Given the construction characteristics of fire proof multiple dwellings (thermal pane windows, lack of wall and ceiling voids, and masonry type noncombustible material) and the increased fire load of today’s fires it can be said that fires in these types of buildings can present a challenge to firefighters. Of the following statements which ones are correct: Sec Intro Pg. 36
An MD is considered a high rise multiple dwelling if it is 75’ or more in height.
Ventilation in a high rise MD includes opening or forcing the door to the fire apartment.
The windows normally encountered at a HRFPMD are thermal pane.
Thermal pane windows are never beneficial at fires.

  1. A, B, C
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3 Engines and 2 Ladders have arrived at a fire on the 20th floor of a 30 story high rise MD. CIDS information indicates the building has scissor stairs. On arrival in the lobby the doorman tells the first due ladder officer that the fire is in apartment 20 A and that the occupants have evacuated the apartment. The first due ladder officer takes the following actions. Which action is least correct: Section: 6.1
The ladder officer gathered information about the fire floor from the 19th floor.
Ensured that all members accessed the fire floor from the same stairway prior to the designation of the attack stairway.
Determined the layout, shape, and size of the public hallway including dead end hallways before entering the public hallway on the fire floor.
Determined the location, letter designation, and the number of stairways serving the fire floor prior to advancing to the fire floor.

  1. A

Prior to advancing to the reported fire floor, members must gather information from the
floor below, or two floors below if scissor stairs are present.
 Determine the location, letter designation and number of stairways serving the fire
floor. Stairways can provide members with alternate egress points from the public
hallway if conditions should unexpectedly deteriorate due to fire conditions. They
may also provide alternate access points if civilians or members become trapped in
the hallway due to a sudden, unexpected change in conditions.

 Prior to the designation of the attack stairway, all members must access the fire floor
from the same stairway. If the door to the fire apartment has been left open and sizeup
indicates that wind may impact fire conditions, the air flow paths must be
controlled on the fire floor. Uncoordinated opening of apartment and stairway doors
may cause fire conditions to dramatically increase with little or no warning.
 Identify the stairways that have a standpipe.
 Determine the layout, shape and size of the public hallway including dead-end
hallways, before you enter the fire floor public hallway. Also note apartment
designations and the location of fire/smoke doors.

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Lt. Sacamono and members of E-100 are drilling on high rise MD’s. Lt. Sacamono is newly promoted and has never worked in an area like E-100’s which has many high-rise MD’s. During the drill he made the following statements. Indicate which statement/s are incorrect:
Section: 6.1.2 A & B
Indiscriminate ventilation can create conditions that place our attack forces in serious danger and hamper search efforts.
Ventilation procedures in HRFPMD’s are similar to the procedures we use for non-fireproof MD’s.
Like a high rise office building, ventilation of the fire apartment in HRFPMD’s should take place after the attack on the main body of fire has been initiated.
Horizontal ventilation of the fire apartment and fire floor is limited and controlled by the ladder company officer operating inside the fire apartment. All other ventilation will be strictly limited and controlled by the I/C of the fire.

  1. B C D
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As in high rise office buildings, the stack effect and wind can have significant effects on HRFPMD’s in terms of air movement and pressure differences within the structure. Concerning wind and stack effect which of the following choices is correct: Section: 6.1.1 B, High Rise Office Bldg.’s 6.3.8 D
Positive stack effect is the downward movement of air within a structure, most often in the direction of vertical shafts.
Negative stack effect is the upward movement of air within a structure most often in the direction of vertical shafts.
The stack effect is influenced by the height of the building and becomes noticeable in buildings over 90’.
The stack effect is influenced by the temperature differential between outside and inside temperatures, air leakage to other floors and the wind.

  1. D
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Lt. Davola made the following statements at multi-unit drill: Section: 6.1.1 B
1. Smoke and hot fire gases increase the air pressure inside the fire area or fire apartment. The higher air pressure will always travel toward areas of low pressure creating a flow path for the fire to travel.
2. Lower air pressure areas include: 1. Public hallways; 2. Stairways; 3. Elevator shafts; 4. other open apartment doors and windows only on the opposite side of the hallway.
You should agree with:
#1 only
#2 only
  1. A
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Members operating at HRFPMD’s will encounter elevators and should have a basic understanding of the proper procedure concerning elevator use during a fire. Which one of the statements below demonstrate a sound understanding of elevator operations:
Section: 6.1.3 E, F, H
Overloading of elevators must be avoided or units will be delayed arriving at the fire/emergency floor. Consider each member and their equipment to be greater than 200 pounds.
After all units are in position and two elevators are available and serviceable, maintain one elevator on standby in the lobby and one on the floor below the fire.
When both an engine and truck arrive together and only one elevator is available with fireman service the ladder officer and forcible entry team along with the engine officer and the nozzle and control firefighters will use the elevator to go up first.
The first to arrive O/V shall first complete an outside survey of the fire building. If no outside operations are indicated and the building has fireman service elevators the O/V will put the elevator in Phase 2 and operate the elevator.

  1. D

Look for maximum load signs and consider each member and their
equipment to be greater than 275 pounds.

After all units are in position, and two elevators are available and serviceable,
maintain one elevator on standby in the lobby and one two floors below the fire.

When both the engine and ladder companies arrive together and only one elevator
is available (non fireman service), the ladder officer with the forcible entry team
and the engine officer with two firefighters (nozzle & control) with all rolled up
lengths and standpipe kit shall go up first.

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L-7 arrives first at a fire on the 7th floor of a 10 story high rise MD. Regarding elevator operations at this incident it would be correct for the members of L-7 to consider which point(s)?
(Section: 6.1.3 B & C, 6.1.2 E)
Upon arrival the first ladder company verified that the fire was on the 7th floor and did not use the elevators.
Since outside operations were not possible the first ladder company officer instructed the O/V to team up with him and the forcible entry team on the fire floor.
Upon arrival in the building lobby the first ladder company knew they were responsible to ensure all elevators were recalled and searched.
After the fire was under control the ladder officer ordered the elevator machinery room door on the roof opened to assist in ventilation.

  1. A, B
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E-100 is responding to a phone alarm for a fire in a HRFDMD. On arrival there is medium fire coming from one window on the 33rd floor. Upon entering the lobby the officer of E-100 speaks with the doorman who says there is food burning on the stove in apartment 33G. In this situation the officer of E-100 would be correct to transmit what signal(s): Section: 6.1.6 D
Second alarm
Only # 1 B. Only #’s 1 or 3 C. Only #’s 1 or 2 D. Only #’s 1 or 4 E. Only # 3
  1. a

A. The 10-77 signal should provide sufficient units to initially manage a fire
and smoke condition in a HRFPMD.
Some Examples:
 Wind impacted fire conditions.
 Advanced fire on arrival.
 Heavy smoke on numerous floors.
 Numerous reports of persons in difficulty due to smoke

C. The 10-75 signal may be the initial signal used at these fires when internal
conditions cannot be accurately determined on arrival. The signal should
be upgraded to 10-77 when it is found that conditions as described above

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While discussing engine company operations Lt. Cody made the following statements. Which one is incorrect: Section: 6.2.1 A & B
Members shall use every opportunity during outside activities to identify buildings where a three length stretch from a standpipe would not be sufficient.
The identity of these buildings (where a 3 length stretch would be insufficient) should be entered into CIDS and should be made known to all first alarm units.
Variations from stretching initial hoselines from standpipe outlets on a floor below the fire due to building configurations shall be approved by the Battalion Commanders and entered into CIDS.
The engine officer shall communicate with the ladder officer to select the attack stairway. The attack stairway need not be the stairway with a standpipe outlet.

  1. C

Variations from stretching initial hoselines from standpipe outlets on a floor
below the fire due to building configurations shall be approved by Division
Commanders and entered into the CIDS program.

