OP WEEK #9 WEEK OF 11/11/13 PART I – FFP – MD’s Sec 6 PART II – ERP ADD #4 – {Radiological Operations} PART III – REGULATIONS CHAP. #10 & 11 INSTRUCTOR: BC GENE DITARANTO Flashcards
PART I – FFP – MD’s Sec 6 PART II – ERP ADD #4 – {Radiological Operations} PART III – REGULATIONS CHAP. #10 & 11
PART I – FFP – MD’s Sec 6: 1) You are operating at a fire in a High Rise Fire Proof Multiple Dwelling (HRFPMD), you are a newly promoted officer and have never worked in a High Rise area. Please choose an incorrect firefighting procedure for HRFPMDs from the list below? (MD, section 6.1) A) All extinguishment efforts shall proceed initially from the one attack stairway. B) If a second stairwell is required for attack and extinguishment, it should not be the stairwell designated as the evacuation stair. C) The Incident Commander (IC) shall notify the borough dispatcher as well as all members operating on scene, the letter designation of the stairwell being used for attack operations. D) Whenever enclosed stairwells are encountered, doors to any and all attack stairs must be maintained closed on the fire floor.
- D
2) You are conducting a drill as a newly promoted Lieutenant in Ladder 500. The topic of discussion is about information that members must gather from the floor below, or two floors below if scissor stairs are present, prior to advancing to the reported fire floor in a HRFPMD. Please choose the correct pieces of information members should gather from the list below? (MORE THAN ONE CORRECT) (MD, section 6.1) A) Determine the location, letter designation and number of stairways inside the fire building. B) Prior to the designation of the attack stairway, all members must access the fire floor from the same stairway. C) Identify the stairways that have a standpipe. D) Determine the layout, shape and size of the public hallway including dead-end hallways, before you enter the fire floor public hallway. E) Note apartment designations and the location of fire/smoke doors.
- B, C, D, E
Prior to advancing to the reported fire floor, members must gather information from the floor below, or two floors below if scissor stairs are present. Determine the location, letter designation and number of stairways serving the fire floor. Stairways can provide members with alternate egress points from the public hallway if conditions should unexpectedly deteriorate due to fire conditions. They may also provide alternate access points if civilians or members become trapped in the hallway due to a sudden, unexpected change in conditions. Prior to the designation of the attack stairway, all members must access the fire floor from the same stairway. If the door to the fire apartment has been left open and sizeup indicates that wind may impact fire conditions, the air flow paths must be controlled on the fire floor. Uncoordinated opening of apartment and stairway doors may cause fire conditions to dramatically increase with little or no warning. Identify the stairways that have a standpipe. Determine the layout, shape and size of the public hallway including dead-end hallways, before you enter the fire floor public hallway. Also note apartment designations and the location of fire/smoke doors.
3) Please choose an incorrect operational consideration when using scissors stairs at a fire in a HRFPMD? (MD, section 6.1) A) When scissor stairs are present, it should be communicated via handie-talkie to all units. B) At fire operations, early efforts should be made to ensure stairways are correctly labeled. Mislabeled scissor stairs will cause confusion during fire operations. C) The attack stair door should be the only stair door that is left open on the fire floor. D) If mislabeled scissor stairs are discovered, this information should be relayed to the borough dispatcher immediately.
- D Operational considerations when using scissors stairs: When scissor stairs are present, it should be communicated via handie-talkie to all units. At fire operations, early efforts should be made to ensure stairways are correctly labeled. Mislabeled scissor stairs will cause confusion during fire operations. The attack stair door should be the only stair door that is left open on the fire floor. The strategy is to reduce smoke contamination to the upper floors via stairways. When scissor stairs are mislabeled, this becomes very difficult to accomplish. If mislabeled scissor stairs are discovered, this information should be relayed to the IC immediately.
4) Please choose an incorrect description about the variables that effect smoke movement inside a HRFPMD? (MD, section 6.1.1) A) Pressure: Smoke and hot fire gases increase the air pressure inside the fire area or fire apartment. This higher air pressure will always travel toward areas of lower air pressure creating a flow path for the fire to travel. B) Stack Effect: The stack effect is influenced by the height of the building, temperature differential between outside and inside temperatures, air leakage to other floors and the wind. C) Wind: A major factor for smoke movement within a structure. Wind pressures external to the building create pressures within the structure on the windward side (high pressure) only, because of leakage through windows, walls or other openings, however these openings need to be very large. D) HVAC: The systems and their components of duct work and shafts can contribute to smoke infiltration to other areas of the building. An IC should confirm that all HVAC systems are shut down prior to commencing any fire operations.
- C Wind: A major factor for smoke movement within a structure. Wind pressures external to the building create pressures within the structure on both the windward side (high pressure) and leeward side (low pressure) because of leakage through windows, walls or other openings, however small.
5) You have just finished fighting a fire in a HRFPMD when the Battalion Chief in charge decides to have an informal critique. Please choose an incorrect ventilation procedure that the Battalion Chief stated during the critique, in reference to fires in HRFPMDs? (MD, section 6.1.2) A) Like high rise office building procedures, ventilation of the fire apartment in HRFPMDs should take place after the main body of fire has been controlled. B) The Incident Commander shall control all ventilation other than the fire apartment. C) Horizontal ventilation of the fire apartment is limited and controlled by the ladder officer operating inside the apartment. D) In some HRFPMDs, there may be windows in the public hallways and stairways. These types of windows located on the fire floor shall not be ventilated without prior approval of the ladder officer operating on the fire floor. E) Vertical ventilation shall only be performed at the direction of the Incident Commander.
- D 6.3.3 In some HRFPMDs, there may be windows in the public hallways and stairways. Hallway and stairway windows make the task of controlling flow paths more difficult. These windows shall not be ventilated without prior approval of the IC.
