- While discussing construction features of private dwellings at MUD, Lt. Jones made several statements. Which one of his statements is correct? (Ch. 1 Sec. 2.2, 2.3, 2.4) (A) Flat roofs or roofs of low pitch will always have a scuttle and/or skylight. (B) In structures more than one story, the interior stairs to the cellar will always be located under the main stair. (C) With semi-attached structures or those with minimal space on one side, the inside cellar stair will usually be found near the side or rear entrance. (D) Private dwellings are generally rectangular in shape and are of Class 4 or Class 5 construction
- C
- Throughout NYC, it is becoming increasingly common to see newly constructed private dwellings incorporating wooden I beams, metal “C” joists, and lightweight wooden trusses into their construction. Which one statement regarding such lightweight construction systems is incorrect? (Ch. 1 Sec. 3.8) (A) Any building with lightweight construction must be entered into the CIDS program. (B) Laminated wood “I” beams consist of a top and bottom chord and web. The web is usually made of ½” plywood. (C) Contractors may have bored holes in laminated wood “I” beams to route electric, plumbing, etc. compromising the strength of the beam. These holes will always result in extension from one bay to another. (D) Metal “C” joists are constructed of lightweight steel approximately 1/16” thick, and may have predrilled holes for plumbing and electric lines. Cross braces may prevent twisting
- C
- What is the major weakness of private dwellings from a firefighting and fire protection standpoint? (Ch.1 Sec. 2.1) (A) Lack of a secondary means of egress. (B) An open and unenclosed stairway. (C) The vast use of lightweight building materials. (D) The use of combustible construction materials
- B
- In which of the following types of private dwellings will balloon framing commonly be found? (More than one correct) (A) Straight line colonial (B) Split Levels (C) Queen Annes (D) Ranches (E) Cape Style
- A&C
- Some private dwellings originally built as one or two family dwellings may be occupied by several families. Which of the following are listed as possible indicator(s) of more than one family? (More than one correct) (Ch.2 Sec. 2.4) (A) Two or more electric meters (B) Several mailboxes (C) Two front doors (D) An exterior cellar/basement entrance
Possible indications of multiple families may be: the number of
electric meters, several mailboxes, fire escapes, multiple entrance doors, numerous cars in
driveway, exterior cellar/basement entrance, and/or garage doors removed and replaced with
a normal entrance door.
- Many fires in private dwellings originate in the cellar. Which one of the following points concerning cellar fires is incorrect? (Ch. 3 Sec.2.3, 2.4, 2.5) (A) Cellar fires in dwellings with balloon construction may extend to the attic via hidden voids. (B) All units stretching handlines onto any floor must stretch enough hose to reach the upper floors. (C) Most dwellings usually have one interior means of access to the cellar. These stairs must be kept clear and accessible at all times. (D) The status of the interior cellar door (open, closed, burned, unable to locate) is a critical factor. Door construction can be a critical factor in preventing or slowing fire extension (steel, solid wood, luan panel, etc
- B
Units operating above the cellar must stretch enough hoseline to reach the upper
- At cellar fires, the first hoseline will be stretched through the main entrance to the top of the interior cellar stair. Which of the following factors would preclude the descent of the first hoseline down the interior cellar stairs? (Indicate all of the correct choices) 2.7.2) (A) Medium heat conditions at the top of the stairs. (B) Questionable stability of the cellar stairway. (C) Immediate availability of a second hoseline. (D) Initial size up indicating a serious fire condition
7-B, C, D
- (Ch. 3 Sec. When operating at cellar fires, the paramount concern in making the decision to advance down the interior stair versus maintaining the line at the top of the stairs is? ( Ch. 3 Sec. 2.7.2) (A) The status of the interior cellar door. (B) The availability of a second engine to assist with the advance of the line. (C) The risk of injuries to members. (D) The existence of any known or confirmed life hazards
- C
The safety of members is the paramount concern in making the decision to
advance down the interior cellar stairs.
- Engine 100 arrives as the first engine at a fire in the cellar of a 2 ½ story peaked roof PD. A radio report is received that the 2nd and 3rd due engines will be delayed, and Ladder 200, the first due ladder company, reports that they are having difficulty locating the interior stairs. Upon hearing a HT report from Ladder 200’s OV that there is an exterior cellar entrance, the officer of Engine 100 contemplates repositioning the first hoseline from the first floor into the cellar through the exterior entrance. In which thought was the officer of Engine 100 correct? (Ch. 3 Sec. 2.7.4) (A) Primary searches on all floors above the fire must be complete before proceeding. (B) The officer supervising the first hoseline may make the decision to reposition the first hoseline if he is the Incident Commander. (C) When the first hoseline is repositioned from the first floor into the cellar through an exterior entrance, the IC should transmit an Urgent message utilizing the emergency alert button to broadcast this to all members and ensure an acknowledgement from all units/members operating at the scene. (D) For safety, all members operating on the first floor must be withdrawn before the hoseline is moved. Members operating on the upper floors may need to be repositioned to a safe area, near a means of egress
- B
Note: The decision to reposition the first hoseline to a secondary entrance can
only be made by an Acting Chief Officer/Chief Officer.
