OP - CLASS #9 - Week of 111714Instructor Instincts – Mini Exam Instructor DC Jim DiDomenico Flashcards

  1. An Engine Officer returning from BISP at 1305 hours is told by the Ladder Officer that he received 4 messages for the Engine while they were out: (TB Mgt Pg 9)
  2. The Community Board President called and was extremely upset
  3. The local Police Precinct Captain called about an upcoming meeting
  4. A civilian just left quarters at 1300 hours after complaining that there is a building in the Engine’s administrative district with a fire escape in total disrepair
  5. The Battalion Commander called concerning tonight’s manpower
    In what order should the Engine Officer address these matters?
    A. 3, 4, 2, 1 B. 3, 4, 1, 2 C. 3, 1, 4, 2 D. 4, 3 1, 2
  1. B
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  1. Engine 235 arrives first at the scene of a fire on the 1st floor of a 4-story Brownstone type, Row Frame building. In this situation, it would be most correct for the first hoseline to be stretched through the front door on the? (Row Frames Pg 48 6.3)
    A. First floor, and the interior stair door present on the first floor closed, but the interior stair door on the second floor left open
    B. First floor, and the interior stair doors present on the top and bottom connecting the first and second floor shall be closed
    C. First floor, and the interior stair doors present on the top and bottom connecting the first and second floor shall be left open
    D. Second floor, and the interior stair doors present on the top and bottom connecting the first and second floor left open for advancement of the line
  1. B
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  1. When utilizing the Departments Motorola HT, it would be correct to state that?
    (Comm 11 Pg 11-12)
    A. The EAB can be activated by holding it for approximately 2 seconds
    B. If a member has a “stuck-button” problem, a continuous tone will be heard from the remote microphone speaker at 26 seconds indicating the transmitter has been shut-off
    C. To insure a complete transmission is heard, a member should depress the PTT button, taking a 1 second pause prior to speaking
    D. HT channel 1 and HT channel 3 transmit at 2 watts, while all other channels transmit at 5 watts. Transmission wattage decreases as the HT battery drains.
  1. D

1/4 of a second

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  1. A Company Officer arriving at the scene of a chemical attack in Penn Station is told by evacuating passengers that a strong garlic smell is present in the station. In this situation, the officer would be most correct to suspect a? (ERP Add 2 2.1—2.4)
    A. Nerve Agent B. Blister Agent C. Blood Agent D. Choking Agent
  1. B
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  1. You are Captain Rex, writing the 0900 Roll Call and examining the entries from the previous 6 x 9 tour. You note the four entries below, all made by members in red ink. Which one was entered into the Company Journal correctly? (Journal Guide 2.1, 5, 8)
    A. 0130 (ML) Lt Ivory records FF James Leo placed on medical leave by Dr Jones
    due to a sprained ankle from Box 7-5 3425, at 122 Snyder Avenue
    B. 0800 (F) Lt Ivory records receipt of 200 gallons diesel fuel from Coughlin Oil
    C. 0815 (RPR) FF Decker records FDNY plumber Larry Taylor entered qtrs for repairs
    D. 0835 (OT) Fr Geno, E99 leaving quarters for detail to E100-Portal to Portal
  1. D
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  1. A Company Officer listening to the HT recordings of a 10-76 / 2nd alarm on the 23rd floor of a 50-story High Rise Office building in Manhattan, drills with members on the ICS terminology they hear on the HT. She would be correct to state that units should address their supervisor, the next level of command, as a “Group Supervisor” when they are assigned under which Chief Officer at this operation? (ICS Ch 1 Pg 11)
  2. The Engines and Ladders operating on the 23rd or 24th floor
  3. The Ladders conducting searches on the 25th through the 50th floors
  4. An ECC performing High Pressure Pumping in the street
  5. A Ladder Officer sent to Forward Staging on the 21st floor
  6. The FAST Unit operating with a Rescue Company while searching for a lost member
    A. 1, 3, 5 B. 2, 3, 5 C. 2, 3, 4 D. 2, 4, 5
  1. D

B is correct

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  1. An Engine arriving at the scene of a hazardous material incident sees a DOT placard with the 4 digit number “1075” on it. In this situation, they would be correct to suspect? (HM 1 Pg 9)
    A. Methanol B. LPG C. CNG D. A Cryogenic Gas
  1. B
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  1. Engine 99 responds to a fully involved car fire on the Grand Central Parkway with Ladder 100. While operating on this highway, which member(s) are required to wear a High Visibility Safety Vest during the operations they performed below? (SB 88 )
  2. E99 Nozzle FF while extinguishing the fire
  3. L100 Irons FF while popping the car hood, where there was heavy fire in the engine compartment
  4. E99 ECC while operating at the pump panel
  5. L100 OV FF while setting up road flares
    A. 1, 2 B. 2, 3 C. 3 only D. 3, 4
  1. D
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  1. Aerial Ladder 99 arrives first at a fire on the 3rd floor of a 4-story Brownstone and finds a heavy smoke condition showing on the 3rd and 4th floors, with no victims showing. In this situation, it is preferred that the first Roof FF access the roof via the? (Brownstones Pgs 14-15)
    A. Adjoining building with easiest access to its interior, and the 1st OV should assist the LCC with setting up the aerial ladder
    B. Adjoining building with easiest access to its interior, provided it is not the immediate adjoining building, and the 1st OV should assist the LCC with setting up the aerial ladder
    C. Aerial Ladder, and the 1st OV should assist the LCC with setting up the aerial ladder
    D. Aerial Ladder, and the 1st Roof FF should assist the LCC with setting up the aerial ladder
  1. A