6) Please choose a correct ventilation procedure in a HRFPMD? (MD, section 6.1.2) A) Stairways other than the attack stairs may be used for venting the fire floor. B) Only officers operating will be advised by the Incident Commander of the letter designation of the stairwell being used for ventilation and smoke removal operations. C) Where only two stairways are present, the evacuation stairway will be the primary means for vertical ventilation when the main body of fire has been controlled and authorized by the Incident Commander. D) The Incident Commander may authorize smoke cleared from a stairway before attack operations were to commence. This would be accomplished with positive pressure ventilation fans.
- D
7) As a sharp Fire Tech student you are on your game when you discuss elevator operations during your study group sessions. Recently, at one of your study group sessions you made the following statements below about elevator procedures when operating at a fire in a HRFPMD. Please choose the statement from the list below that should have been corrected by your group of colleagues? (MD, section 6.1.3(A) A) Personnel shall exit at least two floors below the fire floor when the elevator used services the fire floor. B) The firefighter operating the elevator shall return to the lobby with the elevator, when the elevator is equipped with fireman service. C) When an elevator not equipped with fireman service is used, it shall be returned to the lobby unstaffed. D) Stairs shall be used when the fire is on the eighth floor or below.
- D
8) From the list below please choose an incorrect item about elevators or their shafts or their machinery rooms in HRFPMDs? (MD, section 6.1.3(C & D) A) Elevator shafts are conduits for vertical transmission of smoke and heat. B) The doors to elevator machinery rooms at the roof level should not be used for ventilation purposes until the fire is under control. C) After the fire is under control, the elevator machinery room, if located at roof level, can be vented by opening doors to the exterior, regardless of the wind conditions or direction. D) Some building types may have two elevators, one serving odd and one serving even floors. Members may arrive at a location more than two floors below the fire due to this alternate floor system. E) In most buildings, the elevators serve all floors or there are elevator bank systems that serve lower floors and upper floors.
- C 6.4.3 Elevator shafts are conduits for vertical transmission of smoke and heat. The doors to elevator machinery rooms at the roof level should not be used for ventilation purposes until the fire is under control. Ventilation of the building and stairwells shall be conducted as per our operational procedures. After the fire is under control, the elevator machinery room, if located at roof level, can be vented by opening doors to the exterior, as long as wind will not force smoke back into the building.
9) The first to arrive Outside Vent Firefighter (OV) at a fire in a HRFPMD shall first complete an outside survey of the fire building. If outside operations are indicated and the building has Fireman Service elevators, the OV firefighter will: Please choose the most correct answer? (MD, section 6.1.3(F) A) Report to the lobby. B) Place an elevator car in Fireman Service Phase II. C) When the OV firefighter is involved in an outside operation and the fire is above the seventh floor, the elevator cars will be operated by a member from the second truck and/or other members designated by the Incident Commander. D) None of the above.
- C A. The first to arrive OV firefighter shall first complete an outside survey of the fire building. If no outside operations are indicated and the building has Fireman Service elevators, the OV firefighter will: Report to the lobby Place an elevator car in Fireman Service Phase II B. If the OV firefighter is involved in an outside operation and the fire is above the seventh floor, the elevator cars will be operated by a member from second truck and/or other members designated by the IC. The IC must ensure that, if available, at least 2 elevators will be driven in “Fireman Service Phase II” by firefighters for the duration of the operation.
10) Some building designs for the more exclusive types of HRFPMDs have elevators opening directly into apartments or into foyers. This type of elevator has each floor landing door locked for security reasons. Other types open onto a small landing or foyer with only two doors, each serving one apartment. No stairs or other means of egress are provided from this type of foyer. From the list below please choose the correct elevator to use when encountering the elevators that open into a small foyer with only two doors, each serving one apartment in more exclusive HRFPMDs? (MD, section 6.1.3(G) A) Passenger elevators opening into the foyer. B) Service elevators. C) Either A or B. D) Neither A or B.
- B
11) It is not usually necessary to force apartment doors on the fire floor other than the fire apartment door in a HRFPMD. When the main body of fire has been controlled, adjoining apartments on the fire floor can be forced for reasons such as: Please choose the most correct answer? (MD, section 6.1.4(A) A) High carbon monoxide readings in the public hallway. B) Severe smoke conditions in the public hallway. C) All of the above.
- C
12) Generally, the only apartment requiring access on the floor above at a fire in a HRFPMD is the apartment directly above the fire apartment. No other doors should be forced without sufficient reasons, please choose the most correct reason from the list below? (MD, section 6.1.4(B) A) Any type of Carbon monoxide readings at the end of a hall. B) Specific reports of persons needing assistance. C) Dispersed smoke conditions due to stack effect on a particular floor.
- B A service/freight elevator shall not be used until it is has been evaluated and declared safe for use by the company officer
13) When handie-talkie communications are hampered between operating sectors /groups and the Incident Command Post (ICP) at a fire in a HRFPMD, the Incident Commander should consider the following: A) Use of Post Radios on the Command Channel deployed to each sector/group. B) Use of the High Rise Repeater if available, on the Command Channel. C) Setting up a handie-talkie relay on intermediate floors. D) Utilizing personnel outside of the building to relay handie-talkie messages. E) Utilize only FDNY programmed building communication systems if present and reliable. Please choose the incorrect item from the list above? (MD, section 6.1.5)
- E 6.6 COMMUNICATIONS: 6.6.1 When handie-talkie communications are hampered between operating sectors/groups and the Incident Command Post (ICP), consider the following: Use of Post Radios on the Command Channel deployed to each sector/group. Use of the Vehicle Cross Band Repeater, if available, on the Command Channel. Setting up a handie-talkie relay on intermediate floors. Utilizing personnel outside of the building to relay handie-talkie messages. Moving to a different position in the lobby. Example: walking around in the vicinity of the elevators to find a suitable location may help you find a spot that improves the quality of communications considerably. Cell phones shall be turned on and carried by Battalion and Division firefighters. Utilizing any building communication system if present and reliable.