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Which of the following statements below are correct: Section: 6.2.1 C
1. Officers must be aware when entering a hallway with a charged hoseline, if window failure occurs and a wind impacted fire develops; a 2 ½” hoseline may not provide sufficient cooling of the hallway to protect exposed members.
2. At severe fires in these buildings many times it takes one engine company to place the hoseline into position and a relieving company used for final extinguishment due to punishing conditions and diminishing air supplies.
A. #1 only
B. #2 only
C. Both
D. Neither

  1. b
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Units are conducting multi-unit drill at a housing project in their 1st due response area. The subject of the MUD is engine ops and elevator operations. The building in which the drill is being conducted is a 30 story high rise fire proof multiple dwelling. There are scissor stairs and only one standpipe serving the building in the A stair. There are 2 elevators in the building, one serving the odd floors and the other serving the even floors. There are 10 apartments per floor. During the drill the following statements were made. Which statement/s are correct:
(Section: 6.1.3 D, 6.2.1 A)
If the fire is on the 16th floor we can use the even elevator bank to the 14th floor.
The ladder officer should announce over the H/T radio when the initial hoseline attack is to commence.
The doors to the elevator machinery rooms at the roof level shall never be used for ventilation purposes.
If the fire is on the 16th floor we can use the odd elevator bank to either the 13th or the 15th floors

  1. A

Take elevators to at least two floors below the reported fire floor using
precautions normally taken with elevators

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Lt. Banyon and members of L-106 are responding to a fire on the 23rd floor of a 40 story HRFPMD. They have been notified by the dispatcher that they are the FAST truck. On arrival Lt. Banyon would be correct in all of the following choices except:
(Section: 6.1.7, Members in Distress FAST Unit 4.1 & 4.4)
Upon arrival Lt. Banyon announced L-100’s designation as the FAST truck over the handie talkie.
L-106 immediately reported to the Fire Sector on the floor below the fire since this fire was above the sixth floor.
Lt. Banyon ensured his members carried a set of elevator keys in addition to the other required tools.
When communicating to the IC Lt. Banyon stated “L-106 FAST to Command”.

  1. B
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After the fire has been knocked down, if the positive pressure fans used for stairwell pressurization and smoke removal are ineffective in venting the fire apartment, the engine company officer should call for the fog tip to be brought up to the fire floor. The fog stream can be directed out an open window to assist in venting smoke from the fire apartment. Should you: (Section: 6.2.1 E)
A. Agree or D. Disagree with this statement:

  1. D
    After the fire has been extinguished, if the positive pressure fans used for
    stairwell pressurization and smoke removal are ineffective in venting the fire
    apartment, the engine company officer should call for the fog tip to be brought up
    to the fire floor. The fog stream can be directed out an open window to assist in
    venting smoke from the fire apartment
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Due to the amount of calls received by the Queens dispatcher reporting a fire in a MD the following units: E-295, E-320, E-274, E-273, L-144, L-167, R-4, SQ-288 & BC-52 were dispatched and have arrived at a fire on the 17th floor of a 20 story HRFDMD. There is a light wind at ground level with an occasional strong gust of wind blowing from west to east. Heavy fire is seen blowing out of the large balcony sliding glass doors along with 2 windows adjoining the balcony and is auto exposing to the 18th floor. The doorman tells the members that he knows the occupants are in town but is not sure if they are in the apartment. CIDS information for the building is as follows: MD - 20sty-200’x150’ - CL1—12 apts per fl—some apts require 4 lengths—2 stairways A & B—stdp in both stairs—siamese for stdp on exp 2 side of bldg—sprk in parking garage only—
While responding to this fire members were considering the weather and wind conditions in addition to other size up factors. Which consideration is incorrect:
(Section: Wind Impacted Fires Add 3 / 3.1 & 3.2)
Size up begins by observing the wind and weather conditions before the tour starts and knowing forecasted weather changes that will involve wind conditions.
The direction and speed at the street level is a reliable indicator of wind conditions above the street level.
Wind behavior is not consistent or predictable. Wind impacted fires have occurred on lower and upper floors
It does not take high winds to dramatically increase fire conditions inside the building.

  1. B
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Answer Questions 14 - 18 Based on the Following Scenario
Due to the amount of calls received by the Queens dispatcher reporting a fire in a MD the following units: E-295, E-320, E-274, E-273, L-144, L-167, R-4, SQ-288 & BC-52 were dispatched and have arrived at a fire on the 17th floor of a 20 story HRFDMD. There is a light wind at ground level with an occasional strong gust of wind blowing from west to east. Heavy fire is seen blowing out of the large balcony sliding glass doors along with 2 windows adjoining the balcony and is auto exposing to the 18th floor. The doorman tells the members that he knows the occupants are in town but is not sure if they are in the apartment. CIDS information for the building is as follows: MD - 20sty-200’x150’ - CL1—12 apts per fl—some apts require 4 lengths—2 stairways A & B—stdp in both stairs—siamese for stdp on exp 2 side of bldg—sprk in parking garage only—

Since there is heavy fire venting out of the sliding glass doors, the adjoining windows and the fact that fire is auto exposing to the 18th floor it would be appropriate to transmit a 10-76 initially and a second alarm if warranted due to the fire conditions and building construction.
(Section: 6.1.6 A, B, C, D, & E)
  1. F


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Answer Questions 14 - 18 Based on the Following Scenario
Due to the amount of calls received by the Queens dispatcher reporting a fire in a MD the following units: E-295, E-320, E-274, E-273, L-144, L-167, R-4, SQ-288 & BC-52 were dispatched and have arrived at a fire on the 17th floor of a 20 story HRFDMD. There is a light wind at ground level with an occasional strong gust of wind blowing from west to east. Heavy fire is seen blowing out of the large balcony sliding glass doors along with 2 windows adjoining the balcony and is auto exposing to the 18th floor. The doorman tells the members that he knows the occupants are in town but is not sure if they are in the apartment. CIDS information for the building is as follows: MD - 20sty-200’x150’ - CL1—12 apts per fl—some apts require 4 lengths—2 stairways A & B—stdp in both stairs—siamese for stdp on exp 2 side of bldg—sprk in parking garage only—

Concerning the stretching and operating of the first line at this fire, if the Ladder Company has control of the fire apartment door, members of the first arriving engine should know that all of the following are correct except which statement: Section: 6.2.1 C
The hoseline can be advanced to the fire apartment door and charged upon orders of the Engine officer.
The Engine officer will assist with keeping the fire apartment door closed until there is water at the nozzle and the hoseline is ready to advance into the apartment.
In most cases the hoseline shall advance into the apartment while the ladder company searches for the fire.
The first control firefighter will remain at the standpipe outlet throughout the operation to provide orderly and accurate communications and continuity.

  1. C
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Answer Questions 14 - 18 Based on the Following Scenario
Due to the amount of calls received by the Queens dispatcher reporting a fire in a MD the following units: E-295, E-320, E-274, E-273, L-144, L-167, R-4, SQ-288 & BC-52 were dispatched and have arrived at a fire on the 17th floor of a 20 story HRFDMD. There is a light wind at ground level with an occasional strong gust of wind blowing from west to east. Heavy fire is seen blowing out of the large balcony sliding glass doors along with 2 windows adjoining the balcony and is auto exposing to the 18th floor. The doorman tells the members that he knows the occupants are in town but is not sure if they are in the apartment. CIDS information for the building is as follows: MD - 20sty-200’x150’ - CL1—12 apts per fl—some apts require 4 lengths—2 stairways A & B—stdp in both stairs—siamese for stdp on exp 2 side of bldg—sprk in parking garage only—

Concerning the duties of the second due engine company at this fire which statement is incorrect: Section: 6.2.2 B
Upon arrival the second due engine ensured that the siamese was supplied and provided assistance where necessary.
They obtained the POST radio from the 1st arriving battalion and brought it to the standpipe outlet where the first hoseline is being connected and established a communication link on the primary tactical channel.
The second due engine officer communicated with the first engine officer to ensure that there were sufficient members properly positioned on the first hoseline to rapidly advance and extinguish the fire.
The second due engine must ensure that the first engine has proper water pressure, and advise the IC when their members are assisting the 1st engine advance in the IDLH.