Di is correct

Aerial is first choice in brown stones

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  1. First alarm units arrive at the scene of an outdoor gas leak and find a heavy gas odor outside and a loud roaring sound in the area. In this situation, they would be incorrect to think that? (TB Gas Pg 1, 14, 15, 18)
    A. Size up indicates a possible high pressure leak
    B. The FDNY outdoor action level is 20%
    C. Sewer manhole covers can be removed by firefighters only after the utility company tests the cover for stray voltage
    D. The explosive range of natural gas is 5% to 15% gas in the air
  1. C
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  1. Regarding the inspection of the Personal Safety System (PSS), it would be correct for a Company Officer to know that? (TB Rope 4 5.3.3, 5.4.1, 5.4.2, 5.4.3, 6.10)
    A. If the outside of a PSS bag shows discoloration from heat exposure, but the PSS components do not show any discoloration, place only the PSS bag out of service
    B. The PSS shall be repacked and completely inspected quarterly. A spare PSS can be worn while the PSS is being repacked
    C. If the PSS rope is found discolored in spots with dark shading, the entire PSS should be placed out of service
    D. Whenever a members Personal Harness or PSS EXO Descender is exchanged, the PSS Verification System on the FDNY Intranet must be updated
  1. D

Inspected semi annually during safety inspection

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  1. Engine 99 is dispatched to a 3rd alarm and when reviewing the CADS response printout, the Officer notes that it shows “E99S” on the ticket. In this situation, the Officer should be aware that the Engine has the specific task of? (Comm 2 Pg 37)
    A. System Control Unit C. Communications Unit
    B. Satellite D. Staging Area
  1. C
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  1. Ladder 99 arrives at the scene of an outdoor gasoline spill fire that is about 25 square feet in area. The IC instructs them to utilize a Purple K Dry Chemical Extinguisher to extinguish the fire. The Officer would be correct to order the member using the extinguisher, when directing the stream, to hold the nozzle at a? (TB Purple K Page 4)
    A. 45 degree angle to the ground, and use a rapid side to side sweeping motion
    B. 60 degree angle to the ground, and use a rapid side to side sweeping motion
    C. 45 degree angle to the ground, and use a slow side to side sweeping motion
    D. 60 degree angle to the ground, and use a slow side to side sweeping motion
  1. A
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  1. A Ladder Officer attempting to determine the cause of a fire during overhaul at an apartment fire should know that he will find which one of the following close to where the fire started, indicating the point of origin? (TB Arson 6.5.4, 6.7.2, 6.7.3)
    A. Heavy smoke strains, from a slow fire build up
    B. Small crazing from an intense and rapid buildup of heat
    C. Checkering of the glass
    D. A “V” pattern burn, indicating the use of an accelerant
  1. B
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  1. An Engine and Ladder respond to a report of a fire in a residential building during Phase B of Winter Operations. The building is located on a side street with heavy snow conditions on the block. In this situation, it would be preferred that the Ladder Company enter the block first if the fire is located? (AUC 200 5.3.10 D)
    A. In the cellar of a 3-Story Queen Anne
    B. On the 1st floor of a 4-story Brownstone
    C. On the 2nd floor of a 2 ½ story PD
    D. On the 3rd floor of a 3-story row frame
  1. B
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  1. First alarm units arrive at the scene of a fire in the cellar of a 2-story flat roof PD. The PD is the middle building in a row of seven similar attached, Class 4, Private Dwellings. The first engine and first ladder officer agree that the first line stretched should go through the front door. The 1st Engine is still hooking up to a hydrant a half block away, and just beginning the stretch of the first line. At this moment, which action taken would be the most correct? (FFP PD 7.1A, 7.2A, 10.1, 10.2)
    A. The first ladder inside team performs a primary search of the first floor, with the main entrance door chocked open, before attempting to enter the cellar
    B. The first ladder inside team goes down the interior cellar stairs to locate the fire, leaving one FF at the top of the stairs with the interior cellar door chocked open
    C. The first Roof FF takes Exposure 2 to reach the roof and brings a 6’ halligan hook, halligan and Life Saving Rope to the roof
    D. The second Roof FF takes Exposure 4A to reach the roof and brings a 6’ halligan hook and the saw to the roof
  1. D
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  1. A 2nd alarm Engine Officer arrives at a 10-76 / 2nd alarm located on the 12th floor of a
    40-story High Rise Office building where members have become trapped in a stalled elevator car located on the 12th floor. The Engine Officer is then directed by the IC to stretch a hoseline to immediately protect the members. In this situation, the Officer should stretch a hoseline to protect the members to the? (TB Elevator Pg 25)
    A. 11th floor, using a 30 degree fog pattern C. 12th floor, using a 30 degree fog pattern
    B. 11th floor, using a 60 degree fog pattern D. 12th floor, using a 60 degree fog pattern