- You are a Captain working a 6x9 tour in Engine 100 and arrive first due at an advanced cellar fire. You advance a charged handline through the front door on the 1st floor, but are unable to locate the interior cellar entrance. The BC is not on scene yet when you order the 3rd engine to operate their hoseline into a cellar window to knock down the fire. Which of the following contains an incorrect action or statement about this operation? (Ch. 3 Sec. 2.6) (A) You ensured no members were operating in the cellar. (B) As a Captain, you were incorrect to order this operation. Only a Chief Officer may order this. (C) You maintained your position on the 1st floor with a charged hoseline to ensure the safety of the members above the fire. (D) Members did not close the interior cellar door at the top of the stairs due to the inability to locate it
The IC (Chief or Company Officer) should consider ordering an exterior hoseline
operated into a cellar window to allow for a quick knockdown when there will be a delay
in applying water from the interior or whenever fire conditions dictate
- Ordering an exterior hoseline to be operated into a cellar window must be carefully coordinated and communicated to all units operating on scene. In which of the following situations would it be justified to conduct this operation? (Ch. 3 – Sec. 2.6, 2.8.2) (1) There will be a delay in applying water from the interior. (2) Unable to gain entry to or advance the hoseline to the cellar level (3) Unable to locate the interior cellar entrance (4) A serious or advanced cellar fire (5) A heavy fire condition (6) No interior cellar entrance exists (A) 1, 2,3,4 only (B) 1,3,4 only (C) 2,3,4,5 only 3 (D) 1,2,3,4,5,6
- At which of the following PD fires is a third hoseline required to be positioned and charged at the front of the building? Choose the answer which contains all of the correct choices. (Ch. 3 Sec. 2.9, 3.3, 4.3) (1) At a cellar fire where two hoselines are stretched. The first hoseline has maintained its position on the first floor and is extinguishing a small amount of fire that is extending from the cellar. The second hoseline has entered the cellar via an exterior entrance and is extinguishing fire in the cellar. (2) At a first floor fire where the first hoseline has been stretched through the front door and is extinguishing the main body of fire on the first floor. The second hoseline has been stretched through the front door and is extinguishing fire that has extended to the 2nd floor. (3) At an upper floor fire where the first hoseline has been stretched through the main entrance to the second floor to extinguish the fire. The second hoseline has been stretched to the cellar via the interior stairs to extinguish fire discovered in the cellar. (4) At a cellar fire where two hoselines are stretched. One line is advanced down the interior cellar stairs and is operating. The second hoseline is charged and standing fast at the rear of the dwelling. (A) #1,2,4 (B) # 1,2,3,4 (C) # 2 and 3 (D) # 1,2
- Engine 200 arrived first due at a fully involved Queen Anne. Engine 200 had their hoseline in operation inside the building prior to any other unit’s arrival. After the fire is under control, the Deputy Chief complimented the performance of the members of Engine 200, but corrected one action that they took. Which action taken was incorrect? (Ch.3 Sec. 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4) (A) Because they back stretched to the hydrant, Engine 200 dropped two hoselines in front of the building. (B) Engine 200 stretched a 2 ½” hoseline for a faster knockdown, greater reach of stream, increased volume of water and increased exposure protection. (C) Engine 200 took a position in front of the building to enable the use of their deckpipe. (D) Engine 200 operated the hoseline on the exterior to protect the exposures before entering the fire building. The officer of Engine 200 made a complete evaluation of collapse potential prior to entering the building
- Engine 2 arrives first due at an upper floor fire in a 2 ½ story peaked roof private dwelling. Which action taken by Engine 2 would be correct? (Ch. 3 Sec. 1.4, 1.5, 4.1) (A) Engine 2 flaked out, charged and bled the hoseline on the first floor prior to advancing up the interior stairs to the fire area. (B) There was no access to the upper floors by way of the main entrance, so Engine 2 located and stretched the first hoseline via an exterior stairway that provided access to the fire area. (C) There were no interior stairs to the upper floors by way of the main entrance, so Engine 2 stretched the first hoseline through the main entrance and maintained its’ position on the 1st floor while searches were being conducted. (D) After the hoseline began operating and extinguishing fire, the officer of Engine 2 announced via HT that the hoseline attack had begun
- B
- Which of the following are correct points about building construction in private dwellings? (Ch. 4 Sec. 3.1. 3.3) (1) In balloon frame construction, the 2”x 4” exterior wall studs are continuous and extend from the sill (located on the top of the foundation wall) to the top floor ceiling, where they are capped with a top plate. (2) A quick determination as to whether a structure is balloon frame is to remove a baseboard on an interior wall and check for the presence of a sole plate. If one is not found, treat the building as balloon construction. (3) In platform construction, fires originating in the cellar can easily extend to the attic via the exterior wall channels created by the continuous studding. (4) In platform construction the exterior wall studs extend only from the floor to the ceiling of each individual floor. (5) In platform construction, the top plate acts effectively as a fire stop, and limits or restricts vertical extension via the exterior walls. (A) 1,2,3 (B) 3,4,5 (C) 1,2,5 (D) 1,4,5
- Which of the following is not a responsibility of the first ladder to arrive at a private dwelling fire? (Ch.4 Sec. 4.1, 4.2) (A) Force entry through the main entrance on the first floor. (B) Shut down utilities. Exercise caution when searching for the utility panel. (C) Primary search of the perimeter. (D) Roof ventilation of flat roof buildings
- Which of the following ladder company tactics at cellar fires is incorrectly stated? (Ch. 4 Sec. 4.3) (A) The inside team of the first ladder shall enter through the main dwelling entrance on the first floor to initiate searches and locate the top of the interior cellar stairs to evaluate conditions. (B) If the first arriving engine advances down the interior cellar stairs, then the first arriving ladder company inside team will immediately descend into the cellar to perform a primary search of the cellar. The second arriving ladder company will perform a primary search of the first floor. (C) If the first arriving engine company does not advance down the interior cellar stairs, the first arriving ladder company inside team will operate in conjunction with the first hoseline conducting examination and searches on the first floor and floors above. (D) When there is an exterior cellar entrance and the first hoseline does not advance down the interior cellar stair, the second arriving ladder company inside team will coordinate their advance with the second hoseline into the cellar via an exterior cellar entrance
10.2 When no hoseline is immediately available, and if fire conditions permit, a decision may
be made by the first ladder officer to advance down the cellar stairs. In this instance, the
first ladder company inside team should descend to conduct a rapid primary search of the
cellar for victims and to locate and confine the fire. One member should remain at the
top of the cellar stairs to control the door. Door control at the top of the cellar stairs is
essential when searching without the protection of a hoseline to ensure ladder company
members do not create a flowpath which can dramatically change conditions in the cellar.