  1. B
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Answer Questions 14 - 18 Based on the Following Scenario
Due to the amount of calls received by the Queens dispatcher reporting a fire in a MD the following units: E-295, E-320, E-274, E-273, L-144, L-167, R-4, SQ-288 & BC-52 were dispatched and have arrived at a fire on the 17th floor of a 20 story HRFDMD. There is a light wind at ground level with an occasional strong gust of wind blowing from west to east. Heavy fire is seen blowing out of the large balcony sliding glass doors along with 2 windows adjoining the balcony and is auto exposing to the 18th floor. The doorman tells the members that he knows the occupants are in town but is not sure if they are in the apartment. CIDS information for the building is as follows: MD - 20sty-200’x150’ - CL1—12 apts per fl—some apts require 4 lengths—2 stairways A & B—stdp in both stairs—siamese for stdp on exp 2 side of bldg—sprk in parking garage only—

Members of the third due engine are in the process of stretching the second hoseline. Members stretching this second line should know that the second line can be used to: {indicate all the correct point(s)} Section: 6.2.3 D, 6.2.4 B
To back up the first hoseline or advance with the first hoseline.
Operate into a breach in the adjoining apartment wall while the first line is protecting the public hallway.
Operate on the floor above due to auto exposure via windows, air conditioner sleeves, and extension via utility voids or steam pipe risers.
The hoseline itself can be used to place the high rise nozzle into operation by the 4th due Engine Company.

  1. All

The second line may be used to:
 Back up the first line
 Advance with the first line
 Operate the Hi-Rise Nozzle
 Operate into a breach in the adjoining apartment wall while the first line is
protecting the public hallway
 Go to the floor above due to auto exposure via windows or air conditioner
 Operate on the floor above due to extension via utility voids or steam pipe

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The high rise nozzle itself and its operation are new concepts to the members of the FDNY. Members discussing the high rise nozzle and the operation of the fourth engine company at a fire in a HRFPMD would know that which of the following statement(s) is/are incorrect?
(Section: 6.2.4 B)
The proper tool assignment for the fourth due engine is one length of 2 ½” per firefighter, a standpipe kit, and the high rise nozzle.
When the fourth due engine arrives at the fire, they will bring their equipment including the high rise nozzle to the ICP and report to the Incident Commander.
If the fourth due Engine Company is not equipped with the high rise nozzle the officer shall contact the I/C for the identity of the unit carrying the HRN that has already been assigned to the 10-77.
If the fourth due engine is not equipped with the HRN, the unit on the 10-77 that is equipped with the HRN then becomes the unit responsible to bring the HRN to the ICP.
If none of the first four engine companies are equipped with a HRN, the dispatcher shall special call the nearest HRN equipped engine company. In this instance the fourth to arrive Engine Company will be responsible to place the HRN into operation after it arrives.

  1. C, D, E

 If the HRN is to be used, the 4th assigned engine will put it into operation.
They will either use the hose already in place for the second hoseline, or
stretch their own line. Notify the IC for assistance if needed with the hose
stretch or forcible entry. All Battalions have at least one engine company that
is equipped with a HRN. Every 10-77 will have at least one HRN equipped
engine company assigned to the incident. It will be the responsibility of the
4th assigned engine company to bring the HRN to the ICP and then, when
ordered, bring it to the floor below the fire for quick deployment. If the 4th
assigned engine company is not equipped with a HRN, the officer shall
contact the dispatcher for the identity of the unit carrying the HRN that has
already been assigned to the 10-77.
Note: If none of the first four engine companies are equipped with a HRN, the
dispatcher shall special call the nearest HRN equipped engine company and
notify the IC of their identity. This special-called engine shall bring the HRN to
the ICP upon arrival. In this instance, the IC shall determine which engine
company places the HRN into operation

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E-100 arrives at a fire on the first floor of a 20 story high rise MD. The fire is on the first floor in apartment 1D. The fire has control of a bedroom in the rear. The first due truck has forced the door, located the fire, and has the door to the bedroom closed awaiting the hoseline. The standpipe outlet is located in the hallway on the first floor about 40’ from the door to the fire apartment. Since the first due truck has forced the door there is a light to medium smoke condition in the 1st floor hallway. The building is located at the rear of a complex and will require about 10 lengths of hose just to reach the entrance of the building. Lt. Chamberlin tells his members to just bring three lengths of 2 ½” into the lobby and hook up to the standpipe in the first floor hallway instead of stretching 12 lengths of hose. E-100 members follow the order and the fire is extinguished in short order. Do you: Section: 6.2.6
A. Agree or D. Disagree with Lt. Chamberlin’s actions?

  1. D

If the fire is located in a below grade area or lower floor, and there is no access to an
available standpipe outlet or one that is not in the IDLH, a hand stretch of 2½” hose from
the pumper will be required. A hand stretch from a pumper may also facilitate a smooth
advance into the fire area on these lower floors.

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L-100 has arrived first due at a fire on the 30th floor of a HRFPMD. Upon arrival on the fire floor the officer notices a smoke condition exists in the public hallway. He then took the following actions. Which action is incorrect: Section: 6.3.1 A 1
Prior to entering the public hallway, L-100’s officer got a report on exterior conditions from members operating outside the building and the roof firefighter operating on the floor above.
Since L-100 was unable to determine if this was a wind impacted fire from the exterior report and roof FF report, the Ladder Officer and one member of the F/E team entered the public hallway to locate the fire apartment and control the fire apartment door.
While searching for the fire apartment L-100 left one member at the door to the stairwell. This member may be left inside or outside of the attack stairwell door depending on conditions.
Once the officer gained control of the door to the fire apartment, he notified the I/C and had the Engine Company advance the hoseline to the fire apartment door.

  1. C
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The 1st due roof firefighter at a fire in a HRFPMD with wind conditions present took the following actions. Which action was correct: Section: 6.3.1 C
The roof firefighter carried the KO Curtain, 6’ Halligan hook, and Hydra Ram.
Proceeded to the apartment directly above the fire using the evacuation stairway and notified the officer of the apartment layout.
He called for an extinguisher due to possible auto exposure while deploying the KO curtain.
He coordinated WCD deployment with his officer on the fire floor. He broke the glass of the window where the WCD would be deployed from.

  1. C

Roof Firefighter
Tools: Halligan, Hydra Ram, and KO Curtain

Proceed to the apartment directly above the fire via the attack stairway if
possible, and gain entry

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Members of a study group made the following statement concerning operations at HRFPMD’s. Which statement(s) are correct: Section: 6.3.1 A 1, 6.3.1 B 2
It has become common for NYC Housing projects to have apartment letters stenciled on the exterior of the building, either on or below the first floor window sill. These markings provide a valuable reference point and should be included in the O/V size up.
Be aware that in some instances, the actual apartment lettering can change from floor to floor and not all apartments will line up in the same vertical row. This condition is usually found between the 1st and 3rd floors but may vary between upper floors as well, especially in buildings with sandwich and duplex apartments.
Units with NYC Housing complexes in their administrative district that do not have the markings or where the markings have faded, should forward an A-8 to the housing authority and request that they be provided or updated.
1, 2
1, 3
2, 3
1, 2, 3A
  1. A

Note: It has become common for NYC Housing Authority to have apartment
letters stenciled on the exterior of the building; either on or below the
first floor window sill. These markings provide a valuable reference
point and should be included in the OV size-up. Be aware that in some
instances, the actual apartment lettering can change from floor to floor
and not all apartments will line up in the same vertical row. This
condition is usually found between the first and second floors, but may
vary between upper floors as well, especially in buildings with duplex
and sandwich apartments. It is crucial that only correct apartment
information be conveyed to units operating within the building.
Therefore, when giving a report from the exterior of the building, the OV
should include the letter markings as a guide; e.g., “L26 OV to L26, on
the exposure 3 side I see light smoke seeping from an 8th floor window.
That should be the “B” apartment according to the exterior markings.”
Units with NYC Housing complexes in their administrative district that
do not have the markings, or where markings have faded, can contact the
local management office and request they be provided or updated.