14) The 10-77 signal should provide sufficient units to initially manage a medium fire and smoke condition in a HRFPMD. Some Examples: A) Wind impacted fire conditions. B) Advanced fire on arrival. C) Light to medium smoke on numerous floors. D) A single report of a person in difficulty due to smoke. Please choose the correct example(s) from the list above? (MD, section 6.1.6)
- A, B
Chief Officer Question: 15) If you were the first assigned Battalion Chief on a second alarm for a fire in a HRFPMD, you would be assigned to which position from the list below? (MD, section 6.1.6) A) Attack Chief B) Safety Officer C) Search and Evacuation Supervisor D) Resource Unit Leader
- D
16) The FAST Unit and CFR Engine shall be assigned to the Fire Sector when the fire is above the sixth floor in a HRFPMD. They can be staged on the floor below the fire floor, ready for rapid deployment. At lower floor fires (sixth floor or below) the position of the FAST Unit and the CFR Engine will be determined by the _________________ at a HRFPMD. Please fill in the blank? (MD, section 6.1.7) A) Fast Unit Officer B) CFR Engine Officer C) Incident Commander D) Fire Sector Supervisor E) Both A and B, who should confer with one another.
- C
17) You are operating as the first due engine officer on a 10-77. The fire is on the 15th floor of a 25 story HRFPMD. You would know as a sharp Fire Tech student that you should follow which procedure below? (MD, section 6.2.1(B) A) Take elevators to at least three floors below the reported fire floor using precautions normally taken with elevators. B) The ladder company officer will select the attack stairway and notify you. C) The attack stairway must be a stairway with a standpipe outlet. D) Once the attack stairway is selected all hose-lines will be stretched and operated from this stairway. The other stairway(s) shall be maintained for evacuation. E) Notify the 2nd engine and 3rd engine of the designation of the attack stairway.
- D
18) If the apartment door has been left open at a fire in a HRFPMD, the public hallway is now considered an extension of the fire area, (fire apartment and public hallway). Please choose an incorrect procedure for the first due engine company from the list below? (MD, section 6.2.1(C) A) The hose-line should be charged before exiting the attack stairway. B) In all cases, the hose-line shall not enter the public hallway until the ladder company locates the fire apartment and provides direction for the advancing engine company. C) Engine companies shall not enter the IDLH without a charged hose-line.
- B In most cases, the hoseline shall not enter the public hallway until the ladder company locates the fire apartment and provides direction for the advancing engine company.
19) There is the ever present danger that heat and fire conditions can change drastically. Factors that can affect changing fire and heat conditions are: • The adverse change in air flow through the fire apartment caused by window failure due to the fire or premature venting. • The necessary opening of the fire apartment and attack stairway doors by members. • A tenant opening an apartment door on the fire floor on the opposite side of the public hallway from the fire apartment. • Increased stack effect caused by the opening of the attack stairway lobby and bulkhead doors. “If any of these conditions exist and the line cannot be advanced out of the attack stairwell, the unit operating the 1st hose-line should maintain their position in the attack stairwell with the stairwell door closed.” Please indicate if you agree or disagree with the paragraph directly above in quotes? (MD, section 6.2.1 (D) A) Agree or D) Disagree
- A
20) Please choose an incorrect duty for the second Engine Company to arrive at a fire in a HRFPMD? (MD, section 6.2.2) A) The 2nd engine company to arrive shall team up with the 1st engine company on the scene to stretch and place the 1st hose-line into operation. B) Upon arrival, ensure the Siamese is supplied and provide assistance where necessary. C) Obtain Post Radio from the Fire Sector Supervisor and bring it to the standpipe outlet where the first hose-line is being connected and establish a communications link on the Command Channel between the fire sector and the Incident Commander (IC) if necessary. D) Take elevators to at least two floors below the reported fire floor using precautions normally taken with elevators. E) The 2nd engine officer must advise the IC when their members are assisting the 1st engine advance in the IDLH. F) The officer must also inform the IC when and where additional assistance is required on the 1st hose-line (e.g., in the stair, on the floor below, on the fire floor hallway).
- C
21) The second hose-line at a fire in a HRFPMD may be used to: Please choose the most correct answer? (MDs, section 6.2.3) 1. Back up the first line. 2. Advance with the first line. 3. Operate into a breach in the adjoining apartment wall while the first line is protecting the public hallway. 4. The 2nd hose-line can never be used on the floor above. 5. On the floor above due to; auto exposure via windows or air conditioner sleeves, or extension via utility voids or steam pipe risers. A) 1, 2, 3, 4 B) 1, 2, 4 C) 1, 2, 3, 5 D) 1 and 2 only
- C
22) From the list below please choose a correct procedure that the 4th assigned engine company at a fire in a HRFPMD should follow? (MDs, section 6.2.4) A) If the HRN is to be used, the 4th engine will put it into operation. They will always stretch their own line. B) It will be the responsibility of the 4th assigned engine company to bring the HRN to the Incident Command Post and then, when ordered, bring it to the floor below the fire for quick deployment. C) If the 4th assigned engine company is not equipped with a HRN, the Incident Commander shall contact the dispatcher for the identity of the unit carrying the HRN that has already been assigned to the 10-77. D) If none of the first four engine companies are equipped with a HRN, the Incident Commander shall special call the nearest HRN equipped engine company.
- C If the HRN is to be used, the 4th assigned engine will put it into operation. They will either use the hose already in place for the second hoseline, or stretch their own line.
