people
舞厅 wǔtīng
ballroom; dance hall
节假日 jiéjiàrì
festival and holiday
虽然 suīrán
though; although
观众 guānzhòng
audience; viewer
记得 jìde
remember; recall
读 dú
read; attend (school)
跳舞 vo tiàowǔ
邮件 yǒujiàn
mail; postal matter
门口 ménkǒu
entrance; doorway; gate
陪 péi
露天 lùtiān
in the open; open-air
音乐会 yīnyuèhuì
上中学 shàng zhōngxué
attend middle school
上学 vo shàngxué
go to school; attend school
不仅 bùjǐn
not only
不是…就是… búshì…jiùshì…
乐器 yuèqì
musical instrument
介绍 jièshào
introduce; present
会 huì
be good at; be skilful in
俱乐部 jùlèbù
健身 jiànshēn
健身操 jiànshēncāo
aerobic exercises
像 xiàng
such as
兴趣 xìngqù
interest; taste
冲浪 chōnglàng
surf; surfing
办 bàn
manage; handle; do
办事(儿) vo bànshì(r)
handle affairs; work
加入 jiārù
只要 zhǐyào
only if…then…; as long as
台球 táiqiú
pull ball
同屋 tóngwū
好几 hǎojǐ
quite a few; several
对…感兴趣 duì…gǎn xìngqù
be interested in
小说 xiǎoshuō
年级 niánjí
grade; year
广泛 guǎngfàn
extensive; widely
打太极拳 vo dǎ tàijíquán
do/pratice taichi
接不住 jiēbúzhù
catch; take hold of
接 jiē
can not catch
摄影 shèyǐng
操 cāo
drill; exercise
放学 fàngxué
school is over; after school
文学 wénxué
棒球 bàngqiú
棒球队 bàngqiúduì
baseball team
橄榄球 gǎnlǎnqiú
American football
武术 wǔshù
martial arts
毛笔 máobǐ
writing brush
爱 ài
love; be keen on
爱好 àihào
hobby; like; be fond of
球赛 qiúsài
ball game, match
球迷 qiúmí
ball game fan
画 huà
draw; paint
画 儿 huàr
picture; drawing; painting
登山 vo dēngshān
mountain climbing
的确 díquè
indeed; really
相当 xiāngdāng
quite; fairly
看 kàn
read (book, newspaper)
知识 zhīshi
练 liàn
practice; drill; rehearse
练习 liànxí
practice; practice; exercise
练武术 vo liàn wǔshù
practice martial arts
网球 wǎngqiú
老是 lǎoshì
足球 zúqiú
soccer; football
踢 tī
kick; play (soccer)
迷 mí
fan; enthusiast
钓 diào
fish with a hook and line
钓鱼 vo diàoyú
go fishing; fishing
队 duì
team; group
难 nán
difficult; hard
集邮 jíyóu
stamp collecting; philately
骑马 vo qímǎ
horse riding
高中 gāozhōng
high school
高尔夫球 gāoěrfūqiú
不巧 bùqiǎo
书画 shūhuà
painting and calligraphy
了解 liǎojiě
understand; comprehend
今后 jīnhòu
from now on; future
代表 dàibiǎo
representative; represent
以前 yǐqián
…ago; previously
优良 yōuliáng
fine; good
典礼 diǎnlǐ
ceremony; celebration
决定 juédìng
decide; decision
刚才 gāngcái
just now; a moment ago
发 fā
issue (book, diploma)
各自 gèzì
each; respective
垃圾 lājī
rubbish; garbage
尽量 jìnliàng
to the best of one’s ability
年龄 niánlíng
开幕 kāimù
open; inaugurate (meeting)
开幕式 kāimùshì
opening ceremony
开心 kāixīn
joyful; rejoice
感谢 gǎnxiè
thank, be grateful
成绩 chéngjī
result; score; achievement
接受 jiēshòu
accept; acceptance
提前 tíqián
in advance; ahead of time
搬 bān
move; remove; take away
搬家 vo bānjiā
move (house)
收拾 shōushi
tidy; clear away; pack
整整 zhěngzheng
whole; full; exactly
文化 wénhuà
culture; civilization
期间 qījiān
during; period; duration
机会 jīhuì
chance, opportunity
校长 xiàozhǎng
headmaster; principal
正(在) zhèng(zài)
in progress of
相同 xiāngtóng
the same; alike
离开 líkāi
leave; depart from
笑话 xiàohua
joke; jape
约会 yuēhuì
appointment; dating
组织 zǔzhī
organize; organization