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Upon arrival in the apartment above the fire in a high rise fire proof multiple dwelling, the 1st due roof firefighter notices a person trapped in a window of the fire apartment on the floor below. The only units on the scene are an engine, truck, and a battalion chief. The fire is located on the 35th floor of a 50 story building. The roof firefighter notifies his officer and attempts to calm the person. After calling for the life saving rope the roof firefighter should know which member below will bring the LSR to his/her location: Section: 6.3.1 D 1 A
O/V of the 1st due truck.
LCC of the first due truck.
A member from the Engine Company.
A member of the F/E team of the first due truck.
  1. B
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Members were drilling on the duties and responsibilities of the second due truck at a fire in a high rise fire proof multiple dwelling. All of the following statements are correct except which one? Section: 6.3.2
Upon arrival in the lobby the 2nd due truck ensured that all the elevators were recalled and searched. They then took an elevator to two floors below the fire using precautions normally taken with elevators.
They communicated with the 1st due truck officer in the fire apartment to see if any help was needed. Since the 1st due truck was able to handle the fire apartment the 2nd due truck then searched the public hallway on the fire floor.
After searching the hallway on the fire floor they initiated a search of the evacuation stairway for 5 floors above the fire to search for any building occupants.
Since outside operations were not indicated the LCC teamed up with the LCC of the first due truck and took an elevator to two floors below the fire and proceeded to the roof using the evacuation stairs. Both LCC’s took a halligan tool and a halligan hook to the roof.

  1. C

Search of the attack stairwell for five floors above the fire floor

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The progress of a fire operation at a HRFPMD will determine the assignment of the third due Ladder Company. The 3rd due truck can be used for which of the following assignments:
Section: 6.3.3
The roof firefighter of the 3rd due truck should proceed to the apartment above the fire with the KO curtain along with his/her normal complement of tools, to assist members operating on that floor.
If a WCD is being deployed or a LSR evolution is in progress the 3rd truck may be assigned to the apartment below the fire apartment to secure the ropes of a WCD or to the floor below to receive a victim/member being lowered on the rope.
If roof operations are not being covered by the 1st and 2nd ladder companies because of outside operations, WCD, or LSR evolutions, then the I/C may assign this responsibility to the 3rd arriving truck.
1, 2 B. 2, 3 C. 1, 3 D. All

  1. D

The progress of a fire operation at a HRFPMD will determine the assignment of the third due Ladder Company. The 3rd due truck can be used for which of the following assignments:
Section: 6.3.3
The roof firefighter of the 3rd due truck should proceed to the apartment above the fire with the KO curtain along with his/her normal complement of tools, to assist members operating on that floor.
If a WCD is being deployed or a LSR evolution is in progress the 3rd truck may be assigned to the apartment below the fire apartment to secure the ropes of a WCD or to the floor below to receive a victim/member being lowered on the rope.
If roof operations are not being covered by the 1st and 2nd ladder companies because of outside operations, WCD, or LSR evolutions, then the I/C may assign this responsibility to the 3rd arriving truck.
1, 2 B. 2, 3 C. 1, 3 D. All

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Not at all

Concerning the duties of ladder companies at a 10-77 fire on the 17th floor of a 19 story HRFPMD which action below is incorrect? Section: 6.3.5, 6.3.2 B 1 D, 6.3.2 C, 6.3.4
Upon their arrival, the FAST unit, reported to the I/C, ascertained the identity of the CFR-D engine, and location of EMS personnel on the scene. The FAST unit also carried a set of elevator keys since the building had elevators.
The 2nd due O/V finding a service elevator that was remote from the fire area and was able to be used safely, notified the fire sector supervisor and operated the service elevator with building personnel.
The roof firefighter of the 2nd due truck carried a halligan tool, maul, life saving rope, and life belt. She then proceeded to the apartment above the fire via the attack stairway.
The 4th due truck carried a carbon monoxide meter and thermal imaging camera as part of their tools and initiated searches of the upper floors and stairs as determined by the IC of the fire.

  1. B

If the building has a “service” freight elevator that is remote from the fire
area and can be safely used, notify the IC and operate the service elevator,
if directed, with building personnel.


Members are drilling on the operations of the Ventilation Support Group that will be assigned on a 10-77. Which statement(s) made below is/are correct? Section: 6.3.6
The Vent Support Group at a HRFPMD will report to the IC with two positive pressure ventilation fans.
The priority order for the use of PPV fans will be: 1st pressurize the attack stairway, 2nd pressurize the evacuation stairway and 3rd ventilating the public halls for smoke and CO control.
The 5th due Ladder Company on a 10-77 will be the Ventilation Support Group.
Once the Vent Support Group has the fans in position they shall immediately begin pressurization in the priority order.
All members on the fireground shall be notified after PPV operations have begun. Communications to all units shall be maintained during the pressurization operation.


Lt. Citerities is giving a drill on apartments found in HRFPMD’s was correct when he stated: Section: 6.7.1
Duplex apartments are those apartments with living spaces on two distinct floor levels of a building with a private stairway outside the apartment.
Triplex apartments are those with living spaces on three levels interconnected internally by stairs.
A duplex or triplex apartment will always be two or three stories in height.
Sandwich apartments are found on a single level sandwiched in between two duplex apartments.


The importance of getting the first hoseline in position and operating on the fire cannot be overstated. The delay or lack of water can have disastrous consequences for our members and civilians. With this in mind which statement below is correct? Section: 6.6
The ECC of the 1st to arrive engine shall connect a 2 ½” or 3 ½” to the standpipe siamese and charge the system if any evidence of fire is present.
If the fire is on the 19th floor a reasonable pressure estimate would be 180 psi.
If the building has a sprinkler system it should be supplied when sprinklers are located in the fire area or an adjacent area.
Indications that no water is being supplied are a flow meter registering no or low flow, heating of water in the apparatus pumps indicating water is not passing through the pumps, or no change in pump pressure when the discharge gate is opened.
The 2nd or 3rd supply line shall be connected to a lower floor standpipe outlet if the riser control valve is stuck open between the siamese and the riser or the riser control valve/post indicator valve is shut down and cannot be opened or located.


Low rise fire proof multiple dwellings (LRFPMD) are generally older buildings and may be found in proximity to HRFPMD’s. Since their construction is fireproof, apartment fires will present fire problems similar to those in taller fireproof buildings. Of the following choices which are not characteristics of LRFPMD’s. (More than one incorrect). Section: 7
They will vary in height, generally from three to seven stories.
They usually will not have elevators or compactors.
They may contain one single stairway or two remote stairways. These stairways are always enclosed.
They are usually not equipped with standpipe systems, thus requiring a hand stretched hoseline supplied by a pumper.
They can be isolated buildings or attached buildings.
They may be built as one building with two separate sections separated by fire walls on each floor.

  1. B, C, F

7.2 LRFPMDs have the following characteristics:
 Will vary in height, generally from three to seven stories.
 Can be isolated buildings or attached buildings.
 May be built as one building with two separate sections, separated by fire doors on
each floor.
 May contain one single stairway or two remote stairways. These stairways may be
open or enclosed.
 May have elevators.
 May have compactors.
 Usually not equipped with standpipe systems, thus requiring a hand stretched
hoseline, supplied by a pumper


E-282 and L-148 are drilling on LRFPMD’s. Concerning the venting of the attack stairway in these buildings, it would be correct to state venting of the attack stair will be performed by the? Section: 7 & note
1st and 2nd LCC’s after permission is received from the 1st ladder company officer.
1st and 2nd LCC’s after permission is received from the IC of the fire.
1st and 2nd roof FF’s after permission is received from the 1st ladder company officer.
1st and 2nd roof FF’s after permission is received from the IC of the fire.