23) The first Ladder Company to arrive for a fire in a HRFPMD will be responsible for all of the following items except one, please choose the exception? (MDs, section 6.3.1) A) Elevator recall to gain control of the elevators and to prevent occupant use. B) Control of the fire floor stairway doors. Control of the fire apartment door. C) Search and ventilation of the fire apartment. D) The officer of the first ladder company will initiate and/or control (prevent) horizontal ventilation of the fire apartment. E) No other company officer or firefighter should attempt any ventilation of the fire building without the approval of the first ladder officer. F) Consult with the engine officer before selecting an attack stairway. Once this designation has been made, all operations are to proceed from this stairway.
- E
24) If a Wind Control Device (WCD) deployment is initiated, the 2nd ladder company officer must coordinate this evolution. Points to address are correctly found in which item(s) below? (MDs, section 6.3.2) A) Is assistance needed on the floor above. B) Is an extinguisher/hose-line needed in the apartment above in case of auto exposure. C) Are there members in the apartment above the fire apartment to secure the lower WCD ropes. D) Is a spotter in place on the exterior of the building for guidance. E) Notify the Incident Commander of any needed assistance, progress, or lack of progress.
- A, B, D, E
25) Generally, the third Ladder Company to arrive at a fire in a HRFPMD should be used to conduct searches of stairways and hallways when reports indicate _________________. Please fill in the Blank? (MDs, section 6.3.3) A) severe smoke on lower floors B) severe smoke above the fire sector C) severe smoke on the floor above the fire floor D) All of the above
- B
26) The Ventilation Support Group will be the 6th ladder company assigned on a 10-77. The ventilation support group will inform the Incident Commander of the recommended placement of the Positive Pressure Ventilation (PPV) fans based on: A) The number of PPV fans and personnel available. B) The location of the fire floor. C) The number of floors in the building. D) The stage of firefighting operations. E) All of the above. Please choose the most correct item from the list above? (MDs, section 6.3.6)
- B
27) You are the Incident Commander at a Carbon Monoxide (CO) emergency in a 9 story Fire Proof Hotel outside of JFK property. Shortly after your arrival you determine that the cause of the high CO levels is due to an overheated supply fan in the HVAC system. The engineer shuts down the fan, however you have levels of CO ranging from 10 to 60 ppm throughout the building. At this point please choose the correct action to follow from the list below? (AUC 349, section 8.2) A) Request the response a Ventilation Support Unit for their Positive Pressure Ventilation (PPV) Fans. B) Continue with natural ventilation and do not request a Vent Support Unit.
- B
28) The deployment of a High Rise Nozzle (HRN) and/or a Wind Control Device (WCD) may
prove difficult or not be possible if the fire window faces onto a balcony or terrace in a
HRFPMD. Please choose an incorrect item to consider from the list below during this type of
operation? (MDs, section 6.7.2)
A) The balcony floor outside the fire apartment may block the HRN stream deployed from the
window directly below.
B) Directing the HRN stream from the adjoining window from the floor below may prove
C) If the apartment below the fire has a balcony, the HRN could be operating from the balcony
railing, deflecting the stream off of the underside of the balcony directly above the fire
apartment. This tactic will always prove to be the most successful tactic to utilize.
D) The WCD will not be possible from a floor above if that apartment itself has a balcony and
the fire window is below this balcony preventing the WCD from deploying against the building’s
exterior wall.
- C
SECTION 7 – {Multiple Dwellings Low Rise}:
1) Low-rise fireproof multiple dwellings (LRFPMDs - less than 75’) are generally older
buildings and may be found in proximity to HRFPMDs. Since their construction is fireproof,
apartment fires will present fire problems similar to those in taller fireproof buildings. LRFPMDs
will have all of the following characteristics below except one, please choose the exception?
(MDs, section 7)
A) They will vary in height, generally from three to seven stories.
B) They can be isolated buildings or attached buildings.
C) They may be built as one building with two separate sections separated by fire doors on
each floor.
D) They may contain one single stairway or two remote stairways. These stairways may be
open or enclosed.
E) They are usually equipped with standpipe systems.
- E
2) The vertical ventilation tactics in LRFPMDs is different then the tactics used in
HRFPMDs, please choose an incorrect LRFPMD vertical ventilation tactic from the list below?
(MDs, section 7)
A) In LRFPMDs the emphasis will generally be placed on venting the attack stair bulkhead
after approval of the IC, early in the operation.
B) When ordered, the venting of the attack stairway in LRFPMDs will be accomplished by the
1st and 2nd arriving Chauffeur positions.
C) While roof ventilation is emphasized in LRFPMD, permission MUST still be granted by
the IC before providing vertical ventilation via the attack stair bulkhead.
D) Roof firefighters must wait until permission has been granted by the IC before opening the
attack stair bulkhead. Particularly on windy days, the opening of the attack stairway bulkhead
should be delayed until a proper size-up can be made.
- D
3) Please choose the incorrect method(s) of accessing the roof in the various types of
LRFPMDs listed below? (MDs, section 7.1 & 7.3.1 (C)
A) Attached Buildings with one stairway - Where these attached structures are found, roof
access is generally via the interior stairway of the adjoining building.
B) Individual Buildings with two separate sections and fire doors - Roof access is
generally via the interior stairway of the adjoining section, provided that the fire doors are in the
open position.
C) Isolated Buildings with two stairways - The enclosed stairs are found remote from each
other and roof access is generally via the enclosed attack stairway.
D) Isolated Buildings with one stairway - The Roof Firefighter may be ordered to take the
interior stair to the roof provided that the fire apartment door is controlled and maintained closed
by the ladder company officer.
- B
Buildings built with two separate sections, each containing a single open
stairway. These sections are separated by fire doors. Roof access is generally
via the interior stairway of the adjoining section, provided that the fire doors
are in the closed position.