结婚 vo jiéhūn
marry; get married
结束 jiéshù
finish; come to an end
继续 jìxù
continue; go on
联系 liánxì
contact; get in touch
节目 jiémù
program; item (on a program)
草坪 cǎopíng
lawn; grass-plot
表演 biǎoyǎn
perform; performance
表示 biǎoshì
express; show ; expression;
见面 vo jiànmiàn
meet; see
认识 rènshi
get to know; know, recognize
讲 jiǎng
speak (of); talk (about)
讲笑话 jiǎng xiàohua
tell jokes
讲话 vo jiǎnghuà
speak; talk; speech
证书 zhèngshū
certificate; credentials
话 huà
word; talk
谈 tán
talk; chat; discuss
躺 tǎng
lie; lie down
过奖 guòjiǎng
over praise
邀请 yāoqǐng
invite; invitation
邻居 línjū
野餐 yěcān
闲 xián
not busy; idle
鸭 yā
社交 shèjiāo
social contract
接 jiē
answer; pick up (phone)
丈夫 zhàngfū
举行 jǔxíng
hold (a meeting); be held
事务 shìwù
work; routine; general affairs
事务所 shìwùsuǒ
general affairs office
便饭 biànfàn
simple meal; potluck
初中 chūzhōng
middle school
司机 sījī
哪里 nǎli
it’s nothing
好 hào
like; be fond of; liable to
好吃 hǎochī
tasty; delicious
好多 hǎoduō
a good many; a lot of
好客 hàokè
hospitable; hospitality
婚礼 hūnlǐ
wedding; wedding ceremony
家常便饭 jiācháng biànfàn
homely food
年纪 niánjì
律师 lǜshī
恐怕 kǒngpà
I’ am afraid of; fear
所 suǒ
抱歉 bàoqiàn
be sorry; feel apologetic
改 gǎi
change; transform
改日 gǎirì
another day; some other day
来不及 láibují
there’s not enough time
添 tiān
add; increase
添麻烦 tiān mánfan
(give sb.)trouble
登记 dēngjì
register; check in; registration
碰 pèng
meet; run into
碰见 pèngjiàn
run into; meet unexpectedly
能干 nénggàn
able; capable; competent
宴会 yànhuì
banquet; feast; party
交谈 jiāotán
talk with each other; converse
新房 xīnfáng
bridal chamber
喜糖 xǐtáng
happiness candies; wedding candies
喜 xǐ
happy; joy; happiness
糖 táng
sugar; candy
夫妻 fūqī
husband and wife
妻(子) qīzi
同 tóng
same; alike;together; with
有说有效 yǒushuō yǒuxiào
talking and laughing
笑 xiào
smile; laugh
热闹 rènao
lively; liven up
祝贺 zhùhè
congratulate; congratulations
新郎 xīnláng
新娘 xīnniáng
出嫁 chūjià
(female) get married
娶 qǔ
(male) get married
大杂院 dàzáyuàn
a multiple-household compound
空调 kōngtiáo
air conditioner
原来 yuánlái
as it turns out; as a matter of fact
姑妈 gūmā
aunt (father’s sister)
阳台 yángtái
比尔 Bǐěr
Bill (personal name)
毯子 tǎnzi
既…又… jì…yòu…
地毯 dìtǎn
怀念 huáiniàn
cherish the memory of; think of
煤 méi
煤气 méiqì
coal gas
普遍 pǔbiàn
common; universal
连 lián
connect; link
挤 jǐ
crowd; squeeze
儿媳 érxí
布置 bùzhì
decorate; decoration
问候 wènhòu
extend greetings to; send regards to
工厂 gōngchǎng
factory, mill; plant
表妹 biǎomèi
female cousin (daughter of father’s sister or mother’s brother or sister)
抓紧 zhuājǐn
firmly grasp; pay close attention to
将来 jiānglái
前途 qiántú
future; prospect
代 dài
外孙女 wàisūnnǚ
granddaughter (daughter’s daughter)
奶奶 nǎinai
grandma (father’s mother)
爷爷 yéye
grandpa (father’s father)
孙子 sūnzi
grandson (son’s son)
抓 zhuā
grasp; seize; be responsible for
心 xīn
heart; mind
暖气 nuǎnqì
节日 jiérì
holiday; festival
清闲 qīngxián
idle; at leisure
装 zhuāng
install; assemble
轻松 qīngsōng
light; relaxed
照看 zhàokàn
look after; take care of
配 pèi
match (v.)