  1. D

Note: While roof ventilation is emphasized in LRFPMD, permission MUST still be
granted by the IC before providing vertical ventilation via the attack stair bulkhead.
Roof firefighters must wait until permission has been granted by the IC before
opening the attack stair bulkhead. Particularly on windy days, the opening of the
attack stairway bulkhead should be delayed until a proper size-up can be made.


Lt. Krueger and his members were discussing the different types of LRFPMD’s and roof access at each type. Of the descriptions below which one is incorrect?
(Section: 7.1.1, 7.1.2, 7.1.3, 7.1.4, & Note)
Individual buildings with two separate sections and fire doors: Buildings with two separate sections, each containing a single open stairway. These sections are separated by fire doors. Roof access is generally via the interior stairway of the adjoining section, provided that the fire doors are in the closed position.
Isolated buildings with one stairway: Isolated buildings with only one stairway creates a special situation when the roof cannot be accessed via an aerial or tower ladder. In this situation access to the roof will not be possible during initial operations since the interior stairs are never to be used to access the roof.
Attached buildings with one stairway: Buildings that are attached to a similar building, but separated by a fireproof wall usually contain one stairway from the 1st floor to the roof. Where these attached structures are found, roof access is generally via the interior stairway of the adjoining building.
Isolated buildings with two stairways: Isolated structures with no adjoining building usually contain two enclosed stairways. The enclosed stairs are found remote from each other and roof access is generally via the enclosed evacuation stairway.


Engine operations at LRFDMD’s can entail stretching 1 ¾” or 2 ½” hose depending on conditions encountered and the layout of hallways and apartments. Which statement below demonstrates correct procedure regarding engine operations at a LRFPMD? Section: 7.2
If the hallway in a LRFPMD is small, that is, every apartment door is within 50’ of every stairway on that floor, then 1 ¾” hose can be stretched from the pumper when compatible with fire conditions.
Non-standpipe buildings where 2 ½” hose must be used shall be entered into CIDS.
If a LRFPMD has long hallways, that is, every apartment door is more than 50’ from the every stairway, then the additional GPM available from 2 ½” hose may be needed and 2 ½” hose should be hand stretched from the pumper.


Three engines, two trucks, and a BC have arrived and are operating at a fire on the 5th floor of a 7 story LRFPMD. The building is an isolated building with one open stairway from the 1st floor to the roof. Access to the roof via aerial or T/L is not possible because the building is in the middle of a complex and there is no access for the rigs. The officer of the 1st due truck has made a decision that roof ventilation is required. The fire apartment door on the 5th floor was initially left open but the officer of the 1st due truck has control of the door and it is closed. The stairway and hallways are now heavily charged with heat and smoke. In this situation which action would be correct? Section: 7.3.1 C Special situation
The 1st roof firefighter used the interior stairs to get to the roof by himself.
Upon arrival at the roof the 1st roof firefighter let his officer know that he was in a safe area on the roof and chocked the bulkhead door open.
The roof firefighter will vent the roof if ordered by his officer.
The roof firefighter will remain on the roof until the fire is under control and the interior stair is safe to descend.

  1. D

Note: Special Situation:
There are a few isolated buildings that exist where there is only one open
interior stairway to the roof, and the roof cannot be accessed via aerial or
tower ladder. In this situation, a decision must be made by the company
officer as to whether or not roof ventilation is required. If the stairway is
not an IDLH and safety permits, the Roof Firefighter may be ordered to
take the interior stair to the roof, provided that the fire apartment door is
controlled and maintained closed by the ladder company officer. If the
stairway is an IDLH, then the Roof Firefighter must be teamed up with
another member before ascending to the roof. In either case, the fire
apartment door must be maintained closed until the Roof Firefighter has
communicated to their Officer that they are on the roof in a safe area, and
that the bulkhead door is closed. If ordered by the IC, provide ventilation
of the stairway bulkhead. The Roof Firefighter will remain on the roof
until the fire is under control and the interior stairway is safe to descend.


Capt. Wright of L-100 and his members have just returned to quarters after operating at an all hands fire in a LRFPMD. The fire was on the 5th floor in apartment 5B and L-100 was 1st due. The building had two enclosed stairways, long hallways without fire doors, no fire escapes, or a standpipe system. Members were discussing their operations at this informal critique. Which points below are correct? Section: 7.3.1 A, B, & C
Capt. Wright and his inside team went to the fire floor and notified the IC that the stairways were enclosed. Capt. Wright then notified the IC and Engine Officer that the “A” stair would be used for attack and that there was a light smoke condition in the hallway.
The can FF carried the can and the 6’ hook. The irons FF carried a halligan tool, a maul, and the hydra ram. The inside team brought a search rope. Once they arrived at the door to the fire apartment the Captain left the can FF inside of the door with the door closed but not locked.
The O/V and the Chauffeur split up and each FF surveyed the building from opposite directions. Since the fire was on the 5th floor the OV/LCC team realized that portable ladder operations were not possible and the O/V proceeded to the fire floor to team up with his officer and assisted in search of the hallway and fire apartment, while the LCC proceeded to the roof.
The roof FF carried a halligan tool, halligan hook, LSR, and life belt. She took the evacuation stairway to her position realizing that this was the second priority in access to the roof. After checking the bulkhead stair for occupants, and not finding any, she then closed the door.

  1. C

If no outside operations are possible, then the OV/Chauffeur team shall
proceed to the fire floor to team up with their officer and assist in the
search of the fire floor hallway and fire apartment. They should
communicate with their officer for specific tactical direction.


Lt. Wilhelm and his members are drilling on the duties of the second due Ladder Company at a fire in a LRFPMD. Which choice below is incorrect? Section: 7.3.2
The officer and the inside team are responsible for a search of the hallway on the fire floor and then all the floors and stairs above the fire floor.
The 2nd due roof firefighter will proceed to the roof to assist the 1st due roof firefighter with ventilation of the attack stair bulkhead.
The priority order for roof access is: 1. Stairway in an attached adjoining building, 2. an enclosed evacuation stairway, and 3. Aerial or tower ladder.
If the fire is on the top floor the 2nd ladder inside team will coordinate vent, entry, and search of the fire floor with the first Ladder Company.


Questions 38 - 45 are based on Addendum 3 (Wind Impacted Fires in Fireproof MD’s.)
The key to successfully operating at wind impacted fires in FPMD’s depends on recognizing the wind impacted fire conditions that may change a seemingly routine fire into a blowtorching fire. Blowtorching is the appropriate description of what will occur when fire conditions are impacted by wind conditions. Which of the following condition(s) must be present for a wind impacted fire to occur: Section: Add 3 section 2
Failed or opened window in the fire room.
Fire in an apartment.
Fire apartment door leading to the public hall left open or not fully closed.
High winds.
An area of low pressure such as an opened apartment door on the same side of the public hallway from the fire apartment, or an opened stairwell door.

  1. A, B, C

2.2 The following five conditions must be present for a wind impacted fire to occur:
1. Wind.
2. Fire in an apartment.
3. Failed or opened window in the fire room.
4. Fire apartment door leading to the public hall left open or not fully closed.
5. An area of low pressure such as an opened stairwell door, or an opened apartment
door on the opposite side of the public hallway from the fire apartment.
This characteristic of air movement is known as the Flow Path.
Note # 1: The term Flow Path describes the movement of fire, heat and smoke from
an area of high pressure (the fire area) to an area of low pressure (all areas other than the
fire area).
Note # 2: The impact of the wind will be affected by the size of the window
opening, the fuel load and the stage of the fire when the window failed.