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  1. The first arriving Ladder is operating at a fire in a 4-story OLT building with two railroad flats. There is a medium fire in the apartment on the Exposure 4 side, confined to a 3rd floor rear bedroom, where all the windows are still in place. In how many of the following situations would horizontal ventilation be permissible? (FFP Vent 11.4, 12.6)
  2. The first OV on the rear fire escape, venting only the immediate fire area, after hearing the Engine Officer state on the HT that the Engine has a charged line and is advancing into the fire apartment
  3. The first OV on the rear fire escape, venting only the immediate fire area, after hearing the Engine Officer state on the HT that the main body of fire has been knocked down
  4. The first OV on the rear fire escape, venting only the adjoining room to the fire area, after hearing the IC state on the HT that there is a known life hazard in the fire apartment
  5. The first LCC on the aerial ladder, venting only the front windows of the fire apartment, after hearing on the HT that the main body of fire is being knocked down
    A. None B. 1 C. 2 D. 3 E. 4
  1. A
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  1. First alarm units arrive at the scene of a fire on the 78th floor of a 92-story FPMD. In this situation, it is most correct for the officer to know that the recommended pump discharge pressure for standpipe operations is? (Eng Ops Ch 9, Add 1 Pg 2, 4.1)
    A. 500 PSI, and a 3rd stage pumper is neither preferred nor required
    B. 500 PSI, a 3rd stage pumper is preferred, and the first Engine Officer as the IC may order the 3rd Stage used
    C. 550 PSI, a 3rd stage pumper is preferred, and the first Engine Officer as the IC may order the 3rd Stage used
    D. 550 PSI, a 3rd stage pumper is preferred, and only a Chief Officer may order the 3rd Stage used
  1. A
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  1. An Officer searching for the FDNY First Responder Bridge Manual carried on the apparatus for use by Field Units, would look for the Manual colored? (AUC 344 1.4)
    A. Green B. Red C. Orange D. Yellow
  1. A
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  1. A Ladder Company officer arrives at a 10-75 for a fire in a taxpayer and is utilizing the unit’s thermal imaging camera to locate the fire. Regarding the use of this camera, the officer would be correct to think that? (TB TIC Tools 27 4.1—4.9)
    A. Thermal Imaging Cameras will not be affected by HT radio transmissions
    B. The focal point of the thermal camera is approximately 4 feet from the camera lens, therefore objects within 4 feet may appear blurry
    C. Thermal Imaging Cameras will see through clear glass, but not through plastic
    D. If fogging builds up on the SCBA facepiece, the officer should wipe the SCBA facepiece, the TIC display screen and the camera lens to improve the image clarity
  1. A

D is correct

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  1. An Officer is supervising a Tower Ladder Apparatus that has just arrived at the scene of a fire where the IC has ordered the TL to setup its bucket for an exterior attack. The street where the TL will operate on has a slope of about 6%. In this situation, the Officer would be most correct to think it would be best if? (TL 6 3.4.1, 3.4.5)
    A. This grade is treated as level ground
    B. Boom operations were in the uphill direction, with the apparatus facing downhill
    C. Boom operations were in the uphill direction, with the apparatus facing uphill
    D. Boom operations were in the downhill direction, with the apparatus facing uphill
  1. B
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  1. Engine 400 arrives at the scene of an incident where they find fire emanating from a manhole and a blown manhole cover, threatening to ignite several nearby cars. As Con Ed has not arrived, the engine would be correct to transmit a 10-25? (AUC 180 1.1, 2.4)
    A. Code 1, and stretch a hose line to protect the exposed cars
    B. Code 2, and stretch a hose line to protect the exposed cars
    C. Code 2, stretch a hose line with a fog nozzle, and let water flow into the manhole by rolling it along the ground
    D. Code 3, stretch a hose line with a fog nozzle, and let water flow into the manhole by rolling it along the ground
  1. B
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  1. First alarm units arrive at the scene of a fire showing on the third floor of a 6-story OLT building. Aerial Ladder 99 has arrived first just prior to Tower Ladder 100. On arrival, L99 finds a heavy smoke condition showing from the 3rd floor front windows of a railroad flat apartment. There are 3 male adults showing at the fire apartment windows requiring rescue via the aerial ladder. In this situation, the Ladder Officer would be most correct to? (Lad 2 5.12)
    A. Allow the OV and LCC to make the rescues. No other assistance is required
    B. Send the 1st Roof FF to the aerial ladder to assist the OV and LCC
    C. Send one member from the inside team to the aerial ladder to assist the OV and LCC
    D. Contact the second ladder company and inform them of the need for supportive assistance
  1. D
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  1. An Engine arrives at a fire condition on the first floor of an isolated, vacant, 3-story Row Frame building. In this situation, the most important aspect in determining the initial attack strategy—interior or exterior, is the? (FFP Vacants 1.1.3, 2.2.1)
    A. Life Hazard C. Availability of safe access to the fire area
    B. Location of the fire D. Current structural stability of the building
  1. D
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  1. An Engine and Ladder arrive at the scene of a fully involved car fire on the Brooklyn Queens Expressway at 0345 hours. Due to the early morning hours, the Officer estimates that the fastest speed expected will be 70 mph. The Engine stops about 25 feet behind the car on fire, with the pump panel placed in a protected area. Regarding the Ladder Company operation at this incident, they would be correct to insure that the furthest flare is placed 2 feet from the edge of the roadway approximately? (TB Fires 7 6.5, 8.1 E3-4)
    A. 490 feet away from the rear of the aerial ladder, and the ladder apparatus is placed at least 50 feet to the rear of the Engine
    B. 490 feet away from the rear of the aerial ladder, and their ladder apparatus is placed at least 50 feet to the rear of the car on fire
    C. 550 feet away from the rear of the aerial ladder, and their ladder apparatus is placed at least 50 feet to the rear of the Engine
    D. 550 feet away from the rear of the aerial ladder, and their ladder apparatus is placed at least 50 feet to the rear of the car on fire
  1. D