Note: It is critical at cellar fires that the first ladder inside team operate in a manner that
supports the first hoseline in quickly applying water on the fire. Often, the cellar stair is
narrow, confined and problematic for ladder members to descend without the protection
of a hoseline. Attempting to descend the cellar stair without the protection of a hoseline
may actually delay the engine company advance. Once the cellar fire is controlled, the
inside team is in position to perform VEIS duties
- Numerous victims are saved at private dwelling fires due to efficient search and rescue. Which one of the following points is incorrect concerning search and rescue at private dwelling fires? (Ch. 4 Sec. 2.1, 2.2, 2.3) (A) When more than one occupant is found on an upper floor, the primary function of the engine company during this critical period is to make an aggressive attack on the seat of the fire. (B) Immediately upon entering the room from a window, if smoke is pushing in from the interior hall, members should make a quick check/sweep of the floor outside the door for any victims before closing the door. (C) When the search of the room has been completed, the door shall be opened carefully. This will assist in overall interior ventilation. (D) In the event that the fire in the interior hall might be pulled into the room, the door shall be left closed when the search of the room has been completed
2.4 If more than one occupant is found on an upper floor, the IC shall ensure that adequate
staffing is assigned to effect their removal. The primary function of the engine company
during this critical period should be to protect the interior stairs.
- A study group is discussing the duties of the first due ladder officer at a first floor fire in a peaked roof dwelling. Both ladder companies are on scene and conducting primary searches on the first and second floors. The officer of the first to arrive ladder would be incorrect to? (Ch.4 Sec. 5.1) (A) Direct members to check near and behind doors that lead to the exterior for any occupants that may have been overcome while trying to escape. (B) Ensure that entry doors and storm doors at street level are chocked open to enable the stretching of handlines and to facilitate access by other members. (C) Inform the engine officer of the location of the fire and of any unusual layout that may cause difficulty in the engine company’s advance. Provide and maintain an unobstructed path through which the hoseline can reach the fire. (D) While conducting a search and examination of the first floor, order ventilation of the second floor to assist in overall interior ventilation
- D
Ladder 100 responds first due to a report of a fire in a private dwelling at 0200 hours. Upon arrival, fire is seen issuing from a first floor window in a 2 ½ story peaked roof detached private dwelling. The use of the aerial ladder is negated by overhead wires and trees.
- Which of the following members of Ladder 100 is operating improperly? (Ch. 4 Sec. 5.1 C,D 5.2 A,B) (A) The extinguisher FF, equipped with an extinguisher and 6’ hook, conducts searches and ventilates as ordered. (B) The Roof/OV team breaks a cellar window pane to check for fire while proceeding to the rear. (C) The Chauffeur raises a portable ladder to the roof of a rear porch that provides access to an upper floor window, and teams up with the second LCC prior to entry and search. (D) The Forcible Entry FF, equipped only with an axe and halligan, forces the main entrance door
- C ?
Looks like ok to me
B. CHAUFFEUR - (First To Arrive)
TOOLS: Appropriate size ladder to reach the upper floors, and necessary
hand tools.
POSITION: Front or side.
1. If a porch or garage roof will provide access to an upper floor window, a
portable ladder may be raised to this roof.
2. If there is no porch, work from an area that provides a physical butt for the
ladder, e.g. adjoining building, retaining wall, etc.
3. Vent the fire area/room as directed by the Ladder Company Officer operating
in the fire area to be vented.
4. Prior to entry and search, team up with the second LCC.
5. In situations where size up indicates an obvious occupied attic, the first ladder
chauffeur, when teamed up with the second ladder chauffeur, or another
available member, may utilize the aerial ladder or tower ladder to perform
VEIS of the attic area. Prior to conducting any horizontal ventilation tactics
from the exterior, the member(s) shall request permission from the Ladder
Company officer operating in the fire area in order to coordinate ventilation
tactics with interior operations.
- Lt. Johnson is reviewing LCC aerial ladder operations at PD fires with a new LCC. In which point should he be corrected? (Ch.4 Sec. 5.3B) (A) Position the aerial ladder to cover the front of the building. The second arriving ladder is responsible to cover the exposure 2 and 4 sides with their apparatus and/or portable ladders. (B) When the survey by the Roof/OV team mandates entry into the upper windows via the aerial, position the ladder for VES. (C) When the Roof/OV team does not need to use the aerial, the LCC may use the aerial for necessary ventilation. Venting the attic window may greatly assist interior operations. (D) Once the fire has been knocked down and the members inside the building are not in immediate danger that would require the use of the aerial ladder, enter the dwelling and assist the company with searches or overhauling
- A
B. CHAUFFEUR - (First To Arrive)
TOOLS: As necessary.
POSITION: At the turntable.
1. Position the apparatus to cover two sides of the dwelling.
Ladder 100 responds first due to a report of a fire in a private dwelling at 0200 hours. Upon arrival, fire is seen issuing from a first floor window in a 2 ½ story peaked roof detached private dwelling. The use of the aerial ladder is negated by overhead wires and trees
- The Roof/OV team of Ladder 100 completes a quick survey around the perimeter of the building for occupants in need of immediate rescue, finding none. A neighbor tells the Roof/OV team that the sole occupant of the building is elderly, and always sleeps in the first floor living room. What action should the Roof/OV team take? (Ch.4 Sec. 5.2 A) (A) Inform the officer of Ladder 100 of the possible life hazard on the first floor and then raise a portable ladder to a second floor bedroom window and VES this room. This operation is coordinated with the inside team. (B) VES the first floor living room. This operation is coordinated with the inside team. (C) Raise a 35’ extension ladder to a dormer roof which allows a hook ladder to be used to reach the peak, and ventilate the roof to make the inside teams searches easier. (D) Inform the IC of the possible life hazard on the first floor and then raise a portable ladder to a second floor bedroom window and VES this room. This operation is coordinated with the inside team
- B
A. ROOF/OV TEAM - (First To Arrive)
TOOLS: Portable ladder, 6’ halligan hook and/or halligan for each member.
POSITION: As determined by probable life hazard on an upper floor.
1. Roof operations are not an initial consideration at peaked roof dwelling fires.
Therefore, the roof firefighter will team up with the OV firefighter to VEIS
from the exterior.
2. Conduct a quick survey around the perimeter of the dwelling for occupants in
need of immediate rescue. Communicate and coordinate any rescue attempt
with the Ladder Company Officer. If there is no visible life hazard, perform
VEIS of an area on an upper floor that is most likely to be occupied. This
operation must be controlled, communicated and coordinated with the inside
teams. Prior to conducting any horizontal ventilation tactics from the exterior,
the member(s) shall request permission from the Ladder Company officer
operating in the fire area in order to coordinate ventilation tactics with interior
3. Vent for extinguishment, which coincides with the Engine Company applying
water to extinguish the fire.
