5/8 Flashcards
caterpillar cells
in aschoff bodies during myocarditis of acute Rhemuatic fever (most likely way dying)
bacterial endocarditis signs/symptoms
Roth spots- hemorrhage in the retina
Osler nodes- painful
Janeway lesions- microthrombi
Nail bed hemorrhage
bacteria that cause endocarditis
S aureus- high virulence- large veg
Strep viridans- low virulence- small veg
S epidermidis- prosthetic valves
S bovis- colon cancer
culture negative- HACEK (haemophilus, aggregatibacter, coxiella, eiknella, kingella)
dilated cardiomyopathy causes
Alcohol Beriberi (wet) Coxsackie myocarditis cocaine chagas doxorubicin
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy causes
aut dom sarcomere mutatio in beta myosin heavy chain
HOCM histo
myofibrillar disarray and fibrosis
restrictive cardiomyopathy causes
endocardial fibroelastosis (young kids)
Loffler sydrome- fibrosis with eosinophilic infiltrate
restrictive cardiomyopathy on EKG
low voltage- low amplitudes
cardiac tamponade findings
electrical alternans
pulsus paradoxus- systolic Bp decreas on inspiration
Beck triad- hypotension, distended neck veins, distant heart sounds
causes of hyaline vs hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis
hyaline- benign HTN, diabetes
hyperplastic- malignant HTN
osteocytes connected to each other through…
gap junctions
which fungus can survive intracellularly (inside macrophages)?
pancreatic iselt amyloid formation in DM1 or 2?
which monosaccharide metabolized the fastest?
fructose (bypasses PFK-1)
azole MOA
inhibit ergosterol synthesis
inhibit cyp p450
Meniere disease triad
sensorineural hearing loss
methylphenidate MOA
increase NE and DA release and inhibit reuptake
hospice requirement
prognosis <6 months
which chamber is most posterior in the heart
left atrium
splitting as a defense mechanism
seeing others as all good or all bad
which vitamin deficiency from isoniazid?
vit 6- pyroxidine
chemically similar so compete in NT synthesis –> less NTs–> peripheral neuropathy
which cells stain for GFAP
glial origin: astrocytomas, ependymomas, oligodendrogliomas
which cells stain for synaptophysin
protein M functions in step pyogenes
inhibits phagocytosis and complement
mediates adherence
enhancer sequences
Bind activator proteins that bend DNA to interact with transcription factors to increase rate of txn
can be located downstream or upstream or within gene
diphenoxylate MOA
antidiarrheal drug that binds mu opiate receptors in gut to slow motility
leptin functions
decrease food intake-
- decrease Neuropeptide Y, appetite stimulant
- stimulate POMC –> alphaMSH–> inhibit food intake
what differentiates absolute versus relative polycythemia?
absolute- increased RBC mass
relative- normal RBC mass
AV fistula has what effects on cardiac forces?
increased CO
decreased TPR
increased sympathetics
Increased VR
where do physicians access the saphenous vein for a graft?
medial leg
or femoral triangle in upper thigh
what indicates a severe mitral regurgitation?
left sided S3 gallop
if ST elevation is in lateral leads (I, aVL), which artery has the occlusion?
left circumflex artery
if ST elevation in inferior leads (II,III,aVF), which artery has occlusion?
right coronary artery
which leads are occluded in proximal vs distal left anterior descending artery?
proximal- V1-V4
distal- V3-V4
subclavian steal syndrome
stenosis of subclavian artery (from atherosclerosis, takayasu….)
causes reversal of flow of vertebral artery away from carotid
symtpms: arm ischemia (fatigue, pain, tingle), vertebrobasilar insufficiency (dizzy, vertigo)
most common GI abnormality in Down’s syndrome
duodenal atresia
total peripheral resistance formula when in parallel
1/TPR = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3
dont forget to invert the total!
Etoposide MOA
topo II inhibitor
do patients have a right to refuse medical info?
yes ya dummy
thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
decreased ADAMTS13 level –> uncleaved vWF –> platelet trapping and activation
Hemolytic anemia with schistocytes
damage to dorsal pons can cause
internuclear opthalmoplegia
prenatal screening of what detects neural tube defects?
AFP and AChE in amniotic fluid
because if neuropore doesnt fuse, they can leak out
standard deviation percentages in normal distribution
1- 68%
2- 95%
3- 99.7%
benign vs malignant acanthosis nigricans associations
benign- insulin resistance
malignant- neoplasms of GU or GI
what type of medium is thayer martin?
eosinophils normally kill…
parasites (helminths)
complications of varicose veins
painful thromboses stasis dermatitis skin ulcerations poor wound healing superficial infections
serotonin syndrome symptoms
confusion, agitation
tremor, hyperreflexia, clonus
tachycardia, hypertension
hyperthermia, diaphoresis
what drug can help treat serotonin syndrome
cyproheptadine- serotinin rec antagonist
corticosteroids effect on WBC count
decreased lymphocytes, monocytes, basophils, eosinophils
increased neutrophils but have “demargination” from previously attached vessel walls (so cant help with infection because cant be recruited)
what’s a complication to CREST?
pulmonary hypertension
vulvar lesions in 1,2,and 3 syphilis
1- chancre
2- conylamata lata
3- gumma