C is correct
50’ behind the operating pumper

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  1. A Proby FF operating the nozzle at an all hands fire has just finished knocking down the main body of fire when he informs the officer that his “HEADS-UP DISPLAY” has a red light to the far right flashing once per second. In this situation, the Officer should know this indicates? (TB SCBA Pg 13-14)
    A. The SCBA cylinder is only ¼ full, and the member should immediately leave the contaminated area alone
    B. The SCBA cylinder is only ¼ full, and the member should immediately leave the contaminated area accompanied by another member
    C. The battery requires changing, and the member should immediately leave the contaminated area, accompanied by another member
    D. The battery requires changing, but the batteries have sufficient life for the air remaining in the cylinder for this operation
  1. The FAST Unit arrives at an all hands for a fire in a 1-story taxpayer. When they arrive at the Incident Command Post, in addition to their normally assigned ladder company tools, they should bring which ropes as part of their FAST Unit assignment? (MMID Ch 2 Section 8)
    A. Life Saving Rope and the 2:1 Rope C. Life Saving Rope and the Search Rope
    B. Search Rope and the 2:1 Rope D. Only the 2:1 Rope
  1. Two ladder companies arrive together at the scene of a top floor fire in an OLT building. Regarding the tool assignments in this situation, it would be most correct to think that the? (Ladders 3 Pg 10, Pg 27)
    A. 1st OV will take a saw and halligan to the roof. The 2nd Roof will take a saw and
    6’ halligan hook to the roof
    B. 1st Roof will take a saw and halligan to the roof. The 2nd Roof will take a saw and
    6’ halligan hook to the roof
    C. 1st OV will take a saw and 6’ halligan hook to the roof. The 2nd Roof will take a saw and halligan to the roof
    D. 1st Roof will take a saw and 6’ halligan hook to the roof. The 2nd Roof will take a saw and halligan to the roof
  1. An Engine arrives at the scene of a fire in a PD where the Officer decides to utilize In-Line Pumping from a hydrant with a 6” main found 100 feet before the fire building. In this situation, it would be correct to think that? (Evol 1A Notes 2, 5, 11)
    A. A 10-70 must be transmitted
    B. This hydrant should not be used for ILP, unless absolutely necessary
    C. If the intake pressure drops below 20 psi, the pump operator must have his intake supply augmented
    D. Time permitting, a 2 ½” gate should be attached to the hydrants 2 ½” outlet for possible augmentation, as this tactic is particularly effective in this situation.
  1. The Officer of a Ladder Company is supervising members utilizing their FAST-PAK to replenish the SCBA cylinder of a member trapped in a collapse. While utilizing the high pressure method through the trapped members UAC, a slight leak is detected by the Officer. In this situation, the Officer would be most correct to think they should finish filling the member’s cylinder with? (TB SCBA Add 1 5.4.6, 6.4)
    A. High pressure, as it only takes about 60 seconds
    B. High pressure, only after partially closing the cylinder valve on the FAST-Pak
    C. Low pressure, by replacing the member’s regulator with the FAST-PAK regulator
    D. Low pressure, by use of the Schraeder Fitting
  1. A Ladder Company is operating at a major building collapse where they are utilizing Maxi-Force Air Bags to lift debris and rescue a victim. The Officer decides to stack a 15 ton bag and 20 ton bag on top of each other to get greater lift height. In this situation, it would be correct to state that? (TB Tools 20 6.9.3, 6.9.4, 6.9.5, 6.9.10)
    A. The maximum tonnage that can be lifted with these stacked bags is 20 tons
    B. The bag on top should generally be inflated first
    C. The 15 ton bag must be placed on top of the 20 ton bag
    D. When inflating, always refer to the bag by its location; “Inflate the top bag”
  1. First alarm units are operating at a Wind-Impacted fire where a KO Curtain has been deployed. After the fire is extinguished, the KO Curtain may be removed to assist in ventilation of the fire apartment on a request to the IC by the? (Evol 34 5.14)
    A. 1st Ladder Officer operating inside of the fire apartment, only after consulting with the 2nd Ladder Company Officer coordinating deployment
    B. 1st Engine Officer in charge of the hoseline inside of the fire apartment, only after consulting with the 1st Ladder Company Officer operating inside of the fire apartment
    C. 1st Ladder Officer operating inside of the fire apartment, only after consulting with the 1st Engine Officer in charge of the hoseline inside the apartment
    D. 2nd Ladder Officer coordinating deployment, only after consulting with the 1st Ladder Company Officer operating inside of the fire apartment
  1. You are the Roof Sector Supervisor supervising members making a 3’ x 6’ ventilation opening on the roof of an H-type building. In this situation, you would be correct to know? (TB Tools 9 2.2, 4.4.6, 4.7, 4.7.1, App C—DS 1)
    A. An abrasive disc blade, painted yellow on both sides, should be used
    B. There should be at least a 10 foot radius “Circle of Danger”
    C. 1 slap on the back of the Saw Operator should be used to indicate “Stop Cut”
    D. Only the Guide FF and Saw Operator are allowed in the Circle of Danger, and you should remain outside this circle within easy visual contact
  1. You are the Officer on duty in a single Engine Company on a 9 x 6 tour which is the CFR-D Depot for Battalion 99 in Brooklyn. There are numerous CFR-D red bags in quarters that have been dropped off by local units for pickup by the Vendor. You are told at the change of tours that the Vendor was notified a few days ago and was suppose to come yesterday, but missed the pickup at your depot because the unit was out at a second alarm. In this situation, whom should you notify to contact the vendor and expedite the pickup? (CFR Ch 3 12.16.3)
    A. Battalion 99 C. The FDNY Resource Center
    B. The FDNY OSHA Unit D. The UFA Brooklyn Trustee
  1. You are the Officer of a Ladder Company that has arrived at a 10-76 / 2nd alarm in a 50-story Hi-Rise Office building. When you arrive at the ICP, the Deputy Chief tells you that the fire is on the 34th floor and orders you to report to the Forward Staging Area. In this situation, you would be incorrect to think? (FFP HR 6.3.6F, 6.6.1, 6.6.2)
    A. You should refer to the BC in charge of Forward Staging as the Forward Staging Area Manager
    B. A spare SCBA cylinder should be brought for each member of your unit
    C. Your equipment should include two sets of forcible entry tools and 6’ hooks, a Search Rope and a Utility Rope
    D. If conditions permit, the Forward Staging Area is normally setup two floors below the Fire Sector Supervisor’s location, on the 31st floor
  1. D