- The officer of Ladder 99, the second arriving ladder company at a top floor fire in a peaked roof PD, would be incorrect to consider ordering which tactic below at this fire? (Only one incorrect) (Ch. 4 Sec. 5.5A) (A) The inside team checks the floors below to ensure the fire did not start on or drop down to lower floors. (B) The inside team immediately proceeds to the top floor to augment search. (C) The inside team examines exposures for extension. (D) The Roof/OV team is assigned to vent the roof, if necessary
- B
- Some private dwellings have been modified to include separate apartments or were originally built as two family dwellings. Which of the following statements about two family dwellings are correct? (CH. 4 Sec. 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 Photo 4.2) (1) In most cases, the first and second floors are occupied by separate families with bedrooms on both floors. Access to the second floor is via an enclosed stairway. (2) With an enclosed stairway, there will not be the initial rapid buildup of smoke on the second floor. (3) When two front doors are present, the door furthest from the side wall will usually provide access to the second floor apartment. 4. For cellar fires, the Roof/OV team of the first arriving ladder will conduct a survey around the perimeter of the dwelling for occupants in need of immediate rescue. If no visible life hazard is found, provide ventilation of the cellar. 4. For first floor fires, the Roof/OV team of the first arriving ladder will conduct a survey around the perimeter of the dwelling for occupants in need of immediate rescue. 5. If no visible life hazard is found, they shall VES the second floor bedrooms immediately after completing their survey. (A) 1, 2, 3, 5 25. (B) 1, 2, 3, 4 (C) 1, 2 (D) 1, 2, 4, 5
- C
I don’t know about this one
- Due to the limited means of access to most attics, the ladder company must be prepared to assist the engine company in alternate means of getting water on the fire. This can be achieved by opening up a _______ foot section of the ceiling on the floor below. If wood is encountered when making the initial opening, you may have encountered an attic catwalk. Shifting about _______ feet to one side and making another opening may avoid this type of obstruction. (Ch. 4 Sec. 8.3, 8.4) (A) 2, 3 (B) 3, 3 (C) 3, 4 (D) 3, 6
11.3 Due to the limited means of access to most attics, the ladder company must be prepared
to assist the engine company in alternate means of getting water on the fire. This can be
achieved by opening up a 3’ section of the ceiling on the floor below. The engine
company could then operate from a small extension ladder to sweep the attic space with
the hoseline.
11.4 If wood is encountered when making the initial opening, you may have encountered an
attic catwalk. Shifting about three feet to one side and making another opening may
avoid this type of obstruction. The bent tip and/or cockloft nozzle may also be used
effectively in this situation.
- At 1500 hours on a winter day, units respond to a fire in a peaked roof Cape Style private dwelling. The first two ladders on the scene are aerial ladders. The second arriving ladder OV/Roof team is assigned to cut the roof. In which operation should they be corrected? (Ch. 4 Sec. 9.1, 9.2, 9.3) (A) The aerial ladder was extended 6’ above and to one side of the peak. (B) The members cut a hole at the main gable with the power saw. (C) A 6’ hook was brought to the roof to push down the top floor ceiling after cutting the roof. (D) Members vented the roof skylight prior to cutting the roof
26- B
Saw can only be used from TL
- A new LT. working a Tuesday 9x6 tour observes a situation that she knows requires notification to the Inspector General or BITS. The Lt. tries to remember from her studying days who to contact, but is unsure. In this situation, who should she first contact? AUC 268 (A) FOC (B) Inspector General (C) Deputy Chief on Duty (D) BITS
- Tower Ladder 222 and Aerial Ladder 333 respond to a top floor fire in a 2 story flat roof private dwelling. Exposures 2 and 4 are similar attached private dwellings. The inside team of Ladder 333 operated in Exposure 4 to check for extension. All of the members operated correctly except in which one instance? (Ch.4 Sec. 10.1, 10.2) (A) The Roof FF of Ladder 222 took a scissor ladder to the top floor of exposure 2 to gain access to the roof via the scuttle due to trees and wires negating the use of the TL, aerial ladder, or portable ladders for roof access. (B) The Roof FF of Ladder 222 was equipped only with a Halligan and 6’ Halligan Hook. (C)) The Roof FF of Ladder 333 was equipped only with a 6’Halligan Hook and a saw. (D) The LCC of Ladder 333 teamed up with a member of Squad 500 and examined Exposure
- B
A. ROOF FIREFIGHTER - (First to Arrive)
TOOLS: Halligan, 6’ halligan hook and life saving rope.
Note: Life saving rope should be taken to the roof when there will be a delay in
laddering the rear of the building due to attached exposures and/or the height of
the building requires the LSR.
POSITION: The roof of the fire building.
- Which of the following would require notification to the Inspector General? AUC 268
- Corruption concerning city agencies
- Criminal activity by City officers and employees
3.Conflicts of Interest by businesses dealing with the city. - Arrest of members
- Misconduct and mismanagement by City agencies, City officers and employees, and persons or businesses dealing with the city.
- Any allegation concerning thefts by employees during fire and emergency operations.
(A) 1, 2, 3, 6 only 3. (B) 2, 3, 4 only (C) 1, 2, 3, 4 only (D) 1, 2, 3, 5 ,6 only
- D
- On a Wednesday 9x6 tour at 1100, a Captain is offered a bribe by a building owner to overlook building violations. After declining the offer, who should the Captain notify and by what method? AUC 268 (2, 2.1.5) (A) Telephone notification to the Bureau of Investigations and Trials (BITS) (B) Notification to BITS through Fire Operations Center (C)) Direct notification by telephone to the Inspector General’s office (D) Notification to the Inspector General’s on-call supervisor through the FDOC
- C
- On Friday 9x6 tour at 1300 hours, Lt. Smith of Engine 444 prefers charges against a member for being AWOL. At the same time Capt. Jones of Ladder 555 determines that a member has misused Department time. Which choice correctly indicates who should be contacted and the proper method to do so? AUC 268 (4.1) (A) Lt. Smith notifies BITS immediately by telephone. Capt. Jones provides written notification to BITS. (B) Lt. Smith and Capt. Jones provide written notification to BITS. (C)) Lt. Smith provides written notification to BITS. Capt. Jones notifies BITS immediately by telephone. (D) Lt. Smith and Capt. Jones notify BITS immediately by telephone
- B
- Which of the following would require immediate notification to the Bureau of Investigations and Trials? AUC 268 (3.1, AUC 202 Sec. 4.1, 5.5)
(1) A member physically assaults another firefighter.
