1.2 Lone Parent Families Flashcards
Lone parent families make up what percent of all families?
What percent of single parent families are headed by a lone mother?
Until the 1990s who were the biggest group of lone mothers?
Divorced women
From the 1990s who have become the biggest group of lone mothers?
Single women
A child living with a lone parent is how much more likely to be in poverty?
The increase in lone parent families is partially due to the increase in what?
Divorce and increase in never married women having children
Part of the increase in never married women having children is the declining what?
Stigma surrounding birth outside marriage
Some would still criticise single mothers for not fitting the ideology of what?
The nuclear family
Lone parents tend to be female due to the belief women are suited for what role?
Caring expressive role meaning divorce courts usually give custody to mothers
Lone parents tend to be female as men are less willing to do what?
Give up work and look after children
Cashmore - some working class mothers chose to live on benefits without a partner often because they experienced what?
Feminism - the greater opportunities for women have encouraged increase in what?
The number of never married lone mothers
Murray sees the growth of lone parent families as a result of what?
Overgenerous benefits encouraging culture of dependency with lone mothers married to the state
Murray - a perverse incentive has been created that rewards what?
Irresponsible behaviour such as having children without being able to provide for them
Murray - in this dependency culture people assume the state will do what?
Support them and their children
Murray advocated the abolition of what?
Welfare benefits to reduce dependency culture
Welfare benefits are not generous as lone parent families are more likely to be what?
In poverty
Why are lone parent families more likely to be in poverty?
Lack of childcare preventing lone parents from working
Inadequate benefits
Failure of fathers to pay