Capt. Pitt and his members were discussing some points about size up when operating at a fire proof multiple dwelling where wind can impact operations. Of the following statements which one is correct? Section: 3 Size Up, Training Bulletins Tools 2 & 3
Members operating in the fire area must be aware that when the fire and smoke pulse outward from the window, the condition in the interior will temporarily subside, giving a false sense that the interior conditions improved.
Wind behavior is not consistent or predictable. Wind impacted fires usually only occur on upper floors (75’ or above). Building height, size, shape, and location of adjoining or adjacent buildings add to the unpredictability of the effects of wind on fire conditions.
The direction and speed at the street level is a reliable indicator of wind conditions above the street level. When responding to a reported fire in a FPMD an overriding consideration concerning size up must be wind conditions and its effect on the fire.
If using the KO curtain members must remember that the KO curtain can cover two windows if necessary but the fire window blanket is only wide enough to cover one window. Both the blanket and KO curtain can be lowered from two floors above if necessary.

When operating at a fire where alternate strategies are going to be used which one of the following tactics would normally be used first? Section: 5.2 D Note
The KO Curtain
The High Rise Nozzle
A flanking strategy

Utilizing alternate strategies to combat wind impacted fires will provide many benefits, some of those being the ability to enter the public hallway to close the door to the fire apartment, rapid deployment of units to search apartments, public hallways, and stairways, reduction of serious injuries to members and civilians. When using an exterior stream as an alternate method the IC must consider many points, which point listed below is incorrect? Section: 4
The stream shall be deflected off the ceiling and sidewalls for the best results.
If fire has extended to multiple rooms the exterior stream may have to be repositioned.
An interior hoseline must be ready to rapidly enter the fire apartment for final extinguishment once the exterior stream has controlled the main fire area.
Water must be applied to the room where the main body of fire is located to be most effective.

  1. A

The stream shall be deflected off the ceiling for best results


Units are operating at a fire on the 4th floor of a HRFPMD where it has been determined that the heat and smoke condition in the hallway is due to a wind impacted fire with the fire apartment door left open. Which action below taken by units at this fire is incorrect?
Section: 5.1
The Ladder Officer ensured the members exited the public hallway immediately, and notified the IC and Engine Officer of conditions found.
The IC implemented the appropriate strategy to gain control of the fire area to allow the forcible entry team to reach and close the fire apartment door.
A hoseline shall be stretched and charged inside the attack stairwell. This charged hoseline may be used to cool the hallway as much as possible while alternate strategies are being employed.
Control of the fire apartment door is critical.

A 10-77 has been transmitted for a wind impacted fire on the 18th floor of a 30 story HRFPMD. Upon arrival units are notified that two occupants are trapped in the fire apartment, 18A, by another occupant of the apartment who successfully escaped leaving his family members in the burning apartment. Alternate strategies have been employed at this fire since the fire apartment door was left open, window failure has occurred, and the high winds are blowing the fire toward the attack stairwell door. The IC and all units on the scene have been notified of the known life hazard. Capt. Gerardi and his inside team are in the attack stairwell getting ready to attempt a rescue. In which points would Capt. Gerardi be correct? Section: 5.4
Capt. Gerardi tells his members that the rescue cannot be attempted until the alternate strategy is discontinued.
Capt. Gerardi states if a victim is found in the hallway near the fire apartment door the victim must be removed immediately without taking any other actions except victim removal.
Only #1
Only #2
1, 2
  1. D

If the open fire apartment door is found in close proximity to the known life
hazard in a public hallway, attempt to close the door. Control of the fire
apartment door is critical. Notify the IC if the fire apartment door has been

If a decision is made to attempt a rescue, it may
be performed while alternate strategies are being implemented


Lt. Wilhelm and his members were drilling on operations where an alternate strategy has been employed and then successfully implemented. Members made the following statements. Which statement below is correct? Section: 5.1
Once confirmation was received that the alternate strategy was successfully employed, the Ladder Officer and one member of the F/E team were ordered to enter the public hallway to locate and gain control of the fire apartment door. This action can only be approved by the I/C.
Once the Ladder Officer gains control of the fire apartment door, have the Engine Company advance an uncharged hoseline to the fire apartment door. Since the Ladder Officer has control of the apartment door the hoseline can be advanced and then charged at the fire apartment door.
If it is determined that immediate entry and search is possible, the Ladder Officer and one member of the forcible entry team shall enter the fire apartment to perform a search while the other member stays at the fire apartment door making sure the door stays closed, thereby limiting the flow path.
The door to the fire apartment must remain closed until the Ladder Officer requests the charged hoseline be advanced into the fire apartment or requires other assistance. The fire apartment door should not be chocked fully open until the charged line is advancing into the fire apartment


When operating at a wind impacted fire where the door to the fire apartment is found closed on arrival, window failure has not occurred, and size up indicates there is a wind condition which action(s) listed below would be correct to take? Section: 5.3
Officers must still evaluate the potential for the wind to adversely affect fire conditions.
A charged hoseline shall be stretched to the door of the fire apartment.
As a precaution the IC may decide to deploy a wind control device over an intact window of the fire room/area.
The fire apartment door should not be chocked fully open until the fire is controlled by the operating hoseline.
High rise nozzle ordered to point of operation upon arrival.
Prior to opening the door of the fire apartment, the Ladder Officer shall get a report on exterior conditions from members operating outside the building and the roof FF operating on the floor above.

  1. All

a. The hoseline can be advanced to that location and charged.
b. Wind Control Device in position above the fire apartment ready for immediate
deployment. As a precautionary tactic, the IC may decide to deploy a Wind Control
Device over an intact window of the fire room/area.


Engine 99 and Ladder 100 arrives first due at a fire on the 3rd floor of a 4 story brownstone with one apartment per floor. Ladder 100 has forced the doors to the fire building and the third floor apartment and is in the process of conducting a search on the third floor. Engine 99 has stretched a 1 ¾” line to the third floor and is preparing to move in on the fire. While the line is advancing Lt. Smith of E 99 decides to vent one of the windows in order to improve conditions on the fire floor. His actions were: Section 1.2 note
Correct, as this action enables the engine company to move in on the fire quicker while improving conditions on the fire floor.
Correct, because any officer operating on the fire floor can vent when he/she deems it appropriate and it is compatible with fie conditions.
Incorrect, because only the Incident Commander can order ventilation of the fire floor and the floor above the fire.
Incorrect, because only the ladder co officer conducting a search on the fire floor can initiate the request for additional ventilation.


Vertical ventilation is a proven and accepted type of ventilation to be used in the initial stage of operations. Lateral ventilation on the other hand entails opening or removing windows of the fire area or fire apartment and must be coordinated with the inside and outside teams. Of the following choices which is a benefit of both vertical and horizontal ventilation:
(Section 1.2.2, 1.2.3)
Relieves the public hall and stairs of heat and smoke to allow an aggressive interior fire attack.
Make thorough search procedures easier on upper floors.
Permit rapid advance of the attack line to the immediate fire area.
Creates a vertical draft which channels the products of combustion, limiting horizontal spread and making control easier.


Members of a study group were discussing the general description and original layout of brownstone buildings and made the following points. All of the points are correct except which one: Section 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 A B C
Brownstones are 3 to 5 stories in height, 20-30 feet wide, and their depth varies to about 40 feet.
The first floor/basement contains a kitchen in the rear, a dining room in the front, and a large closet.
The only floor in a brownstone with two means of egress to the outside is the basement.
The second floor contained front and rear parlor rooms, a hall, and a bedroom in the rear.

  1. A

Their width is 20 to 25 feet,
and their depth varies to about 60 feet.