4) Fires in LRFPMDs may be extinguished using 1-3⁄4” or 2-1⁄2” hose hand stretched from a
pumper depending on the hallway length. Please choose the correct item from the list below
about these types of hand stretches? (MDs, section 7.2)
A) If the hallways in these structures are small, that is, every apartment door is within 50’ of
every stairway on that floor, then 1-3⁄4” hose can be stretched from the pumper, regardless of fire
B) If a LRFPMD has long hallways, that is, any apartment door is more than 50’ from any
stairway on that floor, then the additional GPM available from 2-1⁄2” hose may be needed and 2-
1⁄2” hose should be stretched from the standpipe outlet.
C) Battalion Commanders shall ensure that non-standpipe buildings where 1-3⁄4” hose may be
used are entered into CIDS.
D) None of the above.
- D
- 6.1 Fires in LRFPMDs may be extinguished using 1.” or 2ó” hose, hand stretched
from a pumper depending on the hallway length.
7.6.2 If the hallways in these structures are small, that is, every apartment door is
within 50’ of every stairway on that floor, then 1.” hose can be stretched from
the pumper when compatible with fire conditions.
7.6.3 However, if a LRFPMD has long hallways, that is, any apartment door is more
than 50’ from any stairway on that floor, then the additional GPM available from
2ó” hose may be needed and 2ó” hose should be hand stretched from the
7.6.4 Division Commanders shall ensure that non-standpipe buildings where 1.” hose
may be used are entered into CIDS.
5) You have just finished operating as the first arriving ladder company officer at a fire in a
LRFPMD, you would know that you should reread the manual on these types of fires because
you made one mistake while operating. Please choose that mistake from the list below?
(MDs, section 7.3.1)
A) You ordered your company to search and ventilate the fire apartment.
B) You initiated and controlled ventilation of the fire apartment.
C) You had the discretion to decide if it would be best to extinguish the fire without any
exterior horizontal ventilation.
D) There were two stairways present, so you realized that you must consult with the engine
officer prior to designating the attack stairway and then notify the IC.
- A
- 7.1 Officer and Forcible Entry Team
Tools: Extinguisher, hook, axe or maul, Halligan, Hydra-Ram, SCBAs, carbon
monoxide meter, TIC.
A. Proceed to the fire floor and notify the IC if the stairs are open or
enclosed. When there are two stairways, notify the IC and the engine
officer of the attack stairway. This transmission is also important to the
roof firefighter since it will determine his/her route to the roof, e.g.,
evacuation stairs. Also, notify the IC and engine officer of the heat and
smoke conditions found in the stairs or public hallways.
6) Please choose an incorrect procedure for the Outside Vent Firefighter and Chauffeur team
of the first ladder company at a fire a LRFPMD? (MDs, section 7.3.1 (B)
A) OV takes Halligan, Halligan hook. Chauffeur takes Halligan and axe.
B) Conduct an outside survey together, do not spilt apart, as stated under the HRFPMD
C) If no outside operations are possible, then the OV/Chauffeur team shall proceed to the fire
floor to team up with their officer and assist in the search of the fire floor hallway and fire
D) At isolated buildings where there is only one interior stair and no adjoining building, the
Chauffeur will have to provide access to the roof for the Roof Firefighter.
- B
- 7.2 Outside Vent Firefighter and Chauffeur Team
Tools: OV takes Halligan, Halligan hook. Chauffeur takes Halligan and axe.
A. Conduct an outside survey. It is quicker to split and have each member
survey the building from opposite directions.
7) Roof Access will be obtained using the following priority order at a fire in a LRFPMD,
Please choose the correct order from the list below? (MDs, section 7.3.1 (C)
- Aerial Ladder or Tower Ladder.
- An enclosed evacuation stairway.
- Stairway in an attached adjoining building. In an individual building with two separate
sections protected by fire doors, the use of a protected adjoining section is the priority.
A) 1, 2, 3, B) 2, 3, 1 C) 2, 1, 3 D) 3, 2, 1
- D
8) For all fires other than a top floor fire in a LRFPMD who is responsible to take the KO
curtain as part of their tool assignment? (MDs, section 7.3.2 (A)
A) First Arriving Ladder Company interior team.
B) First Arriving Ladder Company OV / Chauffeur team.
C) First Arriving Ladder Company Roof firefighter.
D) Second Arriving Ladder Company interior team.
E) Second Arriving Ladder Company OV / Chauffeur team.
F) Second Arriving Ladder Company Roof firefighter.
- D
- 8.1 Officer and Forcible Entry Team
Tools: Extinguisher, hook, axe or maul, Halligan, Hydra-Ram, SCBAs, carbon
monoxide meter, TIC, KO curtain.
9) The second arriving Ladder Company interior team (Officer and forcible entry team) is
responsible for all floors and stairs above the fire floor. They should proceed to the floor above
to locate and force entry into the apartment directly above the fire. They should be prepared to
assist the fire floor from this location if:
A) Ventilation is needed for the fire apartment. This must be coordinated with the Incident
B) Assistance is required from above in determining the fire apartment layout.
C) A Life Saving Rope Rescue is required from this location.
D) KO curtain deployment is needed.
Please choose the incorrect item from the list above? (MDs, section 7.3.2 (A)
- A
10) CIDS should be utilized for LRFPMDs to indicate which of the following? (MORE THAN
ONE CORRECT) (MDs, section 7.5)
A) Roof access.
B) The number and type of stairways or sections. Indicate if stairways are open or enclosed
and if sections are protected by fire doors.
C) Apparatus access.
D) Hydrant locations as needed.
E) Search rope required (when necessary).
F) 2-1/2” hose, when approved for use in selected buildings.
- A, B, C, D, E
11) If the 1st Roof Firefighter determines a Life Saving Rope operation is not practical from
the roof level of a LRFPMD, then the following options are available:
A) If the 2nd Roof Firefighter has not already reached the roof, the 1st Roof Firefighter should
immediately direct that member to the apartment directly above the fire apartment.