Should say 2 floors below the original fire floor

  1. First alarm Bronx units arrive at a cellar fire in an older style taxpayer where CIDS information indicates the cellar has a sprinkler system with perforated piping. Regarding the supply of the sprinkler, units should look for the Siamese that is color coded?
    (Eng Ops Ch 9, Taxpayers Pg 44)
    A. Yellow, and the second engine must ensure the sprinkler is supplied
    B. Yellow, and the third engine must ensure the sprinkler is supplied
    C. Aluminum, and the second engine must ensure the sprinkler is supplied
    D. Aluminum, and the third engine must ensure the sprinkler is supplied
  1. Regarding the operation of the Pak-Tracker, members would be correct to know that?
    (SCBA Add 8 4.3, 5.2, 7.10, 7.12)
    A. The signal from the SCBA to the Pak-Tracker will not pass through wood
    B. If a PASS device is in full alarm for 10 seconds, the LCD display on the Pak-Tracker will show the member’s unit and name
    C. The member operating a Pak-Tracker in its tracking mode must be at the front of the search team
    D. When the Pak-Tracker receives an alarm signal, the FAST Unit Officer shall immediately notify the IC with a “Mayday” transmission, then attempt to contact the member
  1. A

C is correct

  1. A Ladder Company operating at a commercial fire has deployed their search rope 150 feet straight into the building when they start running low on air and the IC tells them to tie off the search rope and exit the building. While exiting, one member becomes lost, and the Officer leaves the rope to locate him, and then finds him 20 feet away. When returning to the Search Rope they resume exiting the building and immediately feel a single knot, then about 18 inches later, they feel three more knots about 6 inches apart. In this situation, they should realize they are about? (TB Rope 6 3.3, 3.4)
    A. 75 feet away from the entrance, and heading toward the exit
    B. 75 feet away from the entrance, and heading away from the exit
    C. 100 feet away from the entrance, and heading toward the exit
    D. 100 feet away from the entrance, and heading away from the exit
  1. A Ladder Company is assigned to perform primary searches at a major building collapse where the Search Assessment Marking System is being utilized. After completing a primary search in one particular area, in which quadrant of the X below would they indicate the number of live and / or expired victims found in that area? (FFP Collapse Add 2 Pg 3)
    A. The left quadrant C. The right quadrant
    B. The top quadrant D. The bottom quadrant
  1. Units respond to a fire reported on the first floor of a 2 ½ story Private Dwelling with CIDS info as follows:
    PD 2 1/2 STY 25X60 CL4-BALLOON CONST
    On their arrival, they find heavy smoke pushing from the windows on the first and second floors in the front of this detached PD. In this situation, they would be correct to think that? (FFP PD CH 4 3.1, Pg 8—Letter D, 5.2A)
    A. There should be a top plate on the ceiling level of the exterior wall studs on each floor
    B. First arriving ladder members proceeding to the side or rear should vent a cellar window to determine if the fire started in the cellar
    C. Members of the second ladder outside team should initiate removal of window bars on both the front and rear of the building early in the operation, if conditions allow
    D. The first to arrive Roof/OV team should bring a portable ladder, 6’ halligan hook and / or halligan for each member
  1. A CFR-D Engine responds to the scene of a CFR-D response where they find a 75 year old male victim who fell down a flight of stairs and is now in cardiac arrest. The unit begins CPR, and during their operation, one member gets contaminated with bodily fluids on his PPE requiring decontamination. Before EMS arrives, the Officer is handed a Living Will by the wife of the victim. Then EMS arrives 12 minutes later with an ALS ambulance unit that has 2 paramedics who relieve the exhausted CFR-D firefighters. In this situation, the Officer would be incorrect to take which action? (CFR Ch 2 3.9.5, 3.12, 3.16.1, 3.19)