以上 yǐshàng
more than; over; above
必须 bìxū
must; have to; be obliged to
窄 zhǎi
narrow; cramped
大方 dàfāng
natural and poised; easy; unaffected
钢琴 gāngqín
台 tái
platform; stage; stand; table
弹 tán
play (a musical instrument)
不管 bùguǎn
regardless; no matter
要求 yāoqiú
request; requirement
居 jū
residence; house; live (v.)
团聚 tuánjù
reunite; unite and gather
满意 mǎnyì
satisfy; satisfied
情景 qíngjǐng
scene; sight; circumstances
共用 gòngyòng
share for common use
女婿 nǚxù
发生 fāshēng
take place; happen
姑父 gūfù
uncle (husband of aunt)
包 bāo
undertake the whole thing; wrap
哎 āi
used to respond to somebody or show surprise
墙 qiáng
宽 kuān
wide; broad
加班 jiābān
work overtime
同意 tóngyì
agree; consent; approve
尽管 jǐnguǎn
随和 suíhe
amiable; easy going
并 bìng
and; also
生气 shēngqì
angry; get angry
谈恋爱 tán liàn’ài
be in love; dating; courting
受…影响 shòu …yǐngxiǎng
be influenced by…
愿意 yuànyì
be willing; wish
伴郎 bànláng
best man at a wedding
小子 xiǎozi
boy; fellow; chap
对象 duìxiàng
眉清目秀 méiqīngmùxiù
bright eyes and graceful eyebrows; delicate features
在乎 zàihu
care about; mind
肯定 kěndìng
certainly; surely
来往 láiwǎng
contact; dealings
披 pī
drape over one’s shoulders
串门 chuànmén
drop in at someone’s home
选举 xuǎnjǔ
elect; choose
选 xuǎn
elect; select; choose
目 mù
眉 méi
眼睛 yǎnjīng
对门 duìmén
face each other (used for two houses or apartments)
胖 pàng
fat; plump
终于 zhōngyú
finally; eventually
眼镜 yǎnjìng
姥姥 lǎolao
grandmother on the mother’s side
长 zhǎng
grow; develop
头发 tóufa
个子 gèzi
height; stature; build
老实 lǎoshi
honest; frank
内向 nèixiàng
introvert; introversion
合资 hézī
jointly invested
玩笑 wánxiào
活泼 huópō
lively; vivacious
盼 pàn
long for; expect
显得 xiǎnde
look; seem; appear
麻将 májiàng
开玩笑 kāi wánxiào
make a joke; make fun of
栋 dòng
MW for a building
顿 dùn
MW for a meal or certain actions, such as beating, scolding, etc.
性格 xìnggé
nature; disposition; personality
临… lín…
on the point of; just before
开朗 kāilǎng
open; cheerful; optimistic
来历 láilì
origin; source; background
本来 běnlái
original; originally
戴 dài
put on; wear
恋爱 liànài
romantic love; love affairs
排行 páiháng
seniority among siblings; rank; order
矮 ǎi
short (of stature); low
短 duǎn
short; brief
肩 jiān
自从 zìcóng