(2) Arrest of Department employees
(3) Dangerous misuse of Department vehicles
(4)At 0905 hours Lt. Smith, who has just been relieved and is off duty, witnesses another off duty member to be in possession of illegal drug paraphernalia in the firehouse parking lot.
(5) On-Duty confrontations between Department members and members of the Police Department, or other government agencies which may lead to possible disciplinary action.
(6) Minor confrontations with civilians
(A) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (B) 3, 4, 5, 6 (C) 1, 2, 3, 5 (D) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- D
3.1 The following situations require immediate notification to the Bureau of Investigations
and Trials:
3.1.1 On-duty incidents involving possession or use of drugs or alcohol.
3.1.2 Physical altercations among members, serious confrontations with civilians,
dangerous misuse of Department vehicles.
3.1.3 Arrest of Department employees.
3.1.4 On-duty confrontations between Department members and members of the Police
Department, or other government agencies which may lead to possible
disciplinary action.
- Agencies have the authority to direct operations related to their core competencies at incidents. Which of the following are core competencies of the Fire Department? (more than one correct) AUC 276 (2.1) (A) Fire Suppression (B) Pre-hospital emergency medical care (C)) Search and Rescue (D) Structural Evacuation (E) CBRN/Haz Mat Life Safety Operations and Mass Decontamination (F) Arson Investigation (cause and origin
- All
- At a study group, one of the members was correct when he stated that the FDNY is the primary agency at any incident involving? AUC 276 (A) Auto extrication (B) Boat in distress (C) Entrapment (D) Water rescue
- C
- Units respond to a chemical spill on the FDR with numerous contaminated patients. The NYPD IC announces that it is suspected that the spill was intentional and criminal. The NYPD IC then made the following statements. In which one was he correct? AUC 276 (6.1) (A) The NYPD will direct mitigation and make final adjustments to hot, warm, and cold zones. (B) The NYPD IC can overrule Fire Department tactical direction pertaining to Life Safety Operations. (C)) A Single Operations section will be implemented due to this being an NYPD single command event. (D) The FDNY will be responsible for mass decontamination and life safety
- D
6.1 CIMS states that the NYPD is the Incident Commander for CBRN/Haz-Mat Incidents
where crime or terrorism is suspected or has occurred. A Unified Operations Section will
be implemented in all circumstances, based on agency Core Competencies, with FDNY
responsible for life safety and mass decontamination, and NYPD responsible for overall site
management and crime/terrorism assessment and investigation. As soon as NYPD
determines the incident does not involve crime or terrorism, a Unified Command is formed
between FDNY and NYPD. For chemical incidents, DEP will make final adjustments to
hot, warm and cold zones and direct mitigation. For biological or radiological incidents,
DOHMH will make final adjustments to hot, warm and cold zones and direct mitigation.
- After completing their crime/terrorism assessment, the NYPD determines that the chemical spill was accidental, and did not involve crime or terrorism. Which one of the following points is correct? AUC 276 (6.1, 6.2) (A) A Single Operations Section will be maintained for continuity. (B) A Unified Command will be formed between FDNY and NYPD. (C)) DOHMH will make final adjustments to hot, warm, and cold zones and will direct mitigation. (D) NYPD will remain the single Incident Commander
- B
- Both CIMS and NIMS require establishing a Single Operations Section when there is a Unified Command. AUC 276 (4.2)
(A) Agree 11. or (D) Disagree
10 Agree
6.1 CIMS states that the NYPD is the Incident Commander for CBRN/Haz-Mat Incidents
where crime or terrorism is suspected or has occurred. A Unified Operations Section will
be implemented in all circumstances, based on agency Core Competencies, with FDNY
responsible for life safety and mass decontamination, and NYPD responsible for overall site
management and crime/terrorism assessment and investigation. As soon as NYPD
determines the incident does not involve crime or terrorism, a Unified Command is formed
between FDNY and NYPD. For chemical incidents, DEP will make final adjustments to
hot, warm and cold zones and direct mitigation. For biological or radiological incidents,
DOHMH will make final adjustments to hot, warm and cold zones and direct mitigation.
- What is the highest priority objective at any incident according to CIMS? AUC 276 3.1
(A) Evidence preservation (B) Structural damage assessment (C)) Life Safety Operations (D) Environmental mitigation
- C
- Which of the following choices is not a Single Command incident? (A) Explosion (B) Entrapment/Impalement (C) Confined Space Rescue (D) Suspicious Package
- A
- Whenever a Unified Command is established, the Fire Department will designate an Incident Commander who will jointly set incident objectives. In which of the following incidents would Unified Command be established? (more than one correct) AUC 276 (4.2, 5.1) (A) Aviation Incident (B) Downed Tree (C) Rail Incident (D) Electrical Incident (E) Gas Incident (F) Steam Incident (G) Water Incident (H) CBRN/Haz Mat – Actual/Suspected crime or terrorism as determined by NYPD
13-A, C, D, E, F, G
- Units respond to a report of an explosion in the subways, with numerous injured victims. Upon arrival, units begin metering and determine that there are elevated levels of radiation in the subway. A radiological dirty bomb is suspected to have been detonated, as determined by NYPD. Which one of the following statements about this event is incorrect? (1.4, 6.1, 6.2) (A) DOHMH will make final adjustments to hot, warm and cold zones and direct mitigation. (B) A Unified Operations Section will be implemented, with FDNY responsible for life safety and mass decontamination. (C) The NYPD is the Incident Commander, and the NYPD is responsible for overall site management and crime/terrorism assessment and investigation. (D) The NYPD and FDNY will each establish their own Command Post from which they will direct operations connected to their Core Competencies
- D
- Using the scenario in Question 14, after assessment, units discover that there is a fire as a result of the dirty bomb explosion. Which one of the following choices would be correct in this situation? AUC 276 (6.3) (A) As a result of the fire, FDNY is an Incident Commander. (B) The NYPD is the single Incident Commander, despite the fire
- A
6.3 If an event includes more than one type of incident, a Unified Command will be
implemented, except in the case of a CBRN/Haz-Mat incident that is a crime or
terrorism, then NYPD is the single Incident Commander. If a CBRN/Haz-Mat incident
results in a fire, FDNY is an Incident Commander.