    A. Transmit a 10-37 Code 2, a 10-99, advise the dispatcher the patient is critical for relay to EMS, and request an ETA for the ambulance
    B. The CFR-D company must remain on scene and assist the EMS unit until it is determined their assistance is no longer required
    C. After leaving the scene, advise the dispatcher that the CFR-D unit is 10-8 for fire duty, but not available for CFR-D responses
    D. Begin packaging efforts on the patient while CPR is being performed
  1. A Company Officer would be correct to think that he should respond to which of the following alarms in the Modified Response Mode with no warning lights or sirens? (ABC 2-2011)
    A. Engine only response — Class E alarm at 1233 hours
    B. Engine only response — BARS alarm at 2345 hours
    C. Second Due Engine — Manhole Fire at 1545 hours
    D. Second Due Engine — Class J alarm at 0045 hours
  1. C

D is correct

  1. You are the Officer of an Engine Company that is supplying an eductor at a Hi-Ex Foam operation. You should know that it is generally recommended to place the eductor? (TB Foam 12.9)
    A. At the generator, and supply it with 180-200 psi
    B. At the generator, and supply it with 200-220 psi
    C. One length from the pumper, and supply it with 180-200 psi
    D. One length from the pumper, and supply it with 200-220 psi
  1. You are lieutenant assigned to L100 working on a 9 x 6 tour on November 12th, 2014. You respond to a 10-75 where 2 Firefighters are injured who both require medical leave from that incident that tour. In addition, you are placed on medical leave from that incident during that tour. The Captain of L100 calls you on November 30th, while you are on medical leave and states that the Borough now wants a comprehensive report indicating the building you operated in, the duties of the members injured, the events leading to the injuries, the tasks the members were performing and suggestions to prevent these injuries. You inform the Captain you will be full duty effective December 6th. In this situation, it would be correct for you to think? (SB 7 Add 2 2.1)
    A. Inform the Captain that he’s got it, and he should prepare the report
    B. No report is required, advise the Captain to inform the Borough as such
    C. Inform the Captain you will prepare the report as soon as possible after December 6th, and then you will leave it for him to endorse
    D. Inform the Captain you will prepare the report as soon as possible after December 6th, and send it directly to the Battalion
  1. The FDNY establishes a hotline at the location where a radiological meter indicates a rate of? (ERP Add 4 Pg 18)
    A. 1 mR/Hr C. 1 Rem/Hr
    B. 2 mR/Hr D. 2 Rem/Hr
  1. A Captain of a Ladder Company arrives at the scene of a minor smoke condition at a subway station where the Transit Authority has a Light Train waiting for them. Regarding the use of the Light Train, the Captain would be incorrect to think?
    (AUC 207 Add 7 2.2, 2.3, 2.4)
    A. The FD Unit on the train is allowed direct use of the Train Operator’s radio and it will be the primary means of communications
    B. The Train Conductor is equipped with a hand held radio with capabilities similar to the Train Operator’s radio
    C. If the FD Unit on the light train requests power off, they will be notified directly by the TA when track power has been removed
    D. If necessary for the FD Unit to disembark the train to operate, a HT equipped member shall be assigned to remain with the Train Conductor to maintain communications
  1. C