Lt. Mitchell is covering a long term UFO spot in Ladder 200. After an all hands fire the night before at a four story brownstone Ladder 200 is drilling at the fire building the next morning. Lt. Mitchell makes the following four statements. Which is the correct statement?
(Sections 2.2.5, 2.2.4, 2.3.3, 2.2.12 and Appendix 1 Pg.5 & Figure 3)
Rear extensions have been added on the 1st floor. These extensions may be 2 to 3 stories in height and 10’ to 20’ in depth. They will not have their own cockloft.
Ceilings on the second floor (basement) have much ornamental plaster work. It is usually only in the center of the room.
The need for 10 foot hooks on the second floor (parlor floor) may exist in some brownstone buildings.
Sliding doors on the second floor (parlor floor) are common. When these doors are found in the open position voids for fire travel are larger in size.


Concerning the extension and spread of fire in brownstone buildings which of the following points are incorrect? Sections 2.3.3, 2.3.2, and Appendix 1 figures 4 & 8
When checking for extension in a brownstone a particular point of examination should be the dumbwaiter shaft which if present may run from the 1st to 2nd floor.
Extension in the cellar may be possible due to beams of adjoining buildings butting up against one another.
Fire can also extend from one building to another via the cornice and the yankee gutter.
Fire in the cockloft in a brownstone will be confined to the fire building due to the construction of a fire wall between buildings.


After responding to an EMS run in a brownstone used as a single family residence members of Engine 99 noticed two separate stair cases and made the following points. Which point is correct? Section 2.3.4, 2.3.5,
Some brownstones may have an enclosed stair in the rear which usually goes from the 1st to 3rd floors.
The main stair in a brownstone with wood paneling provides a continuous combustible flue from the 1st floor to the roof.
Some brownstones may have an open stair in the rear which usually goes from the 1st to 2nd floors.
Some brownstones may have an open stair in the rear which usually goes from the 1st to 3rd floors.

  1. C

2.3.4 Some Brownstone buildings may have open stairs in the rear of the building.
They usually go from the first (basement) to second (parlor) floors. This is
separate from the main staircase. Their original use was for servants. Fire may
extend via these stairs.

2.3.5 The large open stairway with wood paneling provides a continuous combustible
flue from the second floor (parlor floor) to the roof. This will allow fire to spread
rapidly and cut off escape of the occupants


While on BISP Engine 99 is inspecting a legal 4 family multiple dwelling in a brownstone. The building has sprinklers in the hallway and a rear fire escape serving the parlor, third, and fourth floors. The members are on the roof and make the following points. Which point is correct: Section 2.2.15 A, B, 2.2.16, 2.2.18, Figures 4 & 5
In flat roof buildings the cockloft space between the top floor ceiling and the roof is approximately 1’ to a height tall enough for a man to stand in.
Access to the roof is via the iron ladder leading up to the scuttle opening. This ladder is usually over the stairs near the skylight.
The majority of roofs in brownstones are flat construction with a parapet on the front and rear of the roof.
Some have a center peak which slopes toward the front and rear of the building which can be dangerous to work on in wet or icy weather. These may be older brownstones.


Cellar fires in brownstones can be challenging and punishing operations for members. Access to the cellar may be difficult, there will be low ceilings, and the area can be used for storage making line advancement and search difficult. Members operating at a cellar fire in a brownstone should know which of the following choices is correct:
(Section 2.2.10, 2.2.11, Appendix pg.3, and Figure 2)
The door at the top of the cellar stair will not prevent the immediate extension of a cellar fire up the main interior stairs.
There are limited means of venting the cellar. The most that can be expected are a couple of small windows at ground level at the front and rear of the building.
If the basement floor must be cut to vent the cellar, it must be done immediately while protective lines are being stretched.
A coal chute may be found. The metal cover is often found in the street or the sunken court.

  1. D

2.2.10 Doors at top of cellar and first floor (basement) stairs normally prevent the
immediate extension of cellar fires up the main interior stairs. However, there
will be a rapid build-up of smoke and heat on upper floors and initial operations
will remain the same.

2.2.11 The cellar fire is peculiar in that there are limited means of venting the cellar.
The most that can be expected are a couple of very small windows at ground level
in the rear, an opening under a grating near the first floor (basement) vestibule,
and possibly a coal chute. It is a punishing operation for the engine company to
advance down the one interior stair. It might be necessary for the ladder company
to cut holes in the first floor (basement) flooring, near windows opening to the
outside of the building in order to adequately ventilate the cellar. A charged line
should be in position.


E-99 and L-100 are the only units operating at a cellar fire in a brownstone. Visibility in the cellar and the basement is near zero. E-99 has stretched a line and has advanced into the cellar and is in the process of extinguishing the fire. The control firefighter is in the basement helping move line down the cellar stairs and the officer, nozzle, and backup are making a push toward the rear of the cellar to extinguish the fire. L-100’s officer and inside team are also in the cellar searching and performing ventilation. The roof firefighter has made the roof, the O/V is in the rear, and the LCC is searching the top floor. Which of the members are not under the immediate supervision of the engine and ladder company officers: Section 2.6 A 11 A & B
The ladder company chauffer who is communicating with the ladder company officer via handie talkie.
The control firefighter who is in the basement helping to move the hose into the building and down the cellar stairs.
The O/V who has removed a small window at the rear of the cellar and can be heard by the ladder company officer.


Which of the following statements regarding the small room over the front entrance door in a brownstone building is/are accurate? Section 2.6 D 3 D, Ladders 1 11.2.2 C 1 A & B
1. Generally the window over the main entrance opens into one small room on all upper floors.
2. In fire involving the interior stairs, egress from the small room above the main entrance may be cut off.
3. This small room will only be found in the front of the building.
4. There may be two doors to the small room, one from the interior hallway and one from the large adjoining bedroom.
5. There will either be one door to the interior hall or a door to the adjoining bedroom.
2, 3, 5 B. 1, 2, 4 C. 1, 4, 5 D. 2, 3, 4


Engine 99 and Ladder 100 are operating at a fire on the third floor of a four story, 3 window brownstone building. The LCC performed the following actions in which one was he incorrect: Section 2.6 D
The LCC positioned and prepared the apparatus for complete coverage of the building.
He then raised the aerial to the roof for use by the roof firefighter who will be going to the roof.
After the roof firefighter made the roof he immediately moved the aerial to the top floor for vent, entry, and search of the top floor.
He vented all the windows on the top floor but used the middle window to enter for search.

  1. C

1. Position and prepare apparatus for complete coverage. When unable to
complete this assignment, the IC must be notified.
2. Raise aerial to roof.
3. Wait for completion of roof size-up.


Members of Ladder 100, an aerial ladder, just operated 1st due at a top floor fire in a brownstone building. Of the following members which member had the wrong tools:
(Section 2.6 B, D, E, and F)
The roof firefighter took a 6’ halligan hook, halligan tool, LSR, flashlight, and a handie talkie.
The O/V took a 6’ foot hook, halligan tool, flashlight, and a handie talkie.
The irons firefighter carried a maul, halligan tool, rabbit tool, flashlight, and a handie talkie.
The chauffeur carried a halligan tool, 6’ foot hook, flashlight, and a handie talkie.

  1. B

E. OUTSIDE VENT (OV) POSITION (First Arriving Ladder – Brownstone Building)
TOOLS: 6’ hook
Halligan tool
Note: For top floor fires, the saw is taken in place of the hook.


After the fire from the question above members were critiquing the operation. The roof firefighter made the following four statements. In which statement was he wrong:
(Section 2.6 F)
“As soon as I got on the roof I took the skylight and reached down to with my hook to break the glass draft stop at the ceiling level. Before I broke the skylight glass I warned the members by handie talkie then I took out the whole glass skylight enclosure”.
“After surveying the rear, courts, and shafts I did not see a fire escape, any trapped occupants or those who jumped”.
“I then notified the chauffeur that a rescue operation was not needed and then vented the windows to the upper floors with my utility cord after getting permission from the ladder company officer”.