- The KO Curtain and Fire Window Blanket are referred to as Wind Control Devices in FFP- High Rise Fireproof Multiple Dwellings. Indicate the incorrect point concerning the KO Curtain and Fire Window Blanket. (Tools 2 -2.1, Tools 3 – 2.1)
(A) When the KO Curtain is deployed, there is an immediate 50% decrease in temperatures and significant flame reduction. (B) When the KO Curtain is deployed, there is an increase in the smoke condition produced by the fire. (C) When the Fire Window Blanket is deployed, there is an immediate 50% decrease in temperatures and significant flame reduction. (D) When the Fire Window Blanket is deployed, there is a decrease in smoke production produced by the fire
- D
Increase not decrease in smoke
- Choose the correct point about the Fire Window Blanket. (Tools 3 – 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.4) (A) All Ladder, Rescue and Squad companies have been issued a Fire Window Blanket. (B) The blanket is large enough to cover at least two windows if necessary. The top of the blanket is weighted to facilitate positioning. (C) The fire window blanket may be used as a pre-deployment option to cover a window prior to it failing in order to prevent a wind-driven fire. (D) Only units that have been issued a blanket and trained may deploy the blanket
- C
2.3 The following companies have been issued a Fire Window Blanket.
Battalion 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 20, 22, 41, 43, 47, 50, 51, 52, 54.
Ladder 79, 121, 134, 137, 161, 166, 169.
All Squad and Rescue companies.
3.2 The Blanket is large enough to cover at least two windows if necessary. The bottom of
the blanket is weighted to facilitate positioning.
3.4 Any unit or units may be used to deploy the blanket.
- Indicate the incorrect point about the KO Curtain and the Fire Window Blanket. (Tools 3 – 3.3, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, Evolution 34 - 5.3) (A) At a High Rise MD fire, both the Rescue and Squad floor above team must bring their Window Blankets to the floor above. If the Blanket is to be deployed, they must assist in the deployment. (B) Just before the blanket is put in place, the IC must make a HT announcement to all units. All units must be instructed to report any adverse conditions caused by the blanket being put in place. (C) Due to the length of the top supporting straps, the Blanket can be lowered from two floors above, if the IC deems this necessary. (D) Unlike the Fire Window Blanket, the KO Curtain cannot be deployed from two floors above the fire apartment, due to its’ smaller dimensions
- D
- Both the KO Curtain and Fire Window Blanket are inspected weekly during MUD and after each use. Which of the following is an incorrect procedure concerning this inspection? (Tools 2 – 3.1,3.2, 6.3, 6.6, Tools 3 – 4.3, 4.5, 4.6) (A) If there is any doubt about the serviceability of the KO Curtain, the officer on duty shall place the curtain out of service and obtain a replacement from the administrative Division. (B) If the inspection of the Fire Window Blanket reveals that the aluminized foil is peeling and separating from the white cloth the blanket shall be placed out of service. The officer on duty shall notify R&D. (C) If a company’s KO Curtain is damaged in other than fire operations, the Company Commander will complete a letterhead report with all details to the Chief of Operations. This letterhead requires full endorsements and a replacement curtain shall be obtained from the Division. (D) If the Fire Window Blanket is damaged in other than fire operations, a letterhead report will be completed with all details to the Chief of Operations. This letterhead requires full endorsements and a replacement blanket shall be obtained from the Division
- D
4.5 If the Fire Window Blanket is damaged in other than fire operations, a letterhead report
will be completed with all details to the Chief of Operations. This letterhead requires full
endorsements. The company officer shall notify the R&D Unit and secure the fire
window blanket until picked up by R&D Unit. Company Officers shall also comply with
section 4.3.
- Choose the incorrect point about the High Rise Nozzle. (2.3) (A) Every Battalion has at least one engine company assigned a hi-rise nozzle. (B) All FDNY members have been trained in placing the hi-rise nozzle into operation. (C) Dispatch policy dictates that every 10-76 and 10-77 will have at least one hi-rise nozzle equipped engine company assigned. (D) It is the responsibility of the 4th due engine to bring the High Rise Nozzle to the Command Post
- C
Dispatch policy dictates that every 10-77 will have at least one hi-rise nozzle equipped engine company assigned
- You are the officer of the 4th due engine responding to a 10-77. Your unit is not equipped with a High Rise Nozzle, and you try to remember your required duties. Which one of your following thoughts is incorrect? (2.3, FFP MD Sec. 6.2.4 A, B) (A) Contact the dispatcher for the identity of the engine company equipped with a HRN assigned on the box. (B) If the HRN is not needed, the 4th assigned engine company to arrive will support and assist the 3rd engine company’s operation. (C) Upon arrival have your unit bring the HRN, one length of 2 ½” hose per FF and the standpipe kit with controlling nozzle and report to the IC at the ICP. (D) If none of the first four engine companies are equipped with a HRN, the dispatcher shall special call the nearest HRN equipped engine company and notify the IC of their identity. In this instance, the 4th arriving engine is still required to place the HRN into operation if this alternate strategy is needed
- D
Note: If none of the first four engine companies are equipped with a HRN, the
dispatcher shall special call the nearest HRN equipped engine company and
notify the IC of their identity. This special-called engine shall bring the HRN to
the ICP upon arrival. In this instance, the IC shall determine which engine
company places the HRN into operation.