D is correct

  1. Engine 99 responds to a verbal alarm for a cardiac patient in an electronics store adjacent to the firehouse at 1545 hours on a Tuesday afternoon. After treating the patient, the store owner informs the Officer that he saw one of the firefighters steal a camera and place the stolen item in his bunker coat. In this situation, the Officer would be correct to immediately? (AUC 268 2, 2.1.10, Regs 11)
    A. Request a Battalion Chief to respond C. Notify BITS directly by telephone
    B. Search the store for the camera D. Notify the IG’s Office directly by telephone
  1. E99 is responding on the 2nd alarm assignment to a large brush fire in Staten Island. On their way towards the Incident Command Post they see two unoccupied Private Dwellings severely threatened by flames due to the heavy wind condition. They take the following actions:
  2. Self-commit to the private dwellings to protect the exposures and hook up to a hydrant
  3. Use a charged 2 ½’ line in front of the fire to protect the PD’s
  4. Use a charged 2 ½” line as a water curtain to protect the PD’s
  5. Notify the dispatcher to inform the IC where they are operating. They also request from the dispatcher two additional engines and two ladder companies
    They were correct in which actions? (AUC 151 5.1.2, 5.4.2, 5.4.6, 5.4.17)
    A. 1 only B. 1, 2 C. 2, 4 D. 1, 4 E. 1, 3
  1. During Hurricane operations, the water depth that FDNY first line apparatus should not cross is _____ inches and the water depth that FDNY Hi-Axle vehicles should not cross is _____ inches? (AUC 159 5.4.3C, )
    A. 18, 42 C. 24, 48
    B. 18, 50 D. 26, 52
  1. You are a Ladder Officer operating on the roof at a 2nd alarm top floor fire that has spread into the cockloft at an H-type building. You are ordered to cut a trench to limit the extension of fire in the cockloft. You would be correct to cut it? (FFP MD 5.9.9 C, E)
    A. 3’ wide, 20’ from the initial vent hole, from an outside wall to an interior firewall
    B. 2’ wide, 20’ from the initial vent hole, from an outside wall to an outside wall
    C. 4’ wide, 15’ from the initial vent hole, from an outside wall to a bulkhead
    D. 3’ wide, 20’ from the initial vent hole, from an outside wall to a skylight
  1. First alarm units arrive at a 10-77 fire on the 6th floor of a 26-story FPMD. In this situation it would be correct to state that? (FFP MD 6.4.2, 6.15.2)
  2. The first arriving ladder shall take the stairs to reach the fire floor after first recalling the elevators
  3. The second arriving ladder company shall ensure that all elevators are recalled and searched
  4. The third ladder company officer shall confirm the evacuation stair doors have been closed on the fire floor and are maintained in a closed position by positioning members on the hallway side of these stairways
    A. 1, 2 B. 2, 3 C. 1, 3 D. 1, 2, 3
  1. A Company Officer sizing up a Haz-Mat incident sees an NFPA Diamond with the number “0” in red colored section of the diamond. In this situation, the Officer should recognize that this indicates? (ERP Base Document—Pg 42)
    A. An Oxidizer C. A very low flashpoint
    B. Use no water D. The material will not burn
  1. A Firefighter who is assigned to monitor EFAS at a 10-75 should be aware that if a member utilizes their Emergency Alert Button at a fire, which one of the following will occur? (Comm 9 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.1.3)
    A. A Chief’s vehicle currently on the Starfire screen with EFAS capability that is within HT range of the member activating their EAB, will have its MDT automatically switch from Starfire to EFAS
    B. The member’s identity line will be highlighted and remain red in both the RADIO STATUS area and MAYDAY area on the EFAS screen until the EFAS member manually resets the screen.
    C. Once cleared, the member’s identity line will change from red back to white in both the RADIO STATUS area and MAYDAY area on the EFAS screen
    D. A hard copy will automatically print on the MDT paper showi
  1. You are the Officer of an engine that is the backup unit for a Foam Unit in Queens. You are assigned to proceed to the Foam Unit’s quarters for a third alarm response and take their Foam Apparatus. You are responding with two ECC’s—one School Trained and one Company Trained. When you get there, who should drive the Foam apparatus to the fire? (AUC 348 3.4.2)
    A. The Company Trained ECC with another FF
    B. The Company Trained ECC with the Officer
    C. The School Trained ECC with another FF
    D. The School Trained ECC with the Officer
  1. Ladder 100 responds at 0915 hours to a reported stuck elevator in a NYCHA building which is equipped with an electromagnetic locking device. They are informed by dispatcher that the entire building has lost electrical power. In order to gain access to the main entrance, they would be most correct to? (FFP MD’s Add 4 1.3, 1.4)
    A. Use their NYCHA issued Key FOB
    B. Call the 24 hour NYCHA Emergency Number to have NYCHA Security remotely unlock the door
    C. Call the FDNY dispatcher to have NYCHA Security remotely unlock the door
    D. Proceed to the NYCHA Building Management Office to obtain a special key to unlock the door
  1. B