After checking the rear of a brownstone the O/V finds a person trapped on an upper floor. The O/V notifies the officer and the incident commander of the floor and the exact location of the victim. Since there is not a fire escape the O/V determines that a portable ladder operation is practical and initiates a rescue attempt. Which choice below is correct concerning the O/V’s next action/s: Section 2.6 E 3 D 1 & Ladders 1, 11.2.2 D 1
The O/V notified his officer of the portable ladder operation and took the portable ladder through the ground floor of the fire building with the tip of the ladder facing the rear of the building.
The O/V notified the incident commander of the portable ladder operation and took the portable ladder through the parlor floor of the fire building with the butt of the ladder facing the rear of the building.
The O/V notified his officer of the portable ladder operation and took the portable ladder through the second floor of the adjoining building with the butt of the ladder facing the rear of the building.
The O/V notified the incident commander of the portable ladder operation and took the portable ladder through the second floor of the adjoining building with the butt of the ladder facing the rear of the building.

  1. D

D. When the OV determines that a laddering operation is practical,
they may initiate such an attempt. Generally, there is less effort
and staffing involved than a LSR rescue. It is usually a safer
operation for the members involved. In this case the OV should:
1. Notify the IC.
2. Determine what size ladder is needed.
3. Determine the most accessible route to rear.


At 1330 hours Engine 16 and Tower Ladder 7 receive a class 3 alarm for the address 234 East 32nd street between 2nd and 3rd avenues. CIDS for the address is as follows: MD–4sty-25’x60’-CL3–Brownstone Bldg–floors 1 & 2 are one apt - 3rd and 4th floors have 1 apt each-rear fire escape). While responding the dispatcher notifies E-16 & TL7 that they are getting a few phone calls and that he is filling out the box. The remainder of the assignment is E-21, E-1, E-5, L-24, R-1, SQ-18 and BC8. On arrival at the box heavy fire is seen blowing out of the 3rd floor windows. There are also window bars on the windows on the first and second floor in the front of the building.
The Captain of E-16 seeing the window bars and the heavy fire on the 3rd floor should transmit which of the following: Section 4.4 Safety Bulletin 84 4.2
10-75 with an extra engine and truck. Ensure a tower ladder is the extra truck because of the window bars.
10-75 with an extra engine and truck for the window bars.
Second alarm and ensure a tower ladder is responding because of the window bars and heavy fire.
Second alarm on arrival and ensure an extra engine and truck is responding because of the window bars.


At 1330 hours Engine 16 and Tower Ladder 7 receive a class 3 alarm for the address 234 East 32nd street between 2nd and 3rd avenues. CIDS for the address is as follows: MD–4sty-25’x60’-CL3–Brownstone Bldg–floors 1 & 2 are one apt - 3rd and 4th floors have 1 apt each-rear fire escape). While responding the dispatcher notifies E-16 & TL7 that they are getting a few phone calls and that he is filling out the box. The remainder of the assignment is E-21, E-1, E-5, L-24, R-1, SQ-18 and BC8. On arrival at the box heavy fire is seen blowing out of the 3rd floor windows. There are also window bars on the windows on the first and second floor in the front of the building.

The chauffeur of Tower Ladder 7 then positions the rig in front of the building and remains on the turntable. The O/V gets in the basket with the Roof firefighter who brings the LSR and the saw since he is using the basket for roof access. Which of the following choices below is correct concerning the use of the tower ladder basket for ventilation: Section 2.8
The basket is raised to the roof, the O/V then waited for the completion of the roof size up before moving the basket to the top floor to perform ventilation.
The basket is raised to the roof; the O/V then immediately moved the basket to vent the fire floor, after venting the fire floor he moved the basket to ventilate the top floor.
The basket is raised to the roof; the O/V then waited for the completion of the roof size up then moved the basket to vent the fire floor. After ventilation of the fire floor he moves the basket to ventilate the top floor.
The O/V performed VES of the top floor by himself while the roof firefighter completed his initial roof duties.


At 1330 hours Engine 16 and Tower Ladder 7 receive a class 3 alarm for the address 234 East 32nd street between 2nd and 3rd avenues. CIDS for the address is as follows: MD–4sty-25’x60’-CL3–Brownstone Bldg–floors 1 & 2 are one apt - 3rd and 4th floors have 1 apt each-rear fire escape). While responding the dispatcher notifies E-16 & TL7 that they are getting a few phone calls and that he is filling out the box. The remainder of the assignment is E-21, E-1, E-5, L-24, R-1, SQ-18 and BC8. On arrival at the box heavy fire is seen blowing out of the 3rd floor windows. There are also window bars on the windows on the first and second floor in the front of the building.

The second due Ladder Company L-24 (Aerial Ladder), has now arrived. The LCC of L24 should know that all of the following choices are correct concerning his duties except: (Section 2.9, 2.7 Roof Duties)
The LCC may be assigned by his officer to examine the exposures for fire extension.
The LCC should immediately report to the turntable of TL7 to team up with the LCC of TL7.
The LCC may be assigned by his officer to the roof to assist with roof operations.
The LCC should place the aerial in PTO for use by the roof firefighter who then can place the ladder to the roof of the fire building or an exposure.

  1. B

2.9 SECOND LADDER COMPANY TO ARRIVE (When First Arriving Ladder is a
Tower Ladder)
All remain the same except for chauffeur as noted below.
Note: When the first to arrive ladder company is a TL, the chauffeur will remain on the
pedestal. Therefore the chauffeur of the 2nd to arrive ladder company does not
have to report to the pedestal and may be assigned other duties by their company
officer: e.g.
 Examination of exposures.
 Assist with roof operations.
 Be available to team up with another available member, if needed.


Lt. Wally is working his first tour as a lieutenant in E-75. After writing his roll call they get a run for a fire in a private dwelling. On arrival fire is seen blowing out of the first floor windows of a 3 story brownstone. As the members are stretching a line the O/V from Ladder 33 reports heavy fire blowing out of the first floor windows in the rear. Lt. Wally should order the line stretched to: Section 3.1 A
Order a 1 ¾” line stretched under the stoop and into the first floor to extinguish the fire on the first floor.
Order a 2 ½” line stretched into the first floor since there is a heavy volume of fire.
Stretch a 1 ¾” line to the second floor via the outside stairs to enable occupants to escape and ladder companies to perform VES.
Stretch a 1 ¾” line to the second floor via the outside stairs and make a push down interior stairs to the first floor to extinguish the fire.


Units arrive at a fully involved 5 story brownstone building in a row of similar attached brownstones. The fire building has fire on all floors with extension into exposure 2. The first arriving engine company took the following actions. In which one were they correct:
Section 3.3
A. They dropped 2 lines, a 3 ½” to supply a tower ladder, and a 1 ¾” line to enter the fire building through the front door.
B. They dropped 2 lines, both 1 ¾” and stretched one of the lines into the fire building through the front door.
C. They stretched a 2 ½” line through the front door of the fire building since there was a heavy volume of fire.
D. They stretched a 1 ¾” line through the front door of the fire building to extinguish the fire.

  1. B

3.4 Building Fully Involved
When a building is fully involved, the first arriving engine company should drop two
hoselines in front of the fire building and position the apparatus for the possible use of the
multiversal nozzle or to supply a TL.
A. First Line
Advanced into the fire building.
B. Second Line
Advanced into the fire building as a back-up hoseline.
C. Third Line
Will be stretched as ordered by the Incident Commander and may be:
1. Advanced into the fire building.
2. If fire is reported in an exposure, stretched to that exposure.
3. If there is no fire in the exposures,


All interior handlines stretched in a brownstone will be considered 1 ¾”, unless there is a heavy volume of fire and the increased water discharge and knockdown power of a 2 ½” line is required. Would you:
A. Agree or D. Disagree

  1. D

Fires discussed are to be considered of such magnitude as to require the use of one or two
hoselines for extinguishment. All interior hoselines stretched will be considered 1 ¾”.
Reason for use: Speed, mobility, and close quarter