- The High Rise Nozzle is designed to be used when standard interior handline attack methods are not possible, such as conditions caused by wind-driven fires. Choose the correct point about the High Rise Nozzle. (4.1, 4.2, 4.3) (A) Supplied by a 2 ½” hoseline, the high rise nozzle will produce flows of 200-225 gpm at 50 psi nozzle pressure with water flowing. (B) The 2 ½” FDNY shutoff and 1 1/8” Main Stream Tip are permanently attached to the nozzle. (C) The Main Stream Tip should be checked weekly during MUD and after each use. (D) As a general rule when supplying the High Rise Nozzle with 3 lengths of 2 ½” hose, the pressure at the outlet gauge should be 80 psi with water flowing
- A
4.1 The high rise nozzle is an eight-foot long aluminum pipe with a 68 degree two-foot bend
to provide the proper angle for the water stream. The high rise nozzle is attached to a
standard 2 1/2” FDNY shut-off. The shut-off is permanently attached to the nozzle.
4.2 A 1 1/8” MST is attached to the outlet of the high rise nozzle. The tip is removable and
should be checked weekly during MUD and before use. (Photo 2)
4.3 Supplied by a 2 1/2” hoseline, the high rise nozzle will produce flows of 200-225 gpm at
50 psi nozzle pressure with water flowing
- Placing the High Rise Nozzle into operation requires teamwork. Which of the following procedures is incorrect when placing the HRN into operation? Tb tools 7 ds 17 (5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.11) (A) A spotter, always equipped with a handi-talkie on channel 1 and a pair of binoculars, should be in place to observe the operation from the exterior. (B) The officer supervising high rise nozzle use will initiate and maintain HT contact with the spotter to make sure the nozzle is being operated effectively and the stream is knocking down the fire. (C) Putting the nozzle into operation will require the services of two engine companies. (D) The spotter will provide direction and progress reports to the IC and members operating
- A
5.5 A spotter should be in place to observe the operation from the exterior. This member
must take a position to clearly observe and monitor the conditions in the fire apartment
before, during and after high rise nozzle deployment. Equipped with a handi-talkie on
the appropriate frequency and a pair of binoculars, this spotter will provide direction and
progress reports to the IC and members operating. The spotter will be in the best position
to monitor the effects of the high rise nozzle.
5.6 Putting the nozzle into operation will require the services of two engine companies
equipped with roll-ups, standpipe kits, forcible entry tools including a rabbit tool and the
high rise nozzle.
- If a wind-driven fire has control of several rooms, it will be necessary to reposition the HRN to ensure complete knockdown of the fire. Choose the incorrect point regarding this operation. (5.9, 5.12, 5.14) (A) The windows that will be used for operation of the nozzle must be cleared of impediments such as window bars, child gates, etc. (B) In most cases it will not be necessary to remove the window to operate the nozzle. (C) A shut off shall be placed in line one length back from the nozzle. When repositioning of the HRN is required, the supply line should be shut down at the shut off located one length back and the nozzle opened to bleed the line. (D) Once in position, the officer will order water started and instruct members to operate the nozzle. The officer will notify the IC that the HRN is operating
- D
- Deploying the Fire Window Blanket requires teamwork and communication. How many of the following points about this operation are correct? (Evolution 33 – 3.1, 3.3.3, 3.3.2, 3.5, 3.7
(1) Members bring the blanket to the apartment directly above the fire apartment on the windward side. (2) (3) (4) (5) Firefighters on the floor above the fire should remove child guards, window gates and the window fully to deploy the blanket Members in the windows adjoining the deployment window place 6 foot hooks on the windowsill parallel to the building The members in the windows adjoining the deployment window use 6 foot hooks to pull the straps into the window, and secure the straps immediately by tying them off to a substantial object. The member deploying the blanket drops the blanket after obtaining approval from the first ladder officer. (A) 1 2. (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 5
- A(1)
3.3.3 Opens window, removes child guards, window gates, etc.
3.3.2 Members A and C place 6 ft hooks on windowsill perpendicular to the building.
(Photo 2)
3.5 Members A and C using 6 ft hooks pull straps into apartment window, remove slack and
secure by placing their foot on the strap.
- Deploying the KO Curtain is prominently mentioned in High Rise Fireproof Multiple Dwellings as an alternate strategy to be used at wind impacted fires. How many of the following points correctly describe the KO Curtain deployment? (Evolution 34 – 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 5.2)
(1) The Deployment Firefighter is equipped with a KO Curtain, Hydra-Ram and Halligan. (2) The Receiving Firefighter must have their facepiece on and full PPE donned when receiving the ropes. (3) The Receiving FF is equipped with a Hydra-Ram, Halligan, and Halligan hook. (4) Depending on conditions encountered, the IC may have to deploy an available radio equipped member to be a spotter located outside the building.
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
2-C (1, 3, 4)
4.1 Deployment Firefighter
Tools: KO Curtain, Hydra-ram, Halligan.
Duties: Deploy the KO Curtain from a window in the apartment on the floor above, two
floors above, or if the fire is on the top floor, then from the roof.
4.2 Receiving Firefighter
Tools: Hydra-ram, Halligan, Halligan hook.
Duties: Positioned below the target window, in the apartment below the fire apartment.
Secure the lower ropes of the KO Curtain and coordinate positioning over the
target window.
5.1 Depending on conditions encountered, the IC may have to deploy an available radio
equipped member as a spotter located outside the building. This member must obtain the
binoculars from the Battalion Chiefs vehicle and be in a position to see the target
window. This location will enable the spotter to confirm that the Deployment and
Receiving firefighters are in position at the correct windows. Once the KO Curtain is
deployed, the spotter will be able to provide the deploying and receiving firefighters with
direction to ensure the KO Curtain is properly positioned covering the target window.
The spotter can observe the effects the KO Curtain has on the ventilation profile and
report the results including any changes in fire conditions to the IC.
5.2 The Deployment firefighter must have their facepiece on and full PPE donned when
deploying the KO Curtain. This will protect the Deployment firefighter from unexpected
auto-exposure which will subject them to fire, smoke and superheated gases.
- The KO Curtain can be deployed before or after window failure. Choose the correct points regarding this deployment. (more than 1 correct) (Evolution 34 – 1.2, 3.2.1, 5.4, 5.10)
(A) The KO Curtain will only be deployed on orders of the IC. (B) Never remove or break the deployment window. (C) The KO Curtain shall never be deployed in the horizontal position. The KO Curtain is designed and shall be deployed only in the vertical position. (D) When assured that the Target window is completely covered, the Deploying Firefighter and Receiving Firefighter will maintain control of their respective ropes. The ropes shall not be tied off
- C&D
Note: The KO Curtain will ONLY be deployed on orders of the Officer of the
first arriving ladder company and/or the Incident Commander.