B) The 2nd Roof Firefighter shall bring their assigned tools including the LSR to the
apartment directly above the fire apartment.
C) In buildings with two enclosed stairs, the 2nd Roof Firefighter may descend the attack
stairway to the apartment directly above the fire apartment.
D) In buildings with an open interior stairway, the IC may direct members or another unit to
bring an available LSR (Squad, Rescue, or engine company), to the apartment directly above the
fire apartment.
Please choose the incorrect option from the list above? (MDs, section 7.6 (2)
11) If the 1st Roof Firefighter determines a Life Saving Rope operation is not practical from
the roof level of a LRFPMD, then the following options are available:
A) If the 2nd Roof Firefighter has not already reached the roof, the 1st Roof Firefighter should
immediately direct that member to the apartment directly above the fire apartment.
B) The 2nd Roof Firefighter shall bring their assigned tools including the LSR to the
apartment directly above the fire apartment.
C) In buildings with two enclosed stairs, the 2nd Roof Firefighter may descend the attack
stairway to the apartment directly above the fire apartment.
D) In buildings with an open interior stairway, the IC may direct members or another unit to
bring an available LSR (Squad, Rescue, or engine company), to the apartment directly above the
fire apartment.
Please choose the incorrect option from the list above? (MDs, section 7.6 (2)
- C
- If the 1st Roof Firefighter determines a LSR operation is not practical from the
roof level, then the following options are available:
If the 2nd Roof Firefighter has not already reached the roof, the 1st Roof
Firefighter should immediately direct that member to the apartment directly
above the fire apartment. The 2nd Roof Firefighter shall bring their assigned
tools including the LSR to the apartment directly above the fire apartment.
In buildings with two enclosed stairs, the 2nd Roof Firefighter may descend
the evacuation stairway to the apartment directly above the fire apartment.
In buildings with an open interior stairway, the IC may direct members or
another unit to bring an available LSR (Squad, Rescue, or engine company),
to the apartment directly above the fire apartment.
The IC must be aware of the need to provide support for all LSR rescue
operations. Communication from the 1st Roof Firefighter is critical in these
PART II – ERP ADD #4 – {Radiological Operations}:
1) Please choose the incorrect description about radiation from the list below?
(ERP add # 4, section 1 & 1.1)
A) Radiation, is energy that is released in the form of particles and/or waves. This energy will
travel through space and possibly through materials.
B) Radiation energy is colorless, odorless and tasteless, and therefore, radiation energy cannot
be detected by any type of device.
C) Radiological materials come in all three physical states: solid, liquid and gas.
D) A radiological element may emit any combination of ionizing radiation depending on the
particular element.
E) Firefighters and medical personnel should assume all three types of ionizing radiation are
being emitted from the source.
- B
2) A person can be exposed to a hazardous material such as radiological material through four
routes of entry: Please choose the correct route(s) of entry from the list below? (ERP
add # 4, section 1.2.1)
A) Inhalation
B) Ingestion
C) Absorption
D) Penetration/Injection
- All
3) Please choose the most correct description from the list below about radiological exposure
and contamination? (ERP add # 4, section 1.2.1(B)(C) & 1.2.2)
A) An external exposure is received from a radioactive source deposited inside the body.
B) An internal exposure is received from a radioactive source outside of the body. A person
can be externally exposed to radiation without being contaminated.
C) A person contaminated with radioactive material implies that the material itself is on a
person’s body/clothing and is emitting energy in the form of alpha particles, beta particles,
gamma rays or neutron particles.
D) All of the above.
- C
- 2.2 Contamination
A person contaminated with radioactive material implies that the material itself is
on a person’s body/clothing and is emitting energy in the form of alpha particles,
beta particles, gamma rays or neutron particles. Contamination can result from
the airborne distribution, direct contact or re-suspension of radioactive material.
BC Question:
4) Please indicate if you agree or disagree with the below statement, according to
Radiological Operations? (ERP add #4, section 1.3.4)
“Women who are declared pregnant or who are pregnant and request to operate outside of
the Warm or Hot Zone at the time of an incident, must leave the scene of the operation
A) Agree or D) Disagree
- D
Because of the difficulty in
determining radiation exposure during the early stages of a Radiation Emergency
and the desire to control exposure to a developing embryo/fetus, women who are
declared pregnant or who are pregnant and request to operate outside of the Warm
or Hot Zone at the time of an incident may operate only in the Cold Zone.
5) The diagram below illustrates Radiological Rates in mRem/hr using a speedometer as a
point of comparison. The speedometer is equivalent to Rate (Dose Rate) or how fast the radiation
energy is deposited. Please choose from the items listed below which one is most correct?
(ERP add # 4, section 1.4.2)
A) Rad 50 Saturates 50 mR/hr
B) Hotline set at 2 mR/hr
C) Rad 50 Alarms at 1mR/hr
D) All of the above
- D
6) If you were operating at a radiological operation you would know that which FDNY
Protective Action Guideline is incorrectly stated from the list below? (ERP add # 4,
section 3.1.4)
A) 50 Rem - Lifesaving for a Catastrophic Event.
B) 25 Rem - Lifesaving or Protection of Large Populations.
C) 12 Rem - Protection of Minor Property.
D) 5 Rem - General Operations at a Radiological Emergency.
7) You are working in Ladder 500 when you respond to an accident involving a cargo truck.
After your arrival you see the following placard on the vehicle:
You immediately grab your Rad-50 recognizing that the placard indicates radioactive material.
You approach the truck and at one foot from the vehicle your Rad-50 saturates at 50mR/hr.
