1.2 Ethnic differences In Family Life Flashcards
One important difference between ethnic groups is their what?
Give an example of how religion can influence family:
Roman Catholic disapproval of contraception explains high family size
Immigration has contributed to ethnic diversity which has led to change in what?
Family patterns in the U.K.
The 2001 census showed what percent of the population belong to a EM?
What EM has a higher proportion of lone parent households?
Black Caribbean, black African households
In 2002 how many families with dependent children headed by a black person were lone parent families?
Just over half
How many Indian families with dependent children were lone parent families?
1 in 11
Lone black mothers can seen as evidence for family disorganisation which can be traced back to what?
Or high rates if unemployment among black males
Under slavery when couples were sold separately children stayed with who?
The mother
This pattern of black lone mothers does what?
Persists today
Black unemployment mean black men are less able to do what?
Provide for their family leading to high rates of disertion
Mirza - pattern of high lone black mothers reflects the high value black women place on what?
Reynolds - she argues the stats are misleading why?
Many lone parents are in supportive but non cohabiting relationships
Asian families - in the early period of migration houses were often shared by who?
Extended families
Living together reflected the value placed on extended family in what?
Asian culture