Do not remove or break the deployment window unless absolutely necessary.
The KO Curtain shall NEVER be deployed in the horizontal position.
5.10 When assured that the Target window is completely covered, the Deploying and
Receiving firefighters will maintain control of their respective ropes. The ropes shall not
be tied off. The deployment window will be closed to prevent auto-exposure.
- When the fire has been extinguished, it may be necessary to remove the KO Curtain to assist in ventilation of the fire apartment. Which choice indicates all correct actions? (Evolution 34 – 5.14) (1) The removal of the KO Curtain must be approved by the IC or the Ladder Company Officer inside the fire apartment. (2) The request for removal of the KO Curtain will be made by the Engine Company Officer in charge of the hoseline inside the apartment, after first consulting with the Ladder Company Officer inside the fire apartment. (3) The Ladder Company Officer shall use the Thermal Imaging Camera to confirm all fire has been extinguished. (4) The Engine Company Officer shall insure that the nozzle team is aware of KO Curtain removal, and is prepared to extinguish any increase in fire conditions resulting from removing the KO Curtain. (A) 1, 2 (B) 1, 2, 3, 4 (C) 2, 3 18 (D) 3, 4
- D
5.14 Once the fire has been extinguished, it may be necessary to remove the KO Curtain to
assist in ventilation of the fire apartment. The removal of the K.O. Curtain must be
approved by the Incident Commander. The request for removal of the KO Curtain will
be made by the Ladder Company Officer inside the fire apartment, after first consulting
with the Engine Company Officer in charge of the hoseline inside the apartment. The
Ladder Company Officer shall use the Thermal Imaging Camera to confirm all fire has
been extinguished. The Engine Officer shall insure that the nozzle team is aware of KO
Curtain removal, and is prepared to extinguish any increase in fire conditions resulting
from removing the KO Curtain.
- Which of the following is an incorrect point concerning window security bars? (1.1, 1.2, 1.3) (A) The construction of window security bars will vary from thin aluminum child guards to heavy wrought iron and steel. (B) Some bars may be set in mortar or brick, or may be bolted or screwed into the wooden frame of the window or door. (C) All window security bars will be attached to the outside of the window opening. (D) A great majority of security bars have been installed in one and two family dwellings
- C
1.1 The installation of security bars has become prevalent in numerous areas of the city.
These security installations are not common to a particular class of occupancy. However,
a great majority of these security measures have been installed in one and two family
dwellings in the form of window bars and security bar storm doors.
1.2 The location of window security bars will vary. However, it is not uncommon to find
these installations on all floors and all sides. They have even been found attached to the
inside of the window opening. Security bar storm doors found on door entrance ways
have a double key lock assembly and tempered glass insert. In some dwellings,
occupants have installed security bar gates on interior landings from floor to ceiling and
wall to wall.
1.3 The construction of these bars will vary from thin aluminum child guards to heavy
wrought iron and steel. The manner in which they are attached to the structure will vary.
Some bars may be set in mortar or brick. Others may be bolted or screwed into the
wooden frame of the window or door.
- Engine 100 responds to a reported fire in a private dwelling with Engine 200, Ladder 300, Tower Ladder 400 and Battalion 900. The regularly assigned Rescue Company is operating at an auto extrication. Engine 100 arrives first and sees fire from the 2nd floor of a 2 ½ story peaked roof PD, with window bars on the 2nd floor windows. A neighbor reports that people are trapped. Engine 200 would be most correct to transmit a 10-75 and : (4.1, 4.2) (A) A 2nd alarm due to window bars. (B) Special call an additional engine and tower ladder due to window bars (C) Special call an additional engine and ladder due to reports of people trapped. (D) Ensure the response of a Rescue Company due to people possibly trapped
- D
4.1 The unit transmitting the 10-75 for a fire in a building with window bars should include a
brief description of the type of building involved and state the presence of window bars.
4.2 An additional Engine and Ladder shall be special called. The special called Ladder Co.
shall be a Tower Ladder, if one is not assigned on the first alarm assignment. If there are
indications that people are trapped, ensure the response of a Rescue Company.
- How many of the following points are correct concerning Engine company operations while operating at a fire in a building with window bars? (4.3, 4.4, 4.5. 4.10) (1) Engine company operations should ensure the placement of the first line into operation. (2) The Engine Company operating the first line must employ an aggressive interior attack to control the fire and protect interior stairs. (3) The second line stretched should back up the first line. If not needed, it shall then go to the floor above. (4) Only a special called engine should provide an exterior hoseline to protect civilians or members trapped inside a building behind window bars or members removing window bars. (A) 1 Class #5 Spring 2012 (B) 2 (C) 3 19 (D) 4
3-C (1, 2, 3)
- Ladder companies have many duties, including the removal of window bars. Choose the correct action to be taken by Ladder Companies when window bars are encountered. (4.6, 4.7, 4.8, 4.9) (A) The unit assigned to remove the window bars should ensure at least one window on the fire floor and all floors above is cleared of bars. (B) The units assigned to remove the window bars should ensure that the cleared window on the fire floor and floor above has a portable ladder, aerial ladder or tower ladder placed to the window. (C) The Tower Ladder basket or an aerial ladder placed to an upper floor front or side window presents the best platforms to work from. (D) When trapped occupants are discovered, their approximate location should be communicated after beginning efforts to remove the window bars
- B
4.6 If possible, room at the front of the fire building should be made available to position the
Tower Ladder. The Tower Ladder basket, placed to an upper floor front or side window,
presents the best platform to work from.
4.7 The special called Ladder company can be directed to operate as a unit and remove
window bars.
4.8 The unit assigned to remove the window bars should ensure at least one window on the
fire floor and the floor above is cleared of bars, with a portable ladder, aerial ladder or
tower ladder placed to the window. The location of windows that have been cleared
should be communicated to all units.
4.9 When trapped occupants are discovered, their exact location should be immediately
communicated. Both interior and exterior rescue operations can then be concentrated in
that direction.