However, you are a SSL and just finished a drill with your Haz-Mat meters, you request that one
of your members gets the Ludlum off the rig. You are now receiving 100 R/hr on your ludlum
one foot from the source, you would know from the list below that you would have to walk
__________ back in order to establish the hotline at 2mR/hr from the source? (ERP
add # 4, section 3.2.2 (B)
A) 16 feet
B) 32 feet
C) 46 feet
D) 64 feet
- D
8) Upon confirmation of an incident where a Rad alert - 50’s readings are above the 50mR/Hr
maximum dose rate of the Rad alert - 50 (the rad alert 50 is saturated), the Incident Commander
shall immediately notify the _____________________. Please fill in the blank?
(ERP add # 4, section 4.2)
A) Deputy Chief who would be assigned to the box.
B) Citywide Command Chief.
C) Battalion Chief who would be assigned to the box.
D) Borough Dispatcher.
- B
9) The Radiological Hotline is established at 2 mR/hr (measurements taken from the
environment, not people); however, victims being removed from the Hot Zone to the Warm Zone
may have levels of radiation greater than 2 mR/hr before they are decontaminated. Please choose
an incorrect item from the list below about the hot / warm / cold zones during this type of
operation from the list below? (ERP add # 4, section 4.4.2 (C)
A) The Hotline is the edge of the Hot Zone and the point after which no contamination is
present, i.e. area is cold.
B) Greater than 2mR/hr is the hot zone and less than 2mR/hr is the warm zone.
C) The Hot Zone is restricted to rescue and fire suppression activities.
D) Firefighters shall direct ambulatory victims to proceed to the Warm Zone for decon, if
- B
• The Hotline is the edge of the Hot Zone and the point after which no
contamination is present i.e. area is Cold. Greater than 2mR/hr is the hot
zone and less than 2mR/hr is the cold zone.
10) Each member is responsible for monitoring his/her radiological dose using their personal
dosimeter. When a member’s dosimeter reads a dose of 5 Rem they need to notify the Officer, if
manpower and equipment are sufficient to allow rotation of members, leave the Hot Zone and
proceed to Warm Zone for decontamination. If rotation of members is not possible, continue life
safety operations and monitor personal dosimeter. Continue to notify the officer for each
additional 5 Rem dose received thereafter with the following information, please choose the most
correct information? (ERP add # 4, section 4.4.3)
A) Location
B) Activity being performed
C) Radiological Rate and Dose
D) All of the above.
- D
11) According to radiological operations which one of the rates listed below is considered the
decision dose? (ERP add # 4, page 30)
A) 5 Rem
B) 10 Rem
C) 12 Rem
D) 16 Rem
E) 25 Rem
- C
12) The Transport Index (TI) indicates the maximum level of radiation (in mR/hr) at one meter
from an undamaged package. If levels of radiation exceed the TI, the integrity of the package
may have been compromised or breached. Please choose the TI for a package labeled with a
white 1 label? (ERP add # 4, page 33)
A) 1 mR/hr
B) N/A (Not Applicable)
C) 0.5 mR/hr
D) 10 mR/hr
- B
For the following 8 questions you will be playing the role of a company officer working a
day tour in Engine 1075. Good luck!
1) You have just reported into work for your day tour when you receive a ticket for a fire in a
food processing plant a few blocks from the firehouse. After your arrival you transmit a second
alarm for an advanced fire on arrival in a large commercial building. Your ECC informs you that
the building engineer just told him that there is danger of excessive pressure developing in the
refrigeration system due to the proximity of the fire, the engineer is recommending the use of the
emergency ammonia mixer. You would know that which one of your orders from the list below
was correct about the use of the ammonia mixer? (Regulations 11, section 11.5.17)
A) The volume of water to be supplied depends upon the capacity of the system and is
indicated by the size of the pipe from the siamese or inlet to the mixer. (Pipe 1 1/4 inch to 2 1/2
inch requires a volume of 50 to 100 gallons of water per minute.)
B) The officer on duty with the unit supplying the water shall determine the necessary
pressure to provide the required volume of water.
C) Control valve boxes shall be opened by a Fire Department alarm box key. Before water is
started, the ammonia valve shall be opened fully.
D) Water shall be supplied to the mixer while danger of excessive pressure exists. Water
supply shall not be shut down until the ammonia valve is open.
- B
- 5.17 Large capacity ammonia refrigeration systems are provided with an emergency
ammonia mixer for the purpose of mixing ammonia with water and discharging
it into the sewer lines. Officers in command of fires shall order the use of this
device when there is a danger of excessive pressure developing in the
refrigeration system due to the proximity of the fire. Instructions for operating
the mixer and necessary precautions are as follows:
A. Hose lines shall be connected to the siamese connection or inlet
provided for water supply to the mixer.
B. Volume of water to be supplied depends upon the capacity of the system
and is indicated by the size of the pipe from the siamese or inlet to the
mixer. (Pipe 1 1/4 inch to 2 1/2 inch requires a volume of 100 to 700
gallons of water per minute)
C. The officer on duty with the unit supplying the water shall determine the
necessary pressure to provide the required volume of water.
D. Control valve boxes shall be opened by a Fire Department alarm box
key. After water is started, the ammonia valve shall be opened fully.
E. Water shall be supplied to the mixer while danger of excessive pressure
exists. Water supply shall not be shut down until the ammonia valve is
F. During use of the mixer, precautions shall be taken to prevent and
overcome the danger of free ammonia fumes accumulating in the main
and connecting sewer lines.
2) You have just returned to the fire house, after completing operations in question one, when
one of your firefighters asks you if you can articulate some correct responsibilities for
lieutenants/Captains. This firefighter is studying for the upcoming lieutenants test and is eager to
get promoted to lieutenant and then study for captain. You state the following, however you
should have corrected yourself in which item(s) from the list below? (Regulations
10, section 10.1.6, 10.2.5, 10.3.3 & 10.3.4)
A) Company officers on duty shall immediately notify Battalion Chiefs (BC) of all injuries
and illnesses occurring in quarters, for necessary investigation by the BC.