D is correct

  1. An Officer conducting drill on Mayday and Urgent transmissions was correct to state that? (Comm 9 Pgs 9-6, 9-7, 9-10, 9-12)
    A. A member who locates a missing member shall immediately press the missing members EAB, and then contact the IC with a Mayday message on that radio
    B. A member who becomes lost shall immediately press their PASS alarm and their EAB, and then contact the IC with a Mayday message
    C. An ECC operating at a fire who finds the hydrant he wants to use is out of service should immediately press his EAB & transmit an URGENT-WATER LOSS message
    D. A first due Aerial Ladder LCC with his rig in front of a 6-story OLT who finds that the apparatus PTO will not engage and he cannot raise the aerial ladder should immediately press his / her EAB, then contact the IC with an Urgent message
  1. A single engine company is assigned first due to an odor of gas in apartment 4S of an OLT building two blocks from the firehouse. The Battalion asks for a 10-12 on the box. They respond in the modified response mode and on arrival, find a small gas leak on a stove in the apartment. They quickly shut the gas supply to the stove resolving the situation. In this situation, the Officer should be thinking the correct response was in the? (ABC 2-11, Comm 8)
    A. Modified mode, and he should transmit a 10-40 Code 1, and a 10-80 No Code
    B. Emergency mode, and he should transmit a 10-40 Code 1, and a 10-80 Code 1
    C. Emergency mode, and he should transmit a 10-40 Code 1, and a 10-80 No Code
    D. Emergency mode, and he should transmit a 10-40 Code 2, and a 10-80
  1. First alarm units arrive at the scene of a water rescue response where there are 15 conscious civilians in the water close to the shore requiring rescue. The IC decides to use the Inflatable Water Rescue Hose to initiate the life saving operation. In this situation, it would be most correct to utilize? (Water Rescue 1, Add 1 4.1)
    A. One length of 1 ¾” hose, using straight line deployment
    B. Two lengths of 1 ¾” hose, using straight line deployment
    C. Two lengths of 1 ¾” hose, using loop deployment
    D. Two lengths of 2 ½” hose, using loop deployment
  1. Engine 99 is involved in a major apparatus accident with a large truck on a divided highway at 0400 hours where fast moving traffic still exists, so they decide to move the involved vehicles. They take the following actions:
  2. Mark all of the outside tires of both vehicles with a “T-Shaped mark”
  3. Mark the 4 corners of the large truck with “Corner Marks”
  4. Because it was safe, they renew the tire and corner marks until the arrival of the Investigating Battalion Chief
    Engine 99 was correct in which actions? (SB 56 6.5.2)
    A. 1, 2 B. 1, 3 C. 2, 3 D. 1, 2, 3
  1. D

A is correct
Response of safety unit or photo unit

  1. You are a Company Officer who has been informed by an employee of a hazing incident that occurred at 0100 hours on a 6 x 9 tour. In this situation, you would be most correct to report the incident? (PAID 1-2013 3.2)
    A. In writing, in a sealed envelope marked “Confidential” to the Fire Commissioner
    B. In writing, in a sealed envelope marked “Confidential” to the FDNY Diversity Officer
    C. In writing, via the chain of command to the Chief of Department
    D. Immediately by telephone through FDOC in order to notify an EEO Officer
  1. While operating at a top floor fire in a 4-story Brownstone, the Roof FF of Ladder 99 is lowered by use of the Life Saving Rope to the top floor for a possible LSR rescue. As he arrives near the window, the fire is knocked down and the civilian is rescued by the inside team. The FF is then lowered alone to the ground. Upon return to quarters, the Officer would be correct to think? (TB Rope 1 4.3, 4.6, 4.7, 5.1, 5.3)
    A. The Officer shall supervise the examination of the LSR. After the rope is examined, an entry on the LSR Record Card is required. The entry should be in red only if the rope is placed out of service.
    B. If any dirt or rust is found on the LSR, it should be placed out of service and the Officer must forward an Out of Service Life Safety Equipment Report through the Chain of Command to the Chief of Safety
    C. If the LSR is placed out of service, the Officer shall notify the administrative Battalion by telephone and fax in order to have it immediately replaced.
    D. If the LSR is placed out of service, a new RP-100 Life Saving Rope Record Card shall be dedicated to the new rope and the old RP-100 filed in the UFS
  1. Units are operating at a fire in a 2 ½ story PD that has a photovoltaic (Solar Panels) electrical system. Regarding extinguishment methods in this situation, they would be incorrect to think? (AUC 351 )
    A. Hose streams should not be applied directly onto energized PV components
    B. A fog nozzle, used from a distance, set at a 30 degree fog pattern is recommended
    C. A foam stream may be used to limit conductivity concerns
    D. Incipient fires may be extinguished using Class C (dry chemical) portable fire extinguishers
  1. A Ladder Company arrives at the scene of an auto extrication incident where the driver is trapped inside of an upright, stable vehicle, but no engine company or EMS unit is on the scene yet. Which of the following actions was most correct for the unit to take?
    (Disentanglement 3.3.3, 4.2.1, 4.2.2, 4.2.3)
    A. The Chauffeur and OV brought the Hurst Tool equipment to the scene
    B. The Can FF climbed inside the vehicle in order to stabilize the victim
    C. The Irons FF disconnected the battery, removing the positive terminal first
    D. The Hurst Tool Power Unit was placed on the Driver’s side of the vehicle
  1. An Officer using the GasAlert Extreme CO Monitor at a CO Emergency notes that the unit is beeping and flashing every 5 seconds. In this situation, the Officer would be correct to think? (HM 4 Add 1 3.5)
    A. The atmosphere is over 9 PPM C. The atmosphere is over 100 PPM
    B. The atmosphere is over 35 PPM D. The low battery alarm is activated