B) When two or more lieutenants are on duty in quarters housing more than one unit, they
shall share responsibility for the discipline of all members while in quarters. The officer senior in
rank shall be primarily responsible.
C) Captains shall, when on duty in quarters housing more than one unit, be responsible for the
proper discipline of all members while in quarters.
D) Fire officers (line) shall report for duty 15 minutes prior to the start of their tour in order to
exchange information between the on-duty officer and the relieving officer.
- A
- 3.3 Company officers on duty shall immediately notify Battalion Chiefs of all
injuries occurring in quarters.
3) Shortly after your conversation with the firefighter in question 2 the ladder officer decides
to hold a quick critique in regards to the fire in question 1. Ladder 1076 was ordered to use its
ladder pipe and unfortunately the evolution was not performed flawlessly by the members of
ladder 1076. You should have corrected the ladder officer when he made which statement from
the list below? (Regulations 11, section 11.4.12)
A) Ladder pipes shall be controlled from the base of the ladder.
B) In the event that the ladder pipe becomes temporarily inoperable from the base, the ladder
may be climbed in order to correct the position of the ladder pipe, provided that the aerial ladder
is adjusted to the proper angle.
C) With water flowing and a man climbing the ladder, the correct angle of the ladder will be
that when the horizontal distance between the tip of ladder and center of turntable is between 15
feet to 25 feet (70 to 80 degree angle).
D) No one shall be permitted to climb an aerial ladder with the top of the ladder in an
unsupported position, no exceptions.
- D
No one shall be permitted to climb an aerial ladder with the top of the ladder in
an unsupported position, except in an extreme emergency where operations
cannot otherwise be accomplished.
4) The critique is wrapping up and the firefighter in question two states the following;
Officers on duty with ladder companies responding to second or greater alarms shall, when
ordered into the fire building or into adjoining or adjacent buildings, require inclusion of which
tools from the list below? (Regulations 11, section 11.3.23)
A) Life saving rope
B) Utility rope
C) Hose roller
D) Life belt
E) None of the above
- E
- 3.23 Officers on duty with ladder companies responding to second or greater alarms
shall, when ordered to roof of fire building or to adjoining or adjacent roof,
require inclusion of life saving rope, utility rope, hose roller and life belt in
equipment taken to the roof. Life saving rope shall be used exclusively for
rescue purposes or to provide a means of escape when necessary. Utility rope
use shall be limited to hoisting operations or other general purposes.
5) It is almost lunch time when you receive a ticket for a car fire. After extinguishing the car
fire you transmit a 10-18 for a 10-24 and you also transmit a 10-41-3. You would know that you
should take which action(s) from the list below? (Regulations 11, section 11.3.15.D)
A) The Incident Commander shall attempt to notify the owner.
B) If notification of the owner is not possible, the Dispatcher shall be requested to inform the
Police Communications Bureau of the make, model license number and location of the vehicle.
C) Do not perform the actions listed in choice “A” or “B”.
- C I don’t get it
D. If a fire occurs in a vehicle, other than an ADV or one for which a 10-41
code 3 has been transmitted, the Incident Commander shall attempt to
notify the owner. If this is not possible, the Dispatcher shall be requested
to inform the Police Communications Bureau of the make, model license
number and location of the vehicle.
6) You have just returned from the car fire in question 5 when a civilian approaches you on
the apron and states that she was a secretary at the building, which suffered the fire in question
one and her pocket book is missing. She is concerned because her office was the one area with
no fire damage, however she claims she saw through her office window a firefighter searching
through her desk draws. As a sharp fire officer you would know to notify which person from the
list below? (Regulations 11, section 11.3.16)
A) The Administrative Battalion Chief
B) The Administrative Deputy Chief
C) The Battalion Chief on duty in the Battalion responsible for the report of the operations.
D) The Deputy Chief assigned to the box.
- C
7) You have finally got a chance to sit down in your office when you start to review a memo
from the Battalion Commander. You should have known that all of the items on the memo were
correct except one, please choose the exception? (Regulations, 11.1.17)
A) When responding to an alarm, drivers may proceed past a steady red signal, a flashing red
signal or stop sign, but only after slowing down as may be necessary for safe operation.
B) When turning corners no apparatus should be driven in excess of 15 mph.
C) When responding to alarms, use one-way streets against traffic for more than one block
only when absolutely necessary.
D) Never attempt to pass another apparatus going in the same direction unless signaled to do
so by the officer in command of the apparatus ahead.
E) Parkways or express highways shall not be used by apparatus responding to alarms, no
- E
I. Parkways or express highways shall not be used by apparatus
responding to alarms, except in emergency when their use would
facilitate response. Such highways shall not be used by apparatus
returning from alarms. This does not apply to passenger type vehicles of
the Department.
8) You are about to wrap up your day tour, however you are awaiting relief for a covering
officer when you receive a response for a structural fire. After transmitting a 10-18 for a 10-26
you return to quarters at 1805. Please choose from the list below which flagging column entry
you should use when recording this type of response in the company journal?
(Regulations 10, section 10.3.4 & Company Journal, page 11)
- C
NOTE Line officers shall report for duty 15 minutes prior to the start of their tour
in order to exchange information between the on duty officer and the
relieving officer. On duty officers, not yet relieved, who respond to
subsequent alarms shall record the reason for such response in the
company journal.
(SP) 1750 - While 10-8 Capt. Richard and members of E. 200 responded to box
BC Bonus Question:
9) When apparatus operating at fires or emergencies are in need of an emergency fuel supply,
Chief Officers in command of such operations shall state the following when making suck
A) Location
B) Units
C) Type of fuel required (i.e., gasoline and/or diesel)
D) Estimate of quantities required
E) State whether any Satellite Water Units are involved
Please choose the correct item(s) from the list above? (Regulations 11, section 11.5.25)